Rocstar  1.0
Rocstar multiphysics simulation application
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advectest.C File Reference
#include "roccom.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#include <sstream>
#include "roccom_assertion.h"
#include "../Rocblas/include/Rocblas.h"
#include "../Rocsurf/include/Rocsurf.h"
#include "../Rocsurf/test/IM_Reader.h"
#include "PointPropagate.h"
Include dependency graph for advectest.C:

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  Control_parameter


void load_modules ()
void print_usage (int argc, char *argv[])
void read_control_file (const char *fname, Control_parameter &cp)
void init_parameters (const Control_parameter &cntr_param)
std::string read_in_mesh (const char *fname)
void rescale_object (std::string &wname, double alpha, const SURF::Vector_3< double > &origin)
template<class T >
square (T t)
void init_attributes (const string &wname, const Control_parameter &cntr_param)
double output_solution (const string &wname, const char *timelevel, double ref=0.)
double compute_area (const string &wname)
double compute_volume (const string &wname)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])


static int rank = 0

Function Documentation

double compute_area ( const string &  wname)

Definition at line 395 of file advectest.C.

References COM_call_function(), COM_get_attribute_handle(), COM_get_function_handle(), and MPI_COMM_WORLD.

Referenced by main().

395  {
396  static int SURF_area = 0, BLAS_mul, BLAS_sum_scalar, area_hdl;
398  if ( SURF_area==0) {
399  SURF_area = COM_get_function_handle( "SURF.compute_element_areas");
400  BLAS_mul = COM_get_function_handle( "BLAS.mul");
401  BLAS_sum_scalar = COM_get_function_handle( "BLAS.sum_scalar_MPI");
403  area_hdl = COM_get_attribute_handle( (wname+".faceareas").c_str());
404  }
406  COM_call_function( SURF_area, &area_hdl);
408  double sum;
409  MPI_Comm comm=MPI_COMM_WORLD;
410  COM_call_function( BLAS_sum_scalar, &area_hdl, &sum, &comm);
411  return sum;
412 }
here we put it at the!beginning of the common block The point to point and collective!routines know about but MPI_TYPE_STRUCT as yet does not!MPI_STATUS_IGNORE and MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE are similar objects!Until the underlying MPI library implements the C version of these are declared as arrays of MPI_STATUS_SIZE!The types and are OPTIONAL!Their values are zero if they are not available Note that!using these reduces the portability of MPI_IO INTEGER MPI_BOTTOM INTEGER MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION INTEGER MPI_LOGICAL INTEGER MPI_2REAL INTEGER MPI_2DOUBLE_COMPLEX INTEGER MPI_LB INTEGER MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL INTEGER MPI_COMM_WORLD
int COM_get_attribute_handle(const char *waname)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:412
void COM_call_function(const int wf, int argc,...)
Definition: roccom_c.C:48
int COM_get_function_handle(const char *wfname)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:428

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double compute_volume ( const string &  wname)

Definition at line 414 of file advectest.C.

References COM_call_function(), COM_get_attribute_handle(), and COM_get_function_handle().

Referenced by main().

414  {
415  static int SURF_vol = 0, mesh_hdl;
417  if ( SURF_vol==0) {
418  SURF_vol = COM_get_function_handle( "SURF.compute_signed_volumes");
420  mesh_hdl = COM_get_attribute_handle( (wname+".mesh").c_str());
421  }
423  double vol;
424  COM_call_function( SURF_vol, &mesh_hdl, &vol);
426  return vol;
427 }
int COM_get_attribute_handle(const char *waname)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:412
void COM_call_function(const int wf, int argc,...)
Definition: roccom_c.C:48
int COM_get_function_handle(const char *wfname)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:428

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void init_attributes ( const string &  wname,
const Control_parameter cntr_param 

Definition at line 323 of file advectest.C.

References COM_CHAR, COM_DOUBLE, COM_INT, COM_new_attribute(), COM_resize_array(), COM_set_size(), and COM_window_init_done().

Referenced by main(), and remesh().

324  {
326  COM_new_attribute((wname+".disps_total").c_str(), 'n', COM_DOUBLE, 3, "");
327  COM_new_attribute((wname+".cnstr_types_nodal").c_str(), 'n', COM_INT, 1, "");
328  COM_new_attribute((wname+".cnstr_types_facial").c_str(), 'e', COM_INT, 1, "");
329  COM_new_attribute((wname+".cnstr_types_panel").c_str(), 'p', COM_INT, 1, "");
330  COM_set_size((wname+".cnstr_types_panel").c_str(), 0, 1);
332  COM_new_attribute((wname+".qvels").c_str(), 'e', COM_DOUBLE, 9, "m/s");
333  COM_new_attribute((wname+".vvels").c_str(), 'n', COM_DOUBLE, 3, "m/s");
334  COM_new_attribute((wname+".disps").c_str(), 'n', COM_DOUBLE, 3, "m");
335  COM_new_attribute((wname+".faceareas").c_str(), 'e', COM_DOUBLE, 1, "");
337  // Ridges of each pane.
338  COM_new_attribute((wname+".ridges").c_str(), 'p', COM_INT, 2, "");
339  COM_set_size((wname+".ridges").c_str(), 0, 0);
341  // COM_new_attribute((wname+".disps_novis").c_str(), 'n', COM_DOUBLE, 3, "");
342  // COM_new_attribute((wname+".facenormals").c_str(), 'e', COM_DOUBLE, 3, "");
343  // COM_new_attribute((wname+".facecenters").c_str(), 'e', COM_DOUBLE, 3, "");
344  // COM_new_attribute((wname+".faceheights").c_str(), 'e', COM_DOUBLE, 1, "");
346  // Attribute for storing the number of eigenvalues for each node.
347  // COM_new_attribute((wname+".lambdas").c_str(), 'n', COM_DOUBLE, 3, "");
348  // COM_new_attribute((wname+".eigvecs").c_str(), 'n', COM_DOUBLE, 9, "");
349  COM_new_attribute((wname+".tangranks").c_str(), 'n', COM_CHAR, 1, "");
350  COM_new_attribute((wname+".scales").c_str(), 'n', COM_DOUBLE, 1, "");
352  COM_resize_array( (wname+".atts").c_str());
353  COM_window_init_done( wname.c_str());
354 }
void COM_set_size(const char *wa_str, int pane_id, int size, int ng=0)
Set sizes of for a specific attribute.
Definition: roccom_c++.h:136
C/C++ Data types.
Definition: roccom_basic.h:129
void COM_window_init_done(const char *w_str, int pane_changed=true)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:102
void COM_new_attribute(const char *wa_str, const char loc, const int type, int ncomp, const char *unit)
Registering an attribute type.
Definition: roccom_c++.h:118
void COM_resize_array(const char *wa_str, int pane_id=0, void **addr=NULL, int strd=-1, int cap=0)
Resize an attribute on a specific pane and return the address by setting addr.
Definition: roccom_c++.h:200

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void init_parameters ( const Control_parameter cntr_param)

Definition at line 217 of file advectest.C.

References COM_call_function(), COM_get_function_handle(), Control_parameter::conserv, Control_parameter::courant, Control_parameter::eigthres, Control_parameter::fangle, Control_parameter::method, Control_parameter::normaldif, rank, Control_parameter::rediter, Control_parameter::sangle, Control_parameter::smoother, Control_parameter::verbose, Control_parameter::wavefrontal, and Control_parameter::weight.

Referenced by main().

217  {
218  int PROP_set_option = COM_get_function_handle( "PROP.set_option");
220  if ( !cntr_param.method.empty()) {
221  COM_call_function( PROP_set_option, "method", cntr_param.method.c_str());
223  if ( rank==0) std::cout << "Set propagation method to " << cntr_param.method << std::endl;
224  }
226  if ( !cntr_param.wavefrontal.empty()) {
227  COM_call_function( PROP_set_option, "wavefrontal", cntr_param.wavefrontal.c_str());
228  if ( rank==0) std::cout << "Set wavefrontal to " << cntr_param.wavefrontal << std::endl;
229  }
231  if ( !cntr_param.normaldif.empty()) {
232  COM_call_function( PROP_set_option, "normaldif", cntr_param.normaldif.c_str());
233  if ( rank==0) std::cout << "Set normaldif to " << cntr_param.normaldif << std::endl;
234  }
236  if ( !cntr_param.eigthres.empty()) {
237  COM_call_function( PROP_set_option, "eigthres", cntr_param.eigthres.c_str());
238  if ( rank==0) std::cout << "Set eigthres to " << cntr_param.eigthres << std::endl;
239  }
241  if ( !cntr_param.courant.empty()) {
242  COM_call_function( PROP_set_option, "courant", cntr_param.courant.c_str());
243  if ( rank==0) std::cout << "Set courant constant to " << cntr_param.courant << std::endl;
244  }
246  if ( !cntr_param.fangle.empty()) {
247  COM_call_function( PROP_set_option, "fangle", cntr_param.fangle.c_str());
248  if ( rank==0) std::cout << "Set weak-feature angle to " << cntr_param.fangle << std::endl;
249  }
250  if ( !cntr_param.sangle.empty()) {
251  COM_call_function( PROP_set_option, "sangle", cntr_param.sangle.c_str());
252  if ( rank==0) std::cout << "Set strong-feature angle to " << cntr_param.sangle << std::endl;
253  }
255  if ( !cntr_param.smoother.empty()) {
256  COM_call_function( PROP_set_option, "smoother", cntr_param.smoother.c_str());
257  if ( rank==0) std::cout << "Set smoother to " << cntr_param.smoother << std::endl;
258  }
260  if ( !cntr_param.rediter.empty()) {
261  COM_call_function( PROP_set_option, "rediter", cntr_param.rediter.c_str());
262  if ( rank==0) std::cout << "Set rediter to " << cntr_param.rediter << std::endl;
263  }
265  if ( !cntr_param.conserv.empty()) {
266  COM_call_function( PROP_set_option, "conserv", cntr_param.conserv.c_str());
267  if ( rank==0) std::cout << "Set conserv to " << cntr_param.conserv << std::endl;
268  }
270  if ( !cntr_param.verbose.empty()) {
271  COM_call_function( PROP_set_option, "verbose", cntr_param.verbose.c_str());
272  if ( rank==0) std::cout << "Set verbose level to " << cntr_param.verbose << std::endl;
273  }
275  if ( !cntr_param.weight.empty()) {
276  COM_call_function( PROP_set_option, "weight", cntr_param.weight.c_str());
277  if ( rank==0) std::cout << "Set weight to " << cntr_param.weight << std::endl;
278  }
280 }
string normaldif
Definition: advectest.C:84
string wavefrontal
Definition: advectest.C:83
void COM_call_function(const int wf, int argc,...)
Definition: roccom_c.C:48
static int rank
Definition: advectest.C:66
int COM_get_function_handle(const char *wfname)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:428

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void load_modules ( )

Definition at line 58 of file advectest.C.


Referenced by main().

58  {
64 }
Definition: Rocout.h:81
#define COM_LOAD_MODULE_STATIC_DYNAMIC(moduleName, windowString)
Definition: roccom_basic.h:111

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 429 of file advectest.C.

References Control_parameter::adapt_iter, cimg_library::cimg::atof(), Control_parameter::collapse_ratio, COM_assertion_msg, COM_call_function(), COM_finalize(), COM_get_attribute_handle(), COM_get_function_handle(), COM_init(), COM_print_profile(), COM_set_profiling(), COM_set_profiling_barrier(), COMMPI_Comm_rank(), COMMPI_Initialized(), compute_area(), compute_volume(), Control_parameter::do_collapse, Control_parameter::do_flip, Control_parameter::do_redist, Control_parameter::do_split, Control_parameter::eigthres, Control_parameter::fangle, i, init_attributes(), init_parameters(), Control_parameter::interval, j, k, load_modules(), MPI_COMM_WORLD, output_solution(), print_usage(), PointPropagate::propagate_faces(), PointPropagate::propagate_nodes(), rank, read_control_file(), read_in_mesh(), Control_parameter::refine, Control_parameter::remesh_interval, rescale_object(), Control_parameter::sangle, Control_parameter::speed, Control_parameter::split_angle, Control_parameter::start, Control_parameter::steps, Control_parameter::test, Control_parameter::timestep, and v.

429  {
430  COM_init( &argc, &argv);
431  load_modules();
432  print_usage( argc, argv);
436  // Read in mesh file.
437  string wname = read_in_mesh( argv[1]);
439  // Read in control parameters
440  Control_parameter cntr_param;
441  read_control_file( argc>2?argv[2]:"control.txt", cntr_param);
443  // Initialize the attributes and output the initial solution.
444  init_attributes( wname, cntr_param);
446  // Attributes
447  int pmesh = COM_get_attribute_handle( (wname+".pmesh").c_str());
448  int nc = COM_get_attribute_handle( (wname+".nc").c_str());
449  int vvels = COM_get_attribute_handle( (wname+".vvels").c_str());
450  int qvels = COM_get_attribute_handle( (wname+".qvels").c_str());
451  int disps = COM_get_attribute_handle( (wname+".disps").c_str());
452  int disps_total = COM_get_attribute_handle( (wname+".disps_total").c_str());
454  // Funcitions
455  int PROP_init = COM_get_function_handle( "PROP.initialize");
456  int PROP_propagate = COM_get_function_handle( "PROP.propagate");
457  int BLAS_add = COM_get_function_handle( "BLAS.add");
459  if ( rank==0) cout << "Propagating interface..." << endl;
460  // Initialize control parameters
461  COM_call_function( PROP_init, &pmesh);
462  init_parameters( cntr_param);
464  Translate_speed trans_spd( cntr_param.speed);
465  Rotate_speed rotate_spd;
466  Vortex_flow vortex_spd(cntr_param.speed);
467  LeVeque_flow leveque_spd(cntr_param.speed);
469  bool use_quadpoints = false;
470  Speed *spd=NULL;
471  std::cerr << "Initializing for test case " << cntr_param.test << std::endl;
472  if ( cntr_param.test == "trans") {
473  spd = &trans_spd;
474  }
475  else if ( cntr_param.test == "rotate") {
476  // use_quadpoints = true;
477  spd = &rotate_spd;
478  rescale_object( wname, 1, SURF::Vector_3<double>(5./3., 0, 0));
479  }
480  else if ( cntr_param.test == "vortexcube") {
481  spd = &vortex_spd;
482  if ( cntr_param.speed>0 && cntr_param.start==0)
483  rescale_object( wname, 0.3, SURF::Vector_3<double>(0.5, 0.75, 0.5));
484  }
485  else if ( cntr_param.test == "vortex") {
486  spd = &vortex_spd;
487  if ( cntr_param.speed>0 && cntr_param.start==0)
488  rescale_object( wname, 0.15, SURF::Vector_3<double>(0.5, 0.75, 0.5));
489  }
490  else if ( cntr_param.test == "leveque") {
491  spd = &leveque_spd;
492  if ( cntr_param.speed>0 && cntr_param.start==0)
493  rescale_object( wname, 0.15, SURF::Vector_3<double>(0.35, 0.35, 0.35));
494  }
495  else {
496  COM_assertion_msg(false, "Unkonwn test case");
497  }
499  if ( cntr_param.start==0) {
500  double zero=0.;
501  // Perform one step of smoothing to detect features.
502  COM_call_function( PROP_propagate, &pmesh, &vvels, &zero, &disps, &zero);
503  }
505  double vol = output_solution( wname, cntr_param.start==0?"00000":NULL);
508  COM_set_profiling_barrier( PROP_propagate, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
510  std::ofstream areas, vols;
511  areas.precision(10); vols.precision(10);
512  cout.precision(10);
514  if ( rank==0)"_areas.m").c_str());
515  if ( rank==0)"_vols.m").c_str());
517  double a=compute_area( wname), v=compute_volume(wname);
519  if ( rank==0) {
520  std::cout << "Area is " << a << " and total volume is " << v << std::endl;
521  areas << wname << "_as = [0 " << a << ";..." << std::endl;
522  vols << wname << "_vs = [0 " << v << ";..." << std::endl;
523  }
525  char fname[40];
526  std::sprintf(fname, "timedata_%03d.txt", rank);
528 #ifdef MESH_ADAPT
529  AdaptCOMWindow acw( wname.c_str());
531  acw.set_option( "adapt_iter", cntr_param.adapt_iter);
532  acw.set_option( "redist_iter", cntr_param.do_redist);
534  acw.set_option( "do_collapse", cntr_param.do_collapse);
535  acw.set_option( "do_flip", cntr_param.do_flip);
536  acw.set_option( "do_split", cntr_param.do_split);
537  acw.set_option( "refine", cntr_param.refine);
539  if ( !cntr_param.fangle.empty())
540  acw.set_option( "fangle_weak",
541  std::atof(cntr_param.fangle.c_str())/180*M_PI);
542  if ( !cntr_param.sangle.empty())
543  acw.set_option( "fangle_strong",
544  std::atof(cntr_param.sangle.c_str())/180*M_PI);
545  if ( !cntr_param.eigthres.empty())
546  acw.set_option( "eig_thres", std::atof(cntr_param.eigthres.c_str()));
548  if ( cntr_param.collapse_ratio>0)
549  acw.set_option( "collapse_ratio", cntr_param.collapse_ratio);
550  if ( cntr_param.split_angle > 0)
551  acw.set_option( "split_angle", cntr_param.split_angle);
552 #endif
554  double t=cntr_param.start*cntr_param.timestep;
555  for ( int i=1+cntr_param.start; i<=cntr_param.steps; ++i, t+=cntr_param.timestep) {
556  if ( rank==0) cout << "Step " << i << endl;
558  double local_t = 0, t_rem = cntr_param.timestep, t_elapsed;
559  while ( t_rem > 0) {
560  if ( use_quadpoints) {
561  // Initialize the velocity at quadrature points.
562  PointPropagate::propagate_faces( wname, *spd, t,
563  cntr_param.timestep, "qvels");
564  }
565  else {
566  // Initialize the velocity at vertices.
567  PointPropagate::propagate_nodes( wname, *spd, t,
568  cntr_param.timestep, "vvels");
569  }
571  // If speed is 0, then do smoothing only.
572  if ( cntr_param.speed==0) t_rem=0;
574  COM_call_function( PROP_propagate, &pmesh, use_quadpoints?&qvels:&vvels,
575  &t_rem, &disps, &t_elapsed);
578  COM_call_function( BLAS_add, &nc, &disps, &nc);
579  COM_call_function( BLAS_add, &disps_total, &disps, &disps_total);
581  local_t = cntr_param.timestep - (t_rem-t_elapsed);
582  if ( local_t*1.e3<cntr_param.timestep) {
583  std::cout << "Time step too small. Stopping..." << std::endl;
584  exit(-1);
585  }
587 #ifdef MESH_ADAPT
588  if ( (t_elapsed<0.1*t_rem || t_elapsed==t_rem &&
589  i%cntr_param.remesh_interval==0) && cntr_param.adapt_iter>0) {
591  for (int j=-1; j<cntr_param.adapt_iter; ++j) {
592  if ( j>=0) { // Note: we perform a step of smoothing first.
593  if ( acw.adapt()==0) break;
594  // If the window has changed, reinitialize Rocprop.
595  COM_call_function( PROP_init, &pmesh);
596  }
598  for ( int k=0; k<cntr_param.do_redist; ++k) {
599  // Perform mesh smoothing
600  double zero=0.;
601  std::cout << "Perform anisotropic smoothing" << std::endl;
602  COM_call_function( PROP_propagate, &pmesh, &vvels,
603  &zero, &disps, &t_elapsed);
604  COM_call_function( BLAS_add, &nc, &disps, &nc);
605  COM_call_function( BLAS_add, &disps_total, &disps, &disps_total);
606  }
607  }
608  }
609 #endif
611  t_rem = cntr_param.timestep - local_t;
613  }
615  a=compute_area( wname); v=compute_volume(wname);
616  if ( rank==0) {
617  std::cout << "Area is " << a << " and total volume is " << v << std::endl;
618  double t = i*cntr_param.timestep;
619  areas << '\t' << t << '\t';
620  areas.precision(16); areas << a << ";..." << std::endl;
621  vols << '\t' << t << '\t';
622  vols.precision(16); vols << v << ";..." << std::endl;
623  }
625  if ( i%cntr_param.interval == 0) {
626  char steps[10];
627  if ( cntr_param.steps>=1.e6)
628  std::sprintf( steps, "%07d", i);
629  else if ( cntr_param.steps>=1.e5)
630  std::sprintf( steps, "%06d", i);
631  else
632  std::sprintf( steps, "%05d", i);
634  output_solution( wname, steps, vol);
636  COM_print_profile( fname, "Proptest");
637  }
638  }
640  areas << "];" << std::endl;
641  vols << "];" << std::endl;
643  COM_finalize();
644 }
int COMMPI_Comm_rank(MPI_Comm c)
Definition: commpi.h:162
here we put it at the!beginning of the common block The point to point and collective!routines know about but MPI_TYPE_STRUCT as yet does not!MPI_STATUS_IGNORE and MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE are similar objects!Until the underlying MPI library implements the C version of these are declared as arrays of MPI_STATUS_SIZE!The types and are OPTIONAL!Their values are zero if they are not available Note that!using these reduces the portability of MPI_IO INTEGER MPI_BOTTOM INTEGER MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION INTEGER MPI_LOGICAL INTEGER MPI_2REAL INTEGER MPI_2DOUBLE_COMPLEX INTEGER MPI_LB INTEGER MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL INTEGER MPI_COMM_WORLD
static void propagate_faces(const std::string &wname, const Speed &s, double t, double dt, const std::string &vname)
j indices k indices k
Definition: Indexing.h:6
double compute_volume(const string &wname)
Definition: advectest.C:414
#define COM_assertion_msg(EX, msg)
void rescale_object(std::string &wname, double alpha, const SURF::Vector_3< double > &origin)
Definition: advectest.C:300
int COM_get_attribute_handle(const char *waname)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:412
void init_parameters(const Control_parameter &cntr_param)
Definition: advectest.C:217
Definition: speeds.h:32
float atof(const char *const str)
Read a float number from a C-string.
Definition: CImg.h:4905
*********************************************************************Illinois Open Source License ****University of Illinois NCSA **Open Source License University of Illinois All rights reserved ****Developed free of to any person **obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation to deal with the Software without including without limitation the rights to and or **sell copies of the and to permit persons to whom the **Software is furnished to do subject to the following this list of conditions and the following disclaimers ****Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above **copyright this list of conditions and the following **disclaimers in the documentation and or other materials **provided with the distribution ****Neither the names of the Center for Simulation of Advanced the University of nor the names of its **contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived **from this Software without specific prior written permission ****THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY **EXPRESS OR INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES **OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND **NONINFRINGEMENT IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR **COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF TORT OR **ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE **USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE v
Definition: roccomf90.h:20
std::string read_in_mesh(const char *fname)
Definition: advectest.C:283
double collapse_ratio
Definition: advectest.C:110
void COM_finalize()
Definition: roccom_c++.h:59
double compute_area(const string &wname)
Definition: advectest.C:395
void COM_print_profile(const char *fname, const char *header)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:557
blockLoc i
Definition: read.cpp:79
void COM_set_profiling_barrier(int hdl, MPI_Comm comm)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:554
void print_usage(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: advectest.C:68
void COM_set_profiling(int i)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:550
void COM_call_function(const int wf, int argc,...)
Definition: roccom_c.C:48
void load_modules()
Definition: advectest.C:58
static void propagate_nodes(const std::string &wname, const Speed &s, double t, double dt, const std::string &vname)
j indices j
Definition: Indexing.h:6
void COM_init(int *argc, char ***argv)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:57
static int rank
Definition: advectest.C:66
double split_angle
Definition: advectest.C:111
int COMMPI_Initialized()
Definition: commpi.h:168
double output_solution(const string &wname, const char *timelevel, double ref=0.)
Definition: advectest.C:357
void init_attributes(const string &wname, const Control_parameter &cntr_param)
Definition: advectest.C:323
int COM_get_function_handle(const char *wfname)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:428
void read_control_file(const char *fname, Control_parameter &cp)
Definition: advectest.C:115

Here is the call graph for this function:

double output_solution ( const string &  wname,
const char *  timelevel,
double  ref = 0. 

Definition at line 357 of file advectest.C.

References NTS::abs(), COM_call_function(), COM_get_attribute_handle(), COM_get_function_handle(), COM_get_roccom(), and COMMPI_Initialized().

Referenced by main().

358  {
359  static int OUT_write = 0, hdl;
361  if ( OUT_write==0) {
362  OUT_write = COM_get_function_handle( "OUT.write_attribute");
363  hdl = COM_get_attribute_handle( (wname+".all").c_str());
365  int OUT_set = COM_get_function_handle( "OUT.set_option");
366  COM_call_function( OUT_set, "format", "HDF");
367  }
369  if ( timelevel) {
370  std::string fname = wname+"_"+timelevel;
372  if ( !COMMPI_Initialized()) fname.append(".hdf");
373  else fname.append("_");
375  COM_call_function( OUT_write, (char*)fname.c_str(),
376  &hdl, (char*)wname.c_str(), timelevel);
377  }
379  static COM::Attribute *mesh=NULL;
380  if ( mesh==NULL)
381  mesh = COM_get_roccom()->get_window_object( wname)->attribute( "mesh");
383  double vol;
384  SURF::Rocsurf::compute_signed_volumes( mesh, &vol);
386  std::cout << "Volume of object is " << vol << std::endl;
387  if ( ref!=0) {
388  std::cout << "Relative error in volume is "
389  << std::abs((vol-ref)/ref) << std::endl;
390  }
392  return vol;
393 }
int COM_get_attribute_handle(const char *waname)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:412
void COM_call_function(const int wf, int argc,...)
Definition: roccom_c.C:48
NT abs(const NT &x)
Definition: number_utils.h:130
COM_END_NAME_SPACE COM::Roccom_base * COM_get_roccom()
Definition: Roccom_base.h:537
int COMMPI_Initialized()
Definition: commpi.h:168
int COM_get_function_handle(const char *wfname)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:428

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void print_usage ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 68 of file advectest.C.

Referenced by main().

68  {
69  if ( argc <= 2) {
70  cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <surffile> <controlfile>" << std::endl;
72  exit(-1);
73  }
74 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void read_control_file ( const char *  fname,
Control_parameter cp 

Definition at line 115 of file advectest.C.

References Control_parameter::adapt_iter, Control_parameter::collapse_ratio, COM_assertion_msg, Control_parameter::conserv, Control_parameter::courant, Control_parameter::do_collapse, Control_parameter::do_flip, Control_parameter::do_redist, Control_parameter::do_split, Control_parameter::eigthres, Control_parameter::fangle, Control_parameter::interval, Control_parameter::method, Control_parameter::normaldif, rank, Control_parameter::rediter, Control_parameter::refine, Control_parameter::remesh_interval, Control_parameter::sangle, Control_parameter::smoother, Control_parameter::speed, Control_parameter::split_angle, Control_parameter::start, Control_parameter::steps, Control_parameter::test, Control_parameter::timestep, Control_parameter::verbose, Control_parameter::wavefrontal, and Control_parameter::weight.

Referenced by main().

115  {
116  /* Sample control file:
117  * method: fo # method: fo and mp
118  * wavefrontal: 1 # wavefrontal expansion
119  * normaldif: 1 # normal diffusion
120  * eigthres: 1.e-4 # threshold for null space: 0..1 (1.e-4 default)
121  * courant: 0.5 # courant constant
122  * fangle: 25 # feature edge angle: between 0 and 180
123  * sangle: 65 # feature edge angle: between 0 and 180
124  * smoother: angle # type of mesh-smoothing algorithm
125  * rediter: 1 # Number of iterations for vertex redistribution
126  * conserv: 0 # Whether or not to conserve volume
127  * speed: 0.1 # Speed
128  * timestep: 0.001 # time step
129  * steps: 100 # number of time steps
130  * interval: 10 # output intervals
131  * remesh_interval: 10 # remesh intervals
132  * weight: 3 # angle weighted
133  * verbose: 1 # verbose level
134  * test: rotate # test case
135  *
136  * adapt_iter: 2
137  * do_flip: 1
138  * do_split: 1
139  * do_redist: 0
140  * do_collapse: 1
141  * collapse_ratio: 0.2
142  * split_angle: 2.618 # (150 degrees)
143  */
144  ifstream is(fname); COM_assertion_msg( is, "File does not exist");
146  while ( !is.eof()) {
147  char buf[255];
148  is.get( buf, 255, ':');
149  if ( buf[0] == '\0') { is.getline( buf, 255); continue; }
151  istringstream istr(buf);
152  string keyword; istr >> keyword;
153  is.getline( buf, 255, ':');
155  if ( keyword == "method")
156  is >> cp.method;
157  else if ( keyword == "wavefrontal")
158  is >> cp.wavefrontal;
159  else if ( keyword == "normaldif")
160  is >> cp.normaldif;
161  else if ( keyword == "eigthres")
162  is >> cp.eigthres;
163  else if ( keyword == "courant")
164  is >> cp.courant;
165  else if ( keyword == "fangle")
166  is >> cp.fangle;
167  else if ( keyword == "sangle")
168  is >> cp.sangle;
169  else if ( keyword == "smoother")
170  is >> cp.smoother;
171  else if ( keyword == "rediter")
172  is >> cp.rediter;
173  else if ( keyword == "conserv")
174  is >> cp.conserv;
175  else if ( keyword == "speed")
176  is >> cp.speed;
177  else if ( keyword == "timestep")
178  is >> cp.timestep;
179  else if ( keyword == "steps")
180  is >> cp.steps;
181  else if ( keyword == "start")
182  is >> cp.start;
183  else if ( keyword == "interval")
184  is >> cp.interval;
185  else if ( keyword == "remesh_interval")
186  is >> cp.remesh_interval;
187  else if ( keyword == "weight")
188  is >> cp.weight;
189  else if ( keyword == "test")
190  is >> cp.test;
191  else if ( keyword == "verbose")
192  is >> cp.verbose;
193  else if ( keyword == "adapt_iter")
194  is >> cp.adapt_iter;
195  else if ( keyword == "do_redist")
196  is >> cp.do_redist;
197  else if ( keyword == "do_contract" || keyword == "do_collapse")
198  is >> cp.do_collapse;
199  else if ( keyword == "do_flip")
200  is >> cp.do_flip;
201  else if ( keyword == "do_split")
202  is >> cp.do_split;
203  else if ( keyword == "refine")
204  is >> cp.refine;
205  else if ( keyword == "collapse_ratio")
206  is >> cp.collapse_ratio;
207  else if ( keyword == "split_angle")
208  is >> cp.split_angle;
209  else
210  std::cerr << "Unknow keyword " << keyword << std::endl;
211  is.getline( buf, 255);
212  }
214  if ( rank==0) std::cout << " speed is " << cp.speed << std::endl;
215 }
#define COM_assertion_msg(EX, msg)
double collapse_ratio
Definition: advectest.C:110
string normaldif
Definition: advectest.C:84
string wavefrontal
Definition: advectest.C:83
static int rank
Definition: advectest.C:66
double split_angle
Definition: advectest.C:111

Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string read_in_mesh ( const char *  fname)

Definition at line 283 of file advectest.C.

References COM_assertion_msg, rank, and IM_Reader::read_winmesh().

Referenced by main().

283  {
284  if ( rank==0) cout << "Reading surface mesh file \"" << fname << '"' << endl;
286  std::string fname_str(fname);
288  std::string::size_type pos = fname_str.find_first_of( ".");
289  const string wname = fname_str.substr( 0, pos);
291  if ( rank==0) cout << "Creating window \"" << wname << '"' << endl;
293  IM_Reader im_reader;
294  int npanes = im_reader.read_winmesh( fname, wname, false);
295  COM_assertion_msg( npanes>=0, "Failed to read in mesh file. File empty?");
297  return wname;
298 }
#define COM_assertion_msg(EX, msg)
static int rank
Definition: advectest.C:66
int read_winmesh(const char *fname, const std::string &wname, bool del=true)
Definition: IM_Reader.h:58

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void rescale_object ( std::string &  wname,
double  alpha,
const SURF::Vector_3< double > &  origin 

Definition at line 300 of file advectest.C.

References Rocblas::add_scalar(), COM_get_roccom(), Rocblas::mul_scalar(), x, y, and z.

Referenced by main().

301  {
302  // Rescale and translate the object.
303  COM::Window *win=COM_get_roccom()->get_window_object(wname);
304  COM::Attribute *nc=win->attribute("nc");
306  // Rescale the radius to 0.15
307  Rocblas::mul_scalar( nc, &alpha, nc);
309  // Translate the origin to (0.5,0.75, 0.5);
310  COM::Attribute *x=win->attribute("1-nc");
311  COM::Attribute *y=win->attribute("2-nc");
312  COM::Attribute *z=win->attribute("3-nc");
314  Rocblas::add_scalar( x, &origin[0], x);
315  Rocblas::add_scalar( y, &origin[1], y);
316  Rocblas::add_scalar( z, &origin[2], z);
317 }
void int int REAL REAL * y
Definition: read.cpp:74
static void mul_scalar(const Attribute *x, const void *y, Attribute *z, int swap=0)
Operation wrapper for multiplication with y as a scalar pointer.
Definition: op3args.C:347
void int int int REAL REAL REAL * z
Definition: write.cpp:76
void int int REAL * x
Definition: read.cpp:74
COM_END_NAME_SPACE COM::Roccom_base * COM_get_roccom()
Definition: Roccom_base.h:537
static void add_scalar(const Attribute *x, const void *y, Attribute *z, int swap=0)
Operation wrapper for addition with y as a scalar pointer.
Definition: op3args.C:299

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

T square ( t)

Definition at line 320 of file advectest.C.

320 { return t*t; }

Variable Documentation

int rank = 0

Definition at line 66 of file advectest.C.

Referenced by _load_rocface(), Pane_communicator::begin_update(), setup_py::burn_init_0d(), cg_array_core_write_internal(), Rocmop::check_all_elem_quality(), Rocmop::check_input_pconn(), COM_F_FUNC2(), COM_get_panes(), COMMPI_Comm_rank(), HDF4::DFSDadddata(), HDF4::DFSDputdata(), HDF4::DFSDsetdims(), FindFirstGeometryDataset(), get_comm_rank(), Rocout::get_fname(), Roccom_base::get_panes(), setup_py::grid(), init_parameters(), io_hdf_data(), io_pane_attribute(), RFC_Window_transfer::is_root(), main(), max_element__(), min_element__(), Rocmop::obtain_extremal_dihedrals(), Rocstar::ParallelTest(), GridConversion::ParallelTest(), Rocmop::print_extremal_dihedrals(), Rocmop::print_legible(), Rocmop::print_mquality(), Rocmop::print_quality(), Mesh::Partition::Read(), Rocin::read_by_control_file(), Rocmop::read_config_file(), read_control_file(), read_file(), read_hdf(), read_in_mesh(), setup_py::read_properties(), Rocin::read_windows(), Partition::ReadPartition(), setup_py::readtable(), RFC_Window_transfer::replicate_metadata(), Roccom_base::Roccom_base(), FluidPropagateSurface::run(), SolidPropagateSurface_ALE::run(), scan_files_HDF4(), HDF4::SDcreate(), HDF4::SDgetinfo(), Roccom_base::set_function(), Rocmop::smooth_vol_mesq_ng(), TRAIL_AutoSurfer(), TRAIL_Debug(), TRAIL_FD2FE_Transfer(), TRAIL_FD2FE_WinCreate(), TRAIL_FD2FE_WinCreate2(), TRAIL_FE2FD_Transfer(), TRAIL_RemeshAutoSurfer(), TRAIL_RemeshRunDirSetup(), TRAIL_RemeshWrite(), TRAIL_TransferSurfDataFILE(), TRAIL_WriteWindow(), write_attr_CGNS(), Rocout::write_attr_internal(), write_data(), and Rocout::write_rocin_control_file().