ElmerFoamFSI  2.0
ElmerFoamFSI is fluid-solid interaction simulation application built up from OpenFOAM CFD and Elmer CSM coupled through the IMPACT multiphysics software integration infrastructure.
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9 #ifndef __FSI_COUPLING_PAR_H__
10 #define __FSI_COUPLING_PAR_H__
12 //#include "Parameters.H"
13 #include "InterfaceLayer.H"
14 #include "Orchestrator.H"
15 #include "OpenFoamParAgent.H"
16 #include "ElmerParAgent.H"
17 #include "Global.H"
18 #include <ctime>
19 #include <unistd.h>
21 typedef SolverUtils::TransferObjectPar transferagentpar;
24 typedef IRAD::Profiler::ProfilerObj ProfilerType;
25 typedef std::string StackType;
26 typedef IRAD::Comm::CommunicatorObject CommTypeIrad;
27 typedef IRAD::Global::ParallelGlobalObj<CommTypeIrad,StackType,int,ProfilerType> PGlobalType;
30 {
31 protected:
36  std::string fluidsInterfaceName;
38  std::string transferInterfaceName;
39  std::string surfUtilInterfaceName;
40  std::string simpalInterfaceName;
41  std::string simoutInterfaceName;
42  std::string siminInterfaceName;
44  std::string fluidsWinFnameHDF;
45  std::string structuresWinFnameHDF;
51  int runMode;
52  bool writeHDF;
53  bool writeVTK;
54  int verblevel;
56  // probe variables
57  int setsProb;
59  int probNdeId;
60  std::string probSolverName;
62 public:
63  fsicouplingpar() : PGlobalType("fsicoupling"), fluidsAgent(NULL), structuresAgent(NULL), transferAgent(NULL),
64  runMode(0), writeHDF(true), writeVTK(true), setsProb(0) {};
66  runMode(0), writeHDF(true), writeVTK(true), setsProb(0) {
67  SetName("fsicouplingpar");
68  };
69  // verbosity
70  void SetVerbLevel(int verb){ verblevel = verb;};
71  int VerbLevel() const { return verblevel;};
73  // probe
74  void SetProbe(int inProbProcId, int inProbNdeId, std::string inProbSlvName) {
75  if (inProbProcId!=-1) {
76  setsProb = 1;
77  probProcId = inProbProcId;
78  probNdeId = inProbNdeId;
79  probSolverName = inProbSlvName;
80  }
81  }
83  // solution transfer
85  {
86  transferAgent->Interpolate("Displacements","solidDisplacement");
87  //transferAgent->Interpolate("solidDisplacement","Displacements");
89  return(0);
90  };
94  {
96  transferAgent->Transfer("traction","Loads",true);
98  return(0);
99  };
102  {
103  std::stringstream outString;
104  double *fluidCoordinates = NULL;
105  double *solidCoordinates = NULL;
106  std::string fluidsCoordinateName(fluidsInterfaceName+".nc");
107  std::string solidsCoordinateName(structuresInterfaceName+".nc");
108  COM_get_array(fluidsCoordinateName.c_str(),fluidsAgent->PaneID(),&fluidCoordinates);
109  COM_get_array(solidsCoordinateName.c_str(),structuresAgent->PaneID(),&solidCoordinates);
110  int numberFluidNodes = fluidsAgent->Coordinates().size()/3;
111  int numberSolidNodes = structuresAgent->Coordinates().size()/3;
112  if(!fluidCoordinates || !solidCoordinates){
113  outString << "FSICoupling::TestTransfer:Error: Failed to get coordinate arrays. Exiting."
114  << std::endl;
115  StdOut(outString.str(),0,true);
116  outString.clear();
117  outString.str("");
118  exit(1);
119  }
120  double tolerance = 1e-12;
121  double maxdiff = 0;
122  const std::vector<double> &fluidCoordArray(fluidsAgent->Coordinates());
123  const std::vector<double> &structCoordArray(structuresAgent->Coordinates());
124  outString << "BEFORE TRANSFER: " << std::endl;
125  for(int i = 0; i < numberFluidNodes;i++){
126  outString << "F(" << fluidCoordArray[i*3] << "," << fluidCoordArray[i*3+1] << ","
127  << fluidCoordArray[i*3+2] << ")" << std::endl;
128  }
129  for(int i = 0; i < numberSolidNodes;i++){
130  outString << "S(" << structCoordArray[i*3] << "," << structCoordArray[i*3+1] << ","
131  << structCoordArray[i*3+2] << ")" << std::endl;
132  }
133  StdOut(outString.str(),3,true);
134  outString.clear();
135  outString.str("");
136  transferAgent->Interpolate("coords","coords"); // transfer from structures to fluids the node coordinates
137  //transferAgent->Transfer("coords","coords"); // transfer from structures to fluids the node coordinates
138  outString << "FLUIDS AFTER TRANSFER: " << std::endl;
139  for(int i = 0; i < numberFluidNodes;i++){
140  double diff1 = std::abs(fluidCoordinates[i*3] - fluidCoordArray[i*3]);
141  double diff2 = std::abs(fluidCoordinates[i*3+1] - fluidCoordArray[i*3+1]);
142  double diff3 = std::abs(fluidCoordinates[i*3+2] - fluidCoordArray[i*3+2]);
143  double diff = std::sqrt(diff1*diff1 + diff2*diff2 + diff3*diff3);
144  if(diff > maxdiff) maxdiff = diff;
145  if(diff > tolerance){
146  outString << "FSICoupling::TestTransfer: Coordinate transfer tolerance exceeded for node " << i+1
147  << " (" << diff << ")" << std::endl
148  << "(" << fluidCoordinates[i*3] << "," << fluidCoordinates[i*3+1] << "," << fluidCoordinates[i*3+2]
149  << ") : (" << fluidCoordArray[i*3] << "," << fluidCoordArray[i*3+1] << "," << fluidCoordArray[i*3+2]
150  << ")" << std::endl;
151  }
152  }
153  outString << "FSICoupling::TestTransfer: Maximum transferred (s->f) coordinate difference: " << maxdiff << std::endl;
154  StdOut(outString.str(),3,true);
155  outString.clear();
156  outString.str("");
157  };
158  // operation mode
159  void SetRunMode(const std::string &inMode)
160  {
161  std::stringstream outString;
162  if(inMode == "Fluid" ||
163  inMode == "fluid"){
164  runMode = 1;
165  } else if(inMode == "Structure" ||
166  inMode == "structure" ||
167  inMode == "Solid" ||
168  inMode == "solid"){
169  runMode = 2;
170  } else {
171  runMode = 0;
172  }
173  };
175  void WriteVTK(bool toggle) { writeVTK = toggle;};
177  void WriteHDF(bool toggle) { writeHDF = toggle;};
180  int WriteAgentToVTK(const std::string &nameRoot,SolverUtils::FEM::SolverAgent &solverAgent)
181  {
182  std::stringstream outString;
183  std::ofstream outStream;
184  std::ostringstream timeString;
185  timeString << simulationTime;
186  std::string fileName(nameRoot+"_"+timeString.str()+".vtk");
187  outStream.open(fileName.c_str());
188  if(!outStream){
189  outString << "FSICoupling::DumpSolution:Error: Could not open output file, "
190  << fileName << "." << std::endl;
191  StdOut(outString.str(),0,true);
192  outString.clear();
193  outString.str("");
194  return(1);
195  }
196  SolverUtils::WriteVTKToStream(nameRoot, solverAgent, outStream);
197  outStream.close();
198  };
200  virtual int DumpSolution()
201  {
202  std::stringstream outString;
203  outString << "FSICoupling: Dumping solutions." << std::endl;
204  StdOut(outString.str(),2,true);
205  outString.clear();
206  outString.str("");
207  if(runMode < 2){
208  if(writeHDF)
209  SolverUtils::WriteWindow(fluidsInterfaceName,simulationTime);
210  if(false)
211  WriteAgentToVTK("fluid",*fluidsAgent);
212  }
213  if(!(runMode == 1)){
214  if(writeHDF)
215  SolverUtils::WriteWindow(structuresInterfaceName,simulationTime);
216  if(false)
217  WriteAgentToVTK("structure",*structuresAgent);
218  }
219  outString << "FSICoupling: Done with solution dump." << std::endl;
220  StdOut(outString.str(),2,true);
221  outString.clear();
222  outString.str("");
223  return(0);
224  }
226  void virtual writeWin(const char* winName, std::string timeMark, std::string& wFnameHdf)
227  {
228  int OUT_set = COM_get_function_handle( (simoutInterfaceName + ".set_option").c_str());
229  int OUT_write = COM_get_function_handle( (simoutInterfaceName + ".write_dataitem").c_str());
230  int OUT_write_ctrl = COM_get_function_handle( (simoutInterfaceName + ".write_rocin_control_file").c_str());
232  std::string win_out_pre( winName);
233  win_out_pre.append(".");
234  int OUT_all = COM_get_dataitem_handle((win_out_pre+"all").c_str());
237  std::stringstream ss;
238  ss.clear();
239  ss.str("");
240  ss << "_proc_"
241  << Rank();
243  std::string hdf_fname, ctrl_fname;
244  hdf_fname = (std::string)winName +"_window" + ss.str();
245  ctrl_fname = (std::string)winName + "_time_" + timeMark +".txt";
247  COM_call_function( OUT_set, "format", "HDF4");
248  COM_call_function( OUT_write, (hdf_fname + ".hdf").c_str(), &OUT_all, winName, "0000");
249  COM_call_function( OUT_write_ctrl, winName, hdf_fname.c_str(), ctrl_fname.c_str());
251  wFnameHdf = (std::string)winName +"_window_proc_*.hdf";
252  }
254  virtual int Initialize(std::vector<std::string> &componentInterfaceNames,
255  double finalTime, double timeStep){
257  FunctionEntry("Initialize");
258  std::stringstream outString;
259  outString << "Final Time = " << finalTime << std::endl;
260  outString << "Time Step = " << timeStep << std::endl;
261  StdOut(outString.str(),0,true);
262  outString.clear();
263  outString.str("");
265  if(componentInterfaceNames.size() < 2)
266  return(1);
268  fluidsInterfaceName = componentInterfaceNames[0];
269  structuresInterfaceName = componentInterfaceNames[1];
270  transferInterfaceName = componentInterfaceNames[2];
271  surfUtilInterfaceName = componentInterfaceNames[3];
272  simpalInterfaceName = componentInterfaceNames[4];
273  simoutInterfaceName = componentInterfaceNames[5];
277  transferAgent = new transferagentpar(transferInterfaceName, (this->Communicator()).GetCommunicator(),
278  verblevel);
280  // Initialize the fluids module and writing the window
281  if(runMode != 2)
283  Communicator().Barrier();
284  writeWin((const char *)fluidsInterfaceName.c_str(), "0", fluidsWinFnameHDF);
285  Communicator().Barrier();
288  // Initialize the structures module and writing the window
289  if(runMode != 1)
291  writeWin((const char *)structuresInterfaceName.c_str(), "0", structuresWinFnameHDF);
292  Communicator().Barrier();
294  // accessing a dataitem for fast debugging
295  /*
296  double* Disps;
297  int stride, cap;
298  COM_get_array((structuresInterfaceName+".Displacements").c_str(), structuresAgent->PaneID(),
299  &Disps, &stride, &cap);
300  for (int i=0; i<stride*cap; i++)
301  std::cout << "Rank " << Rank()
302  << "Item = " << Disps[i]
303  << std::endl;
304  */
306  // Initialize the transfer module's common refinement
307  if(runMode == 0) {
310  //TestTransfer();
311  }
313  // setting up probe for the solver
314  // only implementd for fluids solver
315  COM_set_array((fluidsInterfaceName+".setsProb").c_str(),0,&setsProb);
316  if(setsProb){
317  std::string newDataItemName(probSolverName+".probProcId");
318  COM_set_array(newDataItemName.c_str(),0,&probProcId);
319  newDataItemName = probSolverName+".probNdeId";
320  COM_set_array(newDataItemName.c_str(),0,&probNdeId);
321  }
323  componentAgents.resize(2);
327  simulationTime = 0; // ? (restart)
328  simulationFinalTime = finalTime;
329  simulationTimeStep = timeStep;
331  //DumpSolution();
334  FunctionExit("Initialize");
335  return(0);
337  };
340  virtual int Run(){
341  FunctionEntry("Run");
342  // Enter timestepping
343  int innerCount = 0;
344  int maxSubSteps = 1000;
345  int dumpinterval = 1;
346  int systemStep = 0;
348  // gathering some information for user
349  time_t nowStart = time(0);
350  char* dtChar = ctime(&nowStart);
351  char* hostName;
352  gethostname(hostName, 150);
354  std::stringstream outString;
355  outString << std::endl << std::endl
356  << "************************************************* " << std::endl;
357  outString << "* Starting Stepping in Time * " << std::endl;
358  outString << "************************************************* " << std::endl;
359  outString << "* Starting Simulation at " << dtChar;
360  outString << "* Summary of the simulation: " << std::endl;
361  outString << "* " << std::endl;
362  outString << "* Simulation Type = ElmerFoamFSIPar " << std::endl;
363  outString << "* Simulation start time = " << simulationTime << std::endl;
364  outString << "* Simulation final time = " << simulationFinalTime << std::endl;
365  outString << "* Simulation time step = " << simulationTimeStep << std::endl;
366  outString << "* Number of time steps = " << int(simulationFinalTime/simulationTimeStep) << std::endl;
367  outString << "* " <<std::endl;
368  outString << "* Hostname = " << hostName << std::endl;
369  outString << "* Number of processors = " << NProc() << std::endl;
370  outString << "************************************************* " << std::endl;
371  outString << std::endl;
372  StdOut(outString.str(),0,true);
373  outString.clear();
374  outString.str("");
377  // Write some stuff to screen
378  outString << "System timestep " << ++systemStep
379  << " @ Time = " << simulationTime << std::endl;
380  StdOut(outString.str(),1,true);
381  outString.clear();
382  outString.str("");
385  if(!runMode){
386  // Transfer displacements @ Tn to fluids
387  outString << "Transferring displacements from structures to fluids @ time("
388  << simulationTime << ")" << std::endl;
389  StdOut(outString.str(),1,true);
390  outString.clear();
391  outString.str("");
393  }
395  if(runMode < 2){
397  // Step fluids to get loads @ T(n+1)
398  outString << "Stepping fluids to time("
399  << simulationTime+simulationTimeStep << ")" << std::endl;
400  StdOut(outString.str(),1,true);
401  outString.clear();
402  outString.str("");
404  }
406  if(!runMode){
407  outString << "Transferring loads from fluids to structures @ time("
408  << simulationTime << ")" << std::endl;
409  StdOut(outString.str(),1,true);
410  // Transfer loads @ T(n+1) to structures
411  //std::cout << "FSICoupling: Transferring loads from fluids to structures @ time("
412  // << simulationTime+simulationTimeStep << ")" << std::endl;
414  }
416  if(!(runMode==1)){
418  // Step structures to get displacements @ T(n+1)
419  outString << "Stepping structures to time("
420  << simulationTime+simulationTimeStep << ")" << std::endl;
421  StdOut(outString.str(),1,true);
422  outString.clear();
423  outString.str("");
425  }
427  // Finalize timestep and advance time T(n) --> T(n+1)
428  bool converged = true;
429  if(converged){
431  outString << "Converged at time("
432  << simulationTime << ")" << std::endl;
433  StdOut(outString.str(),1,true);
434  outString.clear();
435  outString.str("");
436  if(runMode < 2)
438  if(!(runMode == 1))
440  innerCount = 0;
441  } else {
442  innerCount++;
443  if(innerCount > maxSubSteps){
444  outString << "Failed to converge after "
445  << maxSubSteps << ", giving up." << std::endl;
446  StdOut(outString.str(),0,true);
447  outString.clear();
448  outString.str("");
449  return(1);
450  }
451  }
453  StdOut(outString.str(),0,true);
454  outString.clear();
455  outString.str("");
457  if(!(systemStep%dumpinterval)){
458  //DumpSolution();
459  }
461  }
462  Communicator().Barrier();
464  // gathering some information for user
465  time_t nowEnd = time(0);
466  dtChar = ctime(&nowEnd);
467  outString << std::endl << std::endl
468  << "************************************************* " << std::endl;
469  outString << "* Finishing Stepping in Time * " << std::endl;
470  outString << "************************************************* " << std::endl;
471  outString << "* Ending simulation at " << dtChar;
472  outString << "* Total simulation time (s) = " << nowEnd - nowStart << std::endl;
473  outString << "* Summary of the simulation: " << std::endl;
474  outString << "* " << std::endl;
475  outString << "* Simulation Type = ElmerFoamFSIPar " << std::endl;
476  outString << "* Simulation final time = " << simulationFinalTime << std::endl;
477  outString << "* Simulation time step = " << simulationTimeStep << std::endl;
478  outString << "* Number of time steps = " << int(simulationFinalTime/simulationTimeStep) << std::endl;
479  outString << "* " <<std::endl;
480  outString << "* Hostname = " << hostName << std::endl;
481  outString << "* Number of processors = " << NProc() << std::endl;
482  outString << "************************************************* " << std::endl;
483  outString << std::endl;
484  StdOut(outString.str(),0,true);
486  FunctionExit("Run");
488  return(0);
489  };
491  virtual int Finalize(){
492  // Finalize the fluids module
493  if(runMode < 2)
495  // Finalize the structures module
496  if(!(runMode == 1))
498  // Anything I need to do to finalize myself
499  return(0);
500  }
504  std::vector<std::string> getVariable(){
505  std::vector<std::string> varVector;
506  varVector.push_back(this->fluidsInterfaceName);
507  varVector.push_back(this->structuresInterfaceName);
508  varVector.push_back(this->transferInterfaceName);
509  varVector.push_back(this->surfUtilInterfaceName);
510  varVector.push_back(this->simpalInterfaceName);
511  varVector.push_back(this->simoutInterfaceName);
512  return varVector;
513  }
515  double getSimulationTime() {return this->simulationTime;}
516  double getSimulationTimeStep() {return this->simulationTimeStep;}
518  int getRunMode() {return this->runMode;}
523  std::string getFluidIntName() {return this->fluidsInterfaceName;}
524  std::string getSolidIntName() {return this->structuresInterfaceName;}
526 };
528 #endif
std::string fluidsWinFnameHDF
const std::vector< double > & Coordinates() const
Definition: ElmerParAgent.H:87
std::string getFluidIntName()
void WriteHDF(bool toggle)
transferagentpar * transferAgent
double simulationTimeStep
virtual int Finalize()
solidagentpar * structuresAgent
fluidagentpar * getFluidAgent()
std::string fluidsInterfaceName
virtual int Initialize(const std::string interfaceName, int verblevel=1)
int VerbLevel() const
std::string siminInterfaceName
int TransferDisplacementsToFluid(solidagentpar *solidAgent, fluidagentpar *fluidAgent)
virtual int Initialize(const std::string &interfaceName, int verblevel=1)
Definition: ElmerParAgent.H:10
std::string structuresInterfaceName
double getSimulationTimeStep()
SolverUtils::TransferObjectPar transferagentpar
virtual int FinalizeTimeStep(double time)
Definition: Orchestrator.H:25
std::vector< impact::orchestrator::agentbase * > componentAgents
Definition: Orchestrator.H:44
fsicouplingpar(PGlobalType &globin)
virtual void writeWin(const char *winName, std::string timeMark, std::string &wFnameHdf)
double getSimulationFinalTime()
virtual int Run()
std::vector< std::string > getVariable()
Helper functions for accessing protected data members.
int TransferLoadsToStructures(fluidagentpar *fluidAgent, solidagentpar *solidAgent)
std::string transferInterfaceName
std::string StackType
Convenience type definition for program stack.
Definition: Driver.H:46
openfoamagentpar fluidagentpar
int WriteAgentToVTK(const std::string &nameRoot, SolverUtils::FEM::SolverAgent &solverAgent)
double simulationTime
void SetVerbLevel(int verb)
double getSimulationTime()
elmeragentpar solidagentpar
virtual int Initialize(std::vector< std::string > &componentInterfaceNames, double finalTime, double timeStep)
virtual int Run(double endTime)
virtual int DumpSolution()
virtual int InitializeTimeStep(double time)
Definition: Orchestrator.H:24
std::string simpalInterfaceName
virtual int Run(double time)
Definition: ElmerParAgent.H:79
void SetProbe(int inProbProcId, int inProbNdeId, std::string inProbSlvName)
void SetRunMode(const std::string &inMode)
virtual int Finalize()
Definition: ElmerParAgent.H:89
IRAD::Profiler::ProfilerObj ProfilerType
Encapsulate example program-specific code constructs.
Definition: Driver.H:42
const std::vector< double > & Coordinates() const
void WriteVTK(bool toggle)
fluidagentpar * fluidsAgent
std::string probSolverName
IRAD::Global::ParallelGlobalObj< CommTypeIrad, StackType, int, ProfilerType > PGlobalType
std::string getSolidIntName()
solidagentpar * getStructureAgent()
std::string simoutInterfaceName
std::string surfUtilInterfaceName
double simulationFinalTime
IRAD::Comm::CommunicatorObject CommTypeIrad
std::string structuresWinFnameHDF