NEMoSys  0.63.0
A modular, extensible resource with robust automated mesh generation, mesh quality analysis, adaptive mesh refinement, and data transfer between arbitrary meshes.
NEM::GEO::rocPack Class Reference

This class converts Rockpack output file into periodic geometry and writes into STL, VTK, .MSH, and ExodusII file format. More...

Detailed Description

User can define other supported extensions for output file. This class can also be used for generating 3D periodic tetrahedral mesh using periodic geometry. Currently the shapes supported are as follows.

       - Shapes
          -# Sphere
          -# Ellipsoid
          -# Cylinder
          -# HMX (Octogen crystal)
          -# PETN (Pentaerythritol tetranitrate crystal)

       Methods for creating spheres, cylinders and ellisoids are contained
       in this class. For other shapes, methods wrapped around abstract
       class "rocPackShape" are used.

Definition at line 77 of file rocPack.H.

Public Member Functions

 rocPack (const std::string &fname, const std::string &outName)
 rocPack default constructor. More...
 ~rocPack ()
 rocPack standard destructor More...
void rocPack2Surf ()
 rocPack2Surf method converts Rocpack output file into STL/VTK surface mesh and writes into current folder. More...
void createCohesiveElements (const std::string &filename, const std::string &outname)
 This method creates cohesive elements using existing vtu file. More...
void rocPack2Periodic3D ()
 rocPack2Periodic3D method converts Rocpack output file into 3D periodic mesh. More...
void removeBoundaryVolumes ()
 Enables an option to remove volumes intersecting boundary. More...
void setPeriodicGeometry ()
 Enables an option to enforce periodicity on generated geometry. More...
void setPeriodicMesh ()
 Enables an option to enforce periodicity on generated mesh. More...
void shrinkVolumes (const double percntg)
 Shrinks the volumes by defined percentage. More...
void smoothSurfaces (const int smoothingParam)
 Performs surface smoothing over every volume in pack geometry. More...
void setMeshSize (const double size)
 Set mesh size for periodic mesh. More...
void enablePhysicalGrps ()
 Enables physical grouping in final mesh. More...
void enableTwoPhysGrps ()
 Enables two physical groups in final mesh. More...
void enableDefOuts ()
 Enables .stl, .vtu. More...
void enableSurfacePatches ()
 Enables 6 surface patches for all sides of box. More...
void enablePhysicalGroupsPerShape ()
 Enables physical group per shape. More...
void translateAll (const double &X, const double &Y, const double &Z)
 Translates the whole geometry along user-defined parameters. More...
void setCustomDomain (const std::vector< double > &domainBounds)
 Sets custom domain size defined by users. More...
void setMeshingAlgorithm (const int &mshAlg)
 Sets meshing algorithm of user's choice. More...
void sanityCheckOn ()
 Sanity check for cohesive element method when there are no volumes in domain. More...
void setNodeLocations (const int &x, const int &y, const int &z)
 For internal testing purpose. More...
void setRandomSurface (const int &surf)
 For internal testing purpose. More...
void enableCohesiveElements ()
 Enables cohesive elements. More...
bool getTestResult ()
 This method is for internal testing purpose only. More...
void assignRefinement (const int &refineLvl)
 Assigns refinement levels to mesh. More...
void applyFilter (const double &upperThreshold, const double &lowerThreshold)
 Assigns limiting filters for geometry sizes. More...
void setSizePreservation ()
 Sets program for size preservation instead of volume fraction. More...
void setElementOrder (const int &order)
 Sets element order. More...

Private Member Functions

void rocParser ()
 This method parses Rocpack output file and collects data for creation of pack geometries. More...
void rocToGeom ()
 This method obtains parsed data from Rocpack output and creates periodic pack geometries. More...
void geomToSurf ()
 This method creates surface mesh for final geometry and writes into surface files (.stl, .vtk, .msh) More...
void geomToVolFrac ()
 Performs operations on generated geometry. More...
std::string findWord (const std::string &word)
 Finds particular word in file stream. More...
std::vector< std::string > getShapeData (const int &iter, const std::string &a, const std::vector< std::string > &L)
 Reads the current line and returns the translate, rotate, and scale data for the pack shape. More...
void initialize ()
 Initializes GMSH for workflow. More...
void makePeriodic (const bool rmbPacks)
 Enforced periodicity on geometry. More...
void normalizeVerts ()
 Normalizes shape vertices. More...
void scaleVols (const int &vol, const int &index)
 Scales all volumes by shrinking percentage. More...
void performSmoothing ()
 Performs laplacian smoothing on all packs if requested. More...
void geomToSTL (const std::string &writeFile)
 This method writes periodic pack geometries into STL format. More...
void geomToVTK (const std::string &writeFile)
 This method writes periodic pack geometries into VTK format. More...
void geomToMsh (const std::string &writeFile)
 This method writes periodic pack geometries into .MSH format. More...
void modifyInpMesh (const std::string &modifyFile)
 Removes 2D elements from INP mesh file. More...
rocQuaternion toQuaternion (const std::vector< double > &r)
 Generates a Quaternion using Euler 3D rotation parameters. More...
std::vector< double > rotateByQuaternion (const rocQuaternion &q, const std::vector< double > &v)
 Rotates a 3D Vector by unit Quaternion. More...
void tagBoundaryPacks ()
 This method removes the pack shapes intersecting boundary. More...
void mapPeriodicSurfaces (const std::vector< std::pair< int, int >> &prevTags)
 This method maps surfaces in X,Y, and Z direction which are periodic and then enforces that into gmsh model. More...
void geomToPeriodic3D ()
 This method writes 3D periodic mesh into .msh and vtu format. More...
std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > > getAllPoints (std::vector< std::pair< int, int >> surfaces)
 This method gets points that belongs to surfaces. More...
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > getPeriodicSurfs (const std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< int, int >>> &vertsOneSide, const std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< int, int >>> &vertsOtherSide, const int &indexTranslate, const double &amountTranslate)
 This method find which surfaces are periodic on opposite sides. More...
void writePeriodicNodes ()
 This method allows mapping of nodes on periodic boundaries. More...
bool existsOnPeriodicBoundary (const std::vector< double > &getPt1, const std::vector< double > &getPt2, const std::vector< double > &getPt)
 This method check if cohesive element face lies on any of the periodic boundaries. More...
void makeSphere (const int &n)
 Creates sphere pack shapes. More...
void makeEllipsoid (const int &n)
 Creates Ellipsoid pack shapes. More...
void makeCylinder (const int &n)
 Creates cylinder pack shapes. More...
void makeCrystalShape (const int &n, const int &index)
 Creates a crystal shape based on Rocpack output file. More...
void createVtkCell (vtkSmartPointer< vtkUnstructuredGrid > dataSet, const int cellType, std::vector< int > &vrtIds)
 creates VTK cell More...
void assignPeriodicEqNodes ()
 Assigns nodes n0, nx, ny, nz for periodic equation file. More...

Private Attributes

std::string InFile
 rocPack output file name More...
std::string OutFile
 Output STL/VTK file name. More...
std::vector< std::string > shapeNames
 Vector for storing base shape names. More...
std::vector< std::string > uniqueNames
 Vector for storing shapes. More...
std::vector< std::string > crystalNames
 Vector for storing crystal names. More...
double Xdim
 X dimension of box geometry. More...
double Ydim
 Y dimension of box geometry. More...
double Zdim
 Z dimension of box geometry. More...
std::vector< double > boxPt
 Vector of box starting coordinates. More...
std::vector< double > ellipsoidRad
 Vector of Ellipsoid radii. More...
std::vector< double > cylParams
 Vector of cylinder parameters. More...
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > verts
 Vector of crystal shape vertices. More...
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< int > > > faces
 Vector of crystal shape faces. More...
std::vector< std::vector< double > > translateParams
 Vector of translate coordinates for all packs. More...
std::vector< std::vector< double > > rotateParams
 Vector of rotate coordinates for all packs. More...
std::vector< double > scaleOfPack
 Vector of scales for all packs. More...
std::vector< std::string > nameOfPcks
 Vector of pack shape names. More...
std::string packName
 Name of pack shape. More...
bool ellipsoidPresent = false
 Ellipsoid packs cannot be made periodic as of now. More...
bool enablePeriodicity = false
 Boolean to opt for non-periodic geometry (as generated by rocPack) More...
bool removeBoundaryPacks = false
 Boolean to opt for removing packs on boundaries. More...
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > bndryPackTags
 Stores volume index of packs interseting boundary. More...
bool periodic3D = false
 Boolean for 3D periodic mesh generation. More...
std::vector< int > slaveX
 Surfaces linked to master periodic surface in X direction. More...
std::vector< int > slaveY
 Surfaces linked to master periodic surface in Y direction. More...
std::vector< int > slaveZ
 Surfaces linked to master periodic surface in Z direction. More...
std::vector< int > MasterX
 Master periodic surfaces in X direction. More...
std::vector< int > MasterY
 Master periodic surfaces in Y direction. More...
std::vector< int > MasterZ
 Master periodic surfaces in Z direction. More...
int randomNodeX = 0
 For testing. More...
int randomNodeY = 0
 For testing. More...
int randomNodeZ = 0
 For testing. More...
bool matchingCoords = false
 Nodes for testing. More...
bool matchingCoordsX = false
 X Nodes for testing. More...
bool matchingCoordsY = false
 Y Nodes for testing. More...
bool matchingCoordsZ = false
 Z Nodes for testing. More...
double shrinkScale = 1.0
 Shrink Scale. More...
int smoothingIter = 0
 some smoothing parameter More...
bool enableSmoothing = false
 Enables smoothing. More...
bool enableScaling = false
 Enables Shrinking. More...
double meshSz = -1
 Mesh Size. More...
bool enablePhysGrp = false
 Enable Physical Grouping in Final Mesh. More...
bool just2Physgrps = false
 Enable Two Physical Groups in Final Mesh. More...
std::vector< std::size_t > surrNodeTags
 Stores node tags for surronding physical group. More...
std::vector< double > surrCoords
 Stores node coordinates for surronding physical group. More...
std::vector< std::size_t > geomsNodeTags
 Stores node tags for geometries physical group. More...
std::vector< double > geomsCoords
 Stores node coordinates for geometries physical group. More...
int surroundingGrp
 Tag number. More...
int packGrp
 Tag number. More...
std::vector< std::size_t > interfaceNodes
 Vector for stroing nodes at conformal interface. More...
bool assignSidePatches = false
 A boolean for user to enable assignement of surface patches. More...
double xUDF = 0
 X coordinate for user-defined translate. More...
double yUDF = 0
 Y coordinate for user-defined translate. More...
double zUDF = 0
 Z coordinate for user-defined translate. More...
bool cstmDomain = false
 Custom Domain Boolean. More...
int randomSurfTest = 0
 Random location for a surface. More...
int meshingAlgorithm = 1
 Meshing Algorithm. More...
bool defOutputs = false
 Output control. More...
bool physGrpPerShape = false
 Boolean for physical group per shape. More...
std::map< int, int > storeShapeNames
 Map for storing shape names against volume Sphere = 0 Ellipsoid = 1 Cylinder = 2 HMX = 3 PETN = 4 Icosidodecahedron = 5 Surrounding = 6. More...
std::vector< int > spherePhysicalGroup
 Arrays for group per shape. More...
std::vector< int > cylindersPhysicalGroup
 Arrays for group per shape. More...
std::vector< int > ellipsoidPhysicalGroup
 Arrays for group per shape. More...
std::vector< int > hmxPhysicalGroup
 Arrays for group per shape. More...
std::vector< int > petnPhysicalGroup
 Arrays for group per shape. More...
std::vector< int > icosidodecahedronPhysicalGroup
 Arrays for group per shape. More...
std::vector< int > linkMultiPhysGrps
 Vector of all volumes for multi-physical groups. More...
std::vector< std::vector< int > > storeMultiPhysGrps
 Stores all physical groups in index sized by total volumes. More...
std::vector< int > multiGrpIndices
 Group indices for multi groups (useful in cohesive elements) More...
std::vector< int > geomElementIds
 Store cells in surrounding for cohesive elements without physical groups. More...
std::vector< int > eqRefNodes = std::vector<int>(4)
 Stores node ids n0,nx,ny,nz. More...
bool internalCohesiveBool = false
 Boolean to enable cohesive elements. More...
std::vector< int > ptsReplacer
 Storage vector for linking interface and duplicate nodes Replaces new duplicated nodes at place of old interface points. More...
std::vector< int > slaveInterfaceId
 Storage vector for identifying which slave nodes are interface nodes. More...
std::vector< int > ptsCohesiveGrp
 psudo-physical group vector for cohesive elements material assignment More...
bool sntChk = false
 Sanity Check. More...
int nptsMsh = 0
 Total numer of points in mesh. More...
double globalScaling = 1
 Global scale for all pack geometries. More...
int refineIter = 0
 mesh refinement iterations More...
double filterAbove = 0.0
 Upper limit for filtering. More...
double filterBelow = 0.0
 Lower limit for filtering. More...
bool filterOn = false
 Boolean for filter. More...
std::vector< int > filteredGeoms
 Vector for identification of removed geometries. More...
bool enableSizePreserve = false
 Boolean for size preservation. More...
int elementOrder = 1
 Sets mesh element order. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ rocPack()

NEM::GEO::rocPack::rocPack ( const std::string &  fname,
const std::string &  outName 

Options for periodic geometry and removing boundary packs are off by default. To enable these options, user can specify following keywords anywhere in RocPack output file. (Default for both keyword is false.)

  • "SetPeriodicity = true"
  • "RemoveBoundaryPacks = true"

These can also be switched on using newly added public methods.

fnameRocpack output file name
outNameOutput STL, VTK, .MSH, .exo file names

Definition at line 62 of file rocPack.C.

References InFile, and OutFile.

62  {
63  std::cout << "rocPack class constructed!" << std::endl;
64  InFile = fname;
65  OutFile = outName;
66 }
std::string InFile
rocPack output file name
Definition: rocPack.H:416
std::string OutFile
Output STL/VTK file name.
Definition: rocPack.H:420

◆ ~rocPack()

NEM::GEO::rocPack::~rocPack ( )

Definition at line 99 of file rocPack.H.

References cellType, surfaces, NEM::GEO::rocQuaternion::x, NEM::GEO::rocQuaternion::y, and NEM::GEO::rocQuaternion::z.

99 { std::cout << "rockPack class destroyed" << std::endl; }

Member Function Documentation

◆ applyFilter()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::applyFilter ( const double &  upperThreshold,
const double &  lowerThreshold 
upperThresholdUpper limit for filtering
lowerThresholdLower limit for filtering

Definition at line 126 of file rocPack.C.

References filterAbove, filterBelow, and filterOn.

127  {
128  filterOn = true;
129  filterAbove = upperThreshold;
130  filterBelow = lowerThreshold;
131 }
double filterBelow
Lower limit for filtering.
Definition: rocPack.H:752
double filterAbove
Upper limit for filtering.
Definition: rocPack.H:748
bool filterOn
Boolean for filter.
Definition: rocPack.H:756

◆ assignPeriodicEqNodes()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::assignPeriodicEqNodes ( )

Definition at line 2675 of file rocPack.C.

References boxPt, cellType, eqRefNodes, Xdim, Ydim, and Zdim.

Referenced by writePeriodicNodes().

2675  {
2676  std::size_t cellTag;
2677  int cellType = 0;
2678  std::vector<std::size_t> nodeIds;
2679  double u, v, w;
2680  int elemDim = -1;
2682  gmsh::model::mesh::getElementByCoordinates(boxPt[0], boxPt[1], boxPt[2],
2683  cellTag, cellType, nodeIds, u, v,
2684  w, elemDim, true);
2686  for (int i = 0; i < nodeIds.size(); i++) {
2687  std::vector<double> coords;
2688  std::vector<double> paramCoords;
2690  gmsh::model::mesh::getNode(nodeIds[i], coords, paramCoords);
2692  if (coords[0] == boxPt[0])
2693  if (coords[1] == boxPt[1])
2694  if (coords[2] == boxPt[2]) eqRefNodes[0] = nodeIds[i];
2695  }
2697  nodeIds.clear();
2699  gmsh::model::mesh::getElementByCoordinates(boxPt[0] + Xdim, boxPt[1],
2700  boxPt[2], cellTag, cellType,
2701  nodeIds, u, v, w, elemDim, true);
2703  for (int i = 0; i < nodeIds.size(); i++) {
2704  std::vector<double> coords;
2705  std::vector<double> paramCoords;
2707  gmsh::model::mesh::getNode(nodeIds[i], coords, paramCoords);
2709  if (coords[0] == boxPt[0] + Xdim) {
2710  if (coords[1] == boxPt[1]) {
2711  if (coords[2] == boxPt[2]) {
2712  eqRefNodes[1] = nodeIds[i];
2713  break;
2714  }
2715  }
2716  }
2717  }
2718  nodeIds.clear();
2720  gmsh::model::mesh::getElementByCoordinates(boxPt[0], boxPt[1] + Ydim,
2721  boxPt[2], cellTag, cellType,
2722  nodeIds, u, v, w, elemDim, true);
2723  for (int i = 0; i < nodeIds.size(); i++) {
2724  std::vector<double> coords;
2725  std::vector<double> paramCoords;
2727  gmsh::model::mesh::getNode(nodeIds[i], coords, paramCoords);
2729  if (coords[0] == boxPt[0]) {
2730  if (coords[1] == boxPt[1] + Ydim) {
2731  if (coords[2] == boxPt[2]) {
2732  eqRefNodes[2] = nodeIds[i];
2733  break;
2734  }
2735  }
2736  }
2737  }
2738  nodeIds.clear();
2740  gmsh::model::mesh::getElementByCoordinates(boxPt[1], boxPt[2],
2741  boxPt[2] + Zdim, cellTag, cellType,
2742  nodeIds, u, v, w, elemDim, true);
2743  for (int i = 0; i < nodeIds.size(); i++) {
2744  std::vector<double> coords;
2745  std::vector<double> paramCoords;
2747  gmsh::model::mesh::getNode(nodeIds[i], coords, paramCoords);
2749  if (coords[0] == boxPt[0]) {
2750  if (coords[1] == boxPt[1]) {
2751  if (coords[2] == boxPt[2] + Zdim) {
2752  eqRefNodes[3] = nodeIds[i];
2753  break;
2754  }
2755  }
2756  }
2757  }
2758  nodeIds.clear();
2759 }
double Zdim
Z dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:445
double Xdim
X dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:437
std::vector< int > eqRefNodes
Stores node ids n0,nx,ny,nz.
Definition: rocPack.H:709
std::vector< double > boxPt
Vector of box starting coordinates.
Definition: rocPack.H:449
VTKCellType cellType
Definition: inpGeoMesh.C:129
double Ydim
Y dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:441

◆ assignRefinement()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::assignRefinement ( const int &  refineLvl)
refineLvlRefinement level defined by user

Definition at line 124 of file rocPack.C.

References refineIter.

124 { refineIter = refineLvl; }
int refineIter
mesh refinement iterations
Definition: rocPack.H:744

◆ createCohesiveElements()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::createCohesiveElements ( const std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  outname 
filenameInput vtu file name
outputfile name

Definition at line 2298 of file rocPack.C.

References meshBase::Create(), createVtkCell(), enablePhysGrp, existsOnPeriodicBoundary(), geomElementIds, geomsCoords, geomsNodeTags, meshBase::getCellDataArray(), meshBase::getDataSet(), meshBase::getNumberOfCells(), interfaceNodes, just2Physgrps, multiGrpIndices, NEM::MSH::New(), packGrp, physGrpPerShape, ptsCohesiveGrp, ptsReplacer, vtkMesh::report(), vtkMesh::setCellDataArray(), slaveInterfaceId, sntChk, storeMultiPhysGrps, surrCoords, surrNodeTags, surroundingGrp, and vtkMesh::write().

Referenced by rocPack2Periodic3D().

2299  {
2300  // Pre-processing to get some important data
2301  if ((sntChk) && (just2Physgrps)) {
2302  gmsh::model::mesh::getNodesForPhysicalGroup(3, surroundingGrp, surrNodeTags,
2303  surrCoords);
2304  gmsh::model::mesh::getNodesForPhysicalGroup(3, packGrp, geomsNodeTags,
2305  geomsCoords);
2306  } else if ((sntChk) && (enablePhysGrp)) {
2307  gmsh::model::mesh::getNodesForPhysicalGroup(3, surroundingGrp, surrNodeTags,
2308  surrCoords);
2310  for (int i = 0; i < multiGrpIndices.size(); i++) {
2311  std::vector<std::size_t> tmpNodeTags;
2312  gmsh::model::mesh::getNodesForPhysicalGroup(3, multiGrpIndices[i],
2313  tmpNodeTags, geomsCoords);
2314  for (int j = 0; j < tmpNodeTags.size(); j++)
2315  geomsNodeTags.push_back(tmpNodeTags[j]);
2316  }
2317  } else if ((sntChk) && (physGrpPerShape)) {
2318  gmsh::model::mesh::getNodesForPhysicalGroup(3, surroundingGrp, surrNodeTags,
2319  surrCoords);
2321  for (int i = 0; i < multiGrpIndices.size(); i++) {
2322  std::vector<std::size_t> tmpNodeTags;
2323  gmsh::model::mesh::getNodesForPhysicalGroup(3, multiGrpIndices[i],
2324  tmpNodeTags, geomsCoords);
2326  for (int j = 0; j < tmpNodeTags.size(); j++)
2327  geomsNodeTags.push_back(tmpNodeTags[j]);
2328  }
2329  } else if (((sntChk) && !(enablePhysGrp)) &&
2330  ((sntChk) && !(physGrpPerShape)) &&
2331  ((sntChk) && !(just2Physgrps))) {
2332  std::vector<double> noUse;
2333  gmsh::model::mesh::getNodes(surrNodeTags, surrCoords, noUse, 3,
2334  surroundingGrp, true, false);
2336  for (int i = 0; i < multiGrpIndices.size(); i++) {
2337  std::vector<std::size_t> tmpNodes;
2338  gmsh::model::mesh::getNodes(tmpNodes, geomsCoords, noUse, 3,
2339  multiGrpIndices[i], true, false);
2341  for (int j = 0; j < tmpNodes.size(); j++)
2342  geomsNodeTags.push_back(tmpNodes[j]);
2343  }
2345  for (int k = 0; k < multiGrpIndices.size(); k++) {
2346  // Getting element tags in surrounding -> surrElementIds
2347  std::vector<int> elementTypes;
2348  std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> elementTags;
2349  std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> nodeTags;
2351  gmsh::model::mesh::getElements(elementTypes, elementTags, nodeTags, 3,
2352  multiGrpIndices[k]);
2354  for (int i = 0; i < elementTags.size(); i++)
2355  for (int j = 0; j < elementTags[i].size(); j++)
2356  geomElementIds.push_back(elementTags[0][j]);
2357  }
2358  } else {
2359  // Nothing
2360  }
2362  // Reading in mesh file
2363  size_t lastindex = filename.find_last_of(".");
2364  std::string rawname = filename.substr(0, lastindex);
2365  rawname = rawname + "_oldMSH.msh";
2366  meshBase *mb = meshBase::Create(rawname);
2368  // Changing output name for cohesive elements
2369  size_t lastindex2 = outname.find_last_of(".");
2370  std::string rawname2 = outname.substr(0, lastindex2);
2371  rawname2 = rawname2 + "_withCohesive.vtu";
2373  // Creating vtk data set for mesh
2374  vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSet> dataSetSurr;
2375  dataSetSurr = mb->getDataSet();
2377  int numCells = dataSetSurr->GetNumberOfCells();
2378  int numPoints = dataSetSurr->GetNumberOfPoints();
2380  // Material assignment vector here
2381  for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) ptsCohesiveGrp.push_back(-1);
2383  // storeMultiPhysGrps is vector of vectors, storing volumes in each group
2384  int countParts = 100;
2385  for (int i = 0; i < storeMultiPhysGrps.size(); i++) {
2386  std::vector<std::size_t> storeNodes;
2387  for (int j = 0; j < storeMultiPhysGrps[i].size(); j++) {
2388  std::vector<std::size_t> getNodeTags;
2389  std::vector<double> notUseful;
2390  std::vector<double> notUseful2;
2391  gmsh::model::mesh::getNodes(getNodeTags, notUseful, notUseful2, 3,
2392  storeMultiPhysGrps[i][j], true, false);
2394  for (int k = 0; k < getNodeTags.size(); k++)
2395  storeNodes.push_back(getNodeTags[k]);
2396  }
2398  for (int j = 0; j < storeNodes.size(); j++) {
2399  // if (ptsCohesiveGrp[storeNodes[j]-1] != -1) {
2400  // std::cerr << "Exception at material assignement" << std::endl;
2401  // throw;
2402  //} else {
2403  ptsCohesiveGrp[storeNodes[j] - 1] = countParts;
2404  //}
2405  }
2406  countParts++;
2407  }
2409  // Fatching physical groups information
2410  std::vector<double> grpIds(mb->getNumberOfCells(), surroundingGrp);
2411  if ((just2Physgrps) || (enablePhysGrp) || (physGrpPerShape)) {
2412  mb->getCellDataArray("PhysGrpId", grpIds);
2413  } else {
2414  for (int i = 0; i < geomElementIds.size(); i++) grpIds[i] = 2;
2415  }
2417  std::vector<int> newPtIds;
2419  // Transfer old dataset to new one with new points
2420  vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid> dataSetCohesive =
2423  vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid> dataSetViz =
2426  vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> pointsViz = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New();
2428  // Provides means of identifying if the node at given index is new duplicate.
2429  std::vector<int> ptsInterfaceID;
2430  // Replaces duplicate nodes at their indexes with their surrounding
2431  // counterparts
2432  std::vector<int> traceBackToSurr;
2433  // new vector
2434  std::vector<int> identifyInterfaceNodes;
2436  for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
2437  std::vector<double> getPt = std::vector<double>(3);
2438  dataSetSurr->GetPoint(i, &getPt[0]);
2439  pointsViz->InsertNextPoint(getPt[0], getPt[1], getPt[2]);
2440  identifyInterfaceNodes.push_back(0);
2441  ptsReplacer.push_back(i);
2442  ptsInterfaceID.push_back(0);
2443  traceBackToSurr.push_back(i);
2444  slaveInterfaceId.push_back(0);
2445  }
2447  std::clock_t start;
2448  double duration;
2449  start = std::clock();
2451  // A faster method for finding interface nodes (0.031592 Seconds vs 813
2452  // Seconds for 61782 nodes)
2453  for (int i = 0; i < surrNodeTags.size(); i++)
2454  identifyInterfaceNodes[surrNodeTags[i] - 1] = 1;
2456  for (int i = 0; i < geomsNodeTags.size(); i++) {
2457  if (identifyInterfaceNodes[geomsNodeTags[i] - 1] == 1) {
2458  interfaceNodes.push_back(geomsNodeTags[i] - 1);
2459  std::vector<double> getPt = std::vector<double>(3);
2460  dataSetSurr->GetPoint(geomsNodeTags[i] - 1, &getPt[0]);
2461  int newP = pointsViz->InsertNextPoint(getPt[0], getPt[1], getPt[2]);
2462  newPtIds.push_back(newP);
2463  ptsReplacer[geomsNodeTags[i] - 1] = newP;
2464  traceBackToSurr.push_back(geomsNodeTags[i] - 1);
2465  slaveInterfaceId[geomsNodeTags[i] - 1] = 1;
2466  }
2467  }
2469  duration = (std::clock() - start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
2470  std::cout << "Process Finished!" << std::endl;
2471  std::cout << "Total " << interfaceNodes.size() << " Nodes duplicated in "
2472  << duration << " seconds!" << std::endl;
2474  dataSetCohesive->SetPoints(pointsViz);
2475  dataSetViz->SetPoints(pointsViz);
2477  for (int i = 0; i < interfaceNodes.size(); i++)
2478  ptsInterfaceID.push_back(1); // Updating points identification vector
2480  // Once we have interface nodes and duplicated the nodes, Surrounding side
2481  // of surface cells needs to be replaced by new nodes.
2482  // Find all cells containing interface nodes and rule out those in physical
2483  // group surrounding.
2484  std::vector<int> cellIdentification;
2486  // Initialize with zero
2487  for (int i = 0; i < numCells; i++) cellIdentification.push_back(0);
2489  // Finding all cells in microstructure group that atleast contains one
2490  // interface node.
2491  std::vector<int> pickCells;
2492  for (int i = 0; i < interfaceNodes.size(); i++) {
2493  vtkIdList *cells = vtkIdList::New();
2494  dataSetSurr->GetPointCells(interfaceNodes[i], cells);
2495  for (int j = 0; j < cells->GetNumberOfIds(); j++) {
2496  if (grpIds[cells->GetId(j)] != surroundingGrp) {
2497  cellIdentification[cells->GetId(j)] = 1;
2498  pickCells.push_back(cells->GetId(j));
2499  }
2500  }
2501  }
2502  sort(pickCells.begin(), pickCells.end());
2503  pickCells.erase(unique(pickCells.begin(), pickCells.end()), pickCells.end());
2505  // Now selected cells contain anywhere between 1 to 3 intefaceNodes that will
2506  // need replacement.
2507  // Make a mesh and keep everything same but replace interface
2508  // nodes with duplicate nodes when the selected cells are encountered.
2509  for (int i = 0; i < numCells; i++) {
2510  vtkCell *cell;
2511  // vtkPoints *fp;
2512  if (cellIdentification[i] == 1) {
2513  cell = dataSetSurr->GetCell(i);
2514  vtkIdList *pts = cell->GetPointIds();
2515  std::vector<int> ptForCells;
2516  ptForCells.resize(4);
2517  for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) ptForCells[j] = ptsReplacer[pts->GetId(j)];
2518  createVtkCell(dataSetCohesive, 10, ptForCells);
2519  } else {
2520  cell = dataSetSurr->GetCell(i);
2521  vtkIdList *pts = cell->GetPointIds();
2522  std::vector<int> ptForCells;
2523  ptForCells.resize(4);
2524  for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) ptForCells[j] = pts->GetId(j);
2525  createVtkCell(dataSetCohesive, 10, ptForCells);
2526  }
2527  }
2529  // Mesh separated successfully!
2530  // Finding out interface faces within picked cells to reveal node order.
2531  std::vector<int> seqNodeMap;
2532  std::vector<int> cellFinal;
2533  std::vector<int> cellsNotPicked;
2534  // int numOfCohElm = 0;
2536  for (int i = 0; i < pickCells.size(); i++) {
2537  vtkCell *cell;
2538  cell = dataSetCohesive->GetCell(pickCells[i]);
2539  vtkIdList *pts = cell->GetPointIds();
2540  vtkCell3D *cell3d = static_cast<vtkCell3D *>(cell);
2542  // int atleastOne = 0;
2543  // Looping through all faces of current cell
2544  for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
2545  std::vector<int> tmpSeqStore;
2546  int *ptFaces = nullptr;
2547  cell3d->GetFacePoints(j, ptFaces);
2548  for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
2549  if (ptsInterfaceID[pts->GetId(ptFaces[k])] == 1)
2550  tmpSeqStore.push_back(pts->GetId(ptFaces[k]));
2552  if (tmpSeqStore.size() == 3)
2553  for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) seqNodeMap.push_back(tmpSeqStore[n]);
2554  }
2555  }
2557  // Update the material group array here.
2558  std::vector<double> groupId;
2559  for (int i = 0; i < grpIds.size(); i++) groupId.push_back(grpIds[i]);
2561  // Create cohesive elements
2562  int add = 0;
2563  for (int i = 0; i < (seqNodeMap.size() / 3); i++) {
2564  std::vector<int> ptForCells;
2565  ptForCells.resize(6);
2566  for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
2567  ptForCells[j] = seqNodeMap[j + add];
2568  ptForCells[j + 3] = traceBackToSurr[seqNodeMap[j + add]];
2569  }
2571  // Search for periodic cohesive elements (existing on periodic boundaries)
2572  std::vector<double> getPt1 = std::vector<double>(3);
2573  std::vector<double> getPt2 = std::vector<double>(3);
2574  std::vector<double> getPt3 = std::vector<double>(3);
2575  dataSetCohesive->GetPoint(ptForCells[0], &getPt1[0]);
2576  dataSetCohesive->GetPoint(ptForCells[1], &getPt2[0]);
2577  dataSetCohesive->GetPoint(ptForCells[2], &getPt3[0]);
2578  if (existsOnPeriodicBoundary(getPt1, getPt2, getPt3)) {
2579  // Do not create that element
2580  } else {
2581  if (ptsCohesiveGrp[ptForCells[3]] == ptsCohesiveGrp[ptForCells[4]])
2582  if (ptsCohesiveGrp[ptForCells[4]] == ptsCohesiveGrp[ptForCells[5]])
2583  if (ptsCohesiveGrp[ptForCells[3]] == ptsCohesiveGrp[ptForCells[5]])
2584  groupId.push_back(ptsCohesiveGrp[ptForCells[3]]);
2586  createVtkCell(dataSetViz, 13, ptForCells);
2587  createVtkCell(dataSetCohesive, 13, ptForCells);
2588  }
2589  add = add + 3;
2590  }
2592  /*// Write cohesive elements in gmsh mesh (in development)
2593  std::vector<int> elementTypes;
2594  elementTypes.push_back(6);
2595  std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> elementTags;
2596  elementTags.resize(1);
2597  std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> nodeTags;
2598  nodeTags.resize(1);
2600  int add2 = 0;
2601  for (int i = 0; i < (seqNodeMap.size()/3); i++) {
2602  std::vector<int> ptForCells;
2603  ptForCells.resize(6);
2604  for (int j = 0; j < 3 ; j++) {
2605  ptForCells[j] = seqNodeMap[j+add2];
2606  ptForCells[j+3] = traceBackToSurr[seqNodeMap[j+add2]];
2607  }
2609  elementTags[0].push_back(numCells+i+1);
2611  for (int j=0; j<6; j++)
2612  nodeTags[0].push_back(ptForCells[j]+1);
2613  add2 = add2 + 3;
2614  }
2616  gmsh::model::mesh::addElements(3,surroundingGrp,elementTypes,elementTags,nodeTags);
2618  gmsh::write("GMSH_WITH_COHESIVE.msh");*/
2620  if (groupId.size() != dataSetCohesive->GetNumberOfCells()) {
2621  std::cerr << "Exception at group id vector size" << std::endl;
2622  throw;
2623  }
2625  vtkMesh *vm = new vtkMesh(dataSetViz, "CohesiveElements.vtu");
2626  vm->report();
2627  vm->write();
2629  vtkMesh *vm2 = new vtkMesh(dataSetCohesive, rawname2);
2630  vm2->setCellDataArray("PhysGrpId", groupId);
2631  vm2->report();
2632  vm2->write();
2633 }
int packGrp
Tag number.
Definition: rocPack.H:612
std::vector< std::size_t > surrNodeTags
Stores node tags for surronding physical group.
Definition: rocPack.H:592
std::vector< int > slaveInterfaceId
Storage vector for identifying which slave nodes are interface nodes.
Definition: rocPack.H:723
A brief description of meshBase.
Definition: meshBase.H:64
bool existsOnPeriodicBoundary(const std::vector< double > &getPt1, const std::vector< double > &getPt2, const std::vector< double > &getPt)
This method check if cohesive element face lies on any of the periodic boundaries.
Definition: rocPack.C:2761
geoMeshBase * New(MeshType meshType)
Create a new mesh object.
static meshBase * Create(const std::string &fname)
Construct vtkMesh from filename.
Definition: meshBase.C:78
void setCellDataArray(const std::string &name, const std::vector< std::vector< double >> &data) override
register data to dataSet&#39;s cell data
Definition: vtkMesh.C:1007
bool just2Physgrps
Enable Two Physical Groups in Final Mesh.
Definition: rocPack.H:588
std::vector< std::size_t > geomsNodeTags
Stores node tags for geometries physical group.
Definition: rocPack.H:600
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > getDataSet() const
get this meshes&#39; dataSet
Definition: meshBase.H:308
void createVtkCell(vtkSmartPointer< vtkUnstructuredGrid > dataSet, const int cellType, std::vector< int > &vrtIds)
creates VTK cell
Definition: rocPack.C:2635
std::vector< std::size_t > interfaceNodes
Vector for stroing nodes at conformal interface.
Definition: rocPack.H:616
bool enablePhysGrp
Enable Physical Grouping in Final Mesh.
Definition: rocPack.H:584
std::vector< double > surrCoords
Stores node coordinates for surronding physical group.
Definition: rocPack.H:596
std::vector< int > geomElementIds
Store cells in surrounding for cohesive elements without physical groups.
Definition: rocPack.H:705
std::vector< int > multiGrpIndices
Group indices for multi groups (useful in cohesive elements)
Definition: rocPack.H:700
std::vector< int > ptsReplacer
Storage vector for linking interface and duplicate nodes Replaces new duplicated nodes at place of ol...
Definition: rocPack.H:718
int surroundingGrp
Tag number.
Definition: rocPack.H:608
bool physGrpPerShape
Boolean for physical group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:652
virtual void getCellDataArray(const std::string &name, std::vector< double > &data)
Definition: meshBase.H:369
std::vector< std::vector< int > > storeMultiPhysGrps
Stores all physical groups in index sized by total volumes.
Definition: rocPack.H:696
nemId_t getNumberOfCells() const
return the number of cells
Definition: meshBase.H:550
std::vector< int > ptsCohesiveGrp
psudo-physical group vector for cohesive elements material assignment
Definition: rocPack.H:728
bool sntChk
Sanity Check.
Definition: rocPack.H:732
void report() const override
generate a report of the mesh
Definition: vtkMesh.C:780
void write() const override
write the mesh to file named after the private var &#39;filename&#39;.
Definition: vtkMesh.H:152
std::vector< double > geomsCoords
Stores node coordinates for geometries physical group.
Definition: rocPack.H:604

◆ createVtkCell()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::createVtkCell ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkUnstructuredGrid >  dataSet,
const int  cellType,
std::vector< int > &  vrtIds 

Definition at line 2635 of file rocPack.C.

References NEM::MSH::New().

Referenced by createCohesiveElements().

2636  {
2637  vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList> vtkCellIds = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList>::New();
2638  vtkCellIds->SetNumberOfIds(vrtIds.size());
2639  for (auto pit = vrtIds.begin(); pit != vrtIds.end(); pit++)
2640  vtkCellIds->SetId(pit - vrtIds.begin(), *pit);
2641  dataSet->InsertNextCell(cellType, vtkCellIds);
2642 }
geoMeshBase * New(MeshType meshType)
Create a new mesh object.
VTKCellType cellType
Definition: inpGeoMesh.C:129

◆ enableCohesiveElements()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::enableCohesiveElements ( )

Definition at line 106 of file rocPack.C.

References internalCohesiveBool.

106 { internalCohesiveBool = true; }
bool internalCohesiveBool
Boolean to enable cohesive elements.
Definition: rocPack.H:713

◆ enableDefOuts()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::enableDefOuts ( )

.msh format output in addition to udf output

Definition at line 2669 of file rocPack.C.

References defOutputs.

2669 { defOutputs = true; }
bool defOutputs
Output control.
Definition: rocPack.H:648

◆ enablePhysicalGroupsPerShape()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::enablePhysicalGroupsPerShape ( )

Definition at line 2673 of file rocPack.C.

References physGrpPerShape.

2673 { physGrpPerShape = true; }
bool physGrpPerShape
Boolean for physical group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:652

◆ enablePhysicalGrps()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::enablePhysicalGrps ( )

Definition at line 133 of file rocPack.C.

References enablePhysGrp.

133 { enablePhysGrp = true; }
bool enablePhysGrp
Enable Physical Grouping in Final Mesh.
Definition: rocPack.H:584

◆ enableSurfacePatches()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::enableSurfacePatches ( )

Definition at line 137 of file rocPack.C.

References assignSidePatches.

137 { assignSidePatches = true; }
bool assignSidePatches
A boolean for user to enable assignement of surface patches.
Definition: rocPack.H:620

◆ enableTwoPhysGrps()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::enableTwoPhysGrps ( )

Definition at line 135 of file rocPack.C.

References just2Physgrps.

135 { just2Physgrps = true; }
bool just2Physgrps
Enable Two Physical Groups in Final Mesh.
Definition: rocPack.H:588

◆ existsOnPeriodicBoundary()

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::existsOnPeriodicBoundary ( const std::vector< double > &  getPt1,
const std::vector< double > &  getPt2,
const std::vector< double > &  getPt 
getPt1Point 1 of triangular face
getPt2Point 2 of triangular face
getPt3Point 3 of triangular face
true or false

Definition at line 2761 of file rocPack.C.

References boxPt, Xdim, Ydim, and Zdim.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements().

2763  {
2764  // Check if all 3 points exist on any of these 6 surfaces
2765  // 1. X = boxPt[0]
2766  if ((getPt1[0] == boxPt[0]) && (getPt2[0] == boxPt[0]) &&
2767  (getPt3[0] == boxPt[0]))
2768  return true;
2769  // 2. X = boxPt[0] + Xdim
2770  else if ((getPt1[0] == boxPt[0] + Xdim) && (getPt2[0] == boxPt[0] + Xdim) &&
2771  (getPt3[0] == boxPt[0] + Xdim))
2772  return true;
2773  // 3. Y = boxPt[1]
2774  else if ((getPt1[1] == boxPt[1]) && (getPt2[1] == boxPt[1]) &&
2775  (getPt3[1] == boxPt[1]))
2776  return true;
2777  // 4. Y = boxPt[1] + Ydim
2778  else if ((getPt1[1] == boxPt[1] + Ydim) && (getPt2[1] == boxPt[1] + Ydim) &&
2779  (getPt3[1] == boxPt[1] + Ydim))
2780  return true;
2781  // 5. Z = boxPt[2]
2782  else if ((getPt1[2] == boxPt[2]) && (getPt2[2] == boxPt[2]) &&
2783  (getPt3[2] == boxPt[2]))
2784  return true;
2785  // 6. Z = boxPt[2] + Zdim
2786  else if ((getPt1[2] == boxPt[2] + Zdim) && (getPt2[2] == boxPt[2] + Zdim) &&
2787  (getPt3[2] == boxPt[2] + Zdim))
2788  return true;
2789  else
2790  return false;
2791 }
double Zdim
Z dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:445
double Xdim
X dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:437
std::vector< double > boxPt
Vector of box starting coordinates.
Definition: rocPack.H:449
double Ydim
Y dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:441

◆ findWord()

std::string NEM::GEO::rocPack::findWord ( const std::string &  word)
wordWord that user wants to find
line containing that word in file

Definition at line 1080 of file rocPack.C.

References InFile.

Referenced by rocParser().

1080  {
1081  std::ifstream input(InFile);
1082  std::string line;
1083  while (std::getline(input, line))
1084  if (line.find(word) == 0) return line;
1085  return "";
1086 }
std::string InFile
rocPack output file name
Definition: rocPack.H:416

◆ geomToMsh()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::geomToMsh ( const std::string &  writeFile)
writeFileOutput File Name

Definition at line 571 of file rocPack.C.

Referenced by geomToPeriodic3D(), geomToSurf(), and geomToVTK().

571  {
572  // Writes created periodic geometries into .msh file
573  gmsh::write(writeFile);
574 }

◆ geomToPeriodic3D()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::geomToPeriodic3D ( )

Definition at line 497 of file rocPack.C.

References assignSidePatches, defOutputs, elementOrder, enablePhysGrp, geomToMsh(), geomToSTL(), geomToVTK(), just2Physgrps, meshingAlgorithm, meshSz, modifyInpMesh(), nptsMsh, OutFile, physGrpPerShape, and refineIter.

Referenced by rocPack2Periodic3D().

497  {
498  // Figure out how to save geometry
499  std::cout << " - Writing Periodic mesh files ..." << std::endl;
501  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsPts;
502  gmsh::model::getEntities(tagsPts, 0);
504  if (meshSz != -1) gmsh::model::mesh::setSize(tagsPts, meshSz);
507  gmsh::option::setNumber("Mesh.StlOneSolidPerSurface", 2);
509  gmsh::option::setNumber("Mesh.Algorithm3D", meshingAlgorithm);
510  gmsh::option::setNumber("Mesh.SaveGroupsOfNodes", 1);
511  gmsh::model::mesh::generate(3);
512  gmsh::model::mesh::setOrder(elementOrder);
513  for (int i = 0; i < refineIter; i++) gmsh::model::mesh::refine();
514  gmsh::model::mesh::removeDuplicateNodes();
515  double np = 0.0;
516  gmsh::option::getNumber("Mesh.NbNodes", np);
517  nptsMsh = static_cast<int>(np);
519  if (OutFile.find(".stl") != std::string::npos)
521  else if (OutFile.find(".vtu") != std::string::npos ||
522  OutFile.find(".vtk") != std::string::npos) {
523  size_t pos = std::string::npos;
524  while ((pos = OutFile.find(".vtu")) != std::string::npos) {
525  OutFile.erase(pos, 4);
526  }
527  while ((pos = OutFile.find(".vtk")) != std::string::npos) {
528  OutFile.erase(pos, 4);
529  }
530  geomToVTK(OutFile + ".msh");
531  } else if (OutFile.find(".msh") != std::string::npos) {
533  } else {
534  gmsh::write(OutFile);
535  }
537  if ((OutFile.find(".inp") != std::string::npos) && (assignSidePatches))
540  if (defOutputs) {
541  size_t lastindex = OutFile.find_last_of(".");
542  std::string rawname = OutFile.substr(0, lastindex);
543  std::string stlFile = rawname + ".stl";
544  std::string vtkFile = rawname + ".msh";
545  std::string mshFile = rawname + ".msh";
546  geomToSTL(stlFile);
547  geomToMsh(mshFile);
548  geomToVTK(vtkFile);
549  }
550 }
void modifyInpMesh(const std::string &modifyFile)
Removes 2D elements from INP mesh file.
Definition: rocPack.C:2793
bool defOutputs
Output control.
Definition: rocPack.H:648
std::string OutFile
Output STL/VTK file name.
Definition: rocPack.H:420
bool just2Physgrps
Enable Two Physical Groups in Final Mesh.
Definition: rocPack.H:588
int meshingAlgorithm
Meshing Algorithm.
Definition: rocPack.H:644
void geomToSTL(const std::string &writeFile)
This method writes periodic pack geometries into STL format.
Definition: rocPack.C:553
int nptsMsh
Total numer of points in mesh.
Definition: rocPack.H:736
void geomToVTK(const std::string &writeFile)
This method writes periodic pack geometries into VTK format.
Definition: rocPack.C:558
bool enablePhysGrp
Enable Physical Grouping in Final Mesh.
Definition: rocPack.H:584
double meshSz
Mesh Size.
Definition: rocPack.H:580
void geomToMsh(const std::string &writeFile)
This method writes periodic pack geometries into .MSH format.
Definition: rocPack.C:571
bool assignSidePatches
A boolean for user to enable assignement of surface patches.
Definition: rocPack.H:620
bool physGrpPerShape
Boolean for physical group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:652
int refineIter
mesh refinement iterations
Definition: rocPack.H:744
int elementOrder
Sets mesh element order.
Definition: rocPack.H:768

◆ geomToSTL()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::geomToSTL ( const std::string &  writeFile)
writeFileOutput File Name

Definition at line 553 of file rocPack.C.

Referenced by geomToPeriodic3D(), and geomToSurf().

553  {
554  // Writes created periodic geometries into STL file
555  gmsh::write(writeFile);
556 }

◆ geomToSurf()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::geomToSurf ( )

Definition at line 456 of file rocPack.C.

References defOutputs, geomToMsh(), geomToSTL(), geomToVTK(), meshingAlgorithm, meshSz, OutFile, and refineIter.

Referenced by rocPack2Surf().

456  {
457  std::cout << " - Writing triangulated surface files ..." << std::endl;
459  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsPts;
460  gmsh::model::getEntities(tagsPts, 0);
461  if (meshSz != -1) gmsh::model::mesh::setSize(tagsPts, meshSz);
462  gmsh::option::setNumber("Mesh.Algorithm", meshingAlgorithm);
463  gmsh::model::mesh::generate(2);
464  for (int i = 0; i < refineIter; i++) gmsh::model::mesh::refine();
465  gmsh::model::mesh::removeDuplicateNodes();
467  if (OutFile.find(".stl") != std::string::npos)
469  else if (OutFile.find(".vtu") != std::string::npos ||
470  OutFile.find(".vtk") != std::string::npos) {
471  size_t pos = std::string::npos;
472  while ((pos = OutFile.find(".vtu")) != std::string::npos) {
473  OutFile.erase(pos, 4);
474  }
475  while ((pos = OutFile.find(".vtk")) != std::string::npos) {
476  OutFile.erase(pos, 4);
477  }
478  geomToVTK(OutFile + ".msh");
479  } else if (OutFile.find(".msh") != std::string::npos) {
481  } else {
482  gmsh::write(OutFile);
483  }
485  if (defOutputs) {
486  size_t lastindex = OutFile.find_last_of(".");
487  std::string rawname = OutFile.substr(0, lastindex);
488  std::string stlFile = rawname + ".stl";
489  std::string vtkFile = rawname + ".msh";
490  std::string mshFile = rawname + ".msh";
491  geomToSTL(stlFile);
492  geomToMsh(mshFile);
493  geomToVTK(vtkFile);
494  }
495 }
bool defOutputs
Output control.
Definition: rocPack.H:648
std::string OutFile
Output STL/VTK file name.
Definition: rocPack.H:420
int meshingAlgorithm
Meshing Algorithm.
Definition: rocPack.H:644
void geomToSTL(const std::string &writeFile)
This method writes periodic pack geometries into STL format.
Definition: rocPack.C:553
void geomToVTK(const std::string &writeFile)
This method writes periodic pack geometries into VTK format.
Definition: rocPack.C:558
double meshSz
Mesh Size.
Definition: rocPack.H:580
void geomToMsh(const std::string &writeFile)
This method writes periodic pack geometries into .MSH format.
Definition: rocPack.C:571
int refineIter
mesh refinement iterations
Definition: rocPack.H:744

◆ geomToVolFrac()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::geomToVolFrac ( )

◆ geomToVTK()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::geomToVTK ( const std::string &  writeFile)
writeFileOutput File Name

Definition at line 558 of file rocPack.C.

References meshBase::exportGmshToVtk(), geomToMsh(), meshBase::getNumberOfPoints(), nptsMsh, and meshBase::write().

Referenced by geomToPeriodic3D(), and geomToSurf().

558  {
559  // Writes created periodic geometries into VTU file with metadata
560  size_t lastindex = writeFile.find_last_of(".");
561  std::string rawname = writeFile.substr(0, lastindex);
562  rawname = rawname + "_oldMSH.msh";
563  gmsh::option::setNumber("Mesh.MshFileVersion", 2.2);
564  geomToMsh(rawname);
565  meshBase *mb = meshBase::exportGmshToVtk(rawname);
566  nptsMsh = mb->getNumberOfPoints();
567  mb->write(rawname);
568  if (mb) delete mb;
569 }
static meshBase * exportGmshToVtk(const std::string &fname)
construct vtkMesh from gmsh msh file (called in Create methods)
Definition: meshBase.C:409
A brief description of meshBase.
Definition: meshBase.H:64
int nptsMsh
Total numer of points in mesh.
Definition: rocPack.H:736
nemId_t getNumberOfPoints() const
return the number of points
Definition: meshBase.H:545
virtual void write() const
write the mesh to file named after the private var &#39;filename&#39;.
Definition: meshBase.H:598
void geomToMsh(const std::string &writeFile)
This method writes periodic pack geometries into .MSH format.
Definition: rocPack.C:571

◆ getAllPoints()

std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > > NEM::GEO::rocPack::getAllPoints ( std::vector< std::pair< int, int >>  surfaces)
surfacesA vector pair of surface tags
Vector of vertices.

Definition at line 1869 of file rocPack.C.

References surfaces, and verts.

Referenced by mapPeriodicSurfaces().

1870  {
1871  std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>> verts;
1872  verts.resize(surfaces.size());
1873  for (int j = 0; j < surfaces.size(); j++) {
1874  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> inputTags;
1875  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> outTags;
1876  inputTags.push_back(std::make_pair(2, surfaces[j].second));
1878  gmsh::model::getBoundary(inputTags, outTags, true, true, true);
1879  verts[j].resize(outTags.size());
1880  for (int i = 0; i < outTags.size(); i++)
1881  verts[j][i] = std::make_pair(surfaces[j].second, outTags[i].second);
1882  }
1884  return verts;
1885 }
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > verts
Vector of crystal shape vertices.
Definition: rocPack.H:462

◆ getPeriodicSurfs()

std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > NEM::GEO::rocPack::getPeriodicSurfs ( const std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< int, int >>> &  vertsOneSide,
const std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< int, int >>> &  vertsOtherSide,
const int &  indexTranslate,
const double &  amountTranslate 
vertsOneSideVertices on one side
vertsOtherSideVertices on other side
indexTranslateIndex for which direction to translate
amountTranslateDistance for translation
Vector pair of periodic surfaces

Definition at line 1887 of file rocPack.C.

Referenced by mapPeriodicSurfaces().

1890  {
1891  // Comparing vertices and mapping periodic surfaces
1892  std::vector<double> paramCoords;
1893  std::vector<std::vector<double>> pointsOneSide;
1894  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> periodicSurfs;
1896  for (int i = 0; i < vertsOneSide.size(); i++) {
1897  pointsOneSide.resize(vertsOneSide[i].size());
1899  for (int s = 0; s < vertsOneSide[i].size(); s++) {
1900  gmsh::model::getValue(0, vertsOneSide[i][s].second, paramCoords,
1901  pointsOneSide[s]);
1902  pointsOneSide[s][indexTranslate] =
1903  pointsOneSide[s][indexTranslate] + amountTranslate;
1904  }
1906  for (int j = 0; j < vertsOtherSide.size(); j++) {
1907  int know = 0;
1908  for (int l = 0; l < vertsOtherSide[j].size(); l++) {
1909  std::vector<double> pointsOtherSide;
1910  gmsh::model::getValue(0, vertsOtherSide[j][l].second, paramCoords,
1911  pointsOtherSide);
1913  for (int g = 0; g < pointsOneSide.size(); g++) {
1914  double a = pointsOtherSide[0] - pointsOneSide[g][0];
1915  double b = pointsOtherSide[1] - pointsOneSide[g][1];
1916  double c = pointsOtherSide[2] - pointsOneSide[g][2];
1918  if (std::sqrt(a * a) < 1e-10 &&
1919  pointsOneSide.size() == vertsOtherSide[j].size())
1920  if (std::sqrt(b * b) < 1e-10 &&
1921  pointsOneSide.size() == vertsOtherSide[j].size())
1922  if (std::sqrt(c * c) < 1e-10 &&
1923  pointsOneSide.size() == vertsOtherSide[j].size())
1924  know++;
1925  }
1926  }
1927  if (know == pointsOneSide.size())
1928  periodicSurfs.push_back(std::make_pair(vertsOneSide[i][0].first,
1929  vertsOtherSide[j][0].first));
1930  }
1931  }
1932  return periodicSurfs;
1933 }

◆ getShapeData()

std::vector< std::string > NEM::GEO::rocPack::getShapeData ( const int &  iter,
const std::string &  a,
const std::vector< std::string > &  L 
iterLine number to read in file
astring of delimiters for parsing
LLine to read
Vector of tokens for input line L

Definition at line 1088 of file rocPack.C.

References nemAux::Tokenize().

Referenced by rocParser().

1089  {
1090  std::vector<std::string> LTokens = nemAux::Tokenize(L[iter], a);
1091  return LTokens;
1092 }
std::vector< std::string > Tokenize(const std::string &lineIn, const char &delim)

◆ getTestResult()

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::getTestResult ( )

Compares spatial location of several periodic nodes in periodic mesh.

Boolean for test

Definition at line 2272 of file rocPack.C.

References matchingCoordsX, matchingCoordsY, and matchingCoordsZ.

2272  {
2274  return true;
2275  else
2276  return false;
2277 }
bool matchingCoordsY
Y Nodes for testing.
Definition: rocPack.H:556
bool matchingCoordsZ
Z Nodes for testing.
Definition: rocPack.H:560
bool matchingCoordsX
X Nodes for testing.
Definition: rocPack.H:552

◆ initialize()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::initialize ( )

Definition at line 143 of file rocPack.C.

Referenced by rocToGeom().

143  {
144  gmsh::initialize();
145  gmsh::model::add("Pack");
146  gmsh::option::setNumber("General.NumThreads", 10);
147  gmsh::option::setNumber("Geometry.OCCBooleanPreserveNumbering", 1);
148  gmsh::option::setNumber("Geometry.OCCParallel", 1);
149  // if (elementOrder > 1) gmsh::option::setNumber("Mesh.HighOrderPeriodic", 2);
150 }

◆ makeCrystalShape()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::makeCrystalShape ( const int &  n,
const int &  index 
nIndex for pack number
indexIndex for pack data access

Definition at line 1370 of file rocPack.C.

References faces, nameOfPcks, physGrpPerShape, rotateByQuaternion(), rotateParams, scaleOfPack, storeShapeNames, toQuaternion(), translateParams, and verts.

Referenced by rocToGeom().

1370  {
1371  std::vector<std::vector<double>> scaledVerts;
1372  scaledVerts.resize(verts[index].size());
1374  // Scaling Vertices
1375  for (int i = 0; i < verts[index].size(); i++) {
1376  scaledVerts[i].resize(3);
1377  for (int j = 0; j < verts[index][i].size(); j++)
1378  scaledVerts[i][j] = verts[index][i][j] * scaleOfPack[n];
1379  }
1381  // Rotating Vertices using Quaternions
1382  rocQuaternion q = toQuaternion(rotateParams[n]);
1383  std::vector<std::vector<double>> rotatedVerts;
1384  rotatedVerts.resize(verts[index].size());
1386  for (int i = 0; i < verts[index].size(); i++)
1387  rotatedVerts[i] = rotateByQuaternion(q, scaledVerts[i]);
1389  // Translating Vertices
1390  for (int i = 0; i < rotatedVerts.size(); i++)
1391  for (int j = 0; j < rotatedVerts[i].size(); j++)
1392  rotatedVerts[i][j] = rotatedVerts[i][j] + translateParams[n][j];
1394  // Creating geometry
1395  std::vector<int> pts;
1396  pts.resize(rotatedVerts.size());
1397  for (int i = 0; i < rotatedVerts.size(); i++) {
1398  pts[i] = gmsh::model::occ::addPoint(rotatedVerts[i][0], rotatedVerts[i][1],
1399  rotatedVerts[i][2]);
1400  }
1402  std::vector<std::vector<int>> lines;
1403  lines.resize(faces[index].size());
1404  std::vector<int> surfs;
1405  surfs.resize(faces[index].size());
1406  std::vector<int> lineLoops;
1407  lineLoops.resize(faces[index].size());
1409  std::map<std::pair<int, int>, int> lineMap;
1410  // Adding lines and surfaces
1411  for (int i = 0; i < faces[index].size(); i++) {
1412  lines[i].resize(faces[index][i].size());
1413  for (int j = 0; j < faces[index][i].size(); j++) {
1414  // Finding for existing line
1415  std::map<std::pair<int, int>, int>::iterator it;
1416  int a = pts[faces[index][i][j]];
1417  int b = pts[faces[index][i][(j + 1) % faces[index][i].size()]];
1419  it = lineMap.find(std::make_pair(a, b));
1421  if (it == lineMap.end()) it = lineMap.find(std::make_pair(b, a));
1423  if (it == lineMap.end()) {
1424  lines[i][j] = gmsh::model::occ::addLine(a, b);
1425  lineMap.insert(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(a, b), lines[i][j]));
1426  } else
1427  lines[i][j] = it->second;
1428  }
1430  // Adding Line Loop
1431  lineLoops[i] = gmsh::model::occ::addCurveLoop(lines[i]);
1432  // Adding Surface
1433  std::vector<int> tagsSurfFill = std::vector<int>(1);
1434  tagsSurfFill[0] = lineLoops[i];
1435  if (nameOfPcks[n] == "icosidodecahedron")
1436  surfs[i] = gmsh::model::occ::addSurfaceFilling(lineLoops[i]);
1437  else
1438  surfs[i] = gmsh::model::occ::addPlaneSurface(tagsSurfFill);
1439  }
1441  // Adding Surface Loop
1442  int surfLoop = gmsh::model::occ::addSurfaceLoop(surfs);
1444  // Adding Volumes
1445  std::vector<int> surfLoopTags = std::vector<int>(1);
1446  surfLoopTags[0] = surfLoop;
1447  int newVol = gmsh::model::occ::addVolume(surfLoopTags);
1449  if (physGrpPerShape) {
1450  if (nameOfPcks[n] == "hmx") storeShapeNames[newVol] = 3;
1452  if (nameOfPcks[n] == "petn") storeShapeNames[newVol] = 4;
1454  if (nameOfPcks[n] == "icosidodecahedron") storeShapeNames[newVol] = 5;
1455  }
1457  gmsh::model::occ::synchronize();
1458 }
std::vector< std::vector< double > > rotateParams
Vector of rotate coordinates for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:474
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > verts
Vector of crystal shape vertices.
Definition: rocPack.H:462
std::vector< std::vector< double > > translateParams
Vector of translate coordinates for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:470
std::vector< double > scaleOfPack
Vector of scales for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:478
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< int > > > faces
Vector of crystal shape faces.
Definition: rocPack.H:466
rocQuaternion toQuaternion(const std::vector< double > &r)
Generates a Quaternion using Euler 3D rotation parameters.
Definition: rocPack.C:1544
std::map< int, int > storeShapeNames
Map for storing shape names against volume Sphere = 0 Ellipsoid = 1 Cylinder = 2 HMX = 3 PETN = 4 Ico...
Definition: rocPack.H:664
bool physGrpPerShape
Boolean for physical group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:652
std::vector< std::string > nameOfPcks
Vector of pack shape names.
Definition: rocPack.H:482
std::vector< double > rotateByQuaternion(const rocQuaternion &q, const std::vector< double > &v)
Rotates a 3D Vector by unit Quaternion.
Definition: rocPack.C:1523

◆ makeCylinder()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::makeCylinder ( const int &  n)
nIndex for pack number

Definition at line 1266 of file rocPack.C.

References cylParams, physGrpPerShape, rotateByQuaternion(), rotateParams, scaleOfPack, storeShapeNames, toQuaternion(), and translateParams.

Referenced by rocToGeom().

1266  {
1267  // "cylParams" is vector with 2 values in shape definition
1268  // cylParams[0] = Radius
1269  // cylParams[1] = Height
1271  // Scaling everything on thr fly
1272  // Cylinder Center
1273  std::vector<double> cylCenter = std::vector<double>(3);
1274  cylCenter[0] = 0;
1275  cylCenter[1] = 0 - (cylParams[1] / 2) * scaleOfPack[n];
1276  cylCenter[2] = 0;
1278  // Cylinder Translation Axis
1279  std::vector<double> translation_axis = std::vector<double>(3);
1280  translation_axis[0] = 0;
1281  translation_axis[1] = (cylParams[1]) * scaleOfPack[n];
1282  translation_axis[2] = 0;
1284  // Cylinder Vertices
1285  std::vector<std::vector<double>> cylVertices;
1286  cylVertices.resize(4);
1287  cylVertices[0].resize(3);
1288  cylVertices[1].resize(3);
1289  cylVertices[2].resize(3);
1290  cylVertices[3].resize(3);
1292  cylVertices[0][0] = 0;
1293  cylVertices[0][1] = 0 - (cylParams[1] / 2) * scaleOfPack[n];
1294  cylVertices[0][2] = 0 + cylParams[0] * scaleOfPack[n];
1295  cylVertices[1][0] = 0 + cylParams[0] * scaleOfPack[n];
1296  cylVertices[1][1] = 0 - (cylParams[1] / 2) * scaleOfPack[n];
1297  cylVertices[1][2] = 0;
1298  cylVertices[2][0] = 0;
1299  cylVertices[2][1] = 0 - (cylParams[1] / 2) * scaleOfPack[n];
1300  cylVertices[2][2] = 0 - cylParams[0] * scaleOfPack[n];
1301  cylVertices[3][0] = 0 - cylParams[0] * scaleOfPack[n];
1302  cylVertices[3][1] = 0 - (cylParams[1] / 2) * scaleOfPack[n];
1303  cylVertices[3][2] = 0;
1305  // Rotate By Quaternion
1306  rocQuaternion q = toQuaternion(rotateParams[n]);
1308  std::vector<double> rotatedCylCenter;
1309  std::vector<double> rotatedTranslationAxis;
1310  std::vector<std::vector<double>> rotatedCylVertices;
1311  rotatedCylVertices.resize(4);
1313  // Center
1314  rotatedCylCenter = rotateByQuaternion(q, cylCenter);
1316  // Translation_Axis
1317  rotatedTranslationAxis = rotateByQuaternion(q, translation_axis);
1319  // Vertices
1320  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
1321  rotatedCylVertices[i] = rotateByQuaternion(q, cylVertices[i]);
1323  // Start adding geometry
1324  std::vector<int> pts = std::vector<int>(5);
1326  pts[0] =
1327  gmsh::model::occ::addPoint(rotatedCylCenter[0] + translateParams[n][0],
1328  rotatedCylCenter[1] + translateParams[n][1],
1329  rotatedCylCenter[2] + translateParams[n][2]);
1331  for (int i = 0; i < rotatedCylVertices.size(); i++)
1332  pts[i + 1] = gmsh::model::occ::addPoint(
1333  rotatedCylVertices[i][0] + translateParams[n][0],
1334  rotatedCylVertices[i][1] + translateParams[n][1],
1335  rotatedCylVertices[i][2] + translateParams[n][2]);
1337  std::vector<int> arcs = std::vector<int>(4);
1338  arcs[0] = gmsh::model::occ::addCircleArc(pts[1], pts[0], pts[2]);
1339  arcs[1] = gmsh::model::occ::addCircleArc(pts[2], pts[0], pts[3]);
1340  arcs[2] = gmsh::model::occ::addCircleArc(pts[3], pts[0], pts[4]);
1341  arcs[3] = gmsh::model::occ::addCircleArc(pts[4], pts[0], pts[1]);
1343  std::vector<int> curves = std::vector<int>(4);
1344  curves[0] = arcs[0];
1345  curves[1] = arcs[1];
1346  curves[2] = arcs[2];
1347  curves[3] = arcs[3];
1348  int loop = gmsh::model::occ::addCurveLoop(curves);
1350  std::vector<int> loops = std::vector<int>(1);
1351  loops[0] = loop;
1352  int surf = gmsh::model::occ::addPlaneSurface(loops);
1354  gmsh::model::occ::synchronize();
1355  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsSurfs;
1356  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> outVols;
1357  tagsSurfs.push_back(std::make_pair(2, surf));
1359  gmsh::model::occ::extrude(tagsSurfs, rotatedTranslationAxis[0],
1360  rotatedTranslationAxis[1],
1361  rotatedTranslationAxis[2], outVols);
1363  for (int i = 0; i < outVols.size(); i++)
1364  if (outVols[i].first == 3)
1365  if (physGrpPerShape) storeShapeNames[outVols[i].second] = 2;
1367  gmsh::model::occ::synchronize();
1368 }
std::vector< std::vector< double > > rotateParams
Vector of rotate coordinates for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:474
std::vector< std::vector< double > > translateParams
Vector of translate coordinates for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:470
std::vector< double > scaleOfPack
Vector of scales for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:478
std::vector< double > cylParams
Vector of cylinder parameters.
Definition: rocPack.H:458
rocQuaternion toQuaternion(const std::vector< double > &r)
Generates a Quaternion using Euler 3D rotation parameters.
Definition: rocPack.C:1544
std::map< int, int > storeShapeNames
Map for storing shape names against volume Sphere = 0 Ellipsoid = 1 Cylinder = 2 HMX = 3 PETN = 4 Ico...
Definition: rocPack.H:664
bool physGrpPerShape
Boolean for physical group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:652
std::vector< double > rotateByQuaternion(const rocQuaternion &q, const std::vector< double > &v)
Rotates a 3D Vector by unit Quaternion.
Definition: rocPack.C:1523

◆ makeEllipsoid()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::makeEllipsoid ( const int &  n)
nIndex for pack number

Definition at line 1104 of file rocPack.C.

References ellipsoidRad, physGrpPerShape, rotateByQuaternion(), rotateParams, scaleOfPack, storeShapeNames, toQuaternion(), and translateParams.

Referenced by rocToGeom().

1104  {
1105  std::vector<int> pts;
1106  std::vector<int> arcs;
1107  std::vector<int> loops;
1108  std::vector<int> surfs;
1109  std::vector<int> tmpCurveLoop;
1110  std::vector<std::vector<double>> elVerts;
1111  std::vector<std::vector<double>> rotatedVerts;
1112  elVerts.resize(7);
1113  rotatedVerts.resize(7);
1114  pts.resize(7);
1115  arcs.resize(12);
1116  loops.resize(8);
1117  surfs.resize(8);
1119  // Scaling vertices
1120  elVerts[0].resize(3);
1121  elVerts[0][0] = 0;
1122  elVerts[0][1] = 0;
1123  elVerts[0][2] = 0;
1124  elVerts[1].resize(3);
1125  elVerts[1][0] = scaleOfPack[n] * ellipsoidRad[0];
1126  elVerts[1][1] = 0;
1127  elVerts[1][2] = 0;
1128  elVerts[2].resize(3);
1129  elVerts[2][0] = 0;
1130  elVerts[2][1] = scaleOfPack[n] * ellipsoidRad[1];
1131  elVerts[2][2] = 0;
1132  elVerts[3].resize(3);
1133  elVerts[3][0] = 0;
1134  elVerts[3][1] = 0;
1135  elVerts[3][2] = scaleOfPack[n] * ellipsoidRad[2];
1136  elVerts[4].resize(3);
1137  elVerts[4][0] = -scaleOfPack[n] * ellipsoidRad[0];
1138  elVerts[4][1] = 0;
1139  elVerts[4][2] = 0;
1140  elVerts[5].resize(3);
1141  elVerts[5][0] = 0;
1142  elVerts[5][1] = -scaleOfPack[n] * ellipsoidRad[1];
1143  elVerts[5][2] = 0;
1144  elVerts[6].resize(3);
1145  elVerts[6][0] = 0;
1146  elVerts[6][1] = 0;
1147  elVerts[6][2] = -scaleOfPack[n] * ellipsoidRad[2];
1149  // Rotating vertices
1150  rocQuaternion q = toQuaternion(rotateParams[n]);
1151  for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
1152  rotatedVerts[i] = rotateByQuaternion(q, elVerts[i]);
1154  // Adding translated points
1156  for (int i = 0; i < rotatedVerts.size(); i++)
1157  pts[i] =
1158  gmsh::model::geo::addPoint(rotatedVerts[i][0] + translateParams[n][0],
1159  rotatedVerts[i][1] + translateParams[n][1],
1160  rotatedVerts[i][2] + translateParams[n][2]);
1162  // Try circle arc here
1163  arcs[0] = gmsh::model::geo::addEllipseArc(pts[1], pts[0], pts[6], pts[6]);
1164  arcs[1] = gmsh::model::geo::addEllipseArc(pts[6], pts[0], pts[4], pts[4]);
1165  arcs[2] = gmsh::model::geo::addEllipseArc(pts[4], pts[0], pts[3], pts[3]);
1166  arcs[3] = gmsh::model::geo::addEllipseArc(pts[3], pts[0], pts[1], pts[1]);
1167  arcs[4] = gmsh::model::geo::addEllipseArc(pts[1], pts[0], pts[2], pts[2]);
1168  arcs[5] = gmsh::model::geo::addEllipseArc(pts[2], pts[0], pts[4], pts[4]);
1169  arcs[6] = gmsh::model::geo::addEllipseArc(pts[4], pts[0], pts[5], pts[5]);
1170  arcs[7] = gmsh::model::geo::addEllipseArc(pts[5], pts[0], pts[1], pts[1]);
1171  arcs[8] = gmsh::model::geo::addEllipseArc(pts[6], pts[0], pts[2], pts[2]);
1172  arcs[9] = gmsh::model::geo::addEllipseArc(pts[2], pts[0], pts[3], pts[3]);
1173  arcs[10] = gmsh::model::geo::addEllipseArc(pts[3], pts[0], pts[5], pts[5]);
1174  arcs[11] = gmsh::model::geo::addEllipseArc(pts[5], pts[0], pts[6], pts[6]);
1176  // Adding line loops
1177  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(arcs[4]);
1178  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(arcs[9]);
1179  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(arcs[3]);
1180  loops[0] = gmsh::model::geo::addCurveLoop(tmpCurveLoop);
1181  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1182  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(arcs[8]);
1183  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(-arcs[4]);
1184  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(arcs[0]);
1185  loops[1] = gmsh::model::geo::addCurveLoop(tmpCurveLoop);
1186  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1187  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(-arcs[9]);
1188  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(arcs[5]);
1189  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(arcs[2]);
1190  loops[2] = gmsh::model::geo::addCurveLoop(tmpCurveLoop);
1191  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1192  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(-arcs[5]);
1193  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(-arcs[8]);
1194  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(arcs[1]);
1195  loops[3] = gmsh::model::geo::addCurveLoop(tmpCurveLoop);
1196  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1197  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(arcs[7]);
1198  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(-arcs[3]);
1199  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(arcs[10]);
1200  loops[4] = gmsh::model::geo::addCurveLoop(tmpCurveLoop);
1201  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1202  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(arcs[11]);
1203  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(-arcs[7]);
1204  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(-arcs[0]);
1205  loops[5] = gmsh::model::geo::addCurveLoop(tmpCurveLoop);
1206  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1207  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(-arcs[10]);
1208  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(-arcs[2]);
1209  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(arcs[6]);
1210  loops[6] = gmsh::model::geo::addCurveLoop(tmpCurveLoop);
1211  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1212  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(-arcs[1]);
1213  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(-arcs[6]);
1214  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(-arcs[11]);
1215  loops[7] = gmsh::model::geo::addCurveLoop(tmpCurveLoop);
1216  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1218  // Adding compound surfaces
1219  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(loops[0]);
1220  surfs[0] = gmsh::model::geo::addSurfaceFilling(tmpCurveLoop);
1221  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1222  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(loops[1]);
1223  surfs[1] = gmsh::model::geo::addSurfaceFilling(tmpCurveLoop);
1224  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1225  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(loops[2]);
1226  surfs[2] = gmsh::model::geo::addSurfaceFilling(tmpCurveLoop);
1227  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1228  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(loops[3]);
1229  surfs[3] = gmsh::model::geo::addSurfaceFilling(tmpCurveLoop);
1230  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1231  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(loops[4]);
1232  surfs[4] = gmsh::model::geo::addSurfaceFilling(tmpCurveLoop);
1233  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1234  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(loops[5]);
1235  surfs[5] = gmsh::model::geo::addSurfaceFilling(tmpCurveLoop);
1236  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1237  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(loops[6]);
1238  surfs[6] = gmsh::model::geo::addSurfaceFilling(tmpCurveLoop);
1239  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1240  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(loops[7]);
1241  surfs[7] = gmsh::model::geo::addSurfaceFilling(tmpCurveLoop);
1242  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1244  // Surface loop
1245  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(surfs[0]);
1246  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(surfs[1]);
1247  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(surfs[2]);
1248  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(surfs[3]);
1249  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(surfs[4]);
1250  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(surfs[5]);
1251  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(surfs[6]);
1252  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(surfs[7]);
1253  int surfLoop = gmsh::model::geo::addSurfaceLoop(tmpCurveLoop);
1254  tmpCurveLoop.clear();
1256  // Volume
1257  tmpCurveLoop.push_back(surfLoop);
1258  int newVol = gmsh::model::geo::addVolume(tmpCurveLoop);
1259  gmsh::model::geo::synchronize();
1261  if (physGrpPerShape) storeShapeNames[newVol] = 1;
1263  gmsh::model::geo::synchronize();
1264 }
std::vector< std::vector< double > > rotateParams
Vector of rotate coordinates for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:474
std::vector< double > ellipsoidRad
Vector of Ellipsoid radii.
Definition: rocPack.H:454
std::vector< std::vector< double > > translateParams
Vector of translate coordinates for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:470
std::vector< double > scaleOfPack
Vector of scales for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:478
rocQuaternion toQuaternion(const std::vector< double > &r)
Generates a Quaternion using Euler 3D rotation parameters.
Definition: rocPack.C:1544
std::map< int, int > storeShapeNames
Map for storing shape names against volume Sphere = 0 Ellipsoid = 1 Cylinder = 2 HMX = 3 PETN = 4 Ico...
Definition: rocPack.H:664
bool physGrpPerShape
Boolean for physical group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:652
std::vector< double > rotateByQuaternion(const rocQuaternion &q, const std::vector< double > &v)
Rotates a 3D Vector by unit Quaternion.
Definition: rocPack.C:1523

◆ makePeriodic()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::makePeriodic ( const bool  rmbPacks)
rmbPacksboolean for removing boundary packs

Definition at line 576 of file rocPack.C.

References bndryPackTags, boxPt, cylindersPhysicalGroup, ellipsoidPhysicalGroup, enablePhysGrp, hmxPhysicalGroup, icosidodecahedronPhysicalGroup, internalCohesiveBool, linkMultiPhysGrps, mapPeriodicSurfaces(), nameOfPcks, periodic3D, petnPhysicalGroup, physGrpPerShape, spherePhysicalGroup, storeMultiPhysGrps, storeShapeNames, Xdim, Ydim, and Zdim.

Referenced by rocToGeom().

576  {
577  if (rmbPacks == false) {
578  /*
579  // To get processor clocktime
580  std::clock_t start;
581  double duration;
582  start = std::clock();
583  */
585  std::vector<double> xTranslate;
586  std::vector<double> yTranslate;
587  std::vector<double> zTranslate;
589  xTranslate.push_back(Xdim); // 0 -> X+
590  yTranslate.push_back(0); // 0 -> X+
591  zTranslate.push_back(0); // 0 -> X+
592  xTranslate.push_back(Xdim); //// 1 -> X+ Z+
593  yTranslate.push_back(0); //// 1 -> X+ Z+
594  zTranslate.push_back(Zdim); //// 1 -> X+ Z+
595  xTranslate.push_back(Xdim); // 2 -> X+ Z-
596  yTranslate.push_back(0); // 2 -> X+ Z-
597  zTranslate.push_back(-Zdim); // 2 -> X+ Z-
599  xTranslate.push_back(-Xdim); // 3 -> X-
600  yTranslate.push_back(0); // 3 -> X-
601  zTranslate.push_back(0); // 3 -> X-
602  xTranslate.push_back(-Xdim); //// 4 -> X- Z+
603  yTranslate.push_back(0); //// 4 -> X- Z+
604  zTranslate.push_back(Zdim); //// 4 -> X- Z+
605  xTranslate.push_back(-Xdim); // 5 -> X- Z-
606  yTranslate.push_back(0); // 5 -> X- Z-
607  zTranslate.push_back(-Zdim); // 5 -> X- Z-
609  xTranslate.push_back(0); // 6 -> Y+
610  yTranslate.push_back(Ydim); // 6 -> Y+
611  zTranslate.push_back(0); // 6 -> Y+
612  xTranslate.push_back(0); //// 7 -> Y+ Z+
613  yTranslate.push_back(Ydim); //// 7 -> Y+ Z+
614  zTranslate.push_back(Zdim); //// 7 -> Y+ Z+
615  xTranslate.push_back(0); // 8 -> Y+ Z-
616  yTranslate.push_back(Ydim); // 8 -> Y+ Z-
617  zTranslate.push_back(-Zdim); // 8 -> Y+ Z-
619  xTranslate.push_back(0); // 9 -> Y-
620  yTranslate.push_back(-Ydim); // 9 -> Y-
621  zTranslate.push_back(0); // 9 -> Y-
622  xTranslate.push_back(0); //// 10 -> Y- Z+
623  yTranslate.push_back(-Ydim); //// 10 -> Y- Z+
624  zTranslate.push_back(Zdim); //// 10 -> Y- Z+
625  xTranslate.push_back(0); // 11 -> Y- Z-
626  yTranslate.push_back(-Ydim); // 11 -> Y- Z-
627  zTranslate.push_back(-Zdim); // 11 -> Y- Z-
629  xTranslate.push_back(Xdim); // 12 -> X+ Y+
630  yTranslate.push_back(Ydim); // 12 -> X+ Y+
631  zTranslate.push_back(0); // 12 -> X+ Y+
632  xTranslate.push_back(Xdim); //// 13 -> X+ Y+ Z+
633  yTranslate.push_back(Ydim); //// 13 -> X+ Y+ Z+
634  zTranslate.push_back(Zdim); //// 13 -> X+ Y+ Z+
635  xTranslate.push_back(Xdim); // 14 -> X+ Y+ Z-
636  yTranslate.push_back(Ydim); // 14 -> X+ Y+ Z-
637  zTranslate.push_back(-Zdim); // 14 -> X+ Y+ Z-
639  xTranslate.push_back(Xdim); // 15 -> X+ Y-
640  yTranslate.push_back(-Ydim); // 15 -> X+ Y-
641  zTranslate.push_back(0); // 15 -> X+ Y-
642  xTranslate.push_back(Xdim); //// 16 -> X+ Y- Z+
643  yTranslate.push_back(-Ydim); //// 16 -> X+ Y- Z+
644  zTranslate.push_back(Zdim); //// 16 -> X+ Y- Z+
645  xTranslate.push_back(Xdim); // 17 -> X+ Y- Z-
646  yTranslate.push_back(-Ydim); // 17 -> X+ Y- Z-
647  zTranslate.push_back(-Zdim); // 17 -> X+ Y- Z-
649  xTranslate.push_back(-Xdim); // 18 -> X- Y+
650  yTranslate.push_back(Ydim); // 18 -> X- Y+
651  zTranslate.push_back(0); // 18 -> X- Y+
652  xTranslate.push_back(-Xdim); //// 19 -> X- Y+ Z+
653  yTranslate.push_back(Ydim); //// 19 -> X- Y+ Z+
654  zTranslate.push_back(Zdim); //// 19 -> X- Y+ Z+
655  xTranslate.push_back(-Xdim); // 20 -> X- Y+ Z-
656  yTranslate.push_back(Ydim); // 20 -> X- Y+ Z-
657  zTranslate.push_back(-Zdim); // 20 -> X- Y+ Z-
659  xTranslate.push_back(-Xdim); // 21 -> X- Y-
660  yTranslate.push_back(-Ydim); // 21 -> X- Y-
661  zTranslate.push_back(0); // 21 -> X- Y-
662  xTranslate.push_back(-Xdim); //// 22 -> X- Y- Z+
663  yTranslate.push_back(-Ydim); //// 22 -> X- Y- Z+
664  zTranslate.push_back(Zdim); //// 22 -> X- Y- Z+
665  xTranslate.push_back(-Xdim); // 23 -> X- Y- Z-
666  yTranslate.push_back(-Ydim); // 23 -> X- Y- Z-
667  zTranslate.push_back(-Zdim); // 23 -> X- Y- Z-
669  xTranslate.push_back(0); // 24 -> Z+
670  yTranslate.push_back(0); // 24 -> Z+
671  zTranslate.push_back(Zdim); // 24 -> Z+
672  xTranslate.push_back(0); //// 25 -> Z-
673  yTranslate.push_back(0); //// 25 -> Z-
674  zTranslate.push_back(-Zdim); //// 25 -> Z-
676  /*// Need some implementation of picking up boundary shapes using get
677  Entities
678  // in bounding box command and translate only those. Aim to get points in a
679  // bounding box and iteratively find parent entity.
681  // If there are less than 25 total volumes, just use the whole tagged
682  // boundary volumes, otherwise use the selected volumes from each side
683  // (left, right, up, etc..)
685  double tol = 0.5;
686  double edgeTol = 0.001;
687  // double Xdim2 = 0;
688  // double Ydim2 = 0;
689  // double Zdim2 = 0;
691  // left
692  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> entityLeft;
693  gmsh::model::getEntitiesInBoundingBox(boxPt[0] - tol, boxPt[1] - tol,
694  boxPt[2] - tol, boxPt[0] + edgeTol,
695  boxPt[1] + Ydim + tol,
696  Zdim + boxPt[2] + tol, entityLeft,0);
698  // Right
699  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> entityRight;
700  gmsh::model::getEntitiesInBoundingBox(Xdim + boxPt[0] - edgeTol, boxPt[1] -
701  tol, boxPt[2] - tol, Xdim + boxPt[0] + tol, Ydim + boxPt[1] + tol, Zdim +
702  boxPt[2] + tol, entityRight,0);
704  // Up
705  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> entityUp;
706  gmsh::model::getEntitiesInBoundingBox(boxPt[0] - tol, Ydim + boxPt[1] -
707  edgeTol, boxPt[2] - tol, Xdim + boxPt[0] + tol, Ydim + boxPt[1] + tol, Zdim +
708  boxPt[2] + tol, entityUp, 0);
710  // Down
711  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> entityDown;
712  gmsh::model::getEntitiesInBoundingBox(boxPt[0] - tol, boxPt[1] - tol,
713  boxPt[2] - tol, Xdim + boxPt[0] + tol,
714  boxPt[1] + edgeTol, Zdim + boxPt[2] +
715  tol, entityDown, 0);
717  // Back
718  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> entityBack;
719  gmsh::model::getEntitiesInBoundingBox(boxPt[0] - tol, boxPt[1] - tol,
720  boxPt[2] - tol, Xdim + boxPt[0] + tol,
721  Ydim + boxPt[1] + tol, boxPt[2] +
722  edgeTol, entityBack, 0);
724  //Front
725  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> entityFront;
726  gmsh::model::getEntitiesInBoundingBox(boxPt[0] - tol, boxPt[1] - tol,
727  Zdim + boxPt[2] - edgeTol,
728  Xdim + boxPt[0] + tol,
729  Ydim + boxPt[1] + tol,
730  Zdim + boxPt[2] + tol,
731  entityFront, 0);
733  // Now start getting parent entities for captured points in other vectors
734  std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> leftShapes;
735  std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> rightShapes;
736  std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> UpShapes;
737  std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> DownShapes;
738  std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> backShapes;
739  std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> frontShapes;
741  for (int i=0; i<bndryPackTags.size(); i++) {
742  std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> tmpTagVec;
743  std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> outPoints;
744  tmpTagVec.push_back(std::make_pair(bndryPackTags[i].first,
745  bndryPackTags[i].second));
746  gmsh::model::getBoundary(tmpTagVec,outPoints,true,true,true);
748  int matchFound = 0;
750  // Left
751  for (int j=0; j<outPoints.size(); j++) {
752  for (int k=0; k<entityLeft.size(); k++) {
753  if (outPoints[j].second == entityLeft[k].second) {
754  matchFound++;
755  break;
756  }
757  }
758  if (matchFound > 0)
759  break;
760  }
761  if (matchFound > 0) {
762  leftShapes.push_back(std::make_pair(3,bndryPackTags[i].second));
763  }
766  // Right
767  matchFound = 0;
768  for (int j=0; j<outPoints.size(); j++) {
769  for (int k=0; k<entityRight.size(); k++) {
770  if (outPoints[j].second == entityRight[k].second) {
771  matchFound++;
772  break;
773  }
774  }
776  if (matchFound > 0)
777  break;
778  }
780  if (matchFound > 0) {
781  rightShapes.push_back(std::make_pair(3,bndryPackTags[i].second));
782  }
785  // Up
786  matchFound = 0;
787  for (int j=0; j<outPoints.size(); j++) {
788  for (int k=0; k<entityUp.size(); k++) {
789  if (outPoints[j].second == entityUp[k].second) {
790  matchFound++;
791  break;
792  }
793  }
795  if (matchFound > 0)
796  break;
797  }
799  if (matchFound > 0) {
800  UpShapes.push_back(std::make_pair(3,bndryPackTags[i].second));
801  }
804  // Down
805  matchFound = 0;
806  for (int j=0; j<outPoints.size(); j++) {
807  for (int k=0; k<entityDown.size(); k++) {
808  if (outPoints[j].second == entityDown[k].second) {
809  matchFound++;
810  break;
811  }
812  }
814  if (matchFound > 0)
815  break;
816  }
818  if (matchFound > 0) {
819  DownShapes.push_back(std::make_pair(3,bndryPackTags[i].second));
820  }
823  // Back
824  matchFound = 0;
825  for (int j=0; j<outPoints.size(); j++) {
826  for (int k=0; k<entityBack.size(); k++) {
827  if (outPoints[j].second == entityBack[k].second) {
828  matchFound++;
829  break;
830  }
831  }
833  if (matchFound > 0)
834  break;
835  }
837  if (matchFound > 0) {
838  backShapes.push_back(std::make_pair(3,bndryPackTags[i].second));
839  }
842  // Front
843  matchFound = 0;
844  for (int j=0; j<outPoints.size(); j++) {
845  for (int k=0; k<entityFront.size(); k++) {
846  if (outPoints[j].second == entityFront[k].second) {
847  matchFound++;
848  break;
849  }
850  }
852  if (matchFound > 0)
853  break;
854  }
856  if (matchFound > 0) {
857  frontShapes.push_back(std::make_pair(3,bndryPackTags[i].second));
858  }
859  }
861  std::ofstream fileInspect;
864  fileInspect << "Left";
865  for (int i=0; i<leftShapes.size(); i++)
866  fileInspect << "," << leftShapes[i];
867  fileInspect << std::endl;
869  fileInspect << "Right";
870  for (int i=0; i<rightShapes.size(); i++)
871  fileInspect << "," << rightShapes[i];
872  fileInspect << std::endl;
874  fileInspect << "Up";
875  for (int i=0; i<UpShapes.size(); i++)
876  fileInspect << "," << UpShapes[i];
877  fileInspect << std::endl;
879  fileInspect << "Down";
880  for (int i=0; i<DownShapes.size(); i++)
881  fileInspect << "," << DownShapes[i];
882  fileInspect << std::endl;
884  fileInspect << "Back";
885  for (int i=0; i<backShapes.size(); i++)
886  fileInspect << "," << backShapes[i];
887  fileInspect << std::endl;
889  fileInspect << "Front";
890  for (int i=0; i<frontShapes.size(); i++)
891  fileInspect << "," << frontShapes[i];
892  fileInspect << std::endl;
894  fileInspect.close();
896  //gmsh::model::occ::addBox(boxPt[0], boxPt[1], boxPt[2], Xdim, Ydim, Zdim);
897  //gmsh::model::occ::synchronize();
898  //gmsh::fltk::run();
900  // Start Translating
901  std::vector<int> indTra;
902  indTra.resize(6);
904  indTra.push_back(0); indTra.push_back(3); indTra.push_back(6);
905  indTra.push_back(9); indTra.push_back(24); indTra.push_back(25);
907  // Translation is not working, Need to think something.
909  if (leftShapes.size() > 0) {
910  // Left side (X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-)
911  for (int h=0; h<indTra.size(); h++) {
912  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsCopy;
913  gmsh::model::occ::copy(leftShapes, tagsCopy);
914  gmsh::model::occ::translate(tagsCopy, xTranslate[indTra[h]],
915  yTranslate[indTra[h]], zTranslate[indTra[h]]);
916  }
917  }
919  if (rightShapes.size() > 0) {
920  // Right Side (X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-)
921  for (int h=0; h<indTra.size(); h++) {
922  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsCopy;
923  gmsh::model::occ::copy(rightShapes, tagsCopy);
924  gmsh::model::occ::translate(tagsCopy, xTranslate[indTra[h]],
925  yTranslate[indTra[h]], zTranslate[indTra[h]]);
926  }
927  }
929  if (UpShapes.size() > 0) {
930  // Up (X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-)
931  for (int h=0; h<indTra.size(); h++) {
932  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsCopy;
933  gmsh::model::occ::copy(UpShapes, tagsCopy);
934  gmsh::model::occ::translate(tagsCopy, xTranslate[indTra[h]],
935  yTranslate[indTra[h]], zTranslate[indTra[h]]);
936  }
937  }
939  if (DownShapes.size() > 0) {
940  // Down (X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-)
941  for (int h=0; h<indTra.size(); h++) {
942  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsCopy;
943  gmsh::model::occ::copy(DownShapes, tagsCopy);
944  gmsh::model::occ::translate(tagsCopy, xTranslate[indTra[h]],
945  yTranslate[indTra[h]], zTranslate[indTra[h]]);
946  }
947  }
949  if (backShapes.size() > 0) {
950  // Back (X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-)
951  for (int h=0; h<indTra.size(); h++) {
952  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsCopy;
953  gmsh::model::occ::copy(backShapes, tagsCopy);
954  gmsh::model::occ::translate(tagsCopy, xTranslate[indTra[h]],
955  yTranslate[indTra[h]], zTranslate[indTra[h]]);
956  }
957  }
959  if (frontShapes.size() > 0) {
960  // Front (X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-)
961  for (int h=0; h<indTra.size(); h++) {
962  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsCopy;
963  gmsh::model::occ::copy(frontShapes, tagsCopy);
964  gmsh::model::occ::translate(tagsCopy, xTranslate[indTra[h]],
965  yTranslate[indTra[h]], zTranslate[indTra[h]]);
966  }
967  }
968  gmsh::model::occ::synchronize();*/
970  // Translating shapes
971  std::vector<int> indexVols;
972  std::vector<int> indexShapes;
973  if (physGrpPerShape) {
974  for (int g = 0; g < bndryPackTags.size(); g++) {
975  std::map<int, int>::iterator itrMp = storeShapeNames.begin();
976  itrMp = storeShapeNames.find(bndryPackTags[g].second);
978  if (itrMp != storeShapeNames.end()) {
979  indexShapes.push_back(itrMp->second);
980  indexVols.push_back(g);
981  }
982  }
983  }
985  std::vector<int> tmpVec;
986  if ((enablePhysGrp) || (internalCohesiveBool)) {
987  linkMultiPhysGrps.resize(26 * bndryPackTags.size() + nameOfPcks.size());
988  for (int i = 0; i < nameOfPcks.size(); i++) {
989  tmpVec.push_back(i + 1);
990  linkMultiPhysGrps[i] = i + 1;
991  }
992  }
994  int ptg = 1;
995  std::cerr << " Progress --> [0%";
997  for (int h = 0; h < 26; h++) {
998  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsCopy;
999  gmsh::model::occ::copy(bndryPackTags, tagsCopy);
1000  gmsh::model::occ::translate(tagsCopy, xTranslate[h], yTranslate[h],
1001  zTranslate[h]);
1003  // Links shape type with volume number
1004  if (physGrpPerShape)
1005  for (int g = 0; g < indexVols.size(); g++)
1006  storeShapeNames[tagsCopy[indexVols[g]].second] = indexShapes[g];
1009  for (int g = 0; g < bndryPackTags.size(); g++)
1010  linkMultiPhysGrps[tagsCopy[g].second - 1] =
1011  tmpVec[bndryPackTags[g].second - 1];
1013  if (h % 3 == 0) {
1014  std::cerr.precision(3);
1015  std::cerr << ".." << 10.7142857 * (ptg) << "%";
1016  ptg++;
1017  }
1018  }
1019  gmsh::model::occ::synchronize();
1021  // Containers for boolean operation
1022  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsPacks;
1023  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> outBoolean;
1024  std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>> outBoolMap;
1025  gmsh::model::getEntities(tagsPacks, 3);
1026  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsBox;
1027  int tmpTag = gmsh::model::occ::addBox(boxPt[0], boxPt[1], boxPt[2], Xdim,
1028  Ydim, Zdim);
1029  tagsBox.push_back(std::make_pair(3, tmpTag));
1031  // Boolean Intersection
1032  gmsh::model::occ::intersect(tagsPacks, tagsBox, outBoolean, outBoolMap);
1033  std::cout << "..100%]" << std::endl;
1035  gmsh::model::occ::synchronize();
1037  if (physGrpPerShape) {
1038  for (int mp = 0; mp < outBoolean.size(); mp++) {
1039  std::map<int, int>::iterator itrMp = storeShapeNames.begin();
1041  itrMp = storeShapeNames.find(outBoolean[mp].second);
1043  if (itrMp != storeShapeNames.end()) {
1044  if (itrMp->second == 0) spherePhysicalGroup.push_back(itrMp->first);
1045  if (itrMp->second == 1)
1046  ellipsoidPhysicalGroup.push_back(itrMp->first);
1047  if (itrMp->second == 2)
1048  cylindersPhysicalGroup.push_back(itrMp->first);
1049  if (itrMp->second == 3) hmxPhysicalGroup.push_back(itrMp->first);
1050  if (itrMp->second == 4) petnPhysicalGroup.push_back(itrMp->first);
1051  if (itrMp->second == 5)
1052  icosidodecahedronPhysicalGroup.push_back(itrMp->first);
1053  }
1054  }
1055  }
1057  if ((enablePhysGrp) || (internalCohesiveBool)) {
1058  // storeMultiPhysGrps
1059  for (int k = 0; k < tmpVec.size(); k++) {
1060  std::vector<int> oneVols;
1061  for (int j = 0; j < outBoolean.size(); j++) {
1062  if (tmpVec[k] == linkMultiPhysGrps[outBoolean[j].second - 1]) {
1063  oneVols.push_back(outBoolean[j].second);
1064  }
1065  }
1066  storeMultiPhysGrps.push_back(oneVols);
1067  }
1068  }
1070  if (periodic3D == true) {
1071  std::cout << " - Mapping Periodic Surfaces" << std::endl;
1072  mapPeriodicSurfaces(outBoolean);
1073  }
1074  } else {
1075  // Nothing
1076  }
1077 }
double Zdim
Z dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:445
double Xdim
X dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:437
std::vector< int > ellipsoidPhysicalGroup
Arrays for group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:676
std::vector< int > spherePhysicalGroup
Arrays for group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:668
std::vector< int > icosidodecahedronPhysicalGroup
Arrays for group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:688
std::vector< int > petnPhysicalGroup
Arrays for group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:684
std::vector< double > boxPt
Vector of box starting coordinates.
Definition: rocPack.H:449
bool internalCohesiveBool
Boolean to enable cohesive elements.
Definition: rocPack.H:713
bool enablePhysGrp
Enable Physical Grouping in Final Mesh.
Definition: rocPack.H:584
std::map< int, int > storeShapeNames
Map for storing shape names against volume Sphere = 0 Ellipsoid = 1 Cylinder = 2 HMX = 3 PETN = 4 Ico...
Definition: rocPack.H:664
std::vector< int > hmxPhysicalGroup
Arrays for group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:680
double Ydim
Y dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:441
bool physGrpPerShape
Boolean for physical group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:652
std::vector< std::string > nameOfPcks
Vector of pack shape names.
Definition: rocPack.H:482
std::vector< std::vector< int > > storeMultiPhysGrps
Stores all physical groups in index sized by total volumes.
Definition: rocPack.H:696
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > bndryPackTags
Stores volume index of packs interseting boundary.
Definition: rocPack.H:504
std::vector< int > cylindersPhysicalGroup
Arrays for group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:672
std::vector< int > linkMultiPhysGrps
Vector of all volumes for multi-physical groups.
Definition: rocPack.H:692
void mapPeriodicSurfaces(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int >> &prevTags)
This method maps surfaces in X,Y, and Z direction which are periodic and then enforces that into gmsh...
Definition: rocPack.C:1556
bool periodic3D
Boolean for 3D periodic mesh generation.
Definition: rocPack.H:508

◆ makeSphere()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::makeSphere ( const int &  n)
nIndex for pack number

Definition at line 1094 of file rocPack.C.

References physGrpPerShape, scaleOfPack, storeShapeNames, and translateParams.

Referenced by rocToGeom().

1094  {
1095  double sphereRad = 1 * scaleOfPack[n];
1096  int newVol =
1097  gmsh::model::occ::addSphere(translateParams[n][0], translateParams[n][1],
1098  translateParams[n][2], sphereRad);
1099  if (physGrpPerShape) storeShapeNames[newVol] = 0;
1101  gmsh::model::occ::synchronize();
1102 }
std::vector< std::vector< double > > translateParams
Vector of translate coordinates for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:470
std::vector< double > scaleOfPack
Vector of scales for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:478
std::map< int, int > storeShapeNames
Map for storing shape names against volume Sphere = 0 Ellipsoid = 1 Cylinder = 2 HMX = 3 PETN = 4 Ico...
Definition: rocPack.H:664
bool physGrpPerShape
Boolean for physical group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:652

◆ mapPeriodicSurfaces()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::mapPeriodicSurfaces ( const std::vector< std::pair< int, int >> &  prevTags)
prevTagsCurrently existing model entities

Definition at line 1556 of file rocPack.C.

References assignSidePatches, boxPt, cylindersPhysicalGroup, ellipsoidPhysicalGroup, enablePhysGrp, getAllPoints(), getPeriodicSurfs(), hmxPhysicalGroup, icosidodecahedronPhysicalGroup, just2Physgrps, MasterX, MasterY, MasterZ, multiGrpIndices, packGrp, petnPhysicalGroup, physGrpPerShape, slaveX, slaveY, slaveZ, spherePhysicalGroup, storeMultiPhysGrps, surroundingGrp, Xdim, Ydim, and Zdim.

Referenced by makePeriodic(), and rocToGeom().

1557  {
1558  // Boolean Fragment
1559  gmsh::model::occ::synchronize();
1560  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsBox2;
1561  int tmpTag2 =
1562  gmsh::model::occ::addBox(boxPt[0], boxPt[1], boxPt[2], Xdim, Ydim, Zdim);
1563  tagsBox2.push_back(std::make_pair(3, tmpTag2));
1564  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> outBoolean2;
1565  std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>> outBoolMap2;
1566  gmsh::model::occ::fragment(tagsBox2, prevTags, outBoolean2, outBoolMap2);
1567  gmsh::model::occ::synchronize();
1569  if (assignSidePatches) {
1570  // Get boundaries of box
1571  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagstmpVOL;
1572  tagstmpVOL.push_back(std::make_pair(3, tmpTag2));
1573  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsAllsurfs;
1575  gmsh::model::getBoundary(tagstmpVOL, tagsAllsurfs);
1577  int totalSurfsinBox = tagsAllsurfs.size() - 1;
1579  // Last 6 surfaces
1580  std::vector<int> surfTagUp;
1581  surfTagUp.push_back(tagsAllsurfs[totalSurfsinBox - 2].second);
1582  int Up = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(2, surfTagUp);
1583  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(2, Up, "Up");
1585  std::vector<int> surfTagDown;
1586  surfTagDown.push_back(tagsAllsurfs[totalSurfsinBox - 4].second);
1587  int Down = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(2, surfTagDown);
1588  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(2, Down, "Down");
1590  std::vector<int> surfTagLeft;
1591  surfTagLeft.push_back(tagsAllsurfs[totalSurfsinBox - 5].second);
1592  int Left = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(2, surfTagLeft);
1593  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(2, Left, "Left");
1595  std::vector<int> surfTagRight;
1596  surfTagRight.push_back(tagsAllsurfs[totalSurfsinBox].second);
1597  int Right = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(2, surfTagRight);
1598  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(2, Right, "Right");
1600  std::vector<int> surfTagFront;
1601  surfTagFront.push_back(tagsAllsurfs[totalSurfsinBox - 3].second);
1602  int Front = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(2, surfTagFront);
1603  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(2, Front, "Front");
1605  std::vector<int> surfTagBack;
1606  surfTagBack.push_back(tagsAllsurfs[totalSurfsinBox - 1].second);
1607  int Back = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(2, surfTagBack);
1608  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(2, Back, "Back");
1609  }
1611  if (((enablePhysGrp) && (just2Physgrps)) ||
1612  ((enablePhysGrp) && (physGrpPerShape)) ||
1613  ((just2Physgrps) && (physGrpPerShape))) {
1614  std::cerr << "Please select only one option for physical group"
1615  << std::endl;
1616  throw;
1617  }
1619  if (enablePhysGrp) {
1620  // Creating Physical Groups
1621  // Same volume on both periodic boundaries needs to be same physical group
1622  std::vector<int> vecTags;
1623  vecTags.push_back(tmpTag2);
1624  surroundingGrp = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(3, vecTags);
1625  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(3, surroundingGrp, "Surrounding");
1627  for (int i = 0; i < storeMultiPhysGrps.size(); i++) {
1628  std::vector<int> newTags;
1629  std::string name = "Vol" + std::to_string(i);
1631  for (int j = 0; j < storeMultiPhysGrps[i].size(); j++)
1632  newTags.push_back(storeMultiPhysGrps[i][j]);
1634  int newGrp = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(3, newTags);
1635  multiGrpIndices.push_back(newGrp);
1636  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(3, newGrp, name);
1637  }
1638  } else if (just2Physgrps) {
1639  // Creating Physical Groups
1640  std::vector<int> vecTags;
1641  vecTags.push_back(tmpTag2);
1642  surroundingGrp = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(3, vecTags);
1643  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(3, surroundingGrp, "Surrounding");
1645  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsAll;
1646  gmsh::model::getEntities(tagsAll, 3);
1647  std::vector<int> newTags;
1649  for (int i = 0; i < tagsAll.size(); i++) {
1650  if (tagsAll[i].second == tmpTag2) {
1651  } else {
1652  newTags.push_back(tagsAll[i].second);
1653  }
1654  }
1656  packGrp = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(3, newTags);
1657  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(3, packGrp, "MicroStructures");
1658  } else if (physGrpPerShape) {
1659  // Defining Physical Groups Per Shape
1660  std::vector<int> vecTags;
1661  vecTags.push_back(tmpTag2);
1662  surroundingGrp = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(3, vecTags);
1663  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(3, surroundingGrp, "Surrounding");
1665  // Spheres
1666  if (spherePhysicalGroup.size() > 0) {
1667  int newGrp = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(3, spherePhysicalGroup);
1668  multiGrpIndices.push_back(newGrp);
1669  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(3, newGrp, "Spheres");
1670  }
1672  // Cylinders
1673  if (cylindersPhysicalGroup.size() > 0) {
1674  int newGrp = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(3, cylindersPhysicalGroup);
1675  multiGrpIndices.push_back(newGrp);
1676  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(3, newGrp, "Cylinders");
1677  }
1679  // Ellipsoids
1680  if (ellipsoidPhysicalGroup.size() > 0) {
1681  int newGrp = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(3, ellipsoidPhysicalGroup);
1682  multiGrpIndices.push_back(newGrp);
1683  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(3, newGrp, "Ellipsoids");
1684  }
1686  // PETN
1687  if (petnPhysicalGroup.size() > 0) {
1688  int newGrp = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(3, petnPhysicalGroup);
1689  multiGrpIndices.push_back(newGrp);
1690  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(3, newGrp, "PETN");
1691  }
1693  // Icosidodecahedron
1694  if (icosidodecahedronPhysicalGroup.size() > 0) {
1695  int newGrp =
1696  gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(3, icosidodecahedronPhysicalGroup);
1697  multiGrpIndices.push_back(newGrp);
1698  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(3, newGrp, "Icosidodecahedron");
1699  }
1701  // HMX
1702  if (hmxPhysicalGroup.size() > 0) {
1703  int newGrp = gmsh::model::addPhysicalGroup(3, hmxPhysicalGroup);
1704  multiGrpIndices.push_back(newGrp);
1705  gmsh::model::setPhysicalName(3, newGrp, "HMX");
1706  }
1708  } else {
1709  surroundingGrp = tmpTag2;
1711  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsAll;
1712  gmsh::model::getEntities(tagsAll, 3);
1714  for (int i = 0; i < tagsAll.size(); i++) {
1715  if (tagsAll[i].second == tmpTag2) {
1716  } else {
1717  multiGrpIndices.push_back(tagsAll[i].second);
1718  }
1719  }
1720  }
1722  // Finding surfaces at each side
1723  double tol = 0.001;
1725  // Left
1726  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> entityLeft;
1727  gmsh::model::getEntitiesInBoundingBox(
1728  boxPt[0] - tol, boxPt[1] - tol, boxPt[2] - tol, boxPt[0] + tol,
1729  boxPt[1] + Ydim + tol, Zdim + boxPt[2] + tol, entityLeft, 2);
1731  // Right
1732  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> entityRight;
1733  gmsh::model::getEntitiesInBoundingBox(Xdim + boxPt[0] - tol, boxPt[1] - tol,
1734  boxPt[2] - tol, Xdim + boxPt[0] + tol,
1735  Ydim + boxPt[1] + tol,
1736  Zdim + boxPt[2] + tol, entityRight, 2);
1738  // Up
1739  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> entityUp;
1740  gmsh::model::getEntitiesInBoundingBox(boxPt[0] - tol, Ydim + boxPt[1] - tol,
1741  boxPt[2] - tol, Xdim + boxPt[0] + tol,
1742  Ydim + boxPt[1] + tol,
1743  Zdim + boxPt[2] + tol, entityUp, 2);
1745  // Down
1746  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> entityDown;
1747  gmsh::model::getEntitiesInBoundingBox(
1748  boxPt[0] - tol, boxPt[1] - tol, boxPt[2] - tol, Xdim + boxPt[0] + tol,
1749  boxPt[1] + tol, Zdim + boxPt[2] + tol, entityDown, 2);
1751  // Back
1752  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> entityBack;
1753  gmsh::model::getEntitiesInBoundingBox(
1754  boxPt[0] - tol, boxPt[1] - tol, boxPt[2] - tol, Xdim + boxPt[0] + tol,
1755  Ydim + boxPt[1] + tol, boxPt[2] + tol, entityBack, 2);
1757  // Front
1758  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> entityFront;
1759  gmsh::model::getEntitiesInBoundingBox(
1760  boxPt[0] - tol, boxPt[1] - tol, Zdim + boxPt[2] - tol,
1761  Xdim + boxPt[0] + tol, Ydim + boxPt[1] + tol, Zdim + boxPt[2] + tol,
1762  entityFront, 2);
1764  // Getting points of individual surfaces
1765  std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>> vertsLeft =
1766  getAllPoints(entityLeft);
1767  std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>> vertsRight =
1768  getAllPoints(entityRight);
1769  std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>> vertsUp =
1770  getAllPoints(entityUp);
1771  std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>> vertsDown =
1772  getAllPoints(entityDown);
1773  std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>> vertsFront =
1774  getAllPoints(entityFront);
1775  std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>> vertsBack =
1776  getAllPoints(entityBack);
1778  // Getting Periodic Surfaces
1779  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> periodicSurfsX;
1780  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> periodicSurfsY;
1781  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> periodicSurfsZ;
1783  periodicSurfsX = getPeriodicSurfs(vertsLeft, vertsRight, 0, Xdim);
1784  periodicSurfsY = getPeriodicSurfs(vertsDown, vertsUp, 1, Ydim);
1785  periodicSurfsZ = getPeriodicSurfs(vertsBack, vertsFront, 2, Zdim);
1787  // Enforcing Periodicity in GMSH model
1788  for (int i = 0; i < periodicSurfsX.size(); i++) {
1789  slaveX.push_back(periodicSurfsX[i].first);
1790  MasterX.push_back(periodicSurfsX[i].second);
1791  }
1793  for (int i = 0; i < periodicSurfsY.size(); i++) {
1794  slaveY.push_back(periodicSurfsY[i].first);
1795  MasterY.push_back(periodicSurfsY[i].second);
1796  }
1798  for (int i = 0; i < periodicSurfsZ.size(); i++) {
1799  slaveZ.push_back(periodicSurfsZ[i].first);
1800  MasterZ.push_back(periodicSurfsZ[i].second);
1801  }
1803  std::vector<std::vector<double>> affineTransform;
1804  affineTransform.resize(3);
1805  affineTransform[0].resize(16); // X
1806  affineTransform[1].resize(16); // Y
1807  affineTransform[2].resize(16); // Z
1808  double xT = -1 * Xdim;
1809  double yT = -1 * Ydim;
1810  double zT = -1 * Zdim;
1812  affineTransform[0][0] = 1;
1813  affineTransform[0][1] = 0;
1814  affineTransform[0][2] = 0;
1815  affineTransform[0][3] = xT;
1816  affineTransform[0][4] = 0;
1817  affineTransform[0][5] = 1;
1818  affineTransform[0][6] = 0;
1819  affineTransform[0][7] = 0;
1820  affineTransform[0][8] = 0;
1821  affineTransform[0][9] = 0;
1822  affineTransform[0][10] = 1;
1823  affineTransform[0][11] = 0;
1824  affineTransform[0][12] = 0;
1825  affineTransform[0][13] = 0;
1826  affineTransform[0][14] = 0;
1827  affineTransform[0][15] = 1;
1829  affineTransform[1][0] = 1;
1830  affineTransform[1][1] = 0;
1831  affineTransform[1][2] = 0;
1832  affineTransform[1][3] = 0;
1833  affineTransform[1][4] = 0;
1834  affineTransform[1][5] = 1;
1835  affineTransform[1][6] = 0;
1836  affineTransform[1][7] = yT;
1837  affineTransform[1][8] = 0;
1838  affineTransform[1][9] = 0;
1839  affineTransform[1][10] = 1;
1840  affineTransform[1][11] = 0;
1841  affineTransform[1][12] = 0;
1842  affineTransform[1][13] = 0;
1843  affineTransform[1][14] = 0;
1844  affineTransform[1][15] = 1;
1846  affineTransform[2][0] = 1;
1847  affineTransform[2][1] = 0;
1848  affineTransform[2][2] = 0;
1849  affineTransform[2][3] = 0;
1850  affineTransform[2][4] = 0;
1851  affineTransform[2][5] = 1;
1852  affineTransform[2][6] = 0;
1853  affineTransform[2][7] = 0;
1854  affineTransform[2][8] = 0;
1855  affineTransform[2][9] = 0;
1856  affineTransform[2][10] = 1;
1857  affineTransform[2][11] = zT;
1858  affineTransform[2][12] = 0;
1859  affineTransform[2][13] = 0;
1860  affineTransform[2][14] = 0;
1861  affineTransform[2][15] = 1;
1863  gmsh::model::mesh::setPeriodic(2, slaveX, MasterX, affineTransform[0]);
1864  gmsh::model::mesh::setPeriodic(2, slaveY, MasterY, affineTransform[1]);
1865  gmsh::model::mesh::setPeriodic(2, slaveZ, MasterZ, affineTransform[2]);
1866  gmsh::model::occ::synchronize();
1867 }
int packGrp
Tag number.
Definition: rocPack.H:612
std::vector< int > MasterZ
Master periodic surfaces in Z direction.
Definition: rocPack.H:532
double Zdim
Z dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:445
double Xdim
X dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:437
std::vector< int > slaveY
Surfaces linked to master periodic surface in Y direction.
Definition: rocPack.H:516
std::vector< int > ellipsoidPhysicalGroup
Arrays for group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:676
bool just2Physgrps
Enable Two Physical Groups in Final Mesh.
Definition: rocPack.H:588
std::vector< int > slaveX
Surfaces linked to master periodic surface in X direction.
Definition: rocPack.H:512
std::vector< int > spherePhysicalGroup
Arrays for group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:668
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > getPeriodicSurfs(const std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< int, int >>> &vertsOneSide, const std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< int, int >>> &vertsOtherSide, const int &indexTranslate, const double &amountTranslate)
This method find which surfaces are periodic on opposite sides.
Definition: rocPack.C:1887
std::vector< int > icosidodecahedronPhysicalGroup
Arrays for group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:688
std::vector< int > petnPhysicalGroup
Arrays for group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:684
std::vector< double > boxPt
Vector of box starting coordinates.
Definition: rocPack.H:449
std::vector< int > MasterY
Master periodic surfaces in Y direction.
Definition: rocPack.H:528
std::vector< int > slaveZ
Surfaces linked to master periodic surface in Z direction.
Definition: rocPack.H:520
bool enablePhysGrp
Enable Physical Grouping in Final Mesh.
Definition: rocPack.H:584
std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > > getAllPoints(std::vector< std::pair< int, int >> surfaces)
This method gets points that belongs to surfaces.
Definition: rocPack.C:1869
bool assignSidePatches
A boolean for user to enable assignement of surface patches.
Definition: rocPack.H:620
std::vector< int > multiGrpIndices
Group indices for multi groups (useful in cohesive elements)
Definition: rocPack.H:700
std::vector< int > hmxPhysicalGroup
Arrays for group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:680
int surroundingGrp
Tag number.
Definition: rocPack.H:608
double Ydim
Y dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:441
bool physGrpPerShape
Boolean for physical group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:652
std::vector< std::vector< int > > storeMultiPhysGrps
Stores all physical groups in index sized by total volumes.
Definition: rocPack.H:696
std::vector< int > MasterX
Master periodic surfaces in X direction.
Definition: rocPack.H:524
std::vector< int > cylindersPhysicalGroup
Arrays for group per shape.
Definition: rocPack.H:672

◆ modifyInpMesh()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::modifyInpMesh ( const std::string &  modifyFile)
modifyFileFile name to modify

Definition at line 2793 of file rocPack.C.

References elementOrder.

Referenced by geomToPeriodic3D().

2793  {
2794  size_t lastindex = modifyFile.find_last_of(".");
2795  std::string rawname = modifyFile.substr(0, lastindex);
2796  std::string fname = rawname + ".inp";
2797  std::vector<std::string> fileLines;
2798  std::ifstream meshFile(fname);
2799  if (meshFile.is_open()) {
2800  // Get all lines from current file
2801  std::string linesOut;
2802  while (std::getline(meshFile, linesOut)) fileLines.push_back(linesOut);
2804  int start = 0;
2805  int end = 0;
2806  for (int i = 0; i < fileLines.size(); i++) {
2807  if (fileLines[i].find("*ELEMENT, type=CPS3, ELSET=") == 0) {
2808  start = i;
2809  break;
2810  }
2811  }
2813  for (int i = 0; i < fileLines.size(); i++) {
2814  if (elementOrder == 1) {
2815  if (fileLines[i].find("*ELEMENT, type=C3D4, ELSET=") == 0) {
2816  end = i;
2817  break;
2818  } else if (elementOrder == 2) {
2819  // Identify gmsh type for this
2820  } else {
2821  // Nothing
2822  }
2823  }
2824  }
2826  if (start == 0 || end == 0) {
2827  // No surface elements in this mesh
2828  // File will not be modified
2829  } else {
2830  // Remove part of file from vector
2831  fileLines.erase(fileLines.begin() + start, fileLines.begin() + end);
2833  // Write to a separate file for now
2834  std::ofstream outFile;
2836  for (int i = 0; i < fileLines.size(); i++)
2837  outFile << fileLines[i] << std::endl;
2838  outFile.close();
2840  if (std::remove(fname.c_str()) == 0) {
2841  if (std::rename("NewModifiedMesh.inp", fname.c_str()) != 0) {
2842  std::cerr << "Could not rename file NewModifiedMesh.inp to " << fname
2843  << std::endl;
2844  throw;
2845  }
2846  } else {
2847  std::cerr << "Could not remove file " << fname << std::endl;
2848  }
2849  }
2850  } else {
2851  std::cerr << "Cannot open/find " << fname << " file!" << std::endl;
2852  throw;
2853  }
2854 }
int elementOrder
Sets mesh element order.
Definition: rocPack.H:768

◆ normalizeVerts()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::normalizeVerts ( )

Definition at line 1460 of file rocPack.C.

References verts.

Referenced by rocParser().

1460  {
1461  // Normalize
1462  for (int k = 0; k < verts.size(); k++) {
1463  double maxNorm = 0.0;
1464  for (int i = 0; i < verts[k].size(); i++) {
1465  double norm = sqrt(pow(verts[k][i][0], 2) + pow(verts[k][i][1], 2) +
1466  pow(verts[k][i][2], 2));
1467  if (norm > maxNorm) maxNorm = norm;
1468  }
1470  for (int i = 0; i < verts[k].size(); i++) {
1471  verts[k][i][0] = (verts[k][i][0] / maxNorm);
1472  verts[k][i][1] = (verts[k][i][1] / maxNorm);
1473  verts[k][i][2] = (verts[k][i][2] / maxNorm);
1474  }
1475  }
1476 }
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > verts
Vector of crystal shape vertices.
Definition: rocPack.H:462

◆ performSmoothing()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::performSmoothing ( )

Definition at line 2287 of file rocPack.C.

References smoothingIter.

2287  {
2288  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsSurfs;
2289  gmsh::model::getEntities(tagsSurfs, 2);
2291  for (int i = 0; i < tagsSurfs.size(); i++) {
2292  gmsh::model::mesh::setSmoothing(tagsSurfs[i].first, tagsSurfs[i].second,
2293  smoothingIter);
2294  }
2295  gmsh::model::occ::synchronize();
2296 }
int smoothingIter
some smoothing parameter
Definition: rocPack.H:568

◆ removeBoundaryVolumes()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::removeBoundaryVolumes ( )

Definition at line 104 of file rocPack.C.

References removeBoundaryPacks.

104 { removeBoundaryPacks = true; }
bool removeBoundaryPacks
Boolean to opt for removing packs on boundaries.
Definition: rocPack.H:500

◆ rocPack2Periodic3D()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::rocPack2Periodic3D ( )

Writes the output file in current path.

Definition at line 82 of file rocPack.C.

References createCohesiveElements(), geomToPeriodic3D(), internalCohesiveBool, OutFile, periodic3D, rocParser(), rocToGeom(), and writePeriodicNodes().

82  {
83  periodic3D = true;
85  // Parses output file from Rocpack
86  rocParser();
88  // Generates geometry from parsed database.
89  rocToGeom();
91  // Generates 3D periodic mesh for created geometry and writes in surface files
94  // Creates cohesive elements if specified
97  // Writes periodic mesh maps to CSV files
100  gmsh::finalize();
101  std::cout << " - End of process!" << std::endl;
102 }
void geomToPeriodic3D()
This method writes 3D periodic mesh into .msh and vtu format.
Definition: rocPack.C:497
void writePeriodicNodes()
This method allows mapping of nodes on periodic boundaries.
Definition: rocPack.C:1935
std::string OutFile
Output STL/VTK file name.
Definition: rocPack.H:420
void rocParser()
This method parses Rocpack output file and collects data for creation of pack geometries.
Definition: rocPack.C:152
bool internalCohesiveBool
Boolean to enable cohesive elements.
Definition: rocPack.H:713
void createCohesiveElements(const std::string &filename, const std::string &outname)
This method creates cohesive elements using existing vtu file.
Definition: rocPack.C:2298
void rocToGeom()
This method obtains parsed data from Rocpack output and creates periodic pack geometries.
Definition: rocPack.C:385
bool periodic3D
Boolean for 3D periodic mesh generation.
Definition: rocPack.H:508

◆ rocPack2Surf()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::rocPack2Surf ( )

Definition at line 68 of file rocPack.C.

References geomToSurf(), rocParser(), and rocToGeom().

68  {
69  // Parses output file from Rocpack
70  rocParser();
72  // Generates geometry from parsed database.
73  rocToGeom();
75  // Generates surface mesh for created geometry and writes in surface files
76  geomToSurf();
78  gmsh::finalize();
79  std::cout << " - End of process!" << std::endl;
80 }
void geomToSurf()
This method creates surface mesh for final geometry and writes into surface files (...
Definition: rocPack.C:456
void rocParser()
This method parses Rocpack output file and collects data for creation of pack geometries.
Definition: rocPack.C:152
void rocToGeom()
This method obtains parsed data from Rocpack output and creates periodic pack geometries.
Definition: rocPack.C:385

◆ rocParser()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::rocParser ( )

Definition at line 152 of file rocPack.C.

References boxPt, crystalNames, cstmDomain, cylParams, ellipsoidPresent, ellipsoidRad, enablePeriodicity, enableSizePreserve, faces, findWord(), NEM::GEO::rocPackShape::getShape(), getShapeData(), globalScaling, InFile, nameOfPcks, normalizeVerts(), periodic3D, removeBoundaryPacks, rotateParams, scaleOfPack, shapeNames, shrinkScale, nemAux::strToChar(), nemAux::Tokenize(), nemAux::toLower(), translateParams, uniqueNames, verts, Xdim, xUDF, Ydim, yUDF, Zdim, and zUDF.

Referenced by rocPack2Periodic3D(), and rocPack2Surf().

152  {
153  // Check if file exist
154  std::cout << " - Parsing output file ... " << std::endl;
155  std::ifstream rocOut(InFile);
156  if (rocOut.is_open()) {
157  if (cstmDomain) {
158  // Nothing
159  } else {
160  // Getting box dimensions
161  std::vector<std::string> rocTokens;
162  std::string line = findWord("boundary");
163  rocTokens = nemAux::Tokenize(line, ' ');
164  if (rocTokens[6] != "periodic") {
165  std::cerr << "Please select output file with periodic geometries!"
166  << std::endl;
167  throw;
168  }
170  Xdim = std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(rocTokens[3]).get());
171  Ydim = std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(rocTokens[4]).get());
172  Zdim = std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(rocTokens[5]).get());
173  boxPt.push_back((-Xdim / 2) + xUDF);
174  boxPt.push_back((-Ydim / 2) + yUDF);
175  boxPt.push_back((-Zdim / 2) + zUDF);
176  }
178  // Stores all lines in file to myLines
179  std::string linesOut; // Temporary string for multiple uses
180  std::vector<std::string> myLines; // Stores whole file line by line
181  while (std::getline(rocOut, linesOut)) myLines.push_back(linesOut);
183  // Checking for user-specified options
184  for (int i = 0; i < myLines.size(); i++) {
185  nemAux::toLower(myLines[i]);
187  if (myLines[i].find("setperiodicity") != std::string::npos)
188  if (myLines[i].find("true") != std::string::npos)
189  enablePeriodicity = true;
191  if (myLines[i].find("removeboundarypacks") != std::string::npos)
192  if (myLines[i].find("true") != std::string::npos)
193  removeBoundaryPacks = true;
195  if (myLines[i].find("set scaling") != std::string::npos) {
196  std::vector<std::string> glbSclTkns;
197  glbSclTkns = nemAux::Tokenize(myLines[i], "=;");
198  globalScaling = std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(glbSclTkns[1]).get());
199  }
200  }
202  if (enableSizePreserve) {
203  Xdim = Xdim * globalScaling;
204  Ydim = Ydim * globalScaling;
205  Zdim = Zdim * globalScaling;
206  boxPt[0] = boxPt[0] * globalScaling;
207  boxPt[1] = boxPt[1] * globalScaling;
208  boxPt[2] = boxPt[2] * globalScaling;
209  }
211  if (periodic3D == true && enablePeriodicity == false) {
212  std::cerr << "Periodicity needed if using periodic meshing!" << std::endl
213  << "Please enable SetPeriodicity option to"
214  << " get 3D periodic mesh" << std::endl;
215  throw;
216  }
218  // Checking if crystal shapes are present
219  // crystalNames and verts/faces go parallel in terms of indexing
220  int nCrystals = 0;
221  for (int i = 0; i < myLines.size(); i++) {
222  if (myLines[i].find("#import") != std::string::npos ||
223  myLines[i].find("import") == std::string::npos) {
224  // Nothing
225  } else if (myLines[i].find("import") != std::string::npos ||
226  myLines[i].find("#import") == std::string::npos) {
227  nCrystals++;
228  std::vector<std::string> importStr;
229  importStr = nemAux::Tokenize(myLines[i], "//\"");
230  crystalNames.push_back(importStr[2]);
231  } else {
232  // Nothing
233  }
234  }
236  if (nCrystals > 0) {
237  verts.resize(nCrystals);
238  faces.resize(nCrystals);
239  for (int i = 0; i < nCrystals; i++) {
240  auto getData = rocPackShape::getShape(crystalNames[i]);
241  verts[i] = getData->getVertices();
242  faces[i] = getData->getFaces();
243  }
244  normalizeVerts();
245  }
247  // Checking if any shapes are present. If present, extract imp data
248  for (int i = 0; i < myLines.size(); i++) {
249  if (myLines[i].find("shape ") != std::string::npos) {
250  std::vector<std::string> baseShapes;
251  baseShapes = nemAux::Tokenize(myLines[i], " ");
252  shapeNames.push_back(baseShapes[3]);
253  uniqueNames.push_back(baseShapes[1]);
255  if (baseShapes[3] == "cylinder") {
256  cylParams.resize(2);
257  cylParams[0] = std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(baseShapes[5]).get());
258  cylParams[1] = std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(baseShapes[6]).get());
259  }
261  if (baseShapes[3] == "ellipsoid") {
262  ellipsoidRad.resize(3);
263  ellipsoidRad[0] = std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(baseShapes[5]).get());
264  ellipsoidRad[1] = std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(baseShapes[6]).get());
265  ellipsoidRad[2] = std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(baseShapes[7]).get());
266  ellipsoidPresent = true;
267  }
268  } else {
269  }
270  }
272  if (ellipsoidPresent)
273  std::cout << " !!Warning!!" << std::endl
274  << " This geometry will not be periodic due to presence of "
275  << "Ellipsoid shapes!" << std::endl
276  << " Ellipsoid shapes cannot be made periodic as of now!"
277  << std::endl;
279  // Getting line number where pack data starts
280  // Also counting total number of packs
281  int numPacks = 0;
282  int iter = 0;
283  for (int i = 0; i < myLines.size(); i++) {
284  if (myLines[i].find("translate") != std::string::npos) numPacks++;
285  if (myLines[i].find("translate") != std::string::npos && iter == 0)
286  iter = i;
287  else {
288  }
289  }
290  iter = iter - 1; // Start parsing from "iter"
292  // Pack shape data storage initialization
293  // Getting pack data
294  translateParams.resize(numPacks);
295  rotateParams.resize(numPacks);
296  scaleOfPack.resize(numPacks);
297  nameOfPcks.resize(numPacks);
298  int h = 0;
299  std::string pckNameStr = " ";
300  std::string translateStr = "<,,>";
301  std::string rotateStr = "<,,>";
302  std::string scaleStr = " ";
304  std::vector<double> udfTranslate;
305  udfTranslate.resize(3);
306  udfTranslate[0] = xUDF;
307  udfTranslate[1] = yUDF;
308  udfTranslate[2] = zUDF;
310  for (int i = iter; i < myLines.size(); i++) {
311  translateParams[h].resize(3);
312  rotateParams[h].resize(4);
313  std::vector<std::string> pckNmDataTokens;
314  pckNmDataTokens.resize(2);
315  std::vector<std::string> trnsltDataTokens;
316  trnsltDataTokens.resize(4);
317  std::vector<std::string> rttDataTokens;
318  rttDataTokens.resize(7);
319  std::vector<std::string> scaleDataTokens;
320  scaleDataTokens.resize(8);
322  // Name of pack shape
323  pckNmDataTokens = getShapeData(i, pckNameStr, myLines);
324  nameOfPcks[h] = pckNmDataTokens[0];
326  // Translate Parameters
327  trnsltDataTokens = getShapeData(i + 1, translateStr, myLines);
329  if (enableSizePreserve) {
330  for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
331  translateParams[h][j] =
332  (std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(trnsltDataTokens[j + 1]).get()) *
333  globalScaling) +
334  udfTranslate[j];
335  } else {
336  for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
337  translateParams[h][j] =
338  std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(trnsltDataTokens[j + 1]).get()) +
339  udfTranslate[j];
340  }
342  trnsltDataTokens.clear();
344  // Rotate Parameters
345  rttDataTokens = getShapeData(i + 2, rotateStr, myLines);
347  if (enableSizePreserve) {
348  for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
349  rotateParams[h][j] =
350  std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(rttDataTokens[j + 1]).get()) *
352  } else {
353  for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
354  rotateParams[h][j] =
355  std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(rttDataTokens[j + 1]).get());
356  }
358  rttDataTokens.clear();
360  scaleDataTokens = getShapeData(i + 3, scaleStr, myLines);
362  // Scale Parameters
363  if (enableSizePreserve)
364  scaleOfPack[h] =
365  std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(scaleDataTokens[1]).get()) *
367  else
368  scaleOfPack[h] =
369  std::atof(nemAux::strToChar(scaleDataTokens[1]).get()) *
370  shrinkScale;
372  scaleDataTokens.clear();
374  i = i + 5;
375  h++;
376  }
377  rocOut.close();
378  } else {
379  std::cerr << "Cannot open/find " << InFile << " file!" << std::endl;
380  throw;
381  }
382 }
std::vector< std::vector< double > > rotateParams
Vector of rotate coordinates for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:474
double shrinkScale
Shrink Scale.
Definition: rocPack.H:564
double Zdim
Z dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:445
bool cstmDomain
Custom Domain Boolean.
Definition: rocPack.H:636
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > verts
Vector of crystal shape vertices.
Definition: rocPack.H:462
double Xdim
X dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:437
std::string InFile
rocPack output file name
Definition: rocPack.H:416
double zUDF
Z coordinate for user-defined translate.
Definition: rocPack.H:632
bool removeBoundaryPacks
Boolean to opt for removing packs on boundaries.
Definition: rocPack.H:500
std::vector< std::string > Tokenize(const std::string &lineIn, const char &delim)
std::shared_ptr< char > strToChar(const std::string &strng)
static std::shared_ptr< rocPackShape > getShape(const std::string &shapeName)
Creates shape object for requsted shape.
Definition: rocPackShape.C:38
std::vector< double > ellipsoidRad
Vector of Ellipsoid radii.
Definition: rocPack.H:454
std::vector< std::vector< double > > translateParams
Vector of translate coordinates for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:470
std::vector< double > scaleOfPack
Vector of scales for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:478
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< int > > > faces
Vector of crystal shape faces.
Definition: rocPack.H:466
bool enableSizePreserve
Boolean for size preservation.
Definition: rocPack.H:764
std::vector< double > cylParams
Vector of cylinder parameters.
Definition: rocPack.H:458
std::vector< std::string > crystalNames
Vector for storing crystal names.
Definition: rocPack.H:432
std::vector< double > boxPt
Vector of box starting coordinates.
Definition: rocPack.H:449
void toLower(std::string &str)
std::vector< std::string > getShapeData(const int &iter, const std::string &a, const std::vector< std::string > &L)
Reads the current line and returns the translate, rotate, and scale data for the pack shape...
Definition: rocPack.C:1088
std::string findWord(const std::string &word)
Finds particular word in file stream.
Definition: rocPack.C:1080
bool ellipsoidPresent
Ellipsoid packs cannot be made periodic as of now.
Definition: rocPack.H:491
std::vector< std::string > uniqueNames
Vector for storing shapes.
Definition: rocPack.H:428
double yUDF
Y coordinate for user-defined translate.
Definition: rocPack.H:628
double Ydim
Y dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:441
std::vector< std::string > nameOfPcks
Vector of pack shape names.
Definition: rocPack.H:482
double xUDF
X coordinate for user-defined translate.
Definition: rocPack.H:624
std::vector< std::string > shapeNames
Vector for storing base shape names.
Definition: rocPack.H:424
void normalizeVerts()
Normalizes shape vertices.
Definition: rocPack.C:1460
bool enablePeriodicity
Boolean to opt for non-periodic geometry (as generated by rocPack)
Definition: rocPack.H:495
double globalScaling
Global scale for all pack geometries.
Definition: rocPack.H:740
bool periodic3D
Boolean for 3D periodic mesh generation.
Definition: rocPack.H:508

◆ rocToGeom()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::rocToGeom ( )

Definition at line 385 of file rocPack.C.

References bndryPackTags, crystalNames, cstmDomain, ellipsoidPresent, enablePeriodicity, filterAbove, filterBelow, filteredGeoms, filterOn, initialize(), makeCrystalShape(), makeCylinder(), makeEllipsoid(), makePeriodic(), makeSphere(), mapPeriodicSurfaces(), nameOfPcks, periodic3D, removeBoundaryPacks, scaleOfPack, shapeNames, tagBoundaryPacks(), and uniqueNames.

Referenced by rocPack2Periodic3D(), and rocPack2Surf().

385  {
386  std::cout << " - Creating pack geometries ... " << std::endl;
387  // Starting Gmsh commands
388  initialize();
390  filteredGeoms.resize(scaleOfPack.size());
391  for (int i = 0; i < filteredGeoms.size(); i++) filteredGeoms[i] = 1;
393  if (filterOn) {
394  // Finding mean of scales
395  double mean = 0;
396  for (int i = 0; i < scaleOfPack.size(); i++) mean += scaleOfPack[i];
398  mean = mean / scaleOfPack.size();
400  for (int i = 0; i < scaleOfPack.size(); i++)
401  if ((scaleOfPack[i] > mean * filterAbove) ||
402  (scaleOfPack[i] < mean * filterBelow))
403  filteredGeoms[i] = 0;
404  }
406  for (int i = 0; i < nameOfPcks.size(); i++) {
407  if (filteredGeoms[i] == 1) {
408  if (nameOfPcks[i] == "sphere") { makeSphere(i); }
410  if (uniqueNames.size() > 0) {
411  for (int j = 0; j < uniqueNames.size(); j++) {
412  if (nameOfPcks[i] == uniqueNames[j] && shapeNames[j] == "ellipsoid")
413  makeEllipsoid(i);
414  else if (nameOfPcks[i] == uniqueNames[j] &&
415  shapeNames[j] == "cylinder")
416  makeCylinder(i);
417  else {
418  }
419  }
420  }
422  if (crystalNames.size() > 0) {
423  for (int k = 0; k < crystalNames.size(); k++)
424  if (crystalNames[k] == nameOfPcks[i]) makeCrystalShape(i, k);
425  }
426  }
427  }
429  // Tagging packs intersecting domain boundary
432  if (removeBoundaryPacks == true && ellipsoidPresent == false) {
433  gmsh::model::occ::remove(bndryPackTags, true);
434  gmsh::model::occ::synchronize();
435  } else if (removeBoundaryPacks == true && ellipsoidPresent == true) {
436  gmsh::model::geo::remove(bndryPackTags, true);
437  gmsh::model::geo::synchronize();
438  } else {
439  // Nothing
440  }
442  if (ellipsoidPresent == true || enablePeriodicity == false ||
443  cstmDomain == true) {
444  // Nothing
445  } else if (removeBoundaryPacks == true && periodic3D == true) {
446  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsInsidePacks;
447  gmsh::model::getEntities(tagsInsidePacks, 3);
448  mapPeriodicSurfaces(tagsInsidePacks);
449  } else {
450  std::cout << " - Ensuring periodicity of geometry ..." << std::endl;
452  gmsh::model::occ::synchronize();
453  }
454 }
double filterBelow
Lower limit for filtering.
Definition: rocPack.H:752
bool cstmDomain
Custom Domain Boolean.
Definition: rocPack.H:636
void makeEllipsoid(const int &n)
Creates Ellipsoid pack shapes.
Definition: rocPack.C:1104
bool removeBoundaryPacks
Boolean to opt for removing packs on boundaries.
Definition: rocPack.H:500
double filterAbove
Upper limit for filtering.
Definition: rocPack.H:748
std::vector< double > scaleOfPack
Vector of scales for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:478
std::vector< std::string > crystalNames
Vector for storing crystal names.
Definition: rocPack.H:432
void makeSphere(const int &n)
Creates sphere pack shapes.
Definition: rocPack.C:1094
void initialize()
Initializes GMSH for workflow.
Definition: rocPack.C:143
void makeCylinder(const int &n)
Creates cylinder pack shapes.
Definition: rocPack.C:1266
bool ellipsoidPresent
Ellipsoid packs cannot be made periodic as of now.
Definition: rocPack.H:491
void makePeriodic(const bool rmbPacks)
Enforced periodicity on geometry.
Definition: rocPack.C:576
std::vector< std::string > uniqueNames
Vector for storing shapes.
Definition: rocPack.H:428
void tagBoundaryPacks()
This method removes the pack shapes intersecting boundary.
Definition: rocPack.C:1478
std::vector< std::string > nameOfPcks
Vector of pack shape names.
Definition: rocPack.H:482
bool filterOn
Boolean for filter.
Definition: rocPack.H:756
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > bndryPackTags
Stores volume index of packs interseting boundary.
Definition: rocPack.H:504
std::vector< int > filteredGeoms
Vector for identification of removed geometries.
Definition: rocPack.H:760
std::vector< std::string > shapeNames
Vector for storing base shape names.
Definition: rocPack.H:424
bool enablePeriodicity
Boolean to opt for non-periodic geometry (as generated by rocPack)
Definition: rocPack.H:495
void mapPeriodicSurfaces(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int >> &prevTags)
This method maps surfaces in X,Y, and Z direction which are periodic and then enforces that into gmsh...
Definition: rocPack.C:1556
void makeCrystalShape(const int &n, const int &index)
Creates a crystal shape based on Rocpack output file.
Definition: rocPack.C:1370
bool periodic3D
Boolean for 3D periodic mesh generation.
Definition: rocPack.H:508

◆ rotateByQuaternion()

std::vector< double > NEM::GEO::rocPack::rotateByQuaternion ( const rocQuaternion q,
const std::vector< double > &  v 

First, converts input vector into quaternion form by making "w" component zero (i.e \( v = 0 + x i + y j + z k \)). Then performs transformation using \( v_{'} = q.v.q\textsuperscript{-1} \). if we write quaternion in this form \( q = w + p(x,y,z) \), then \( v_{'} = 2\(p.v\)p + \(w_2 - p.p\)v + 2w\(p\times v\) \). This method is computationally efficient compared to performing direct quaternion products (i.e \( v_{'} = q.v.q\textsuperscript{-1} \))

qA Quaternion in form \( q = w + x i + y j + z k \).
vVector that needs to be rotated
Rotated vector

Definition at line 1523 of file rocPack.C.

References NEM::GEO::rocQuaternion::w, NEM::GEO::rocQuaternion::x, NEM::GEO::rocQuaternion::y, and NEM::GEO::rocQuaternion::z.

Referenced by makeCrystalShape(), makeCylinder(), and makeEllipsoid().

1524  {
1525  Eigen::VectorXd InputVec(3);
1526  Eigen::VectorXd RotatedVec(3);
1527  std::vector<double> returnVec = std::vector<double>(3);
1529  InputVec[0] = v[0];
1530  InputVec[1] = v[1];
1531  InputVec[2] = v[2];
1533  Eigen::Quaternion<double> Quaternion(q.w, q.x, q.y, q.z);
1535  RotatedVec = Quaternion._transformVector(InputVec);
1537  returnVec[0] = RotatedVec[0];
1538  returnVec[1] = RotatedVec[1];
1539  returnVec[2] = RotatedVec[2];
1541  return returnVec;
1542 }

◆ sanityCheckOn()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::sanityCheckOn ( )

Definition at line 2671 of file rocPack.C.

References sntChk.

2671 { sntChk = true; }
bool sntChk
Sanity Check.
Definition: rocPack.H:732

◆ scaleVols()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::scaleVols ( const int &  vol,
const int &  index 

Definition at line 2279 of file rocPack.C.

References shrinkScale, and translateParams.

2279  {
2280  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsIndividual;
2281  tagsIndividual.push_back(std::make_pair(3, vol));
2282  gmsh::model::occ::dilate(tagsIndividual, translateParams[index][0],
2283  translateParams[index][1], translateParams[index][2],
2285 }
double shrinkScale
Shrink Scale.
Definition: rocPack.H:564
std::vector< std::vector< double > > translateParams
Vector of translate coordinates for all packs.
Definition: rocPack.H:470

◆ setCustomDomain()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::setCustomDomain ( const std::vector< double > &  domainBounds)

Definition at line 2650 of file rocPack.C.

References boxPt, cstmDomain, Xdim, xUDF, Ydim, yUDF, Zdim, and zUDF.

2650  {
2651  cstmDomain = true;
2653  boxPt.clear();
2654  boxPt.resize(3);
2656  boxPt[0] = domainBounds[0] + xUDF;
2657  boxPt[1] = domainBounds[1] + yUDF;
2658  boxPt[2] = domainBounds[2] + zUDF;
2660  Xdim = domainBounds[3];
2661  Ydim = domainBounds[4];
2662  Zdim = domainBounds[5];
2663 }
double Zdim
Z dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:445
bool cstmDomain
Custom Domain Boolean.
Definition: rocPack.H:636
double Xdim
X dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:437
double zUDF
Z coordinate for user-defined translate.
Definition: rocPack.H:632
std::vector< double > boxPt
Vector of box starting coordinates.
Definition: rocPack.H:449
double yUDF
Y coordinate for user-defined translate.
Definition: rocPack.H:628
double Ydim
Y dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:441
double xUDF
X coordinate for user-defined translate.
Definition: rocPack.H:624

◆ setElementOrder()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::setElementOrder ( const int &  order)

Definition at line 141 of file rocPack.C.

References elementOrder.

141 { elementOrder = order; }
int elementOrder
Sets mesh element order.
Definition: rocPack.H:768

◆ setMeshingAlgorithm()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::setMeshingAlgorithm ( const int &  mshAlg)

Definition at line 2665 of file rocPack.C.

References meshingAlgorithm.

2665  {
2666  meshingAlgorithm = mshAlg;
2667 }
int meshingAlgorithm
Meshing Algorithm.
Definition: rocPack.H:644

◆ setMeshSize()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::setMeshSize ( const double  size)
sizeMesh Size

Definition at line 122 of file rocPack.C.

References meshSz.

122 { meshSz = size; }
double meshSz
Mesh Size.
Definition: rocPack.H:580

◆ setNodeLocations()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::setNodeLocations ( const int &  x,
const int &  y,
const int &  z 

Definition at line 2264 of file rocPack.C.

References randomNodeX, randomNodeY, and randomNodeZ.

2264  {
2265  randomNodeX = x;
2266  randomNodeY = y;
2267  randomNodeZ = z;
2268 }
int randomNodeX
For testing.
Definition: rocPack.H:536
int randomNodeY
For testing.
Definition: rocPack.H:540
int randomNodeZ
For testing.
Definition: rocPack.H:544

◆ setPeriodicGeometry()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::setPeriodicGeometry ( )

Definition at line 108 of file rocPack.C.

References enablePeriodicity.

108 { enablePeriodicity = true; }
bool enablePeriodicity
Boolean to opt for non-periodic geometry (as generated by rocPack)
Definition: rocPack.H:495

◆ setPeriodicMesh()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::setPeriodicMesh ( )

Definition at line 110 of file rocPack.C.

References periodic3D.

110 { periodic3D = true; }
bool periodic3D
Boolean for 3D periodic mesh generation.
Definition: rocPack.H:508

◆ setRandomSurface()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::setRandomSurface ( const int &  surf)

Definition at line 2270 of file rocPack.C.

References randomSurfTest.

2270 { randomSurfTest = surf; }
int randomSurfTest
Random location for a surface.
Definition: rocPack.H:640

◆ setSizePreservation()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::setSizePreservation ( )

Definition at line 139 of file rocPack.C.

References enableSizePreserve.

139 { enableSizePreserve = true; }
bool enableSizePreserve
Boolean for size preservation.
Definition: rocPack.H:764

◆ shrinkVolumes()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::shrinkVolumes ( const double  percntg)
percntgPercentage between 0 and 1 by which the pack should be shrinked

Definition at line 112 of file rocPack.C.

References enableScaling, and shrinkScale.

112  {
113  shrinkScale = percntg;
114  enableScaling = true;
115 }
double shrinkScale
Shrink Scale.
Definition: rocPack.H:564
bool enableScaling
Enables Shrinking.
Definition: rocPack.H:576

◆ smoothSurfaces()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::smoothSurfaces ( const int  smoothingParam)
smoothingParamSmoothing Iterations.

Definition at line 117 of file rocPack.C.

References enableSmoothing, and smoothingIter.

117  {
118  smoothingIter = smoothingParam;
119  enableSmoothing = true;
120 }
int smoothingIter
some smoothing parameter
Definition: rocPack.H:568
bool enableSmoothing
Enables smoothing.
Definition: rocPack.H:572

◆ tagBoundaryPacks()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::tagBoundaryPacks ( )
nIndex for pack number

Definition at line 1478 of file rocPack.C.

References bndryPackTags, boxPt, just2Physgrps, removeBoundaryPacks, sntChk, Xdim, Ydim, and Zdim.

Referenced by rocToGeom().

1478  {
1479  // Add method for removing boundary packs
1480  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsWithinBoundary;
1481  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> tagsAll;
1483  std::vector<int> insidePacks;
1484  std::vector<int> allPacks;
1485  std::vector<int> bndryPackVols;
1487  gmsh::model::getEntitiesInBoundingBox(boxPt[0], boxPt[1], boxPt[2],
1488  boxPt[0] + Xdim, boxPt[1] + Ydim,
1489  boxPt[2] + Zdim, tagsWithinBoundary, 3);
1491  gmsh::model::getEntities(tagsAll, 3);
1493  for (auto iter : tagsWithinBoundary) insidePacks.push_back(iter.second);
1495  for (auto iter2 : tagsAll) allPacks.push_back(iter2.second);
1497  for (int i = 0; i < allPacks.size(); i++) {
1498  int ht = 0;
1499  for (int j = 0; j < insidePacks.size(); j++)
1500  if (allPacks[i] == insidePacks[j]) {
1501  ht++;
1502  break;
1503  }
1505  if (ht == 0) bndryPackVols.push_back(allPacks[i]);
1506  }
1508  if ((tagsWithinBoundary.size() == 0 && sntChk) && (removeBoundaryPacks)) {
1509  if (just2Physgrps) {
1510  std::cerr << "There are no volumes left inside the Box!" << std::endl;
1511  std::cerr << "Try increasing the domain size or pack density!"
1512  << std::endl;
1513  std::cerr << "Or disable physical group options" << std::endl;
1514  throw;
1515  }
1516  }
1518  // Converting volumes into pair
1519  for (int i = 0; i < bndryPackVols.size(); i++)
1520  bndryPackTags.push_back(std::make_pair(3, bndryPackVols[i]));
1521 }
double Zdim
Z dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:445
double Xdim
X dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:437
bool removeBoundaryPacks
Boolean to opt for removing packs on boundaries.
Definition: rocPack.H:500
bool just2Physgrps
Enable Two Physical Groups in Final Mesh.
Definition: rocPack.H:588
std::vector< double > boxPt
Vector of box starting coordinates.
Definition: rocPack.H:449
double Ydim
Y dimension of box geometry.
Definition: rocPack.H:441
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > bndryPackTags
Stores volume index of packs interseting boundary.
Definition: rocPack.H:504
bool sntChk
Sanity Check.
Definition: rocPack.H:732

◆ toQuaternion()

rocQuaternion NEM::GEO::rocPack::toQuaternion ( const std::vector< double > &  r)
rRotation parameters in form (x,y,z,angle)
Quaternion in form \( q = w + x i + y j + z k \).

Definition at line 1544 of file rocPack.C.

References NEM::GEO::rocQuaternion::w, NEM::GEO::rocQuaternion::x, NEM::GEO::rocQuaternion::y, and NEM::GEO::rocQuaternion::z.

Referenced by makeCrystalShape(), makeCylinder(), and makeEllipsoid().

1544  {
1545  rocQuaternion q; // Declaring Quaternion
1546  double angle = r[3] * 3.141592653589 / 180; // Declaring Angle in Radians
1548  q.x = r[0] * sin(angle / 2);
1549  q.y = r[1] * sin(angle / 2);
1550  q.z = r[2] * sin(angle / 2);
1551  q.w = cos(angle / 2);
1553  return q;
1554 }

◆ translateAll()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::translateAll ( const double &  X,
const double &  Y,
const double &  Z 

Definition at line 2644 of file rocPack.C.

References xUDF, yUDF, and zUDF.

2644  {
2645  xUDF = X;
2646  yUDF = Y;
2647  zUDF = Z;
2648 }
double zUDF
Z coordinate for user-defined translate.
Definition: rocPack.H:632
double yUDF
Y coordinate for user-defined translate.
Definition: rocPack.H:628
double xUDF
X coordinate for user-defined translate.
Definition: rocPack.H:624

◆ writePeriodicNodes()

void NEM::GEO::rocPack::writePeriodicNodes ( )

Writes periodic nodes surface wise in CSV file.

Definition at line 1935 of file rocPack.C.

References assignPeriodicEqNodes(), eqRefNodes, internalCohesiveBool, MasterX, MasterY, MasterZ, matchingCoordsX, matchingCoordsY, matchingCoordsZ, nptsMsh, ptsReplacer, randomNodeX, randomNodeY, randomNodeZ, randomSurfTest, slaveInterfaceId, slaveX, slaveY, and slaveZ.

Referenced by rocPack2Periodic3D().

1935  {
1938  // Change this method to write periodic equations.
1939  std::cout << " - Writing periodic equation file" << std::endl;
1941  // Getting all volumes
1942  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> allVolumes;
1943  gmsh::model::getEntities(allVolumes, 3);
1945  // Creating pairs of <Volume,Surface> for node mapping
1946  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> volSurfLinksX;
1947  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> volSurfLinksY;
1948  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> volSurfLinksZ;
1950  // A map for linking master surfaces with corrosponding volumes
1951  // <Surface, Volume>
1952  std::map<int, int> masterLinksX;
1953  std::map<int, int> masterLinksY;
1954  std::map<int, int> masterLinksZ;
1956  // Linking surfaces with volumes
1957  for (int i = 0; i < allVolumes.size(); i++) {
1958  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> inputTags;
1959  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> outTags;
1960  inputTags.push_back(std::make_pair(3, allVolumes[i].second));
1962  gmsh::model::getBoundary(inputTags, outTags, true, true, false);
1964  for (int j = 0; j < slaveX.size(); j++)
1965  for (int jj = 0; jj < outTags.size(); jj++)
1966  if (outTags[jj].first == 2 && outTags[jj].second == slaveX[j])
1967  volSurfLinksX.push_back(
1968  std::make_pair(allVolumes[i].second, slaveX[j]));
1970  for (int k = 0; k < slaveY.size(); k++)
1971  for (int kk = 0; kk < outTags.size(); kk++)
1972  if (outTags[kk].first == 2 && outTags[kk].second == slaveY[k])
1973  volSurfLinksY.push_back(
1974  std::make_pair(allVolumes[i].second, slaveY[k]));
1976  for (int l = 0; l < slaveZ.size(); l++)
1977  for (int ll = 0; ll < outTags.size(); ll++)
1978  if (outTags[ll].first == 2 && outTags[ll].second == slaveZ[l])
1979  volSurfLinksZ.push_back(
1980  std::make_pair(allVolumes[i].second, slaveZ[l]));
1982  for (int j = 0; j < MasterX.size(); j++)
1983  for (int jj = 0; jj < outTags.size(); jj++)
1984  if (outTags[jj].first == 2 && outTags[jj].second == MasterX[j])
1985  masterLinksX.insert(std::make_pair(MasterX[j], allVolumes[i].second));
1987  for (int k = 0; k < MasterY.size(); k++)
1988  for (int kk = 0; kk < outTags.size(); kk++)
1989  if (outTags[kk].first == 2 && outTags[kk].second == MasterY[k])
1990  masterLinksY.insert(std::make_pair(MasterY[k], allVolumes[i].second));
1992  for (int l = 0; l < MasterZ.size(); l++)
1993  for (int ll = 0; ll < outTags.size(); ll++)
1994  if (outTags[ll].first == 2 && outTags[ll].second == MasterZ[l])
1995  masterLinksZ.insert(std::make_pair(MasterZ[l], allVolumes[i].second));
1996  }
1998  // Gathering node data
2000  // Writing periodic.equ file (TODO: Do not include n0,nx,ny,nz as pairs in
2001  // equations)
2002  std::vector<int> doNotRepeat;
2003  for (int i = 0; i < nptsMsh; i++) doNotRepeat.push_back(0);
2005  std::ofstream periodicEquation;
2007  periodicEquation << "**set definitions" << std::endl;
2008  periodicEquation << "*nset, nset=n0" << std::endl;
2009  periodicEquation << eqRefNodes[0] << std::endl;
2010  periodicEquation << "*nset, nset=nx" << std::endl;
2011  periodicEquation << eqRefNodes[1] << std::endl;
2012  periodicEquation << "*nset, nset=ny" << std::endl;
2013  periodicEquation << eqRefNodes[2] << std::endl;
2014  periodicEquation << "*nset, nset=nz" << std::endl;
2015  periodicEquation << eqRefNodes[3] << std::endl;
2016  periodicEquation << "*equation" << std::endl;
2018  // X Direction (Master(Right) -> Slave(Left))
2019  int forSurfTestX = randomSurfTest * volSurfLinksX.size() / 100;
2020  int forSurfTestY = randomSurfTest * volSurfLinksY.size() / 100;
2021  int forSurfTestZ = randomSurfTest * volSurfLinksZ.size() / 100;
2022  for (int srf = 0; srf < volSurfLinksX.size(); srf++) {
2023  int masterSurfTag;
2024  std::vector<std::size_t> slaveNodes;
2025  std::vector<std::size_t> masterNodes;
2026  std::vector<double> affineTransformData;
2027  gmsh::model::mesh::getPeriodicNodes(2, volSurfLinksX[srf].second,
2028  masterSurfTag, slaveNodes, masterNodes,
2029  affineTransformData);
2031  /*
2032  int volSlave = volSurfLinksX[srf].first;
2033  int surfSlave = volSurfLinksX[srf].second;
2035  auto mapIterator = masterLinksX.find(masterSurfTag);
2036  int volMaster = mapIterator->second;
2037  int surfMaster = masterSurfTag;
2038  */
2040  if (srf == forSurfTestX && masterNodes.size() != 0) {
2041  int indReturn = randomNodeX * masterNodes.size() / 100;
2042  std::vector<double> Mcoords;
2043  std::vector<double> Scoords;
2044  std::vector<double> paramCoords;
2046  gmsh::model::mesh::getNode(masterNodes[indReturn], Mcoords, paramCoords);
2047  gmsh::model::mesh::getNode(slaveNodes[indReturn], Scoords, paramCoords);
2049  if ((std::sqrt(Mcoords[0] * Mcoords[0]) -
2050  std::sqrt(Scoords[0] * Scoords[0])) < 1e-05)
2051  if ((std::sqrt(Mcoords[1] * Mcoords[1]) -
2052  std::sqrt(Scoords[1] * Scoords[1])) < 1e-05)
2053  if ((std::sqrt(Mcoords[2] * Mcoords[2]) -
2054  std::sqrt(Scoords[2] * Scoords[2])) < 1e-05)
2055  matchingCoordsX = true;
2056  }
2058  // Check slave nodes for any interface nodes and if found, add duplicate
2059  // node spawned from that interface node and link against a duplicate node
2060  // spawned from its opposite interface node.
2061  std::vector<int> newMasterNodes;
2062  std::vector<int> newSlaveNodes;
2063  if (internalCohesiveBool) {
2064  for (int i = 0; i < masterNodes.size(); i++) {
2065  if (slaveInterfaceId[masterNodes[i] - 1] == 1) {
2066  newMasterNodes.push_back(ptsReplacer[masterNodes[i] - 1]);
2067  newSlaveNodes.push_back(ptsReplacer[slaveNodes[i] - 1]);
2068  }
2069  }
2070  for (int i = 0; i < newMasterNodes.size(); i++) {
2071  masterNodes.push_back(newMasterNodes[i]);
2072  slaveNodes.push_back(newSlaveNodes[i]);
2073  }
2074  }
2076  for (int i = 0; i < masterNodes.size(); i++) {
2077  if ((slaveNodes[i] != eqRefNodes[0]) &&
2078  (slaveNodes[i] != eqRefNodes[1]) &&
2079  (slaveNodes[i] != eqRefNodes[2]) &&
2080  (slaveNodes[i] != eqRefNodes[3])) {
2081  if (doNotRepeat[slaveNodes[i] - 1] == 1) {
2082  // Nothing
2083  } else {
2084  doNotRepeat[slaveNodes[i] - 1] = 1;
2085  periodicEquation << "3" << std::endl;
2086  periodicEquation << slaveNodes[i] << ",1,-1," << masterNodes[i]
2087  << ",1,1," << eqRefNodes[1] << ",1,1" << std::endl;
2089  periodicEquation << "3" << std::endl;
2090  periodicEquation << slaveNodes[i] << ",2,-1," << masterNodes[i]
2091  << ",2,1," << eqRefNodes[1] << ",2,1" << std::endl;
2093  periodicEquation << "3" << std::endl;
2094  periodicEquation << slaveNodes[i] << ",3,-1," << masterNodes[i]
2095  << ",3,1," << eqRefNodes[1] << ",3,1" << std::endl;
2096  }
2097  }
2098  }
2099  }
2101  // Y Direction (Master(Up) -> Slave(Down))
2102  for (int srf = 0; srf < volSurfLinksY.size(); srf++) {
2103  int masterSurfTag;
2104  std::vector<std::size_t> slaveNodes;
2105  std::vector<std::size_t> masterNodes;
2106  std::vector<double> affineTransformData;
2107  gmsh::model::mesh::getPeriodicNodes(2, volSurfLinksY[srf].second,
2108  masterSurfTag, slaveNodes, masterNodes,
2109  affineTransformData);
2111  /*
2112  int volSlave = volSurfLinksY[srf].first;
2113  int surfSlave = volSurfLinksY[srf].second;
2115  auto mapIterator = masterLinksY.find(masterSurfTag);
2116  int volMaster = mapIterator->second;
2117  int surfMaster = masterSurfTag;
2118  */
2120  if (srf == forSurfTestY && masterNodes.size() != 0) {
2121  int indReturn = randomNodeY * masterNodes.size() / 100;
2122  std::vector<double> Mcoords;
2123  std::vector<double> Scoords;
2124  std::vector<double> paramCoords;
2126  gmsh::model::mesh::getNode(masterNodes[indReturn], Mcoords, paramCoords);
2127  gmsh::model::mesh::getNode(slaveNodes[indReturn], Scoords, paramCoords);
2129  if ((std::sqrt(Mcoords[0] * Mcoords[0]) -
2130  std::sqrt(Scoords[0] * Scoords[0])) < 1e-05)
2131  if ((std::sqrt(Mcoords[1] * Mcoords[1]) -
2132  std::sqrt(Scoords[1] * Scoords[1])) < 1e-05)
2133  if ((std::sqrt(Mcoords[2] * Mcoords[2]) -
2134  std::sqrt(Scoords[2] * Scoords[2])) < 1e-05)
2135  matchingCoordsY = true;
2136  }
2138  // Check slave nodes for any interface nodes and if found, add duplicate
2139  // node spawned from that interface node and link against a duplicate node
2140  // spawned from its opposite interface node.
2141  std::vector<int> newMasterNodes;
2142  std::vector<int> newSlaveNodes;
2143  if (internalCohesiveBool) {
2144  for (int i = 0; i < masterNodes.size(); i++) {
2145  if (slaveInterfaceId[masterNodes[i] - 1] == 1) {
2146  newMasterNodes.push_back(ptsReplacer[masterNodes[i] - 1]);
2147  newSlaveNodes.push_back(ptsReplacer[slaveNodes[i] - 1]);
2148  }
2149  }
2151  for (int i = 0; i < newMasterNodes.size(); i++) {
2152  masterNodes.push_back(newMasterNodes[i]);
2153  slaveNodes.push_back(newSlaveNodes[i]);
2154  }
2155  }
2157  for (int i = 0; i < masterNodes.size(); i++) {
2158  if ((slaveNodes[i] != eqRefNodes[0]) &&
2159  (slaveNodes[i] != eqRefNodes[1]) &&
2160  (slaveNodes[i] != eqRefNodes[2]) &&
2161  (slaveNodes[i] != eqRefNodes[3])) {
2162  if (doNotRepeat[slaveNodes[i] - 1] == 1) {
2163  // Nothing
2164  } else {
2165  doNotRepeat[slaveNodes[i] - 1] = 1;
2166  periodicEquation << "3" << std::endl;
2167  periodicEquation << slaveNodes[i] << ",1,-1," << masterNodes[i]
2168  << ",1,1," << eqRefNodes[2] << ",1,1" << std::endl;
2170  periodicEquation << "3" << std::endl;
2171  periodicEquation << slaveNodes[i] << ",2,-1," << masterNodes[i]
2172  << ",2,1," << eqRefNodes[2] << ",2,1" << std::endl;
2174  periodicEquation << "3" << std::endl;
2175  periodicEquation << slaveNodes[i] << ",3,-1," << masterNodes[i]
2176  << ",3,1," << eqRefNodes[2] << ",3,1" << std::endl;
2177  }
2178  }
2179  }
2180  }
2182  // Z Direction (Master(Front) -> Slave(Back))
2183  for (int srf = 0; srf < volSurfLinksZ.size(); srf++) {
2184  int masterSurfTag;
2185  std::vector<std::size_t> slaveNodes;
2186  std::vector<std::size_t> masterNodes;
2187  std::vector<double> affineTransformData;
2188  gmsh::model::mesh::getPeriodicNodes(2, volSurfLinksZ[srf].second,
2189  masterSurfTag, slaveNodes, masterNodes,
2190  affineTransformData);
2192  /*
2193  int volSlave = volSurfLinksZ[srf].first;
2194  int surfSlave = volSurfLinksZ[srf].second;
2196  auto mapIterator = masterLinksZ.find(masterSurfTag);
2197  int volMaster = mapIterator->second;
2198  int surfMaster = masterSurfTag;
2199  */
2201  if (srf == forSurfTestZ && masterNodes.size() != 0) {
2202  int indReturn = randomNodeZ * masterNodes.size() / 100;
2203  std::vector<double> Mcoords;
2204  std::vector<double> Scoords;
2205  std::vector<double> paramCoords;
2207  gmsh::model::mesh::getNode(masterNodes[indReturn], Mcoords, paramCoords);
2208  gmsh::model::mesh::getNode(slaveNodes[indReturn], Scoords, paramCoords);
2210  if ((std::sqrt(Mcoords[0] * Mcoords[0]) -
2211  std::sqrt(Scoords[0] * Scoords[0])) < 1e-05)
2212  if ((std::sqrt(Mcoords[1] * Mcoords[1]) -
2213  std::sqrt(Scoords[1] * Scoords[1])) < 1e-05)
2214  if ((std::sqrt(Mcoords[2] * Mcoords[2]) -
2215  std::sqrt(Scoords[2] * Scoords[2])) < 1e-05)
2216  matchingCoordsZ = true;
2217  }
2219  // Check slave nodes for any interface nodes and if found, add duplicate
2220  // node spawned from that interface node and link against a duplicate node
2221  // spawned from its opposite interface node.
2222  std::vector<int> newMasterNodes;
2223  std::vector<int> newSlaveNodes;
2224  if (internalCohesiveBool) {
2225  for (int i = 0; i < masterNodes.size(); i++) {
2226  if (slaveInterfaceId[masterNodes[i] - 1] == 1) {
2227  newMasterNodes.push_back(ptsReplacer[masterNodes[i] - 1]);
2228  newSlaveNodes.push_back(ptsReplacer[slaveNodes[i] - 1]);
2229  }
2230  }
2232  for (int i = 0; i < newMasterNodes.size(); i++) {
2233  masterNodes.push_back(newMasterNodes[i]);
2234  slaveNodes.push_back(newSlaveNodes[i]);
2235  }
2236  }
2238  for (int i = 0; i < masterNodes.size(); i++) {
2239  if ((slaveNodes[i] != eqRefNodes[0]) &&
2240  (slaveNodes[i] != eqRefNodes[1]) &&
2241  (slaveNodes[i] != eqRefNodes[2]) &&
2242  (slaveNodes[i] != eqRefNodes[3])) {
2243  if (doNotRepeat[slaveNodes[i] - 1] == 1) {
2244  } else {
2245  doNotRepeat[slaveNodes[i] - 1] = 1;
2246  periodicEquation << "3" << std::endl;
2247  periodicEquation << slaveNodes[i] << ",1,-1," << masterNodes[i]
2248  << ",1,1," << eqRefNodes[3] << ",1,1" << std::endl;
2250  periodicEquation << "3" << std::endl;
2251  periodicEquation << slaveNodes[i] << ",2,-1," << masterNodes[i]
2252  << ",2,1," << eqRefNodes[3] << ",2,1" << std::endl;
2254  periodicEquation << "3" << std::endl;
2255  periodicEquation << slaveNodes[i] << ",3,-1," << masterNodes[i]
2256  << ",3,1," << eqRefNodes[3] << ",3,1" << std::endl;
2257  }
2258  }
2259  }
2260  }
2261  periodicEquation.close();
2262 }
int randomNodeX
For testing.
Definition: rocPack.H:536
std::vector< int > MasterZ
Master periodic surfaces in Z direction.
Definition: rocPack.H:532
std::vector< int > slaveInterfaceId
Storage vector for identifying which slave nodes are interface nodes.
Definition: rocPack.H:723
std::vector< int > eqRefNodes
Stores node ids n0,nx,ny,nz.
Definition: rocPack.H:709
int randomSurfTest
Random location for a surface.
Definition: rocPack.H:640
std::vector< int > slaveY
Surfaces linked to master periodic surface in Y direction.
Definition: rocPack.H:516
std::vector< int > slaveX
Surfaces linked to master periodic surface in X direction.
Definition: rocPack.H:512
int nptsMsh
Total numer of points in mesh.
Definition: rocPack.H:736
bool internalCohesiveBool
Boolean to enable cohesive elements.
Definition: rocPack.H:713
std::vector< int > MasterY
Master periodic surfaces in Y direction.
Definition: rocPack.H:528
void assignPeriodicEqNodes()
Assigns nodes n0, nx, ny, nz for periodic equation file.
Definition: rocPack.C:2675
int randomNodeY
For testing.
Definition: rocPack.H:540
int randomNodeZ
For testing.
Definition: rocPack.H:544
std::vector< int > slaveZ
Surfaces linked to master periodic surface in Z direction.
Definition: rocPack.H:520
bool matchingCoordsY
Y Nodes for testing.
Definition: rocPack.H:556
std::vector< int > ptsReplacer
Storage vector for linking interface and duplicate nodes Replaces new duplicated nodes at place of ol...
Definition: rocPack.H:718
bool matchingCoordsZ
Z Nodes for testing.
Definition: rocPack.H:560
bool matchingCoordsX
X Nodes for testing.
Definition: rocPack.H:552
std::vector< int > MasterX
Master periodic surfaces in X direction.
Definition: rocPack.H:524

Member Data Documentation

◆ assignSidePatches

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::assignSidePatches = false

Definition at line 620 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by enableSurfacePatches(), geomToPeriodic3D(), and mapPeriodicSurfaces().

◆ bndryPackTags

std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > NEM::GEO::rocPack::bndryPackTags

Definition at line 504 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makePeriodic(), rocToGeom(), and tagBoundaryPacks().

◆ boxPt

std::vector<double> NEM::GEO::rocPack::boxPt

◆ crystalNames

std::vector<std::string> NEM::GEO::rocPack::crystalNames

Definition at line 432 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by rocParser(), and rocToGeom().

◆ cstmDomain

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::cstmDomain = false

Definition at line 636 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by rocParser(), rocToGeom(), and setCustomDomain().

◆ cylindersPhysicalGroup

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::cylindersPhysicalGroup

Definition at line 672 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makePeriodic(), and mapPeriodicSurfaces().

◆ cylParams

std::vector<double> NEM::GEO::rocPack::cylParams

Definition at line 458 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makeCylinder(), and rocParser().

◆ defOutputs

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::defOutputs = false

Definition at line 648 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by enableDefOuts(), geomToPeriodic3D(), and geomToSurf().

◆ elementOrder

int NEM::GEO::rocPack::elementOrder = 1

Definition at line 768 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by geomToPeriodic3D(), modifyInpMesh(), and setElementOrder().

◆ ellipsoidPhysicalGroup

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::ellipsoidPhysicalGroup

Definition at line 676 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makePeriodic(), and mapPeriodicSurfaces().

◆ ellipsoidPresent

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::ellipsoidPresent = false

This boolean will be true when ellipsoid packs are present.

Definition at line 491 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by rocParser(), and rocToGeom().

◆ ellipsoidRad

std::vector<double> NEM::GEO::rocPack::ellipsoidRad

Definition at line 454 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makeEllipsoid(), and rocParser().

◆ enablePeriodicity

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::enablePeriodicity = false

Definition at line 495 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by rocParser(), rocToGeom(), and setPeriodicGeometry().

◆ enablePhysGrp

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::enablePhysGrp = false

◆ enableScaling

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::enableScaling = false

Definition at line 576 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by shrinkVolumes().

◆ enableSizePreserve

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::enableSizePreserve = false

Definition at line 764 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by rocParser(), and setSizePreservation().

◆ enableSmoothing

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::enableSmoothing = false

Definition at line 572 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by smoothSurfaces().

◆ eqRefNodes

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::eqRefNodes = std::vector<int>(4)

Definition at line 709 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by assignPeriodicEqNodes(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ faces

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > > NEM::GEO::rocPack::faces

Definition at line 466 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makeCrystalShape(), and rocParser().

◆ filterAbove

double NEM::GEO::rocPack::filterAbove = 0.0

Definition at line 748 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by applyFilter(), and rocToGeom().

◆ filterBelow

double NEM::GEO::rocPack::filterBelow = 0.0

Definition at line 752 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by applyFilter(), and rocToGeom().

◆ filteredGeoms

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::filteredGeoms

Definition at line 760 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by rocToGeom().

◆ filterOn

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::filterOn = false

Definition at line 756 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by applyFilter(), and rocToGeom().

◆ geomElementIds

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::geomElementIds

Definition at line 705 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements().

◆ geomsCoords

std::vector<double> NEM::GEO::rocPack::geomsCoords

Definition at line 604 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements().

◆ geomsNodeTags

std::vector<std::size_t> NEM::GEO::rocPack::geomsNodeTags

Definition at line 600 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements().

◆ globalScaling

double NEM::GEO::rocPack::globalScaling = 1

Definition at line 740 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by rocParser().

◆ hmxPhysicalGroup

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::hmxPhysicalGroup

Definition at line 680 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makePeriodic(), and mapPeriodicSurfaces().

◆ icosidodecahedronPhysicalGroup

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::icosidodecahedronPhysicalGroup

Definition at line 688 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makePeriodic(), and mapPeriodicSurfaces().

◆ InFile

std::string NEM::GEO::rocPack::InFile

Definition at line 416 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by findWord(), rocPack(), and rocParser().

◆ interfaceNodes

std::vector<std::size_t> NEM::GEO::rocPack::interfaceNodes

Definition at line 616 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements().

◆ internalCohesiveBool

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::internalCohesiveBool = false

◆ just2Physgrps

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::just2Physgrps = false

◆ linkMultiPhysGrps

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::linkMultiPhysGrps

Definition at line 692 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makePeriodic().

◆ MasterX

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::MasterX

Definition at line 524 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by mapPeriodicSurfaces(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ MasterY

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::MasterY

Definition at line 528 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by mapPeriodicSurfaces(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ MasterZ

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::MasterZ

Definition at line 532 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by mapPeriodicSurfaces(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ matchingCoords

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::matchingCoords = false

Definition at line 548 of file rocPack.H.

◆ matchingCoordsX

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::matchingCoordsX = false

Definition at line 552 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by getTestResult(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ matchingCoordsY

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::matchingCoordsY = false

Definition at line 556 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by getTestResult(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ matchingCoordsZ

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::matchingCoordsZ = false

Definition at line 560 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by getTestResult(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ meshingAlgorithm

int NEM::GEO::rocPack::meshingAlgorithm = 1

Definition at line 644 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by geomToPeriodic3D(), geomToSurf(), and setMeshingAlgorithm().

◆ meshSz

double NEM::GEO::rocPack::meshSz = -1

Definition at line 580 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by geomToPeriodic3D(), geomToSurf(), and setMeshSize().

◆ multiGrpIndices

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::multiGrpIndices

Definition at line 700 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements(), and mapPeriodicSurfaces().

◆ nameOfPcks

std::vector<std::string> NEM::GEO::rocPack::nameOfPcks

Definition at line 482 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makeCrystalShape(), makePeriodic(), rocParser(), and rocToGeom().

◆ nptsMsh

int NEM::GEO::rocPack::nptsMsh = 0

Definition at line 736 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by geomToPeriodic3D(), geomToVTK(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ OutFile

std::string NEM::GEO::rocPack::OutFile

Definition at line 420 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by geomToPeriodic3D(), geomToSurf(), rocPack(), and rocPack2Periodic3D().

◆ packGrp

int NEM::GEO::rocPack::packGrp

Definition at line 612 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements(), and mapPeriodicSurfaces().

◆ packName

std::string NEM::GEO::rocPack::packName

Definition at line 486 of file rocPack.H.

◆ periodic3D

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::periodic3D = false

Definition at line 508 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makePeriodic(), rocPack2Periodic3D(), rocParser(), rocToGeom(), and setPeriodicMesh().

◆ petnPhysicalGroup

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::petnPhysicalGroup

Definition at line 684 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makePeriodic(), and mapPeriodicSurfaces().

◆ physGrpPerShape

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::physGrpPerShape = false

◆ ptsCohesiveGrp

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::ptsCohesiveGrp

Definition at line 728 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements().

◆ ptsReplacer

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::ptsReplacer

Definition at line 718 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ randomNodeX

int NEM::GEO::rocPack::randomNodeX = 0

Definition at line 536 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by setNodeLocations(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ randomNodeY

int NEM::GEO::rocPack::randomNodeY = 0

Definition at line 540 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by setNodeLocations(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ randomNodeZ

int NEM::GEO::rocPack::randomNodeZ = 0

Definition at line 544 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by setNodeLocations(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ randomSurfTest

int NEM::GEO::rocPack::randomSurfTest = 0

Definition at line 640 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by setRandomSurface(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ refineIter

int NEM::GEO::rocPack::refineIter = 0

Definition at line 744 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by assignRefinement(), geomToPeriodic3D(), and geomToSurf().

◆ removeBoundaryPacks

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::removeBoundaryPacks = false

(Resultant geometry will automatically be periodic)

Definition at line 500 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by removeBoundaryVolumes(), rocParser(), rocToGeom(), and tagBoundaryPacks().

◆ rotateParams

std::vector<std::vector<double> > NEM::GEO::rocPack::rotateParams

Definition at line 474 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makeCrystalShape(), makeCylinder(), makeEllipsoid(), and rocParser().

◆ scaleOfPack

std::vector<double> NEM::GEO::rocPack::scaleOfPack

◆ shapeNames

std::vector<std::string> NEM::GEO::rocPack::shapeNames

Definition at line 424 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by rocParser(), and rocToGeom().

◆ shrinkScale

double NEM::GEO::rocPack::shrinkScale = 1.0

Definition at line 564 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by rocParser(), scaleVols(), and shrinkVolumes().

◆ slaveInterfaceId

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::slaveInterfaceId

Definition at line 723 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ slaveX

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::slaveX

Definition at line 512 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by mapPeriodicSurfaces(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ slaveY

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::slaveY

Definition at line 516 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by mapPeriodicSurfaces(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ slaveZ

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::slaveZ

Definition at line 520 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by mapPeriodicSurfaces(), and writePeriodicNodes().

◆ smoothingIter

int NEM::GEO::rocPack::smoothingIter = 0

Definition at line 568 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by performSmoothing(), and smoothSurfaces().

◆ sntChk

bool NEM::GEO::rocPack::sntChk = false

Definition at line 732 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements(), sanityCheckOn(), and tagBoundaryPacks().

◆ spherePhysicalGroup

std::vector<int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::spherePhysicalGroup

Definition at line 668 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makePeriodic(), and mapPeriodicSurfaces().

◆ storeMultiPhysGrps

std::vector<std::vector<int> > NEM::GEO::rocPack::storeMultiPhysGrps

Definition at line 696 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements(), makePeriodic(), and mapPeriodicSurfaces().

◆ storeShapeNames

std::map<int, int> NEM::GEO::rocPack::storeShapeNames

Definition at line 664 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by makeCrystalShape(), makeCylinder(), makeEllipsoid(), makePeriodic(), and makeSphere().

◆ surrCoords

std::vector<double> NEM::GEO::rocPack::surrCoords

Definition at line 596 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements().

◆ surrNodeTags

std::vector<std::size_t> NEM::GEO::rocPack::surrNodeTags

Definition at line 592 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements().

◆ surroundingGrp

int NEM::GEO::rocPack::surroundingGrp

Definition at line 608 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by createCohesiveElements(), and mapPeriodicSurfaces().

◆ translateParams

std::vector<std::vector<double> > NEM::GEO::rocPack::translateParams

◆ uniqueNames

std::vector<std::string> NEM::GEO::rocPack::uniqueNames

Definition at line 428 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by rocParser(), and rocToGeom().

◆ verts

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double> > > NEM::GEO::rocPack::verts

Definition at line 462 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by getAllPoints(), makeCrystalShape(), normalizeVerts(), and rocParser().

◆ Xdim

double NEM::GEO::rocPack::Xdim

◆ xUDF

double NEM::GEO::rocPack::xUDF = 0

Definition at line 624 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by rocParser(), setCustomDomain(), and translateAll().

◆ Ydim

double NEM::GEO::rocPack::Ydim

◆ yUDF

double NEM::GEO::rocPack::yUDF = 0

Definition at line 628 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by rocParser(), setCustomDomain(), and translateAll().

◆ Zdim

double NEM::GEO::rocPack::Zdim

◆ zUDF

double NEM::GEO::rocPack::zUDF = 0

Definition at line 632 of file rocPack.H.

Referenced by rocParser(), setCustomDomain(), and translateAll().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: