50 std::vector< std::vector<int> > rFieldMappings, std::vector<index_order> rIndexOrder,
220 std::vector< std::vector<int> > rFieldMappings, std::vector<index_order> rIndexOrder,
233 virtual void parse();
virtual string get_mod_name()
Get the name of the class (tecplot_data)
datafile(ifstream &infile, ofstream &outfile, bool loud, string filename, int dim, std::vector< std::vector< int > > rFieldMappings, std::vector< index_order > rIndexOrder, std::vector< adj_map > conv_factor, std::vector< adj_map > norm_val)
Construct data file object using specified information.
std::vector< string > var_names
pnt get_point(int n)
Get the nth point of the file.
string * get_zone_header(int zone)
Read the zone header.
int get_num_points()
Get the number of points in the file.
string * get_zone_nodes(int zone)
Retrieve zone point data from the zone body.
Base class for file parsing.
virtual void parse()
Parse the data file.
void zone_error_out(int zone, string zs_err)
Log an error message with appended zone information so the error can be located.
static const int BUFFER_SIZE
int get_num_dep_vars()
Get number of dependent variables.
Used to store index order information.
void status_out(string st_ps)
Log the string specified as a status event.
string get_title()
Get file title if specified in file header.
int get_num_vars()
Get the number of variables in the file.
Point object that represents a single point.
virtual void parse()
Parse the tecplot file.
int count_zones()
Count the number of zones in the tecplot file, starting from the current location of the file stream...
void read_header()
Read the tecplot header from the file and retrieve the title, variable names, and number of variables...
std::vector< std::vector< int > > mFieldMappings
points * get_points(int partition)
Get a partitions' points.
int get_num_partitions()
Get number of partition in the file.
std::vector< adj_map > norm_val
tpzone * zone_detect(int zone)
Read the header information for the specified zone, then create a new zone object based on the type o...
std::vector< index_order > mIndexOrder
virtual ~datafile()
Free used data, delete the object.
tecplot_data(ifstream &infile, ofstream &outfile, bool loud, string filename, int dim, std::vector< std::vector< int > > rFieldMappings, std::vector< index_order > rIndexOrder, std::vector< adj_map > conv_factor, std::vector< adj_map > norm_val)
Constructor that initializes values.
virtual string get_mod_name()
Get class name.
void zone_status_out(int zone, string zs_out)
Log a status message with appended zone information.
void seek_to_zone()
Seek to the next zone in the file.
void LogFieldMappings()
Log the field mapping data from the command line and stored in mFieldMappings.
index_order get_index_order(int partition)
int partition_layout(int partition, int n)
Get the size of n dimension of the specified partition.
virtual ~tecplot_data()
std::vector< adj_map > conv_factor
Base class for tecplot files Implements useful functions for tecplot file parsing.
void error_out(string err_ps)
Log the string specified as an error event.