28 void setID(
int theID);
boolean separate(Mesh *mesh, FaceList *list, int new_material)
This class encapsulate a node over a window manifold.
Face * sharedFace(Node *n2, Node *n3, Node *n4=0)
Face ** getAllFaces()
Retrieves a pointer to the internal array of faces associated with this node.
Default constructor.
Class Mesh is the main class that holds all information to describe the current state of the mesh...
void setPosition(MVec pos)
void addNextLink(Node *link)
int getNumElements()
retrieves the number of elements currently associated with this node.
Element * getElement(int Index)
Retrieves a pointer to the element referenced by the supplied index that is associated with this node...
Face * getFace(int Index)
Retrieves a pointer to the face referenced by the supplied index that is associated with this node...
int getNumFaces()
retrieves the number of faces currently associated with this node.
ElementList * getSeparateElements(FaceList *list)
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const COM_exception &ex)
Print out a given exception.
friend istream & operator>>(istream &stream, Node &n)
void removeFace(Face *face)
The Face class is an abstract base class that supplies implemented general methods, as well as a vew virtual interface methods to child classes.
void addElement(Element *elem)
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &stream, Node &n)
void removeElement(Element *elem)
Element ** getAllElements()
Retrieves a pointer to the internal array of elements associated with this node.