Rocstar  1.0
Rocstar multiphysics simulation application
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printfeas.C File Reference
#include "roccom.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
Include dependency graph for printfeas.C:

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  AttrInfo
struct  ConnInfo


#define SwitchOnDataType(dType, funcCall)


template<typename TT >
void PrintStructured (const TT *pData, const int ndims, const int *dims_nodes, int ghost, char loc, std::ostream &out)
template<typename TT >
void PrintUnstructured (const TT *pData, int size, bool panel, std::ostream &out)
void PrintConn (const int *pConn, const ConnInfo &ci, char type, std::ostream &out)
void COM_print_window (const std::string &wName, const std::string &timeStr, std::ostream &out, bool with_ghost)
static void remove_arg (int *argc, char ***argv, int i)
 Remove an argument from the argument list. More...
int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Macro Definition Documentation

#define SwitchOnDataType (   dType,

Definition at line 42 of file printfeas.C.

Referenced by COM_print_window().

Function Documentation

void COM_print_window ( const std::string &  wName,
const std::string &  timeStr,
std::ostream &  out,
bool  with_ghost 

Definition at line 233 of file printfeas.C.

References COM_free_buffer(), COM_get_array(), COM_get_attribute(), COM_get_attribute_handle(), COM_get_attributes(), COM_get_connectivities(), COM_get_panes(), COM_get_size(), i, n, paneIds, PrintConn(), PrintStructured(), PrintUnstructured(), sin, SwitchOnDataType, and x.

234  {
235  // Obtain the list of panes
236  int nPanes;
237  int* paneIds;
238  COM_get_panes(wName.c_str(), &nPanes, &paneIds);
240  // Obtain the list of attributes
241  int nAttrs; // Number of attributes
242  char* attrStr; // names of attributes separated by spaces
243  COM_get_attributes(wName.c_str(), &nAttrs, &attrStr);
245  // First get the nodal coordinate info.
246  int i;
247  std::string name;
248  std::vector<AttrInfo> attrs(nAttrs+1);
249  attrs[0].m_name = "nc";
250  COM_get_attribute((wName + '.' + attrs[0].m_name).c_str(),
251  &(attrs[0].m_location), &(attrs[0].m_dataType),
252  &(attrs[0].m_numComp), &(attrs[0].m_units));
254  // Then get the basic attribute info.
255  {
256  std::istringstream sin(attrStr);
257  for (i=1; i<nAttrs+1; ++i) {
258  sin >> attrs[i].m_name;
259  COM_get_attribute((wName + '.' + attrs[i].m_name).c_str(),
260  &(attrs[i].m_location), &(attrs[i].m_dataType),
261  &(attrs[i].m_numComp), &(attrs[i].m_units));
262  }
263  }
265  if ( nPanes>0) {
266  out << "TITLE=\"" << wName << ". Time: " << timeStr << ".\"" << std::endl;
267  out << "VARIABLES= \"x\", \"y\", \"z\"";
268  }
270  // Eliminate window and pane attributes, note element attributes.
271  // EDIT: pane attributes with one item are used as element data.
272  // We might as well get rid of vectors and tensors, too.
273  std::vector<int> elemCentered;
274  int var = 4;
275  std::vector<AttrInfo>::iterator p = attrs.begin();
276  ++p;
277  while (p != attrs.end()) {
278  if ((*p).m_location != 'n' ) {
279  p = attrs.erase(p);
280  continue;
281  }
283  if ((*p).m_numComp == 1) {
284  out << ", \"" << (*p).m_name << '"';
285  ++var;
286  } else {
287  int x;
288  for (x=1; x<=(*p).m_numComp; ++x) {
289  out << ", \"" << x << '-' << (*p).m_name << '"';
290  ++var;
291  }
292  }
293  ++p;
294  }
295  out << std::endl;
297  int zone_count=0;
298  // Loop through the panes to find the meshes
299  for (i=0; i<nPanes; ++i) {
301  int nElems, ngElems;
302  name = wName + ".conn";
303  COM_get_size(name.c_str(), paneIds[i], &nElems, &ngElems);
304  if ( with_ghost) ngElems = 0;
305  if ( nElems-ngElems==0) continue; // Skip empty panes
307  out << "ZONE T=\"" << std::setw(5) << std::setfill('0')
308  << paneIds[i] << "\", ";
310  // Obtain the size of nodes
311  int nNodes; // total number of nodes
312  int ghost; // Number of ghost nodes
313  name = wName + ".nc";
314  COM_get_size(name.c_str(), paneIds[i], &nNodes, &ghost);
315  if ( with_ghost) ghost=0;
317  // Obtain the connectivity tables
318  int nConn; // Number of connectivity tables
319  char* connNames; // Names of connectivity tables separated by space
320  COM_get_connectivities(wName.c_str(), paneIds[i], &nConn, &connNames);
322  int ndims;
323  const int* dims = NULL;
324  char elemType = '\0';
325  int eTotal = 0;
326  std::vector<ConnInfo> connInfo(nConn);
327  if (nConn == 1 && strncmp(connNames, ":st", 3) == 0) { // Structured mesh
328  connInfo.clear();
330  name = wName + '.' + connNames;
331  COM_get_size(name.c_str(), paneIds[i], &ndims, &ghost);
332  if ( with_ghost) ghost=0;
334  // Obtain the dimensions (must be a const array) of the pane
335  COM_get_array_const(name.c_str(), paneIds[i], &dims);
337  out << "I=" << dims[0] - 2 * ghost;
338  if ( ndims>=2) out << ", J=" << dims[1] - 2 * ghost;
339  if ( ndims>=3) out << ", K=" << dims[2] - 2 * ghost;
341  out << ", ZONETYPE=ORDERED, ";
342  } else { // Unstructured mesh
343  // Obtain the sizes of connectivity tables
344  std::istringstream sin(connNames);
345  std::vector<ConnInfo>::iterator c;
346  for (c=connInfo.begin(); c!=connInfo.end(); ++c) {
347  sin >> (*c).m_type;
348  (*c).m_name = wName + '.' + (*c).m_type;
349  (*c).m_type.erase(0, 1);
350  std::string::size_type x = (*c).m_type.find(':', 2);
351  if (x != std::string::npos)
352  (*c).m_type.erase(x);
354  COM_get_size((*c).m_name.c_str(), paneIds[i], &((*c).m_numElements),
355  &((*c).m_numGhost));
356  if ( with_ghost) (*c).m_numGhost = 0;
357  eTotal += (*c).m_numElements - (*c).m_numGhost;
359  // Tecplot can't do mixed elements, so we have to use the biggest
360  // and fudge the rest.
361  if (elemType == '\0' || elemType == 't'
362  || ((elemType == 'q' || elemType == 'T')
363  && (*c).m_type[0] > 'A' && (*c).m_type[0] < 'Z')
364  || (*c).m_type[0] == 'B' || (*c).m_type[0] == 'H')
365  elemType = (*c).m_type[0];
366  }
367  out << "N=" << nNodes - ghost << ", E=" << eTotal << ", ZONETYPE=";
368  switch (elemType) {
369  case 't':
370  out << "FETRIANGLE, ";
371  break;
373  case 'q':
374  out << "FEQUADRILATERAL, ";
375  break;
377  case 'T':
378  out << "FETETRAHEDRON, ";
379  break;
381  case 'P':
382  case 'W':
383  case 'H':
384  elemType = 'B';
385  // Intentional fall-through
387  case 'B':
388  out << "FEBRICK, ";
389  break;
390  }
392  // free the buffer of connNames
393  COM_free_buffer(&connNames);
394  }
396  out << "DATAPACKING=BLOCK";
397  if (!elemCentered.empty()) {
398  std::vector<int>::iterator cv = elemCentered.begin();
399  out << ", VARLOCATION=([" << *cv;
400  ++cv;
401  while (cv != elemCentered.end()) {
402  out << ',' << *cv;
403  ++cv;
404  }
405  out << "]=CELLCENTERED)";
406  }
407  out << std::endl;
409  for (p=attrs.begin(); p!=attrs.end(); ++p) {
410  const void* pArray = NULL;
411  if ((*p).m_numComp == 1) {
412  out << "# Begin " << (*p).m_name << std::endl;
413  COM_get_array_const((wName + '.' + (*p).m_name).c_str(), paneIds[i],
414  &pArray);
415  if (dims != NULL) { // Structured
416  SwitchOnDataType((*p).m_dataType,
417  PrintStructured((TT*)pArray, ndims, dims, ghost,
418  (*p).m_location, out));
419  } else {
420  SwitchOnDataType((*p).m_dataType,
421  PrintUnstructured((TT*)pArray,
422  ((*p).m_location != 'n' ? eTotal
423  : nNodes - ghost),
424  (*p).m_location == 'p', out));
425  }
426  } else {
427  int comp;
428  for (comp=1; comp<=(*p).m_numComp; ++comp) {
429  std::ostringstream sout;
430  sout << wName << '.' << comp << '-' << (*p).m_name;
431  out << "# Begin " << comp << '-' << (*p).m_name << std::endl;
432  COM_get_array_const(sout.str().c_str(), paneIds[i], &pArray);
433  if (dims != NULL) { // Structured
434  SwitchOnDataType((*p).m_dataType,
435  PrintStructured((TT*)pArray, ndims, dims, ghost,
436  (*p).m_location, out));
437  } else {
438  SwitchOnDataType((*p).m_dataType,
439  PrintUnstructured((TT*)pArray,
440  ((*p).m_location != 'n' ? eTotal
441  : nNodes - ghost),
442  (*p).m_location == 'p', out));
443  }
444  }
445  }
446  }
448  if (!connInfo.empty()) {
449  std::vector<ConnInfo>::iterator c = connInfo.begin();
450  while (c != connInfo.end()) {
451  const int* pConn = NULL;
452  COM_get_array_const((*c).m_name.c_str(), paneIds[i], &pConn);
453  PrintConn(pConn, *c, elemType, out);
454  ++c;
455  }
456  }
458  if ( COM_get_attribute_handle( (wName+".ridges").c_str()) >0) {
459  ++zone_count;
461  int n; COM_get_size( (wName+".ridges").c_str(), paneIds[i], &n);
463  if ( n>0) {
464  out << "ZONE T=\"fea" << std::setw(5) << std::setfill('0')
465  << paneIds[i] << "\", N=" << nNodes - ghost
467  out << "VARSHARELIST=([1-" << var << "]=" << zone_count << ")" << std::endl;
469  int *pArray;
470  COM_get_array( (wName+".ridges").c_str(), paneIds[i], &pArray);
472  for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
473  out << " " << pArray[i] << " " << pArray[i+n] << std::endl;
474  }
476  ++zone_count;
477  }
478  }
479  }
481  // Free buffers for pane ids and attribute names
482  COM_free_buffer(&paneIds);
483  COM_free_buffer(&attrStr);
484 }
void PrintConn(const int *pConn, const ConnInfo &ci, std::ostream &out)
Definition: cgns2smf.C:232
void COM_get_attribute(const std::string wa_str, char *loc, int *type, int *ncomp, std::string *unit)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:269
void PrintUnstructured(const TT **pData, int nComp, int size, std::ostream &out)
Definition: cgns2smf.C:221
void PrintStructured(const TT **pData, int nComp, int ndims, const int *dims_nodes, int ghost, char loc, std::ostream &out)
Definition: cgns2smf.C:176
void COM_get_array(const char *wa_str, int pane_id, void **addr, int *strd, int *cap)
Get the address for an attribute on a specific pane.
int COM_get_attribute_handle(const char *waname)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:412
void COM_get_connectivities(const char *wname, int pane_id, int *nc, std::string &names)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:363
void COM_get_attributes(const char *wname, int *na, std::string &names)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:360
NT & sin
blockLoc i
Definition: read.cpp:79
void int int REAL * x
Definition: read.cpp:74
const NT & n
void COM_get_size(const char *wa_str, int pane_id, int *size, int *ng=0)
Get the sizes of an attribute.
Definition: roccom_c++.h:274
#define SwitchOnDataType(dType, funcCall)
Definition: printfeas.C:42
void COM_get_panes(const char *wname, std::vector< int > &pane_ids, int rank=-2)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:350
void COM_free_buffer(int **buf)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:397
std::vector< int > paneIds
Array of paneIds.
Definition: hdf2pltV2.C:60

Here is the call graph for this function:

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 494 of file printfeas.C.

References COM_call_function(), COM_finalize(), COM_get_attribute_handle(), COM_get_function_handle(), COM_init(), COM_LOAD_MODULE_STATIC_DYNAMIC, COM_print_window(), and remove_arg().

495 {
496  COM_init(&argc, &argv);
498  bool with_ghost = (argc>1 && std::strcmp(argv[1],"-g")==0);
499  if ( with_ghost) remove_arg( &argc, &argv, 1);
501  bool read_control = (argc>1 && std::strcmp(argv[1],"-c")==0);
502  if ( read_control) remove_arg( &argc, &argv, 1);
504  if (argc < 2 || argc > 3 ) {
505  std::cerr << "Usage: hdf2plt [-g] <hdf input files> [<output file>]" << std::endl;
506  std::cerr << " or: hdf2plt [-g] -c <Rocin control file> [<output file>]" << std::endl;
507  std::cerr << "\nOptions:\n\t -g: Includes ghost nodes and elements in output\n"
508  << "\nExamples:\n"
509  << "\thdf2plt -g \"surfmesh*.hdf\" output.plt\n"
510  << "\thdf2plt -g -c surfmesh.txt output.plt" << std::endl;
511  return -1;
512  }
516  int IN_obtain = COM_get_function_handle("IN.obtain_attribute");
518  std::string file_in(argv[1]);
519  std::string win_in = file_in;
521  std::string::size_type st = win_in.find_last_of('/');
522  if (st != std::string::npos)
523  win_in.erase(0, st+1);
524  st = win_in.find_first_not_of("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ");
525  if (st != std::string::npos)
526  win_in.erase(st);
528  // Initialize an empty time string
529  int len = 15;
530  char timeStr[16];
531  timeStr[0] = '\0';
533  if (read_control) {
534  std::cerr << "Reading by control file " << file_in
535  << " into window " << win_in << std::endl;
537  int IN_read = COM_get_function_handle("IN.read_by_control_file");
538  COM_call_function(IN_read, file_in.c_str(), win_in.c_str(), NULL,
539  timeStr, &len);
540  } else {
541  std::cerr << "Reading HDF file(s) " << file_in
542  << " into window " << win_in << std::endl;
544  int IN_read = COM_get_function_handle("IN.read_window");
545  COM_call_function(IN_read, file_in.c_str(), win_in.c_str(), NULL, NULL,
546  timeStr, &len);
547  }
549  std::string win_all(win_in + ".all");
550  int IN_all = COM_get_attribute_handle(win_all.c_str());
552  std::cerr << "Obtaining data attributes for window " << win_in << std::endl;
553  COM_call_function(IN_obtain, &IN_all, &IN_all);
555  if (argc == 2) {
556  std::cerr << "Writing window out to standard output " << std::endl;
557  COM_print_window(win_in, timeStr, std::cout, with_ghost);
558  } else {
559  std::cerr << "Writing window out to " << argv[2] << std::endl;
560  std::ofstream fout(argv[2]);
561  COM_print_window(win_in, timeStr, fout, with_ghost);
562  }
566  COM_finalize();
567  return 0;
568 }
void COM_print_window(const char *wName, std::ostream &ostr)
Print a terse human-readable description of this window to this ostream.
Definition: printin.C:64
int COM_get_attribute_handle(const char *waname)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:412
static void remove_arg(int *argc, char ***argv, int i)
Remove an argument from the argument list.
Definition: printfeas.C:489
void COM_finalize()
Definition: roccom_c++.h:59
Definition: Rocin.h:64
void COM_call_function(const int wf, int argc,...)
Definition: roccom_c.C:48
void COM_init(int *argc, char ***argv)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:57
#define COM_LOAD_MODULE_STATIC_DYNAMIC(moduleName, windowString)
Definition: roccom_basic.h:111
int COM_get_function_handle(const char *wfname)
Definition: roccom_c++.h:428

Here is the call graph for this function:

void PrintConn ( const int *  pConn,
const ConnInfo ci,
char  type,
std::ostream &  out 

Definition at line 163 of file printfeas.C.

References ConnInfo::m_numElements, ConnInfo::m_numGhost, ConnInfo::m_type, and sin.

165 {
166  int nn;
167  std::istringstream sin(ci.m_type.substr(1));
168  sin >> nn;
170  int elem;
171  for (elem=0; elem<ci.m_numElements-ci.m_numGhost; ++elem) {
172  switch (type) {
173  case 't': // The overall type is 't', so all the tables must be 't'
174  out << " " << pConn[elem] << " " << pConn[elem+ci.m_numElements]
175  << " " << pConn[elem+2*ci.m_numElements] << std::endl;
176  break;
178  case 'q':
179  if (ci.m_type[0] == 't')
180  out << " " << pConn[elem] << " " << pConn[elem+ci.m_numElements]
181  << " " << pConn[elem+2*ci.m_numElements] << " "
182  << pConn[elem+2*ci.m_numElements] << std::endl;
183  else // must be q4, q8 or q9.
184  out << " " << pConn[elem] << " " << pConn[elem+ci.m_numElements]
185  << " " << pConn[elem+2*ci.m_numElements] << " "
186  << pConn[elem+3*ci.m_numElements] << std::endl;
187  break;
189  case 'T': // The overall type is 'T', so all the tables must be 'T'
190  out << " " << pConn[elem] << " " << pConn[elem+ci.m_numElements]
191  << " " << pConn[elem+2*ci.m_numElements] << " "
192  << pConn[elem+3*ci.m_numElements] << std::endl;
193  break;
195  case 'B':
196  if (ci.m_type[0] == 'T')
197  out << " " << pConn[elem] << " " << pConn[elem+ci.m_numElements]
198  << " " << pConn[elem+2*ci.m_numElements] << " "
199  << pConn[elem+2*ci.m_numElements] << " "
200  << pConn[elem+3*ci.m_numElements] << " "
201  << pConn[elem+3*ci.m_numElements] << " "
202  << pConn[elem+3*ci.m_numElements] << " "
203  << pConn[elem+3*ci.m_numElements] << std::endl;
204  else if (ci.m_type == "P5")
205  out << " " << pConn[elem] << " " << pConn[elem+ci.m_numElements]
206  << " " << pConn[elem+2*ci.m_numElements] << " "
207  << pConn[elem+3*ci.m_numElements] << " "
208  << pConn[elem+4*ci.m_numElements] << " "
209  << pConn[elem+4*ci.m_numElements] << " "
210  << pConn[elem+4*ci.m_numElements] << " "
211  << pConn[elem+4*ci.m_numElements] << std::endl;
212  else if (ci.m_type == "P6" || ci.m_type == "W6")
213  out << " " << pConn[elem] << " " << pConn[elem+ci.m_numElements]
214  << " " << pConn[elem+2*ci.m_numElements] << " "
215  << pConn[elem+2*ci.m_numElements] << " "
216  << pConn[elem+3*ci.m_numElements] << " "
217  << pConn[elem+4*ci.m_numElements] << " "
218  << pConn[elem+5*ci.m_numElements] << " "
219  << pConn[elem+5*ci.m_numElements] << std::endl;
220  else
221  out << " " << pConn[elem] << " " << pConn[elem+ci.m_numElements]
222  << " " << pConn[elem+2*ci.m_numElements] << " "
223  << pConn[elem+3*ci.m_numElements] << " "
224  << pConn[elem+4*ci.m_numElements] << " "
225  << pConn[elem+5*ci.m_numElements] << " "
226  << pConn[elem+6*ci.m_numElements] << " "
227  << pConn[elem+7*ci.m_numElements] << std::endl;
228  break;
229  }
230  }
231 }
int m_numGhost
Definition: cgns2smf.C:140
std::string m_type
Definition: cgns2smf.C:138
NT & sin
int m_numElements
Definition: cgns2smf.C:139
void PrintStructured ( const TT *  pData,
const int  ndims,
const int *  dims_nodes,
int  ghost,
char  loc,
std::ostream &  out 

Definition at line 107 of file printfeas.C.

References i, j, and k.

109 {
110  const int dims[3] = { dims_nodes[0] - (loc!='n'),
111  ndims>=2 ? dims_nodes[1] - (loc!='n') : 0,
112  ndims>=3 ? dims_nodes[2] - (loc!='n') : 0};
114  const int last[3] = { dims[0] - ghost,
115  ndims>=2 ? dims[1] - ghost : 0,
116  ndims>=3 ? dims[2] - ghost : 0};
118  if ( ndims==3) {
119  for (int k=ghost; k<last[2]; ++k)
120  for (int j=ghost; j<last[1]; ++j)
121  for (int i=ghost; i<last[0]; ++i) {
122  out << " " << std::scientific
123  << (!pData ? (TT)-987654321
124  : (loc=='p' ? pData[0]
125  : pData[i+j*dims[0]+k*dims[0]*dims[1]]));
126  if ((i - ghost) % 10 == 9) out << std::endl;
127  }
128  }
129  else if (ndims==2) {
130  for (int j=ghost; j<last[1]; ++j)
131  for (int i=ghost; i<last[0]; ++i) {
132  out << " " << std::scientific
133  << (!pData ? (TT)-987654321
134  : (loc=='p' ? pData[0] : pData[i+j*dims[0]]));
135  if ((i - ghost) % 10 == 9) out << std::endl;
136  }
138  }
139  else {
140  for (int i=ghost; i<last[0]; ++i) {
141  out << " " << std::scientific
142  << (!pData ? (TT)-987654321 : (loc=='p' ? pData[0] : pData[i]));
143  if ((i - ghost) % 10 == 9) out << std::endl;
144  }
146  }
147  out << std::endl;
148 }
j indices k indices k
Definition: Indexing.h:6
blockLoc i
Definition: read.cpp:79
j indices j
Definition: Indexing.h:6
void PrintUnstructured ( const TT *  pData,
int  size,
bool  panel,
std::ostream &  out 

Definition at line 151 of file printfeas.C.

References i.

152 {
153  int i;
154  for (i=0; i<size; ++i) {
155  out << " " << std::scientific << (!pData ? (TT)-987654321
156  : (panel ? pData[0]
157  : pData[i]));
158  if (i % 10 == 9) out << std::endl;
159  }
160  out << std::endl;
161 }
blockLoc i
Definition: read.cpp:79
static void remove_arg ( int *  argc,
char ***  argv,
int  i 

Remove an argument from the argument list.

Definition at line 489 of file printfeas.C.

References j.

Referenced by main().

489  {
490  for ( int j=i; j<*argc-1; ++j) (*argv)[j]=(*argv)[j+1];
491  --*argc;
492 }
blockLoc i
Definition: read.cpp:79
j indices j
Definition: Indexing.h:6

Here is the caller graph for this function: