Rocstar  1.0
Rocstar multiphysics simulation application
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1 /* *******************************************************************
2  * Rocstar Simulation Suite *
3  * Copyright@2015, Illinois Rocstar LLC. All rights reserved. *
4  * *
5  * Illinois Rocstar LLC *
6  * Champaign, IL *
7  * *
8  * *
9  * *
10  * License: See LICENSE file in top level of distribution package or *
11  * *
12  *********************************************************************/
13 /* *******************************************************************
22  *********************************************************************/
23 // $Id: Pane_communicator.C,v 1.36 2009/08/27 14:04:49 mtcampbe Exp $
29 #include <cassert>
30 #include <cstring>
32 #include "Pane_communicator.h"
33 #include "Pane_connectivity.h"
34 #include "roccom.h"
38 Pane_communicator::Pane_communicator( COM::Window *w, MPI_Comm c)
39  : _appl_window( w), _comm(COMMPI_Initialized()?c:MPI_COMM_NULL),
40  _total_npanes(-1)
41 {
43  _appl_window->panes( _panes);
44  const COM::Window::Proc_map &proc_map = _appl_window->proc_map();
45  _total_npanes = proc_map.size();
47  // Determine a mapping from user-defined pane ids to a set of
48  // internal pane IDs, which are unique and contiguous across all processes
49  // to be used for defining unique tags for MPI messages.
50  std::map<int,int>::const_iterator it=proc_map.begin();
51  for ( int i=0; i<_total_npanes; ++i, ++it)
52  _lpaneid_map[ it->first] = i;
53 }
56 void Pane_communicator::init( COM::Attribute *att,
57  const COM::Attribute* my_pconn){
58  // Note that the attribute must be on the attribute window.
59  COM_assertion( att->window() == _appl_window &&
60  ( my_pconn ==NULL || my_pconn->window() == _appl_window));
62  if(my_pconn){
63  _my_pconn_id = my_pconn->id();
64  }
65  else{
67  COM_assertion_msg( att && (att->is_nodal() || att->is_elemental()),
68  "Pane_communicator must be initialized with a nodal or elemental attribute");
69  }
71  int att_id = att->id();
72  int local_npanes = _panes.size();
74  void** pointers = new void*[local_npanes];
75  int *sizes = new int[local_npanes];
76  int *strides = new int[local_npanes];
78  for ( int i=0; i < local_npanes; ++i) {
79  COM::Attribute *attribute = _panes[i]->attribute(att_id);
80  pointers[i] = attribute->pointer();
81  sizes[i] = attribute->size_of_real_items();
82  strides[i] = attribute->stride();
83  }
84  init(pointers, att->data_type(), att->size_of_components(), sizes, strides);
85  delete[] pointers; pointers = NULL;
86  delete[] sizes; sizes=NULL;
87  delete[] strides; strides = NULL;
88 }
91 void Pane_communicator::init( void** ptrs, COM_Type type,
92  int ncomp, const int *sizes, const int *strds) {
94  //=== Initialize local objects from the arguments
95  _type = type;
96  _ncomp = ncomp;
99  int local_npanes = _panes.size();
100  _shr_buffs.resize( local_npanes);
101  _rns_buffs.resize( local_npanes);
102  _gnr_buffs.resize( local_npanes);
103  _rcs_buffs.resize( local_npanes);
104  _gcr_buffs.resize( local_npanes);
105  _ptrs.clear(); _ptrs.insert( _ptrs.end(), ptrs, ptrs+local_npanes);
107  _sizes.clear();
108  if ( sizes)
109  _sizes.insert( _sizes.end(), sizes, sizes+local_npanes);
110  else {
111  // Default values of sizes are the numbers of nodes
112  _sizes.resize( local_npanes);
113  for ( int i=0; i<local_npanes; ++i)
114  _sizes[i] = _panes[i]->size_of_real_nodes();
115  }
117  _strds.clear();
118  if ( strds) _strds.insert( _strds.end(), strds, strds+local_npanes);
119  else _strds.resize( local_npanes, _ncomp);
121  // Allocate buffer space for outbuf and ghosts
122  for ( int i=0; i<local_npanes; ++i) {
123  int pid = _panes[i]->id(), lpid=lpaneid(pid);
125  // Obtain the pane connectivity of the local pane.
126  const COM::Attribute *pconn = _panes[i]->attribute(_my_pconn_id);
127  const int *vs = (const int*)pconn->pointer();
128  int vs_size=pconn->size_of_real_items();
130  // Note that the pane connectivity may be inherited from a parent
131  // window, and the current window may contain only a subset of the
132  // panes of the parent window. Here we should consider only the panes
133  // in the current window
135  // Initialize buffers for shared nodes.
136  int index = 0;
137  init_pane_comm_buffers( _shr_buffs[i], vs, index, vs_size, lpid);
139  const int vs_gsize=pconn->size_of_items();
140  // Initialize the ghost information buffers.
141  if(vs_size<vs_gsize)
142  init_pane_comm_buffers(_rns_buffs[i], vs, vs_size, vs_gsize, lpid);
143  else
144  _rns_buffs[i].clear();
146  if(vs_size<vs_gsize)
147  init_pane_comm_buffers(_gnr_buffs[i], vs, vs_size, vs_gsize, lpid);
148  else
149  _gnr_buffs[i].clear();
151  if(vs_size<vs_gsize)
152  init_pane_comm_buffers(_rcs_buffs[i], vs, vs_size, vs_gsize, lpid);
153  else
154  _rcs_buffs[i].clear();
156  if(vs_size<vs_gsize)
157  init_pane_comm_buffers(_gcr_buffs[i], vs, vs_size, vs_gsize, lpid);
158  else
159  _gcr_buffs[i].clear();
160  }
161 }
163 // Initialize a Pane_comm_buffers for ghost information.
164 // ptr points to the first entry of a pconn ghost block
165 // on entry, ptr[index] is the first entry in the block
166 // at exit, ptr[index] is the first entry in the next block
168 init_pane_comm_buffers(std::vector< Pane_comm_buffers>& pcbv,
169  const int* ptr, int& index, const int n_items,
170  const int lpid) {
171  if ( n_items == 0) return;
173  // Determine the number of communicating panes
174  int count=0, np= ptr[index];
175  int block_size = 1;
177  for (int j=0; j<np; block_size+=ptr[index+block_size+1]+2, ++j) {
178  if (owner_rank( ptr[index+block_size]) >=0) ++count;
179  }
180  COM_assertion_msg(block_size+index <= n_items, "Out of pconn bounds.");
181  ++index;
183  pcbv.resize( count);
185  int qid=0, lqid=0;
186  // Loop through communicating panes for shared nodes.
187  for (int p=0, j=0; p<np; ++p, index+=ptr[index+1]+2) {
188  if (owner_rank( qid=ptr[index]) <0) continue;
190  // Define a unique tag to be used by MPI_Isend and MPI_Irecv.
191  lqid=lpaneid(qid);
192  Pane_comm_buffers &pcb = pcbv[j++];
193  pcb.rank = owner_rank( qid);
194  // Numbers have to be positive, try to avoid conflicting tags with other apps.
195  // assuming other apps are low, 100 is a decent guess.
196  pcb.tag = 100 + ((lpid>lqid) ?
197  lpid*_total_npanes+lqid : lqid*_total_npanes+lpid);
198  pcb.tag = pcb.tag%32768;
199  pcb.index = index;
200  }
201  COM_assertion_msg( index <= n_items, "Out of bound of pconn");
202 }
204 // Initiates updating by calling MPI_Isend and MPI_Irecv.
206  std::vector<std::vector<bool> > *involved) {
208  "Cannot begin a new update until all prior updates are finished.");
209  // Define and initialize variables
212  MPI_Request req;
213  _reqs_send.clear(); _reqs_recv.clear(); _reqs_indices.clear();
214  int local_npanes = _panes.size();
215  int tag_max = _total_npanes*_total_npanes;
216  if ( involved) { involved->clear(); involved->resize( local_npanes); }
218  // Now copy data to outbuf. First loop through local panes
219  for ( int i=0; i<local_npanes; ++i) {
220  if ( involved) (*involved)[i].resize( _sizes[i], false);
222  // Obtain the pane connectivity for the current pane
223  const COM::Attribute *pconn = _panes[i]->attribute(_my_pconn_id);
224  const int *vs = (const int*)pconn->pointer();
226  int strd_bytes = COM_get_sizeof( _type, _strds[i]);
227  // Shift the pointer by -1 because node IDs in pconn start from 1
228  char *ptr = ((char*)_ptrs[i])-strd_bytes;
230  // Obtain the current buffer
231  std::vector< Pane_comm_buffers> *buffs =NULL;
233  if (btype == RNS) buffs = &_rns_buffs[i];
235  else if (btype == RCS) buffs = &_rcs_buffs[i];
237  else if (btype == SHARED_NODE) buffs = &_shr_buffs[i];
239  else if (btype == GNR) {
240  buffs = &_gnr_buffs[i];
241  }
242  else if (btype == GCR)
243  {
244  buffs = &_gcr_buffs[i];
245  }
246  else
247  COM_assertion_msg(false,"Invalid buffer type");
249  // Loop through the communicating panes of the current pane
250  for ( int j=0, nj=buffs->size(); j<nj; ++j) {
251  Pane_comm_buffers* pcb = &(*buffs)[j];// The current buffer.
253  // Fill in outgoing buffers if sending.
254  int bufsize=_ncomp_bytes * vs[ pcb->index+1];
256  if ( btype != SHARED_NODE || _panes[i]->id() != vs[pcb->index]) {
257  // If not sending shared nodes to itself
258  if(btype <= SHARED_NODE){
259  pcb->outbuf.resize( bufsize);
261  if ( involved) {
262  for ( int k=0, from=pcb->index+2,n=vs[pcb->index+1];
263  k<n; ++k, ++from)
264  (*involved)[i][vs[ from]-1] = true;
265  }
267  for ( int k=0, from=pcb->index+2,n=vs[pcb->index+1];
268  k<n; ++k, ++from) {
269  std::memcpy( &pcb->outbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
270  &ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ from]], _ncomp_bytes);
271  }
273  // Initiates send operations either locally or remotely
274  // if on same communicating process
275  if ( rank == pcb->rank) {
276  int tag = pcb->tag;
278  // If send locally, shift the tag in one of the two directions
279  if ( _panes[i]->id() > vs[pcb->index]) tag += tag_max;
280  tag = tag%32768;
281  // COMMPI uses DUMMY_MPI if MPI not initialized
282  int ierr=COMMPI_Isend( &pcb->outbuf[0], pcb->outbuf.size(),
283  MPI_BYTE, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_SELF, &req);
284  COM_assertion( ierr==0);
285  _reqs_send.push_back( req);
286  }
287  else {
288  int ierr=MPI_Isend( &pcb->outbuf[0], pcb->outbuf.size(), MPI_BYTE,
289  pcb->rank, pcb->tag, _comm, &req);
290  COM_assertion( ierr==0);
292  _reqs_send.push_back( req);
293  }
294  }
296  // Initiates receive operations either locally or remotely
297  if(btype >=SHARED_NODE){
298  pcb->inbuf.resize( bufsize);
300  if ( rank == pcb->rank) {
301  int tag = pcb->tag;
303  // If recv locally, shift the tag in one of the two directions
304  // have to have unique tags for send/receive when we are sending
305  // between panes on the same process.
306  if ( _panes[i]->id() < vs[pcb->index]) tag += tag_max;
307  tag = tag%32768;
308  int ierr=COMMPI_Irecv( &pcb->inbuf[0], pcb->inbuf.size(),
309  MPI_BYTE, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_SELF, &req);
310  COM_assertion( ierr==0);
312  // Push the receive request into _reqs_recv and _reqs_indices
313  _reqs_recv.push_back( req);
314  _reqs_indices.push_back( std::make_pair(i,(j<<4)+btype));
315  }
316  else {
317  int ierr=MPI_Irecv( &pcb->inbuf[0], pcb->inbuf.size(), MPI_BYTE,
318  pcb->rank,pcb->tag, _comm, &req);
319  COM_assertion( ierr==0);
321  // Push the receive request into _reqs_recv and _reqs_indices
322  _reqs_recv.push_back( req);
323  _reqs_indices.push_back( std::make_pair(i,(j<<4)+btype));
324  }
325  }
326  }
328  else { // btype == SHARED_NODE &&_panes[i]->id()==vs[pcb->index]
329  pcb->inbuf.resize( bufsize);
331  // A pane is sending to itself.
332  // In a list of nodes which a pane shares with itself, the nodes are
333  // listed in pairs. IE a node list { 1,16,2,17,...} indicates that nodes
334  // 1 and 3 are the same and nodes 5 and 13 are the same.
335  // So, we copy the data value of a node into the outbuf of its shared node.
336  // Then we can transfer the data directly.
337  for (int k=0,from=pcb->index+2,n=vs[pcb->index+1]; k<n; k+=2, from+=2){
338  std::memcpy( &pcb->inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*(k+1)],
339  &ptr[strd_bytes*vs[ from]], _ncomp_bytes);
340  std::memcpy( &pcb->inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
341  &ptr[strd_bytes*vs[ from+1]], _ncomp_bytes);
342  }
343  }
344  }
345  }
346  if(COMMPI_Initialized())
347  MPI_Barrier(_comm);
348 }
350 // Finalizes updating shared nodes by call MPI_Waitall on all send requests.
352  if ( _comm!=MPI_COMM_NULL) {
354  std::vector< MPI_Status> status( _reqs_send.size());
355  int ierr=0;
356  if (_reqs_send.size())
357  ierr=MPI_Waitall( _reqs_send.size(), &_reqs_send[0], &status[0]);
358  COM_assertion( ierr==0);
359  }
360  _reqs_send.resize(0);
361 }
364 template <class T>
365 void reduce_int( MPI_Op op, T *a, T *b, int size) throw(int) {
366  if (op == MPI_SUM)
367  { for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) b[i] += a[i]; }
368  else if ( op == MPI_PROD)
369  { for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) b[i] *= a[i]; }
370  else if ( op == MPI_MAX)
371  { for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) b[i] = std::max(a[i], b[i]); }
372  else if ( op == MPI_MIN)
373  { for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) b[i] = std::min(a[i], b[i]); }
374  else if ( op == MPI_BOR)
375  { for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) b[i] |= a[i]; }
376  else if ( op == MPI_BAND)
377  { for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) b[i] &= a[i]; }
378  else if ( op == MPI_LOR)
379  { for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) b[i] = a[i] || b[i]; }
380  else if ( op == MPI_LAND)
381  { for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) b[i] = a[i] && b[i]; }
382  else throw(-1);
383 }
386 template <class T>
387 void reduce_real( MPI_Op op, T *a, T *b, int size) throw(int) {
388  if (op == MPI_SUM)
389  { for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) b[i] += a[i]; }
390  else if ( op == MPI_PROD)
391  { for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) b[i] *= a[i]; }
392  else if ( op == MPI_MAX)
393  { for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) b[i] = std::max(a[i], b[i]); }
394  else if ( op == MPI_MIN)
395  { for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) b[i] = std::min(a[i], b[i]); }
396  else throw(-1);
397 }
399 // Perform a reduction operation using locally cached values of the shared
400 // nodes, assuming begin_update_shared_nodes() has been called.
402  while ( !_reqs_recv.empty()) {
403  int index;
405  // Wait for any receive request to finish and then process the request
406  if ( _comm!=MPI_COMM_NULL) {
407  MPI_Status status;
408  int ierr = MPI_Waitany( _reqs_recv.size(), &_reqs_recv[0],
409  &index, &status);
410  COM_assertion( ierr == 0);
411  }
412  else
413  index = _reqs_recv.size()-1;
415  // Obtain the indices in _shr_buffs for the receive request
416  int i=_reqs_indices[index].first, j=(_reqs_indices[index].second>>4);
418  int strd_bytes = COM_get_sizeof( _type, _strds[i]);
419  // Shift the pointer by -1 because node IDs in pconn start from 1
420  char *ptr = ((char*)_ptrs[i])-strd_bytes;
422  const COM::Attribute *pconn = _panes[i]->attribute(_my_pconn_id);
423  const int *vs = (const int*)pconn->pointer();
425  Pane_comm_buffers &pcb = _shr_buffs[i][j];
426  COM_assertion( int(pcb.inbuf.size()) == _ncomp_bytes*vs[ pcb.index+1]);
428  switch ( _type) {
429  case COM_CHAR:
430  case COM_CHARACTER:
431  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
432  reduce_int(op, (char*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
433  ((char*)&ptr[strd_bytes*vs[ to]]), _ncomp);
434  break;
435  case COM_INT:
436  case COM_INTEGER:
437  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
438  reduce_int(op, (int*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
439  (int*)&ptr[strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
440  break;
441  case COM_FLOAT:
442  case COM_REAL:
443  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
444  reduce_real( op, (float*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
445  (float*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
446  break;
447  case COM_DOUBLE:
449  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
450  reduce_real( op, (double*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
451  (double*)&ptr[strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
452  break;
453  default:
454  COM_assertion_msg(false, "Unknown data type"); // Not supported
455  }
457  // Remove the received message from the list
458  _reqs_recv.erase(_reqs_recv.begin()+index);
459  _reqs_indices.erase(_reqs_indices.begin()+index);
460  }
461 }
463 template <class T>
464 void reduce_maxabs( T *a, T *b, int size) throw(int) {
465  for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
466  if ( std::abs( a[i])>std::abs(b[i])) b[i] = a[i];
467  }
468 }
470 template <class T>
471 void reduce_minabs( T *a, T *b, int size) throw(int) {
472  for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
473  if ( std::abs( a[i])<std::abs(b[i])) b[i] = a[i];
474  }
475 }
477 template <class T>
478 void reduce_diff( T *a, T *b, int size) throw(int) {
479  bool isa_nonzero=0;
481  for (int i=0; ; ++i) {
482  if ( a[i]!=0) { isa_nonzero = 1; break; }
483  else if (i==size) return;
484  }
486  bool isb_nonzero=0;
487  for (int i=0; i<size; ++i)
488  if ( b[i]!=0) { isb_nonzero = 1; break; }
490  if ( isb_nonzero)
491  for (int j=0; j<size; ++j) b[j] -= a[j];
492  else
493  for (int j=0; j<size; ++j) b[j] = a[j];
494 }
496 // This operation is all local
498  while ( !_reqs_recv.empty()) {
499  int index;
501  // Wait for any receive request to finish and then process the request
502  if ( _comm!=MPI_COMM_NULL) {
503  MPI_Status status;
504  int ierr = MPI_Waitany( _reqs_recv.size(), &_reqs_recv[0],
505  &index, &status);
506  COM_assertion( ierr == 0);
507  }
508  else
509  index = _reqs_recv.size()-1;
511  // Obtain the indices in _shr_buffs for the receive request
512  int i=_reqs_indices[index].first, j=(_reqs_indices[index].second>>4);
514  int strd_bytes = COM_get_sizeof( _type, _strds[i]);
515  // Shift the pointer by -1 because node IDs in pconn start from 1
516  char *ptr = ((char*)_ptrs[i])-strd_bytes;
518  const COM::Attribute *pconn = _panes[i]->attribute(_my_pconn_id);
519  const int *vs = (const int*)pconn->pointer();
521  Pane_comm_buffers &pcb = _shr_buffs[i][j];
522  COM_assertion( int(pcb.inbuf.size()) == _ncomp_bytes*vs[ pcb.index+1]);
524  switch ( _type) {
525  case COM_CHAR:
526  case COM_CHARACTER:
527  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
528  reduce_maxabs( (char*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
529  (char*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
530  break;
531  case COM_INT:
532  case COM_INTEGER:
533  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
534  reduce_maxabs( (int*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
535  (int*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
536  break;
537  case COM_FLOAT:
538  case COM_REAL:
539  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
540  reduce_maxabs( (float*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
541  (float*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
542  break;
543  case COM_DOUBLE:
545  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
546  reduce_maxabs( (double*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
547  (double*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
548  break;
549  default:
550  COM_assertion_msg(false, "Unknown data type"); // Not supported
551  }
553  // Remove the received message from the list
554  _reqs_recv.erase(_reqs_recv.begin()+index);
555  _reqs_indices.erase(_reqs_indices.begin()+index);
556  }
557 }
559 // This operation is all local
561  while ( !_reqs_recv.empty()) {
562  int index;
564  // Wait for any receive request to finish and then process the request
565  if ( _comm!=MPI_COMM_NULL) {
566  MPI_Status status;
567  int ierr = MPI_Waitany( _reqs_recv.size(), &_reqs_recv[0],
568  &index, &status);
569  COM_assertion( ierr == 0);
570  }
571  else
572  index = _reqs_recv.size()-1;
574  // Obtain the indices in _shr_buffs for the receive request
575  int i=_reqs_indices[index].first, j=(_reqs_indices[index].second>>4);
577  int strd_bytes = COM_get_sizeof( _type, _strds[i]);
578  // Shift the pointer by -1 because node IDs in pconn start from 1
579  char *ptr = ((char*)_ptrs[i])-strd_bytes;
581  const COM::Attribute *pconn = _panes[i]->attribute(_my_pconn_id);
582  const int *vs = (const int*)pconn->pointer();
584  Pane_comm_buffers &pcb = _shr_buffs[i][j];
585  COM_assertion( int(pcb.inbuf.size()) == _ncomp_bytes*vs[ pcb.index+1]);
587  switch ( _type) {
588  case COM_CHAR:
589  case COM_CHARACTER:
590  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
591  reduce_minabs( (char*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
592  (char*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
593  break;
594  case COM_INT:
595  case COM_INTEGER:
596  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
597  reduce_minabs( (int*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
598  (int*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
599  break;
600  case COM_FLOAT:
601  case COM_REAL:
602  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
603  reduce_minabs( (float*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
604  (float*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
605  break;
606  case COM_DOUBLE:
608  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
609  reduce_minabs( (double*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
610  (double*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
611  break;
612  default:
613  COM_assertion_msg(false, "Unknown data type"); // Not supported
614  }
616  // Remove the received message from the list
617  _reqs_recv.erase(_reqs_recv.begin()+index);
618  _reqs_indices.erase(_reqs_indices.begin()+index);
619  }
620 }
622 // This operation is all local
624  while ( !_reqs_recv.empty()) {
625  int index;
627  // Wait for any receive request to finish and then process the request
628  if ( _comm!=MPI_COMM_NULL) {
629  MPI_Status status;
630  int ierr = MPI_Waitany( _reqs_recv.size(), &_reqs_recv[0],
631  &index, &status);
632  COM_assertion( ierr == 0);
633  }
634  else
635  index = _reqs_recv.size()-1;
637  // Obtain the indices in _shr_buffs for the receive request
638  int i=_reqs_indices[index].first, j=(_reqs_indices[index].second>>4);
640  int strd_bytes = COM_get_sizeof( _type, _strds[i]);
641  // Shift the pointer by -1 because node IDs in pconn start from 1
642  char *ptr = ((char*)_ptrs[i])-strd_bytes;
644  const COM::Attribute *pconn = _panes[i]->attribute(_my_pconn_id);
645  const int *vs = (const int*)pconn->pointer();
647  Pane_comm_buffers &pcb = _shr_buffs[i][j];
648  COM_assertion( int(pcb.inbuf.size()) == _ncomp_bytes*vs[ pcb.index+1]);
650  switch ( _type) {
651  case COM_CHAR:
652  case COM_CHARACTER:
653  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
654  reduce_diff( (char*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
655  (char*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
656  break;
657  case COM_INT:
658  case COM_INTEGER:
659  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
660  reduce_diff( (int*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
661  (int*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
662  break;
663  case COM_FLOAT:
664  case COM_REAL:
665  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
666  reduce_diff( (float*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
667  (float*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
668  break;
669  case COM_DOUBLE:
671  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
672  reduce_diff( (double*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
673  (double*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
674  break;
675  default:
676  COM_assertion_msg(false, "Unknown data type"); // Not supported
677  }
679  // Remove the received message from the list
680  _reqs_recv.erase(_reqs_recv.begin()+index);
681  _reqs_indices.erase(_reqs_indices.begin()+index);
682  }
683 }
685 template <class T>
686 void update_value( T *a, T *b, int size) throw(int) {
687  for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
688  b[i] = a[i];
689  }
690 }
692 // This operation is all local
694  while ( !_reqs_recv.empty()) {
695  int index;
697  // Wait for any receive request to finish and then process the request
698  if ( _comm!=MPI_COMM_NULL) {
699  MPI_Status status;
700  int ierr = MPI_Waitany( _reqs_recv.size(), &_reqs_recv[0],
701  &index, &status);
702  COM_assertion( ierr == 0);
703  }
704  else
705  index = _reqs_recv.size()-1;
707  // Obtain the indices in _shr_buffs for the receive request
708  int i=_reqs_indices[index].first, j=(_reqs_indices[index].second>>4);
710  int btype = (_reqs_indices[index].second)&15;
712  int strd_bytes = COM_get_sizeof( _type, _strds[i]);
713  // Shift the pointer by -1 because node IDs in pconn start from 1
714  char *ptr = ((char*)_ptrs[i])-strd_bytes;
716  const COM::Attribute *pconn = _panes[i]->attribute(_my_pconn_id);
717  const int *vs = (const int*)pconn->pointer();
719  Pane_comm_buffers &pcb = (btype==GNR) ? _gnr_buffs[i][j] : _gcr_buffs[i][j] ;
720  COM_assertion( int(pcb.inbuf.size()) == _ncomp_bytes*vs[ pcb.index+1]);
722  switch ( _type) {
723  case COM_CHAR:
724  case COM_CHARACTER:
725  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
726  update_value( (char*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
727  (char*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
728  break;
729  case COM_INT:
730  case COM_INTEGER:
731  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
732  update_value( (int*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
733  (int*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
734  break;
735  case COM_FLOAT:
736  case COM_REAL:
737  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
738  update_value( (float*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
739  (float*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
740  break;
741  case COM_DOUBLE:
743  for ( int k=0, nk=vs[pcb.index+1], to=pcb.index+2; k<nk; ++k, ++to)
744  update_value( (double*)&pcb.inbuf[ _ncomp_bytes*k],
745  (double*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*vs[ to]], _ncomp);
746  break;
747  default:
748  COM_assertion_msg(false, "Unknown data type"); // Not supported
749  }
751  // Remove the received message from the list
752  _reqs_recv.erase(_reqs_recv.begin()+index);
753  _reqs_indices.erase(_reqs_indices.begin()+index);
754  }
755 }
757 // This operation is all local
759  // Sum the values from all shared nodes
762  // A map from shared nodes' local ids to multiplicity
763  std::map<int,int> nodes_to_mult;
764  std::map<int,int>::iterator nodes_to_mult_pos;
765  int num_panes = (int)_panes.size();
766  //loop through all local panes, constructing multiplicity of nodes
767  //then iterate through nodes, dividing by multiplicity
768  for(int i = 0; i < num_panes; ++i){
769  const COM::Attribute *pconn = _panes[i]->attribute(_my_pconn_id);
770  const int *vs = (const int*)pconn->pointer();
772  // make sure we only consider shared nodes, not ghost nodes
773  int vs_size=pconn->size_of_real_items();
774  int strd_bytes = COM_get_sizeof( _type, _strds[i]);
775  // Shift the pointer by -1 because node IDs in pconn start from 1
776  char *ptr = ((char*)_ptrs[i])-strd_bytes;
778  // Determine the multiplicity of shared nodes. Multiplicity is the
779  // number of panes which own the node, so at least 2 for shared nodes.
780  nodes_to_mult.clear();
781  for(int j=1; j<vs_size; j+= vs[j+1]+2){
782  // If this pane hasn't been inherited, skip it
783  if (owner_rank( vs[j])>= 0){
784  // Loop through nodes, ++mult if already seen. Else mult=2
785  for(int k=0; k< vs[j+1]; ++k){
786  nodes_to_mult_pos = nodes_to_mult.find(vs[j+k+2]);
787  if (nodes_to_mult_pos != nodes_to_mult.end())
788  nodes_to_mult_pos->second++;
789  else
790  nodes_to_mult.insert(std::make_pair(vs[j+k+2],2));
791  }
792  }
793  }
795  // Loop through the list of shared nodes, dividing data by their multiplicity
796  // Remember the assumption that stride == ncomp
797  int shared_id,mult;
798  switch ( _type) {
799  case COM_CHAR:
800  case COM_CHARACTER:
801  for(nodes_to_mult_pos=nodes_to_mult.begin();
802  nodes_to_mult_pos!=nodes_to_mult.end();
803  ++nodes_to_mult_pos){
804  shared_id = nodes_to_mult_pos->first;
806  mult = nodes_to_mult_pos->second;
807  for(int k = 0; k < _ncomp; ++k){
808  ((char*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*shared_id])[k] /= mult;
809  }
810  }
811  break;
812  case COM_INT:
813  case COM_INTEGER:
814  for(nodes_to_mult_pos=nodes_to_mult.begin();
815  nodes_to_mult_pos!=nodes_to_mult.end();
816  ++nodes_to_mult_pos){
817  shared_id = nodes_to_mult_pos->first;
819  mult = nodes_to_mult_pos->second;
820  for(int k = 0; k < _ncomp; ++k){
821  ((int*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*shared_id])[k] /= mult;
822  }
823  }
824  break;
825  case COM_FLOAT:
826  case COM_REAL:
827  for(nodes_to_mult_pos=nodes_to_mult.begin();
828  nodes_to_mult_pos!=nodes_to_mult.end();
829  ++nodes_to_mult_pos){
830  shared_id = nodes_to_mult_pos->first;
831  mult = nodes_to_mult_pos->second;
832  for(int k = 0; k < _ncomp; ++k){
833  ((float*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*shared_id])[k] /= (float)mult;
834  }
835  }
836  break;
837  case COM_DOUBLE:
839  for(nodes_to_mult_pos=nodes_to_mult.begin();
840  nodes_to_mult_pos!=nodes_to_mult.end();
841  ++nodes_to_mult_pos){
842  shared_id = nodes_to_mult_pos->first;
843  mult = nodes_to_mult_pos->second;
844  for(int k = 0; k < _ncomp; ++k){
845  ((double*)&ptr[ strd_bytes*shared_id])[k] /= (double)mult;
846  }
847  }
848  break;
849  default:
850  COM_assertion_msg(false, "Unknown data type"); // Not supported
851  }
852  }
853 }
int COMMPI_Comm_rank(MPI_Comm c)
Definition: commpi.h:162
int COMMPI_Irecv(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request)
Begins a nonblocking receive.
Definition: commpi.C:131
here we put it at the!beginning of the common block The point to point and collective!routines know about but MPI_TYPE_STRUCT as yet does not!MPI_STATUS_IGNORE and MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE are similar objects!Until the underlying MPI library implements the C version of these are declared as arrays of MPI_STATUS_SIZE!The types and are OPTIONAL!Their values are zero if they are not available Note that!using these reduces the portability of MPI_IO INTEGER MPI_BOTTOM INTEGER MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION INTEGER MPI_LOGICAL INTEGER MPI_BYTE
std::vector< void * > _ptrs
An array of pointers to the data for all local panes.
Definition: mapbasic.h:29
void update_value(T *a, T *b, int size)
int COM_Type
Indices for derived data types.
Definition: roccom_basic.h:122
std::vector< int > _sizes
The sizes of the arrays for all local panes.
#define COM_assertion(EX)
Error checking utility similar to the assert macro of the C language.
Utility for constructing pane connectivities in parallel.
std::map< int, int > _lpaneid_map
Mapping from user-defined pane ids to internal IDs, which are unique and contiguous across all proces...
std::vector< std::vector< Pane_comm_buffers > > _gnr_buffs
Buffer for ghost nodes to receive.
void reduce_on_shared_nodes(MPI_Op)
Perform a reduction operation using locally cached values of the shared nodes, assuming begin_update_...
Buffers for outgoing and incoming messages of a specific pane to be communicated with another pane (e...
void reduce_average_on_shared_nodes()
Reduce to the average of values using locally cached values of the shared nodes, assuming begin_updat...
here we put it at the!beginning of the common block The point to point and collective!routines know about but MPI_TYPE_STRUCT as yet does not!MPI_STATUS_IGNORE and MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE are similar objects!Until the underlying MPI library implements the C version of these are declared as arrays of MPI_STATUS_SIZE!The types and are OPTIONAL!Their values are zero if they are not available Note that!using these reduces the portability of MPI_IO INTEGER MPI_BOTTOM INTEGER MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION INTEGER MPI_LOGICAL INTEGER MPI_2REAL INTEGER MPI_2DOUBLE_COMPLEX INTEGER MPI_LB INTEGER MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL INTEGER MPI_COMM_SELF
Pane_communicator(COM::Window *w, MPI_Comm c=MPI_COMM_WORLD)
Constructor from a communicator.
here we put it at the!beginning of the common block The point to point and collective!routines know about but MPI_TYPE_STRUCT as yet does not!MPI_STATUS_IGNORE and MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE are similar objects!Until the underlying MPI library implements the C version of these are declared as arrays of MPI_STATUS_SIZE!The types and are OPTIONAL!Their values are zero if they are not available Note that!using these reduces the portability of MPI_IO INTEGER MPI_BOTTOM INTEGER MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION INTEGER MPI_LOGICAL INTEGER MPI_2REAL INTEGER MPI_2DOUBLE_COMPLEX INTEGER MPI_LB INTEGER MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL INTEGER MPI_GROUP_EMPTY INTEGER MPI_MAX
void reduce_diff_on_shared_nodes()
Compute difference of non-zero values of each shared node, assuming there are at most two non-zero va...
j indices k indices k
Definition: Indexing.h:6
#define COM_assertion_msg(EX, msg)
void reduce_real(MPI_Op op, T *a, T *b, int size)
Local level implementation of reduce operations.
Vector_n max(const Array_n_const &v1, const Array_n_const &v2)
Definition: Vector_n.h:354
std::vector< int > _strds
The strides of the arrays for all local panes.
This file contains the prototypes for Roccom API.
here we put it at the!beginning of the common block The point to point and collective!routines know about but MPI_TYPE_STRUCT as yet does not!MPI_STATUS_IGNORE and MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE are similar objects!Until the underlying MPI library implements the C version of these are declared as arrays of MPI_STATUS_SIZE!The types and are OPTIONAL!Their values are zero if they are not available Note that!using these reduces the portability of MPI_IO INTEGER MPI_BOTTOM INTEGER MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION INTEGER MPI_LOGICAL INTEGER MPI_2REAL INTEGER MPI_2DOUBLE_COMPLEX INTEGER MPI_LB INTEGER MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL INTEGER MPI_GROUP_EMPTY INTEGER MPI_MIN
C/C++ Data types.
Definition: roccom_basic.h:129
int owner_rank(const int pane_id) const
Obtain the process rank of a given pane.
Handles communication of shared nodes, ghost nodes or ghost cells across panes.
void reduce_diff(T *a, T *b, int size)
int COMMPI_Isend(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request)
Begins a nonblocking send.
Definition: commpi.C:112
here we put it at the!beginning of the common block The point to point and collective!routines know about but MPI_TYPE_STRUCT as yet does not!MPI_STATUS_IGNORE and MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE are similar objects!Until the underlying MPI library implements the C version of these are declared as arrays of MPI_STATUS_SIZE!The types and are OPTIONAL!Their values are zero if they are not available Note that!using these reduces the portability of MPI_IO INTEGER MPI_BOTTOM INTEGER MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION INTEGER MPI_LOGICAL INTEGER MPI_2REAL INTEGER MPI_2DOUBLE_COMPLEX INTEGER MPI_LB INTEGER MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL INTEGER MPI_GROUP_EMPTY INTEGER MPI_BAND INTEGER MPI_BOR
void end_update()
Finalizes updating by calling MPI_Waitall on all send requests.
std::vector< std::vector< Pane_comm_buffers > > _rns_buffs
Buffer for real nodes to send.
void init_pane_comm_buffers(std::vector< Pane_comm_buffers > &pcb, const int *ptr, int &index, const int n_items, const int lpid)
Initialize a Pane_comm_buffers for ghost information.
std::vector< std::vector< Pane_comm_buffers > > _rcs_buffs
Buffer for real cells to send.
void reduce_minabs(T *a, T *b, int size)
std::vector< std::vector< Pane_comm_buffers > > _shr_buffs
Shared node pane communication buffers.
here we put it at the!beginning of the common block The point to point and collective!routines know about but MPI_TYPE_STRUCT as yet does not!MPI_STATUS_IGNORE and MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE are similar objects!Until the underlying MPI library implements the C version of these are declared as arrays of MPI_STATUS_SIZE!The types and are OPTIONAL!Their values are zero if they are not available Note that!using these reduces the portability of MPI_IO INTEGER MPI_BOTTOM INTEGER MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION INTEGER MPI_LOGICAL INTEGER MPI_2REAL INTEGER MPI_2DOUBLE_COMPLEX INTEGER MPI_LB INTEGER MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL INTEGER MPI_GROUP_EMPTY INTEGER MPI_LAND
std::vector< MPI_Request > _reqs_recv
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > _reqs_indices
The indices in buffs for each pending nonblocking receive request.
blockLoc i
Definition: read.cpp:79
void reduce_int(MPI_Op op, T *a, T *b, int size)
Local level implementation of reduce operations.
const NT & n
std::vector< std::vector< Pane_comm_buffers > > _gcr_buffs
Buffer for ghost cells to receive.
int COM_get_sizeof(const COM_Type type, int c)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:560
std::vector< MPI_Request > _reqs_send
Arrays of pending nonblocking MPI requests. Same format as _shr_buffs.
int lpaneid(const int pane_id) const
For a given pane, obtain an internal pane ID which is unique and contiguous across processes...
here we put it at the!beginning of the common block The point to point and collective!routines know about but MPI_TYPE_STRUCT as yet does not!MPI_STATUS_IGNORE and MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE are similar objects!Until the underlying MPI library implements the C version of these are declared as arrays of MPI_STATUS_SIZE!The types and are OPTIONAL!Their values are zero if they are not available Note that!using these reduces the portability of MPI_IO INTEGER MPI_BOTTOM INTEGER MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION INTEGER MPI_LOGICAL INTEGER MPI_2REAL INTEGER MPI_2DOUBLE_COMPLEX INTEGER MPI_LB INTEGER MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL INTEGER MPI_GROUP_EMPTY INTEGER MPI_BAND INTEGER MPI_LOR
int _type
The base data type, number of components, and the number of bytes of all components for the data to b...
Vector_n min(const Array_n_const &v1, const Array_n_const &v2)
Definition: Vector_n.h:346
void reduce_maxabs_on_shared_nodes()
Reduce to the value with the maximum absolute value using locally cached values of shared nodes...
void int int * nk
Definition: read.cpp:74
void init(void **ptrs, COM_Type type, int ncomp, const int *sizes=NULL, const int *strds=NULL)
Initialize the communication buffers.
j indices j
Definition: Indexing.h:6
int _my_pconn_id
The id of the pconn being used.
NT abs(const NT &x)
Definition: number_utils.h:130
Definition: mapbasic.h:28
const MPI_Comm _comm
MPI Communicator.
void int * nj
Definition: read.cpp:74
static int rank
Definition: advectest.C:66
here we put it at the!beginning of the common block The point to point and collective!routines know about but MPI_TYPE_STRUCT as yet does not!MPI_STATUS_IGNORE and MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE are similar objects!Until the underlying MPI library implements the C version of these are declared as arrays of MPI_STATUS_SIZE!The types and are OPTIONAL!Their values are zero if they are not available Note that!using these reduces the portability of MPI_IO INTEGER MPI_BOTTOM INTEGER MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION INTEGER MPI_LOGICAL INTEGER MPI_2REAL INTEGER MPI_2DOUBLE_COMPLEX INTEGER MPI_LB INTEGER MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL INTEGER MPI_GROUP_EMPTY INTEGER MPI_PROD
void reduce_maxabs(T *a, T *b, int size)
void begin_update(const Buff_type btype, std::vector< std::vector< bool > > *involved=NULL)
Initiates updating by calling MPI_Isend and MPI_Irecv.
Fortran Data types.
Definition: roccom_basic.h:133
int COMMPI_Initialized()
Definition: commpi.h:168
void reduce_minabs_on_shared_nodes()
Reduce to the value with the maximum absolute value using locally cached values of shared nodes...
int _total_npanes
The total number of panes on all processes.
std::vector< COM::Pane * > _panes
Vector of all local panes.
here we put it at the!beginning of the common block The point to point and collective!routines know about but MPI_TYPE_STRUCT as yet does not!MPI_STATUS_IGNORE and MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE are similar objects!Until the underlying MPI library implements the C version of these are declared as arrays of MPI_STATUS_SIZE!The types and are OPTIONAL!Their values are zero if they are not available Note that!using these reduces the portability of MPI_IO INTEGER MPI_BOTTOM INTEGER MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION INTEGER MPI_LOGICAL INTEGER MPI_2REAL INTEGER MPI_2DOUBLE_COMPLEX INTEGER MPI_LB INTEGER MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL INTEGER MPI_GROUP_EMPTY INTEGER MPI_SUM
COM::Window * _appl_window
Reference to the application window.