Rocstar  1.0
Rocstar multiphysics simulation application
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Transfer_traits< Source_type, Target_type, conserv > Class Template Reference

Defines the interface. Implementations only present in specializations. More...

Public Types

typedef void * Transfer_type

Static Public Member Functions

static void transfer (Transfer_type &trans, Source_type &sf, Target_type &tf, const Real alpha, const int order, Real *tol, int *iter, const int verbose, const bool load)

Detailed Description

template<class Source_type, class Target_type, bool conserv>
class Transfer_traits< Source_type, Target_type, conserv >

Defines the interface. Implementations only present in specializations.

Definition at line 300 of file Rocface.C.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef void* Transfer_type

Definition at line 302 of file Rocface.C.

Member Function Documentation

static void transfer ( Transfer_type trans,
Source_type &  sf,
Target_type &  tf,
const Real  alpha,
const int  order,
Real tol,
int *  iter,
const int  verbose,
const bool  load 
transObject that performs data transfer
sfSouce data
tfTarget data
alphaParameter to control interpolation of coordinates between the input meshes
orderOrder of quadrature rule to be used
tolTolerance of iterative solver
iterNumber of iterations of iterative solver.
verboseverbose level
loadIndicates whether to perform a load transfer or not

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