Rocstar  1.0
Rocstar multiphysics simulation application
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1 /* *****************************************************************
2  MESQUITE -- The Mesh Quality Improvement Toolkit
4  Copyright 2004 Sandia Corporation and Argonne National
5  Laboratory. Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000
6  with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain
7  rights in this software.
9  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  Lesser General Public License for more details.
19  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20  (lgpl.txt) along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
21  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
26  ***************************************************************** */
27 // -*- Mode : c++; tab-width: 2; c-tab-always-indent: t; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
28 //
29 // SUMMARY:
30 // USAGE:
31 //
32 // ORIG-DATE: 16-May-02 at 10:26:21
33 // LAST-MOD: 22-Jun-04 at 14:31:34 by Thomas Leurent
34 //
45 #include "Mesquite.hpp"
46 #include "MeshSet.hpp"
47 #include "QualityImprover.hpp"
48 #include "MsqError.hpp"
49 #include "MsqDebug.hpp"
50 #include "TopologyInfo.hpp"
53 #include <fstream.h>
54 #include <string.h>
55 #include <iomanip.h>
56 #else
57 #include <fstream>
58 #include <string>
59 #include <iomanip>
60 using namespace std;
61 #endif
63 namespace Mesquite {
65 MeshSet::MeshSet() :
66  vertexIterator(NULL),
67  spaceDim(0),
68  csrOffsets(0),
69 // csrData(0),
70 // vertArray(NULL),
71 // elemArray(NULL),
72  elemTopologies(0),
73  vertexOnBoundary(0),
74  csrOffsetsSize(0),
75 // csrDataSize(0),
76  vertArraySize(0),
77  elemArraySize(0),
78  mDomain(NULL)
79 {
81 }
84 {
85  // Delete the vertex iterator
86  delete vertexIterator;
87  // Release all of our meshes
88  list<Mesquite::Mesh*>::iterator it = meshSet.begin();
89  while(!(it == meshSet.end()))
90  (*it++)->release();
92  // Delete cache arrays
93  delete [] csrOffsets;
94 // delete [] csrData;
95 // delete [] vertArray;
96 // delete [] elemArray;
97  delete [] elemTopologies;
98  delete [] vertexOnBoundary;
99 }
108 void MeshSet::add_mesh(Mesquite::Mesh* mesh, MsqError &err)
109 {
110  // sets MeshSet::SpaceDim
111  int dim = mesh->get_geometric_dimension(err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
112  if (spaceDim == 0)
113  spaceDim = dim;
114  else if (dim != spaceDim)
115  {
116  MSQ_SETERR(err)( "Meshes of different dimensions added to the same MeshSet.",
118  return;
119  }
121  // adds the Mesh* to the MeshSet.
122  meshSet.push_front(mesh);
123 }
131 void MeshSet::reset(MsqError& err)
132 {
133  // If we have at least one mesh...
134  if (meshSet.size())
135  {
136  // If we aren't already on the first mesh...
137  if (!vertexIterator || !(currentMesh == meshSet.begin()))
138  {
139  currentMesh = meshSet.begin();
140  delete vertexIterator;
141  vertexIterator = (*currentMesh)->vertex_iterator(err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
142  }
143  else // We ARE on the first mesh...
144  {
145  // we can re-use the iterator.
147  }
148  }
149  else
150  {
151  // This is probably redundant...
152  vertexIterator = NULL;
153  }
154 }
157 void MeshSet::set_domain_constraint(MeshDomain* domain, MsqError &/*err*/)
158 {
159  mDomain = domain;
160 }
175 bool MeshSet::get_next_patch(PatchData &pd,
176  PatchDataParameters &pd_params,
177  MsqError &err )
178 {
179  MSQ_FUNCTION_TIMER( "MeshSet::get_next_patch" );
181  // get rid of previous Patch information (but keep memory allocated).
182  pd.clear();
184  // Mark this MeshSet as the originator
185  pd.meshSet = this;
186  pd.domainSet = (mDomain != NULL);
188  bool result = false;
189  switch (pd_params.get_patch_type())
190  {
192  result = get_next_elem_on_vert_patch( pd, pd_params, err );
193  break;
195  result = get_next_global_patch( pd, pd_params, err );
196  break;
197  default:
198  MSQ_SETERR(err)( "no implementation for specified patch type.",
200  result = false;
201  break;
202  }
204  return !MSQ_CHKERR(err) && result;
205 }
208 bool MeshSet::get_next_elem_on_vert_patch( PatchData& pd,
209  PatchDataParameters &pd_params,
210  MsqError& err )
211 {
212  size_t i;
214  // Get the patch parameters.
215  long unsigned int culling_method_bits = pd_params.get_culling_method_bits();
217  //variable to store the center vertex's fixed flag
218  MsqVertex::FlagMask center_fixed_byte;
219  // Make sure we're only getting a patch depth of 1
220  int num_layers = pd_params.get_nb_layers(err);
221  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
223  if ((unsigned)num_layers > (unsigned)1)
224  {
225  MSQ_SETERR(err)( "no implementation for patch depth > 1.",
227  return false;
228  }
230  // Set the patch type
232  pd.domainHint = NO_DOMAIN_HINT;
233  if (mDomain)
234  pd.domainHint = mDomain->hint();
236  // If this is our first time through the mesh,
237  // initialize everything.
238  if (!vertexIterator)
239  {
240  reset(err);
241  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
242  }
244  // currentVertex is pointing at next potential center vertex.
245  // Move forward in the list of vertices if necessary.
246  bool next_vertex_identified = false;
247  while (!next_vertex_identified)
248  {
249  // Move to next mesh if necessary
250  while (vertexIterator->is_at_end())
251  {
252  delete vertexIterator;
253  ++currentMesh;
254  if (currentMesh == meshSet.end())
255  {
256  vertexIterator = NULL;
257  return false;
258  }
259  vertexIterator = (*currentMesh)->vertex_iterator(err); MSQ_CHKERR(err);
260  }
262  bool on_bnd = false;
263  bool is_mid = false;
265  (*currentMesh)->vertices_are_on_boundary(&vtx, &on_bnd, 1, err);
266  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
267  //(*currentMesh)->vertices_are_midnodes(&vtx, &is_mid, 1, err);
268  //if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
270  //always skip midnodes
271  if (is_mid)
272  {
273  vertexIterator->operator++();
274  }
275  //if this is a 'boundary' fixed flag, skip it now
276  else if ((culling_method_bits & PatchData::NO_BOUNDARY_VTX)
277  && (on_bnd==true))
278  {
279  ++(*vertexIterator);
280  }
281  else if ((culling_method_bits & PatchData::NO_INTERIOR_VTX)
282  && (on_bnd==false))
283  {
284  ++(*vertexIterator);
285  }
286  //otherwise we check to see if this vertex has been culled
287  else{
288  //get the fixed_bit_flag for the center vertex
289  (*currentMesh)->vertex_get_byte(**vertexIterator,&center_fixed_byte, err);
290  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
292  //remove the hard fixed flag if it has been set
293  center_fixed_byte &= ~(MsqVertex::MSQ_HARD_FIXED);
294  //if it is culled, skip it
295  if(center_fixed_byte & cullFlag)
296  {
297  ++(*vertexIterator);
298  }
299  else
300  {
301  // We found the right one
302  next_vertex_identified = true;
303  }//end else (vertex was not fixed [boundary] or culled)
304  }//end else (iterator was not at the end and vertex was not boundary)
305  }//end while (!next_vertex_identified)
307  vertexIterator->operator++();
308  if(num_layers == 0 ){
309  pd.vertexArray.resize( 1 );
310  MsqVertex* pd_vert_array = pd.get_vertex_array(err);
311  (*currentMesh)->vertices_get_coordinates(&vertex,
312  pd_vert_array,
313  1,
314  err); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
315  pd_vert_array[0].vertexBitFlags=center_fixed_byte;
317  pd.vertexHandlesArray.resize(1);
318  pd.vertexHandlesArray[0]=vertex;
320  pd.initialize_data( NULL, err ); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
321  return true;
322  }
323  // Get the number of elements in this vertex
324  size_t num_elems =
325  (*currentMesh)->vertex_get_attached_element_count(vertex, err);
326  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
327  pd.elementHandlesArray.resize( num_elems );
329  // Get the elements attached to this vertex
330  if (elemArraySize < num_elems)
331  {
332  delete [] elemTopologies;
333  elemTopologies = new EntityTopology[num_elems];
334  elemArraySize = num_elems;
335  }
337  (*currentMesh)->vertex_get_attached_elements(vertex,
338  &pd.elementHandlesArray[0],
339  num_elems, err);
340  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
342  // Get the topologies of those elements
343  (*currentMesh)->elements_get_topologies(&pd.elementHandlesArray[0],
345  num_elems, err);
346  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
348  // Figure out how many vertices we need to allocate
349  //size_t num_vert_uses = 1;
350  //size_t i;
351  //for (i = 0; i < num_elems; ++i)
352  // num_vert_uses += vertices_in_topology(elemTopologies[i]);
353  size_t num_vert_uses = (*currentMesh)->
354  get_vertex_use_count( &pd.elementHandlesArray[0], num_elems, err );
355  MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
357  // All elems share at least 1 vertex (the center vertex). The
358  // center vertex is used 1 time, but it was counted num_elems times.
359  size_t num_verts = num_vert_uses - num_elems + 1;
360  pd.vertexHandlesArray.resize( num_verts );
361  pd.elementArray.resize( num_elems );
362  pd.elemConnectivityArray.resize( num_vert_uses );
364  // Get the vertices attached to those elements
366  if (csrOffsetsSize < num_elems + 1)
367  {
368  delete [] csrOffsets;
369  csrOffsets = new size_t[num_elems + 1];
370  csrOffsetsSize = num_elems + 1;
371  }
372  (*currentMesh)->elements_get_attached_vertices(&pd.elementHandlesArray[0],
373  num_elems,
374  &pd.vertexHandlesArray[0],
375  num_verts,
376  &pd.elemConnectivityArray[0],
377  num_vert_uses,
378  csrOffsets,
379  err);
380  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
382  // Update with actual vertex count
383  pd.vertexHandlesArray.resize( num_verts );
385  // Put the elements into the PatchData
386  MsqMeshEntity* pd_elem_array = pd.get_element_array(err);
387  for (i = 0; i < num_elems; ++i)
388  pd_elem_array[i].set_element_type( elemTopologies[i] );
389  pd.initialize_data( csrOffsets, err ); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
391  // Get the coordinates of the vertices and its flags.
392  pd.vertexArray.resize( num_verts );
393  MsqVertex* pd_vert_array = pd.get_vertex_array(err);
394  //get the coordinates
395  (*currentMesh)->vertices_get_coordinates(&pd.vertexHandlesArray[0],
396  pd_vert_array,
397  num_verts,
398  err);
399  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
400  for (i = 0; i < num_verts; i++)
401  {
403  // If it's not the center vertex, mark it as hard fixed
404  if (pd.vertexHandlesArray[i] != vertex)
405  {
406  // Get its flags
407  (*currentMesh)->vertex_get_byte(pd.vertexHandlesArray[i],
408  &(pd_vert_array[i].vertexBitFlags),
409  err);
410  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
411  pd_vert_array[i].vertexBitFlags |= MsqVertex::MSQ_HARD_FIXED;
412  }
413  //else it is the center vertex. We therefore already have
414  //the fixed flag stored center_fixed_byte. The hard fixed
415  //flag has already been removed (when flag was retreived).
416  else{
417  pd_vert_array[i].vertexBitFlags = (center_fixed_byte);
418  }
419  }
421  return true;
422 }
425 bool MeshSet::get_next_global_patch( PatchData& pd,
426  PatchDataParameters& pd_params,
427  MsqError& err )
428 {
429  // We only support global patches for a single Mesh
430  if (meshSet.size() != 1)
431  {
432  MSQ_SETERR(err)(
433  "Global patches only supported for single-Mesh MeshSets.",
435  return false;
436  }
438  pd.mType = PatchData::GLOBAL_PATCH;
439  pd.domainHint = NO_DOMAIN_HINT;
440  if (mDomain)
441  pd.domainHint = mDomain->hint();
443  // for a global patch, we always reset to start of the mesh.
444  reset(err);
445  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
447  size_t i;
449  // Get sizes for mesh data
450  size_t num_verts, num_elems, num_uses;
451  (*currentMesh)->get_all_sizes( num_verts, num_elems, num_uses, err ); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
453  // Get handles and connectivity
454  pd.vertexHandlesArray.resize( num_verts );
455  pd.elementHandlesArray.resize( num_elems );
456  pd.elemConnectivityArray.resize( num_uses );
457  msq_std::vector<size_t> offsets(num_elems+1);
458  (*currentMesh)->get_all_mesh( &pd.vertexHandlesArray[0], num_verts,
459  &pd.elementHandlesArray[0], num_elems,
460  &offsets[0], offsets.size(),
461  &pd.elemConnectivityArray[0],
462  pd.elemConnectivityArray.size(),
463  err ); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
465  // Get element topologies
466  pd.elementArray.resize( num_elems );
467  msq_std::vector<EntityTopology> elem_topologies(num_elems);
468  (*currentMesh)->elements_get_topologies( &pd.elementHandlesArray[0],
469  &elem_topologies[0],
470  num_elems, err );MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
472  // Put them into the patch
473  MsqMeshEntity* pd_elem_array = pd.get_element_array(err);MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
474  for (i = 0; i < num_elems; ++i)
475  pd_elem_array[i].set_element_type( elem_topologies[i] );
477  // Complete connectivity data in patch
478  pd.initialize_data( &offsets[0], err ); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
481  // Get vertex coordinates
482  pd.vertexArray.resize( num_verts );
483  MsqVertex* pd_vert_array = pd.get_vertex_array(err);MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
484  (*currentMesh)->vertices_get_coordinates(&pd.vertexHandlesArray[0],
485  pd_vert_array,
486  num_verts,
487  err); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
489  // Get vertex boundary flag
490  if (vertArraySize < num_verts)
491  {
492  delete [] vertexOnBoundary;
493  vertArraySize = num_verts;
494  vertexOnBoundary = new bool[vertArraySize];
495  }
496  (*currentMesh)->vertices_are_on_boundary( &pd.vertexHandlesArray[0],
498  num_verts,
499  err );MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
501  for (i = 0; i < num_verts; i++)
502  {
503  // Get its flags
504  /*(*currentMesh)->vertex_get_byte(vertArray[i],
505  &(pd_vert_array[i].vertexBitFlags),
506  err); MSQ_CHKERR(err);*/
507  // Set its hard-fixed flag
508  if (/*(*currentMesh)->vertex_is_fixed(vertArray[i], err) ||*/
509  vertexOnBoundary[i])
510  {
511  pd_vert_array[i].vertexBitFlags |= MsqVertex::MSQ_HARD_FIXED;
512  }
513  else
514  {
515  pd_vert_array[i].vertexBitFlags &= ~(MsqVertex::MSQ_HARD_FIXED);
516  }
517  }
519  return true;
520 }
522 // Currently, the only thing supported is updating each vertices
523 // coordinates and flags. Connectivity changes aren't supported yet.
524 void Mesquite::MeshSet::update_mesh(const PatchData &pd, MsqError &err)
525 {
526  MSQ_FUNCTION_TIMER( "MeshSet::update_mesh" );
527  if (pd.num_nodes() == 0)
528  return;
530  size_t i;
532  switch (pd.type())
533  {
534  // If the patch type is marked as local,
535  // all handles belong to the currentMesh.
537  // For each vertex, update the coordinates
538  // and the "mesquite byte".
539  for (i = 0; i < pd.num_nodes(); i++)
540  {
541  if(!pd.vertexArray[i].is_flag_set( MsqVertex::MSQ_HARD_FIXED))
542  {
543  (*currentMesh)->vertex_set_coordinates(pd.vertexHandlesArray[i],
544  pd.vertexArray[i],
545  err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
546  }
548  (*currentMesh)->vertex_set_byte(pd.vertexHandlesArray[i],
549  pd.vertexArray[i].vertexBitFlags,
550  err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
551  }
552  break;
554  // If the patch type is marked as global,
555  // the handles may belong to more than
556  // one Mesh.
558  {
559  list<Mesquite::Mesh*>::iterator mesh_itr = meshSet.begin();
560  assert( mesh_itr != meshSet.end() );
561  Mesquite::Mesh* cur_mesh = *mesh_itr;
562  Mesquite::VertexIterator *vert_itr = cur_mesh->vertex_iterator(err);
563  MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
564  for (i = 0; i < pd.num_nodes(); i++)
565  {
566  if (vert_itr->is_at_end())
567  {
568  mesh_itr++;
569  if ( mesh_itr==meshSet.end() )
570  return;
571  cur_mesh = *mesh_itr;
572  delete vert_itr;
573  vert_itr = cur_mesh->vertex_iterator(err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
574  }
575  if(!pd.vertexArray[i].is_flag_set( MsqVertex::MSQ_HARD_FIXED))
576  {
577  cur_mesh->vertex_set_coordinates(pd.vertexHandlesArray[i],
578  pd.vertexArray[i],
579  err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
580  }
581  cur_mesh->vertex_set_byte(pd.vertexHandlesArray[i],
582  pd.vertexArray[i].vertexBitFlags,
583  err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
584  }
585  delete vert_itr;
586  }
587  break;
588  default:
589  {
590  MSQ_SETERR(err)("PatchData Type not accepted yet.", MsqError::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
591  break;
592  }
593  }
594 }
596 bool MeshSet::clear_all_soft_fixed_flags(MsqError &err)
597 {
598  //variable to store the center vertex's fixed flag
599  MsqVertex::FlagMask fixed_byte;
600  bool finished_with_vertices=false;
601  // initialize everything.
602  if (!vertexIterator)
603  { reset(err); if(MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false; }
604  // currentVertex is pointing at next potential center vertex.
606  while(!finished_with_vertices){
607  // Move to next mesh if necessary
608  if (vertexIterator->is_at_end())
609  {
610  delete vertexIterator;
611  ++currentMesh;
612  if (currentMesh == meshSet.end())
613  {
614  vertexIterator = NULL;
615  finished_with_vertices=true;
616  }
617  if(!finished_with_vertices){
618  vertexIterator = (*currentMesh)->vertex_iterator(err);
619  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
620  }
621  }
622  //otherwise we check to see if this vertex has been culled
623  else{
624  //get the fixed_bit_flag
625  (*currentMesh)->vertex_get_byte(**vertexIterator,&fixed_byte, err);
626  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
627  fixed_byte &= (~MsqVertex::MSQ_SOFT_FIXED);
628  (*currentMesh)->vertex_set_byte(**vertexIterator,fixed_byte, err);
629  if (MSQ_CHKERR(err)) return false;
630  ++(*vertexIterator);
631  }
632  }
633  return true;
634 }
638 /* ************************************************************************* */
639 /* ************* Mesh Files can be written directly from the MeshSet ******* */
640 /* ************* Various formats are available below ******* */
641 /* ************************************************************************* */
651 void MeshSet::write_vtk(const char* out_filename,
652  Mesquite::MsqError &err)
653 {
654  // Open the file
655  msq_stdio::ofstream file(out_filename);
656  if (!file)
657  {
659  return;
660  }
662  // loads a global patch
663  PatchData pd;
664  PatchDataParameters pd_params;
665  pd_params.set_patch_type(PatchData::GLOBAL_PATCH, err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
666  pd_params.no_culling_method();
667  get_next_patch(pd, pd_params, err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
669  // Write a header
670  file << "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n";
671  file << "Mesquite Mesh " << out_filename << " .\n";
672  file << "ASCII\n";
675  // Write vertex coordinates
676  file << "POINTS " << pd.num_nodes() << " float\n";
677  size_t i;
678  for (i = 0; i < pd.num_nodes(); i++)
679  {
680  file << pd.vertexArray[i][0] << ' '
681  << pd.vertexArray[i][1] << ' '
682  << pd.vertexArray[i][2] << '\n';
683  }
685  // Write out the connectivity table
686  size_t connectivity_size = 0;
687  for (i = 0; i < pd.num_elements(); ++i)
688  connectivity_size += pd.elementArray[i].node_count()+1;
690  file << "CELLS " << pd.num_elements() << ' ' << connectivity_size << '\n';
691  for (i = 0; i < pd.num_elements(); i++)
692  {
693  std::vector<size_t> vtx_indices;
694  pd.elementArray[i].get_node_indices(vtx_indices);
695  file << vtx_indices.size();
696  for (msq_stdc::size_t j = 0; j < vtx_indices.size(); ++j)
697  {
698  file << ' ' << vtx_indices[j];
699  }
700  file << '\n';
701  }
703  // Write out the element types
704  file << "CELL_TYPES " << pd.num_elements() << '\n';
705  for (i = 0; i < pd.num_elements(); i++)
706  {
707  unsigned char type_id = 0;
708  switch (pd.elementArray[i].get_element_type())
709  {
710  case Mesquite::TRIANGLE:
711  type_id = 5;
712  break;
714  type_id = 9;
715  break;
717  type_id = 10;
718  break;
720  type_id = 12;
721  break;
722  default:
723  MSQ_SETERR(err)("element type not implemented",MsqError::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
724  break;
725  }
726  file << (int)type_id << '\n';
727  }
729  // Write out which points are fixed.
730  file << "POINT_DATA " << pd.num_nodes()
731  << "\nSCALARS fixed float\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n";
732  for (i = 0; i < pd.num_nodes(); ++i)
733  {
734  if (pd.vertexArray[i].is_free_vertex())
735  file << "0\n";
736  else
737  file << "1\n";
738  }
740  // Close the file
741  file.close();
742 }
755 void MeshSet::write_gnuplot(const char* out_filebase,
756  Mesquite::MsqError &err)
757 {
758  // Open the file
759  string out_filename = out_filebase;
760  out_filename += ".gpt";
761  ofstream file(out_filename.c_str());
762  if (!file)
763  {
765  return;
766  }
768  // loads a global patch
769  PatchData pd;
770  PatchDataParameters pd_params;
771  pd_params.set_patch_type(PatchData::GLOBAL_PATCH, err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
772  pd_params.no_culling_method();
773  get_next_patch(pd, pd_params, err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
775  // Write a header
776  file << "\n";
778  for (size_t i=0; i<pd.num_elements(); ++i)
779  {
780  std::vector<size_t> vtx_indices;
781  pd.elementArray[i].get_node_indices(vtx_indices);
782  for (size_t j = 0; j < vtx_indices.size(); ++j)
783  {
784  file << pd.vertexArray[vtx_indices[j]][0] << ' '
785  << pd.vertexArray[vtx_indices[j]][1] << ' '
786  << pd.vertexArray[vtx_indices[j]][2] << '\n';
787  }
788  file << pd.vertexArray[vtx_indices[0]][0] << ' '
789  << pd.vertexArray[vtx_indices[0]][1] << ' '
790  << pd.vertexArray[vtx_indices[0]][2] << '\n';
791  file << '\n';
792  }
794  // Close the file
795  file.close();
796 }
798 } // namespace Mesquite
Iterates through a set of entities. An EntityIterator is typically obtained via Mesh::vertex_iterator...
msq_stdc::size_t elemArraySize
#define MSQ_ERRZERO(err)
Return zero/NULL on error.
Used to hold the error state and return it to the application.
Definition: Mesquite.hpp:92
void set_domain_constraint(MeshDomain *domain, MsqError &err)
Sets the geometrical domain for the MeshSet.
msq_stdc::size_t vertArraySize
Mesquite::VertexIterator * vertexIterator
Keeps track of where we are in the current mesh&#39;s vertex list.
requested functionality is not (yet) implemented
EntityHandle VertexHandle
vertex is fixed. This flag can be set on and off.
bool get_next_global_patch(PatchData &, PatchDataParameters &, MsqError &)
bool get_next_elem_on_vert_patch(PatchData &, PatchDataParameters &, MsqError &)
void write_vtk(const char *out_filebase, MsqError &err)
msq_stdc::size_t csrOffsetsSize
void update_mesh(const PatchData &pd, MsqError &err)
Updates the coordinates in the underlying mesh with the coordinates stored in PatchData.
msq_std::list< Mesquite::Mesh * >::iterator currentMesh
Keeps track of which Mesh* we&#39;re currently working with in get_next_patch().
#define MSQ_CHKERR(err)
Mesquite&#39;s Error Checking macro.
int spaceDim
The number of coordinates in this mesh (2D or 3D)
msq_stdc::size_t * csrOffsets
These are arrays that we cache so we don&#39;t have to reallocate at every patch.
#define MSQ_SETERR(err)
Macro to set error - use err.clear() to clear.
Mesquite::MeshDomain * mDomain
blockLoc i
Definition: read.cpp:79
virtual DomainHint hint() const =0
Give a hint about the nature of the domain for better performance.
Mesquite::EntityTopology * elemTopologies
A Mesquite::Mesh is a collection of mesh elements which are composed of mesh vertices. Intermediate objects are not accessible through this interface (where intermediate objects include things like the faces of a hex, or an element&#39;s edges).
File cannot be opened/created.
void write_gnuplot(const char *out_filebase, MsqError &err)
j indices j
Definition: Indexing.h:6
msq_std::list< Mesquite::Mesh * > meshSet
Meshes in this MeshSet.
vertex is always fixed. This can only be set on and never off.
object is in an invalid state
bool clear_all_soft_fixed_flags(MsqError &err)
Mesquite::MsqVertex::FlagMask cullFlag
virtual bool is_at_end() const =0
Returns false until the iterator has been advanced PAST the last entity.
virtual void restart()=0
Moves the iterator back to the first entity in the list.
#define MSQ_ERRRTN(err)
If passed error is true, return from a void function.
void add_mesh(Mesquite::Mesh *mesh, MsqError &err)
adds a mesh to the MeshSet.
virtual int get_geometric_dimension(MsqError &err)=0
Returns whether this mesh lies in a 2D or 3D coordinate system.
void reset(MsqError &err)
Resets the MeshSet object so that get_next_patch() will restart its iterations at the first vertex...
bool get_next_patch(PatchData &pd, PatchDataUser *pd_user, MsqError &err)
Gets the next PatchData.