39 std::cout <<
"Usage: " << argv[0]
40 <<
" <in_hdf_file> <out_hdf_file> " << endl;
44 std::cout <<
"Reading mesh file \"" << argv[1] <<
'"' << endl;
46 std::string fname(argv[1]), wname;
47 string::size_type n0 = fname.find_last_of(
49 if ( n0 != std::string::npos)
50 fname = fname.substr( n0+1, fname.size());
53 ni = fname.find_first_of(
56 if ( ni == std::string::npos) {
60 while (fname[ni-1]==
'_') --
61 wname = fname.substr( 0, ni);
64 std::cout <<
"Creating window \"" << wname <<
'"' << endl;
68 std::cout <<
"Reading window " << endl;
73 std::cout <<
"Obtaining the mesh " << endl;
77 std::cout <<
"Resizing the array " << endl;
80 std::cout <<
"deleting the attribute" << endl;
87 std::cout <<
"finishing up window initialization" << endl;
90 std::cout <<
"loading Rocout" << endl;
93 std::cout <<
"Computing connectivity map... " << endl;
99 const string pconn = wname+
103 std::cout <<
"Output window into file..." << endl;
112 (
#define COM_assertion(EX)
Error checking utility similar to the assert macro of the C language.
#define COM_assertion_msg(EX, msg)
int COM_get_attribute_handle(const char *waname)
void COM_delete_attribute(const char *wa_str)
Delete an existing attribute.
void COM_window_init_done(const char *w_str, int pane_changed=true)
void COM_call_function(const int wf, int argc,...)
void COM_init(int *argc, char ***argv)
void int int REAL REAL REAL *z blockDim dim * ni
void COM_get_panes(const char *wname, std::vector< int > &pane_ids, int rank=-2)
#define COM_LOAD_MODULE_STATIC_DYNAMIC(moduleName, windowString)
void COM_resize_array(const char *wa_str, int pane_id=0, void **addr=NULL, int strd=-1, int cap=0)
Resize an attribute on a specific pane and return the address by setting addr.
int COM_get_function_handle(const char *wfname)