44 void setID(
int theID);
virtual void replaceFaceNode(Node *node, Node *new_node, Face *face)
virtual int getNumNodes() const =0
static Element * create(int id, Type type)
friend istream & operator>>(istream &stream, Element &elem)
int getMaterialType() const
This class encapsulate a node over a window manifold.
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &stream, Element &elem)
void addElement(Element *theElement)
void replaceNode(Node *node, Node *new_node)
void setMaterialType(int mtype)
Class Mesh is the main class that holds all information to describe the current state of the mesh...
virtual int getNumFaces() const =0
virtual void setFaceFromNodes(int num, Node **nodes)=0
virtual void setFromMyNodes()=0
virtual void setFromNodes(Node **thenodes)
virtual double getMinEdgeLength()
static void setMesh(Mesh *emesh)
boolean isCohesive() const
static T_VertexSet * face
Type getElementType() const
void setFace(int num, Face *face)
void replaceFace(Face *face, Face *new_face)
The Face class is an abstract base class that supplies implemented general methods, as well as a vew virtual interface methods to child classes.