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rflu_modoles Module Reference
Collaboration diagram for rflu_modoles:

Public Member Functions

subroutine, public rflu_createstencilsweightsoles (pRegion)
subroutine, public rflu_createintegralsoles (pRegion)
subroutine, public rflu_buildstencilsoles (pRegion)
subroutine, public rflu_findprototypefacesoles (pRegion)
subroutine, public rflu_computegeometrictermsoles (pRegion)
subroutine, public rflu_buildsymmetrymapsoles (pRegion)
subroutine, public rflu_enforcesymmetryoles (pRegion)
subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation220 (nDim, z, nFunNZ, f)
subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation221 (nDim, z, nFunNZ, f)
subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation32 (nDim, z, nFunNZ, f)
subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation430 (nDim, z, nFunNZ, f)
subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation431 (nDim, z, nFunNZ, f)
subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation432 (nDim, z, nFunNZ, f)
subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation540 (nDim, z, nFunNZ, f)
subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation541 (nDim, z, nFunNZ, f)
subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation542 (nDim, z, nFunNZ, f)
subroutine, public rflu_mapk2ij (k, i, j)
subroutine, public rflu_mapl2ijk (l, i, j, k)
subroutine, public rflu_mapm2ijkl (m, i, j, k, l)
INTEGER function, public rflu_geti1posoles (l, d)
INTEGER function, public rflu_geti4posoles (l, m, d, e, nCells)
INTEGER function, public rflu_getlposoles (j, a)
subroutine, public rflu_getlposinvoles (loc, j, a)
INTEGER function, public rflu_getqposoles (j, k, b, g, nCells)
subroutine, public rflu_getqposinvoles (loc, nCells, j, k, b, g)
subroutine, public rflu_destroystencilsweightsoles (pRegion)
subroutine, public rflu_allocatedcuhrearrays (global, nDim, nFunNZ, nFun)
subroutine, public rflu_deallocatedcuhrearrays (global)
subroutine, public rflu_setmapfunnz2funcorr22 (nFunNZ)
subroutine, public rflu_setmapfunnz2funcorr32 (nFunNZ)
subroutine, public rflu_setmapfunnz2funcorr43 (nFunNZ)
subroutine, public rflu_setmapfunnz2funcorr44 (nFunNZ)

Public Attributes

integer, public maxcalls
integer, public ndim
integer, public neval
integer, public workarraysize
integer, public workarraysizenew
integer, parameter, public dcuhre_loop_limit = 5
integer, parameter, public max_calls_factor = 5
integer, parameter, public max_calls_limit = 50000000
integer, parameter, public max_calls_start = 100000
integer, parameter, public min_calls = 0
integer, dimension(1), public dummy
integer, dimension(:),
allocatable, public 
real(rfreal), public errabsreq
real(rfreal), public errrelreq
real(rfreal), dimension(:),
allocatable, public 
real(rfreal), dimension(:),
allocatable, public 
real(rfreal), dimension(:),
allocatable, public 
real(rfreal), dimension(:),
allocatable, public 
real(rfreal), dimension(:),
allocatable, public 
real(rfreal), dimension(:),
allocatable, public 
integer, public nzloc
integer, public nzsgn
integer, dimension(3,
3), parameter, public 
mapsurf2vol2 = RESHAPE((/6,4,4,4,6,5,5,5,6/), (/3,3/))
integer, dimension(3,
6), parameter, public 
mapsurf2vol3 = RESHAPE((/9,7,7,7,9,8,8,8,9,9,7,7,7,9,8,8,8,9/), (/3,6/))
integer, dimension(3,
3), parameter, public 
kd = RESHAPE((/1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1/), (/3,3/))
integer, dimension(9), public mapfunnz2funcorr22
integer, dimension(9), public mapfunnz2funcorr32
integer, dimension(27), public mapfunnz2funcorr43
integer, dimension(81), public mapfunnz2funcorr44
real(rfreal), public nzmag
real(rfreal), public nzval
real(rfreal), parameter, public const_kolmogorov = 2.0_RFREAL

Private Attributes

character(chrlen) rcsidentstring = '$RCSfile: RFLU_ModOLES.F90,v $ $Revision: 1.10 $'
type(t_grid), pointer pgrid

Detailed Description

Definition at line 39 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine, public rflu_allocatedcuhrearrays ( type(t_global), pointer  global,
integer, intent(in)  nDim,
integer, intent(in)  nFunNZ,
integer, intent(in)  nFun 

Definition at line 2097 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References moderror::deregisterfunction(), moderror::errorstop(), and moderror::registerfunction().

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_buildsymmetrymapsoles ( type(t_region), pointer  pRegion)

Definition at line 1106 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References Color::b(), moderror::deregisterfunction(), Color::g(), j, k, moderror::registerfunction(), and rflu_getqposoles().

Referenced by rflu_initflowsolver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_computegeometrictermsoles ( type(t_region), pointer  pRegion)

Definition at line 881 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References moderror::deregisterfunction(), i, ic, j, max(), min(), and moderror::registerfunction().

Referenced by rflu_initflowsolver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_createintegralsoles ( type(t_region), pointer  pRegion)

Definition at line 283 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References moderror::deregisterfunction(), moderror::errorstop(), Mesh::GenericElement::nfaces(), and moderror::registerfunction().

Referenced by rflu_modallocatememory::rflu_allocatememorytstep().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_createstencilsweightsoles ( type(t_region), pointer  pRegion)

Definition at line 149 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References moderror::deregisterfunction(), moderror::errorstop(), Mesh::GenericElement::nfaces(), and moderror::registerfunction().

Referenced by rflu_modallocatememory::rflu_allocatememorytstep().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_deallocatedcuhrearrays ( type(t_global), pointer  global)

Definition at line 2161 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References moderror::deregisterfunction(), moderror::errorstop(), and moderror::registerfunction().

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation220 ( integer, intent(in)  nDim,
double precision, dimension(ndim), intent(in)  z,
integer, intent(in)  nFunNZ,
double precision, dimension(nfunnz), intent(inout)  f 

Definition at line 1304 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References j, and rflu_mapk2ij().

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral2oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation221 ( integer, intent(in)  nDim,
double precision, dimension(ndim), intent(in)  z,
integer, intent(in)  nFunNZ,
double precision, dimension(nfunnz), intent(inout)  f 

Definition at line 1333 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References j, modtools::makenonzero(), rflu_mapk2ij(), and z.

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral2oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation32 ( integer, intent(in)  nDim,
double precision, dimension(ndim), intent(in)  z,
integer, intent(in)  nFunNZ,
double precision, dimension(nfunnz), intent(inout)  f 

Definition at line 1369 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References i, n, rflu_mapk2ij(), and z.

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral1oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation430 ( integer, intent(in)  nDim,
double precision, dimension(ndim), intent(in)  z,
integer, intent(in)  nFunNZ,
double precision, dimension(nfunnz), intent(inout)  f 

Definition at line 1415 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References i, Aff_transformation_2< R_ >::m(), n, and rflu_mapl2ijk().

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral4oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation431 ( integer, intent(in)  nDim,
double precision, dimension(ndim), intent(in)  z,
integer, intent(in)  nFunNZ,
double precision, dimension(nfunnz), intent(inout)  f 

Definition at line 1450 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References i, j, Aff_transformation_2< R_ >::m(), modtools::makenonzero(), rflu_mapl2ijk(), and z.

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral4oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation432 ( integer, intent(in)  nDim,
double precision, dimension(ndim), intent(in)  z,
integer, intent(in)  nFunNZ,
double precision, dimension(nfunnz), intent(inout)  f 

Definition at line 1536 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References i, j, Aff_transformation_2< R_ >::m(), modtools::makenonzero(), rflu_mapl2ijk(), and z.

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral4oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation540 ( integer, intent(in)  nDim,
double precision, dimension(ndim), intent(in)  z,
integer, intent(in)  nFunNZ,
double precision, dimension(nfunnz), intent(inout)  f 

Definition at line 1612 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References j, k, Aff_transformation_2< R_ >::m(), and rflu_mapm2ijkl().

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral5oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation541 ( integer, intent(in)  nDim,
double precision, dimension(ndim), intent(in)  z,
integer, intent(in)  nFunNZ,
double precision, dimension(nfunnz), intent(inout)  f 

Definition at line 1644 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References j, k, Aff_transformation_2< R_ >::m(), modtools::makenonzero(), rflu_mapm2ijkl(), and z.

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral5oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_definecorrelation542 ( integer, intent(in)  nDim,
double precision, dimension(ndim), intent(in)  z,
integer, intent(in)  nFunNZ,
double precision, dimension(nfunnz), intent(inout)  f 

Definition at line 1724 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References j, k, Aff_transformation_2< R_ >::m(), modtools::makenonzero(), rflu_mapm2ijkl(), and z.

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral5oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_destroystencilsweightsoles ( type(t_region), pointer  pRegion)

Definition at line 2024 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References moderror::deregisterfunction(), moderror::errorstop(), and moderror::registerfunction().

Referenced by rflu_moddeallocatememory::rflu_deallocatememorytstep(), and rflu_endflowsolver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_enforcesymmetryoles ( type(t_region), pointer  pRegion)

Definition at line 1179 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References moderror::deregisterfunction(), and moderror::registerfunction().

Referenced by rflu_initflowsolver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_findprototypefacesoles ( type(t_region), pointer  pRegion)

Definition at line 742 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References moderror::deregisterfunction(), and moderror::registerfunction().

Referenced by rflu_initflowsolver().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

INTEGER function, public rflu_geti1posoles ( integer, intent(in)  l,
integer, intent(in)  d 
INTEGER function, public rflu_geti4posoles ( integer, intent(in)  l,
integer, intent(in)  m,
integer, intent(in)  d,
integer, intent(in)  e,
integer, intent(in)  nCells 

Definition at line 1909 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References d, and Aff_transformation_2< R_ >::m().

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral3oles(), rflu_computeintegral4oles(), rflu_computeintegral5oles(), rflu_readintegrals1245oles(), and rflu_writeintegrals1245oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_getlposinvoles ( integer, intent(in)  loc,
integer, intent(out)  j,
integer, intent(out)  a 

Definition at line 1948 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References Line_2< R, T >::a(), and j.

Referenced by rflu_computeweightsoles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

INTEGER function, public rflu_getlposoles ( integer, intent(in)  j,
integer, intent(in)  a 

Definition at line 1929 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References Line_2< R, T >::a(), and j.

Referenced by rflu_computeenerdissoles(), rflu_computeintegral2oles(), rflu_computeintegral3oles(), rflu_readintegrals1245oles(), and rflu_writeintegrals1245oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_getqposinvoles ( integer, intent(in)  loc,
integer, intent(in)  nCells,
integer, intent(out)  j,
integer, intent(out)  k,
integer, intent(out)  b,
integer, intent(out)  g 

Definition at line 1989 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References Color::b(), Color::g(), j, and k.

Referenced by rflu_computeweightsoles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

INTEGER function, public rflu_getqposoles ( integer, intent(in)  j,
integer, intent(in)  k,
integer, intent(in)  b,
integer, intent(in)  g,
integer, intent(in)  nCells 

Definition at line 1970 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References Color::b(), Color::g(), j, and k.

Referenced by rflu_buildsymmetrymapsoles(), rflu_computeintegral3oles(), rflu_computeintegral5oles(), rflu_readintegrals1245oles(), and rflu_writeintegrals1245oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_mapk2ij ( integer, intent(in)  k,
integer, intent(out)  i,
integer, intent(out)  j 
subroutine, public rflu_mapl2ijk ( integer, intent(in)  l,
integer, intent(out)  i,
integer, intent(out)  j,
integer, intent(out)  k 
subroutine, public rflu_mapm2ijkl ( integer, intent(in)  m,
integer, intent(out)  i,
integer, intent(out)  j,
integer, intent(out)  k,
integer, intent(out)  l 

Definition at line 1858 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References i, j, k, and Aff_transformation_2< R_ >::m().

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral5oles(), rflu_definecorrelation540(), rflu_definecorrelation541(), rflu_definecorrelation542(), rflu_readintegrals1245oles(), rflu_setmapfunnz2funcorr44(), and rflu_writeintegrals1245oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_setmapfunnz2funcorr22 ( integer, intent(in)  nFunNZ)

Definition at line 2223 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References j, and rflu_mapk2ij().

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral2oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_setmapfunnz2funcorr32 ( integer, intent(in)  nFunNZ)

Definition at line 2266 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References i, and rflu_mapk2ij().

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral1oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_setmapfunnz2funcorr43 ( integer, intent(in)  nFunNZ)

Definition at line 2310 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References i, Aff_transformation_2< R_ >::m(), rflu_mapl2ijk(), s, and Kdtree_d< Traits >::ExtPoint::term().

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral4oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public rflu_setmapfunnz2funcorr44 ( integer, intent(in)  nFunNZ)

Definition at line 2359 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

References j, k, Aff_transformation_2< R_ >::m(), rflu_mapm2ijkl(), and Kdtree_d< Traits >::ExtPoint::term().

Referenced by rflu_computeintegral5oles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

real(rfreal), parameter, public const_kolmogorov = 2.0_RFREAL

Definition at line 135 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, parameter, public dcuhre_loop_limit = 5

Definition at line 106 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, dimension(1), public dummy

Definition at line 111 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

real(rfreal), dimension(:), allocatable, public errabsest

Definition at line 115 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

real(rfreal), public errabsreq

Definition at line 114 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

real(rfreal), public errrelreq

Definition at line 114 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

real(rfreal), dimension(:), allocatable, public integral

Definition at line 115 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

real(rfreal), dimension(:), allocatable, public integralnz

Definition at line 115 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, dimension(3,3), parameter, public kd = RESHAPE((/1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1/), (/3,3/))

Definition at line 128 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

real(rfreal), dimension(:), allocatable, public lowlim

Definition at line 115 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, dimension(9), public mapfunnz2funcorr22

Definition at line 131 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, dimension(9), public mapfunnz2funcorr32

Definition at line 131 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, dimension(27), public mapfunnz2funcorr43

Definition at line 131 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, dimension(81), public mapfunnz2funcorr44

Definition at line 131 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, dimension(3,3), parameter, public mapsurf2vol2 = RESHAPE((/6,4,4,4,6,5,5,5,6/), (/3,3/))

Definition at line 124 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, dimension(3,6), parameter, public mapsurf2vol3 = RESHAPE((/9,7,7,7,9,8,8,8,9,9,7,7,7,9,8,8,8,9/), (/3,6/))

Definition at line 126 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, parameter, public max_calls_factor = 5

Definition at line 106 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, parameter, public max_calls_limit = 50000000

Definition at line 106 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, parameter, public max_calls_start = 100000

Definition at line 106 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, public maxcalls

Definition at line 105 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, parameter, public min_calls = 0

Definition at line 106 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, public ndim

Definition at line 105 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, public neval

Definition at line 105 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, public nzloc

Definition at line 123 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

real(rfreal), public nzmag

Definition at line 134 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, public nzsgn

Definition at line 123 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

real(rfreal), public nzval

Definition at line 134 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

type(t_grid), pointer pgrid

Definition at line 99 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

character(chrlen) rcsidentstring = '$RCSfile: RFLU_ModOLES.F90,v $ $Revision: 1.10 $'

Definition at line 97 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public symmapi45oles

Definition at line 112 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

real(rfreal), dimension(:), allocatable, public upplim

Definition at line 115 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

real(rfreal), dimension(:), allocatable, public workarray

Definition at line 115 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, public workarraysize

Definition at line 105 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

integer, public workarraysizenew

Definition at line 105 of file RFLU_ModOLES.F90.

The documentation for this module was generated from the following file: