134 #endif // MsqVertex_hpp
void remove_vertex_flag(FlagMaskID flag)
Vector3D & operator=(const Vector3D &to_copy)
MsqVertex(const MsqVertex &rhs)
Construct default vertex with coordinates (0.0,0.0,0.0)
vertex is fixed. This flag can be set on and off.
Vector3D is the object that effeciently stores information about about three-deminsional vectors...
vertex is "free"
free bit, to be used by algorithm if needed.
MsqVertex(double x, double y, double z)
Construct vertex using three doubles.
void remove_soft_fixed_flag()
MsqVertex & operator=(const Vector3D &rhs)
Initializes with coordinates. Sets tag data/pointer to 0.
bool is_free_vertex() const
Returns true if vertex is ``free''.
void set_soft_fixed_flag()
Those are the available flags...
vertex is always fixed. This can only be set on and never off.
void set_vertex_flag(FlagMaskID flag)
free bit, to be used by algorithm if needed.
MsqVertex(const Vector3D &vec)
Construct vertex using Vector3D.
bool is_flag_set(FlagMaskID flag) const
MsqVertex is the Mesquite object that stores information about the vertices in the mesh...
void set_hard_fixed_flag()
The MeshSet class stores one or more Mesquite::Mesh pointers and manages access to the mesh informati...
Construct default vertex with coordinates (0.0,0.0,0.0)