ElmerFoamFSI  2.0
ElmerFoamFSI is fluid-solid interaction simulation application built up from OpenFOAM CFD and Elmer CSM coupled through the IMPACT multiphysics software integration infrastructure.
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1 #ifndef __ELMER_FOAM_FSI_H__
8 #define __ELMER_FOAM_FSI_H__
10 #include "COMM.H"
11 #endif
12 #include "Global.H"
13 #include "Profiler.H"
14 #include "com.h"
16 namespace ElmerFoamFSI {
38  // namespace ExampleProgram {
42  typedef IRAD::Profiler::ProfilerObj ProfilerType;
46  typedef std::string StackType;
54  typedef IRAD::Global::GlobalObj<StackType,int,ProfilerType> GlobalType;
56  typedef IRAD::Comm::CommunicatorObject CommType;
63  typedef IRAD::Global::ParallelGlobalObj<CommType,StackType,int,ProfilerType> PGlobalType;
64 #endif
65  class DriverComLine : public IRAD::Util::ComLineObject
74  {
75  public:
77  : IRAD::Util::ComLineObject()
78  {};
79  DriverComLine(const char *args[])
80  : IRAD::Util::ComLineObject(args)
81  {};
88  void Initialize(){
89  AddOption('h',"help");
90  AddOption('d',"debug");
91  AddOption('v',"verbosity",1);
92  AddOption('o',"output",2,"filename");
93  // AddArgument("input",1);
94  AddHelp("help","Prints this long version of help.");
95  AddHelp("debug","Turns on debugging output.");
96  AddHelp("output","Specifies the name of the output file.");
97  AddArgument("inputfile",1);
98  std::ostringstream Ostr;
99  Ostr << "A configuration file with parameters.";
100  // Ostr << "Mode-dependent input: Input <filename> for serial example"
101  // << "\n\t\tprogram, or <number of divisions> for parallel example.";
102  AddArgHelp("inputfile",Ostr.str());
103  // The following commented string formation is kept around to
104  // illustrate the required tabs and newlines to make the output
105  // look proper:
106  //
107  // Ostr << "Use fixed problem size in scalability analysis. Only makes"
108  // << "\n\t\tsense when scalability mode is enabled.";
109  // Ostr.str("");
110  Ostr.str("");
111  Ostr << "Example ElmerFoamFSI program.";
112  _description.assign(Ostr.str());
113  };
114  };
126  typedef IRAD::Global::Program<GlobalType,ComLineType> SerialProgramType;
128  typedef IRAD::Global::Program<PGlobalType,ComLineType> ParallelProgramType;
135 #endif
164  {
165  protected:
167  std::string output_name;
169  std::string input_name;
173  std::ofstream Ouf;
175  std::ifstream Inf;
191  int argc;
193  char **argv;
194  public:
200  {};
204  SerialDriverProgram(int nargs,char **args) :
205  SerialProgramType(nargs,args), argc(nargs), argv(args)
206  {
207  int nargs_dupe = 2;
208  char **args_dupe;
209  args_dupe = new char * [3];
210  args_dupe[0] = const_cast<char *>("test");
211  args_dupe[1] = const_cast<char *>("-com-mpi");
212  args_dupe[2] = NULL;
213  COM_init(&nargs_dupe,&args_dupe);
214  };
218  virtual int Initialize()
219  {
220  int retval = SerialProgramType::Initialize();
221  if(!_command_line.GetOption("help").empty()){
222  std::ostringstream Ostr;
223  Ostr << _command_line.LongUsage() << std::endl;
224  StdOut(Ostr.str());
225  return(-1);
226  }
227  if(retval){
228  std::ostringstream Ostr;
229  Ostr << _command_line.ErrorReport() << std::endl
230  << std::endl << _command_line.ShortUsage() << std::endl;
231  ErrOut(Ostr.str());
232  return(retval);
233  }
234  if(!_command_line.GetOption("debug").empty()){
235  this->SetDebugLevel(2);
236  this->SetDebugStream(std::cout);
237  }
238  // Check if output file is specified
239  output_name = _command_line.GetOption("output");
241  // Set input file to first argument
242  std::vector<std::string> args(_command_line.GetArgs());
243  input_name = args[0];
245  // Check the verbosity level
246  std::string sverb(_command_line.GetOption("verbosity"));
247  if(sverb.empty() || sverb == ".true.")
248  verblevel = 1;
249  else {
250  std::istringstream Vin(sverb);
251  Vin >> verblevel;
252  if(verblevel < 0)
253  verblevel = 1;
254  }
256  //Set the verblevel within IRAD
257  SetVerbLevel((char)verblevel);
259  // If high verbosity, stick a configuration blurb to stdout.
260  if(verblevel > 1){
261  std::ostringstream Ostr;
262  Ostr << "Configuration:" << std::endl
263  << "verbosity = " << verblevel << std::endl
264  << "config file = " << input_name << std::endl;
265  if(!output_name.empty())
266  Ostr << "output file = " << output_name << std::endl;
267  Ostr << std::endl;
268  StdOut(Ostr.str());
269  }
271  return(0);
272  };
276  int VerbLevel() const { return verblevel;};
281  if(COM_initialized())
282  COM_finalize();
283  Report(Ouf);
284  if(Ouf){
285  Ouf.close();
286  SetOutStream(std::cout);
287  }
288  };
292  int DriverRun();
293  };
297  class ParallelDriverProgram : public ParallelProgramType
366  {
367  protected:
369  std::string output_name;
371  std::string input_name;
373  int verblevel;
375  std::ofstream Ouf;
377  std::ifstream Inf;
379  int fluidsInitHandle;
381  int fluidsRunHandle;
383  int fluidsStepHandle;
385  int fluidsFinalizeHandle;
387  int structuresInitHandle;
389  int structuresRunHandle;
391  int structuresFinalizeHandle;
393  int argc;
395  char **argv;
396  public:
400  ParallelDriverProgram() :
401  ParallelProgramType()
402  {verblevel = 0;};
406  ParallelDriverProgram(int nargs,char **args) :
407  ParallelProgramType(nargs,args), argc(nargs), argv(args)
408  {
409  // initializing COM with -com-mpi to force calling MPI_init
410  int nargs_dupe = 2;
411  char **args_dupe;
412  args_dupe = new char * [3];
413  args_dupe[0] = const_cast<char *>("dummy");
414  args_dupe[1] = const_cast<char *>("-com-mpi");
415  args_dupe[2] = NULL;
416  COM_init(&nargs_dupe,&args_dupe);
417  // at this point we should have communicator setup
418  //std::cout << "My Rank = " << Rank() << std::endl;
419  };
423  ParallelDriverProgram(ComLineType &comline,CommType &incomm)
424  {
425  this->_command_line.Copy(comline);
426  this->Init(_command_line.ProgramName(),incomm);
427  verblevel = 0;
428  };
432  virtual int Initialize()
433  {
434  int retval = ParallelProgramType::Initialize();
435  // Check if the user just entered -h or --help
436  if(!_command_line.GetOption("help").empty()){
437  std::ostringstream Ostr;
438  Ostr << _command_line.LongUsage() << std::endl;
439  StdOut(Ostr.str());
440  return(-1);
441  }
442  if(retval){ // then there were errors on the command line
443  std::ostringstream Ostr;
444  Ostr << _command_line.ErrorReport() << std::endl
445  << std::endl << _command_line.ShortUsage() << std::endl;
446  ErrOut(Ostr.str());
447  return(retval);
448  }
449  // setting up debuger if needed
450  if(!_command_line.GetOption("debug").empty()){
451  this->SetDebugLevel(2);
452  this->SetDebugStream(std::cout);
453  }
455  // Everything is OK up to here, so check for an output file.
456  output_name = _command_line.GetOption("output");
458  // Set input file to first argument
459  std::vector<std::string> args(_command_line.GetArgs());
460  input_name = args[0];
462  // Check the verbosity level
463  std::string sverb(_command_line.GetOption("verbosity"));
464  if(sverb.empty() || sverb == ".true.")
465  verblevel = 1;
466  else {
467  std::istringstream Vin(sverb);
468  Vin >> verblevel;
469  if(verblevel < 0)
470  verblevel = 1;
471  }
473  //Set the verblevel within IRAD
474  SetVerbLevel((char)verblevel);
476  // If high verbosity, stick a configuration blurb to stdout.
477  if(verblevel > 1){
478  std::ostringstream Ostr;
479  Ostr << "*****************************************************"<< std::endl;
480  Ostr << "* Reading the input file *"<< std::endl;
481  Ostr << "*****************************************************"<< std::endl;
482  Ostr << "* Configuration:" << std::endl
483  << "* verbosity = " << verblevel << std::endl;
484  if(!input_name.empty())
485  Ostr << "* input file = " << input_name << std::endl;
486  if(!output_name.empty())
487  Ostr << "* output file = " << output_name << std::endl;
488  Ostr << "*" << std::endl;
489  Ostr << "*****************************************************"<< std::endl;
490  StdOut(Ostr.str());
491  }
493  return(0);
494  };
498  int VerbLevel() const { return verblevel;};
502  virtual ~ParallelDriverProgram() {
503  if(COM_initialized())
504  COM_finalize();
505  if(Ouf){
506  Ouf.close();
507  SetOutStream(std::cout);
508  }
509  };
513  int DriverRun();
514  };
515 #endif
528  template<typename ProgramType>
529  int Driver(int argc,char *argv[])
530  {
531  ProgramType MyProgram(argc,argv);
532  int retval = MyProgram.Initialize();
533  if(retval){
534  if(retval > 0){ // then there was an error
535  MyProgram.ErrOut("Error in Program Initialization.\n");
536  return(1);
537  }
538  else return(0); // no error, but the program should not continue
539  }
540  if(MyProgram.VerbLevel() > 1)
541  MyProgram.StdOut("Calling RUN.\n");
542  if(MyProgram.DriverRun()){
543  MyProgram.ErrOut("Error in Program RUN method.\n");
544  return(1);
545  }
546  if(MyProgram.VerbLevel() > 1){
547  std::ostringstream Ostr;
548  MyProgram.Report(Ostr);
549  MyProgram.StdOut(Ostr.str());
550  MyProgram.StdOut("Calling Finalize.\n");
551  }
552  if(MyProgram.Finalize()){
553  MyProgram.ErrOut("Error in Program Finalization.\n");
554  return(1);
555  }
556  if(MyProgram.VerbLevel() > 1)
557  MyProgram.StdOut("All done.\n");
558  return(0);
559  }
567  inline double f(double x)
578  {
579  return (4.0 / (1.0 + x*x));
580  }
584  typedef ElmerFoamFSI::ParallelDriverProgram PEProgramType;
585 #endif
586  // };
587 };
588 #endif
int structuresInitHandle
Handle/identifier for structures init.
Definition: Driver.H:185
IRAD::Global::GlobalObj< StackType, int, ProfilerType > GlobalType
Convenience type definition for the serial global object.
Definition: Driver.H:54
char ** argv
Object-local copy for argv.
Definition: Driver.H:193
The ComLineObject for the example programs.
Definition: Driver.H:73
int fluidsRunHandle
Handle/identifier for fluids run.
Definition: Driver.H:179
DriverComLine(const char *args[])
Definition: Driver.H:79
int DriverRun()
This function implements the main function executed by the program.
ElmerFoamFSI::SerialDriverProgram DriverProgramType
Convenience definition for serial program type.
Definition: Driver.H:565
std::string input_name
Name of input file.
Definition: Driver.H:169
std::string StackType
Convenience type definition for program stack.
Definition: Driver.H:46
DriverComLine ComLineType
Convenience type definition for the example comline object.
Definition: Driver.H:119
int structuresFinalizeHandle
Handle/identifier for structures finalize.
Definition: Driver.H:189
int fluidsStepHandle
Handle/identifier for fluids step.
Definition: Driver.H:181
std::ofstream Ouf
Outfile stream for output.
Definition: Driver.H:173
int fluidsFinalizeHandle
Handle/identifier for fluids finalize.
Definition: Driver.H:183
virtual ~SerialDriverProgram()
Definition: Driver.H:280
Implementation of the basic parts of the serial program example.
Definition: Driver.H:163
std::string output_name
Name of file for output.
Definition: Driver.H:167
int verblevel
Verbosity level.
Definition: Driver.H:171
IRAD::Profiler::ProfilerObj ProfilerType
Encapsulate example program-specific code constructs.
Definition: Driver.H:42
int argc
Object-local copy for argc.
Definition: Driver.H:191
int structuresRunHandle
Handle/identifier for structures run.
Definition: Driver.H:187
IRAD::Comm::CommunicatorObject CommType
Convenience typedef for CommunicatorObject.
Default constructor.
Definition: Driver.H:198
virtual int Initialize()
Initializes native data structures from commandline args.
Definition: Driver.H:218
int Driver(int argc, char *argv[])
Unified driver for the example programs.
Definition: Driver.H:529
int fluidsInitHandle
Handle/identifier for fluids init.
Definition: Driver.H:177
IRAD::Global::ParallelGlobalObj< CommTypeIrad, StackType, int, ProfilerType > PGlobalType
int VerbLevel() const
Returns verbosity level.
Definition: Driver.H:276
IRAD::Global::Program< GlobalType, ComLineType > SerialProgramType
Convenience type definition for the serial program.
Definition: Driver.H:126
SerialDriverProgram(int nargs, char **args)
Constructor designed to take the commandline args.
Definition: Driver.H:204
void Initialize()
This is where the actual options and arguments are described.
Definition: Driver.H:88
std::ifstream Inf
Infile stream for input.
Definition: Driver.H:175