72 TYPE(t_region
POINTER :: region
78 CHARACTER(CHRLEN) :: rcsidentstring
80 TYPE(t_turb),
POINTER :: turb
83 INTEGER :: turbmodel, modelclass, errorflag, prevcvstate
84 INTEGER :: npatches, ncellstot,
nfaces, nfacestot, nbfaces, nbfacestot
85 INTEGER :: ibc, iec, ibn, ien, gradindx(3)
gradi(:,:,:), bgradi(:,:,:)
91 rcsidentstring =
'$RCSfile: TURB_coViscousFluxesFlu.F90,v $ $Revision: 1.9 $'
93 global => region%global
95 'TURB_coViscousFluxesFlu.F90' )
100 IF (region%mixt%cvState /= cv_mixt_state_cons)
101 prevcvstate = region%mixt%cvState
106 ncellstot = region%grid%nCellsTot
107 nfaces = region%grid%nFaces
108 nfacestot = region%grid%nFacesTot
113 npatches = region%grid%nPatches
118 DO ipatch = 1,npatches
119 patch => region%patches(ipatch)
121 nbfaces = nbfaces +
patch%nBTris +
122 nbfacestot = nbfacestot +
patch%nBTrisTot +
127 turbmodel = region%mixtInput%turbModel
128 modelclass= region%turbInput%modelClass
133 gradi => region%mixt%gradFace
137 gradindx(1) = grf_mixt_xvel
138 gradindx(2) = grf_mixt_yvel
139 gradindx(3) = grf_mixt_zvel
141 ALLOCATE( turb%mISij(tensor_symm_nelm,
nfaces ),stat=errorflag )
142 global%error = errorflag
143 IF (global%error /= 0) CALL
errorstop( global,err_allocate,__line__ )
145 ALLOCATE( turb%bmISij(tensor_symm_nelm,nbfaces),stat=errorflag )
146 global%error = errorflag
147 IF (global%error /= 0) CALL
errorstop( global,err_allocate,__line__ )
149 CALL turb_calcstrainrate( region,1,
gradi, turb%mISij )
151 CALL turb_calcstrainrate( region,1,nbfaces,gradindx,bgradi,turb%bmISij )
163 IF (modelclass == model_les)
164 ALLOCATE( turb%mueT( diri,
nfaces),stat=errorflag )
165 global%error = errorflag
166 IF (global%error /= 0) CALL
errorstop( global,err_allocate,__line__ )
168 ALLOCATE( turb%bMueT(diri,nbfaces),stat=errorflag )
169 global%error = errorflag
170 IF (global%error /= 0) CALL
errorstop( global,err_allocate,__line__ )
172 ALLOCATE( turb%trace(ibc:iec),stat=errorflag )
173 global%error = errorflag
174 IF (global%error /= 0) CALL
errorstop( global,err_allocate,__line__ )
177 turb%mueT = 0._rfreal
178 turb%bMueT = 0._rfreal
179 turb%trace = 0._rfreal
184 IF (turbmodel==turb_model_fixsmag)
187 ELSEIF ((turbmodel==turb_model_dynsmag) .OR. &
188 (turbmodel==turb_model_dynmixd))
193 ALLOCATE( turb%fISij( tensor_symm_nelm,
nfaces),stat=errorflag )
194 global%error = errorflag
195 IF (global%error /= 0) CALL
errorstop( global,err_allocate,__line__ )
197 ALLOCATE( turb%bfISij(tensor_symm_nelm,nbfaces),stat=errorflag )
198 global%error = errorflag
199 IF (global%error /= 0) CALL
errorstop( global,err_allocate,__line__ )
205 IF (turbmodel==turb_model_dynsmag)
207 ELSEIF (turbmodel==turb_model_dynmixd)
212 DEALLOCATE( turb%fISij, turb%bfISij )
214 ELSEIF (turbmodel==turb_model_scalsim)
218 ELSEIF ((turbmodel==turb_model_sa).OR. &
219 (turbmodel==turb_model_dessa).OR. &
220 (turbmodel==turb_model_hdessa))
226 ALLOCATE( turb%tv(tvt_rans_nelm,ibc:iec),stat=errorflag )
227 global%error = errorflag
228 IF (global%error /= 0) CALL
errorstop( global,err_allocate,__line__ )
236 DEALLOCATE( turb%tv )
244 DEALLOCATE( turb%mISij, turb%bmISij )
246 IF (modelclass == model_les)
251 DEALLOCATE( turb%mueT, turb%bMueT, turb%trace )
256 IF (region%mixt%cvState /= prevcvstate) &
subroutine turb_visfluxeddy(region)
subroutine, public rflu_viscousfluxespatches(pRegion, tv, tvIndxVisc, tvIndxCond)
subroutine turb_coviscousfluxes(region)
subroutine turb_vfluxhybrid(region)
subroutine registerfunction(global, funName, fileName)
subroutine turb_lesfluxscalsim(region, ibn, ien)
subroutine turb_getmodelstresscell(region)
subroutine, public rflu_convertcvcons2prim(pRegion, cvStateFuture)
subroutine turb_ranssageteddyvis(region)
subroutine turb_ranstotaltv(region, indxMu, indxTCo, tvt)
subroutine, public rflu_convertcvprim2cons(pRegion, cvStateFuture)
subroutine turb_lesgeteddyvis(region, ibc, iec, ibn, ien)
subroutine turb_lesfluxfixsmag(region, ibn, ien)
subroutine turb_ranssavisflux(region)
**********************************************************************Rocstar Simulation Suite Illinois Rocstar LLC All rights reserved ****Illinois Rocstar LLC IL **www illinoisrocstar com **sales illinoisrocstar com WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY **EXPRESS OR INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES **OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND **NONINFRINGEMENT IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR **COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF TORT OR **Arising OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE **USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE **********************************************************************INTERFACE SUBROUTINE iEndG gradi(:,:)
subroutine turb_gettvcell(region)
subroutine errorstop(global, errorCode, errorLine, addMessage)
subroutine deregisterfunction(global)
subroutine, public rflu_viscousfluxes(pRegion, tv, tvIndxVisc, tvIndxCond)