NEMoSys  0.63.0
A modular, extensible resource with robust automated mesh generation, mesh quality analysis, adaptive mesh refinement, and data transfer between arbitrary meshes.
exoMesh.H File Reference

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struct  NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::ndeSetType
 Stores node set information. More...
struct  NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::elmBlkType
 Stores element block information. More...
struct  NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::sdeSetType
 Stores side set information. More...
class  NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::exoMesh
 A complete I/O class for EXODUS II file format. More...




using NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::ndeSets = std::vector< ndeSetType >
using NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::elmBlks = std::vector< elmBlkType >
using NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::sdeSets = std::vector< sdeSetType >


void NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::wrnErrMsg (int errCode, const std::string &errMsg="None")
 Logging method. More...
VTKCellType NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::e2vEMap (elementType et)
 Convert EXODUS element type to VTK cell type. More...
elementType NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::v2eEMap (VTKCellType vt)
 Convert VTK cell type to EXODUS element type. More...
surfaceBCTag NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::bcTagNum (std::string &tag)
std::string NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::bcTagStr (surfaceBCTag tag)
elementType NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::elmTypeNum (std::string tag)
 Convert string to EXODUS element type. More...
std::string NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::elmTypeStr (elementType et)
 Convert EXODUS element type to string tab. More...
int NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::elmNumNde (elementType et, int order)
 Get number of nodes given EXODUS element type and order. More...
int NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::elmNumSrf (elementType et)
 Get number of surfaces given EXODUS element type. More...



Variable Documentation



Definition at line 66 of file exoMesh.H.

Referenced by NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::bcTagNum(), and NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::bcTagStr().





Definition at line 66 of file exoMesh.H.

Referenced by NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::bcTagNum(), and NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::bcTagStr().



Definition at line 66 of file exoMesh.H.

Referenced by NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::bcTagNum(), and NEM::MSH::EXOMesh::bcTagStr().