56 CHARACTER(CHRLEN) :: ifilename, sectionstring
58 INTEGER :: errorflag, ifile
59 REAL(RFREAL) :: ratiomax2tot
64 'TFLU_WriteFluDimens.F90')
68 IF ( global%verbLevel > verbose_none )
69 WRITE(stdout,
'(A,1X,A)') solver_name,
'Writing Rocflu dimension file...'
74 WRITE(ifilename,
'(A,I5.5)') &
75 trim(global%outDir)//trim(global%casename)//
77 OPEN(ifile,file=ifilename,
78 global%error = errorflag
80 IF ( global%error /= err_none )
86 ratiomax2tot = 1.2_rfreal
88 IF ( global%verbLevel > verbose_low )
89 WRITE(stdout,
'(A,3X,A)') solver_name,
'Header information...'
92 sectionstring =
'# ROCFLU dimensions file'
93 WRITE(ifile,
'(A)') trim(sectionstring)
95 sectionstring =
'# Vertices'
96 WRITE(ifile,
'(A)') trim(sectionstring)
97 WRITE(ifile,
'(3(I8))') global%tofluNVerts, global%tofluNVerts, &
98 int(ratiomax2tot*global%tofluNVerts)
100 sectionstring =
'# Cells'
101 WRITE(ifile,
'(A)') trim(sectionstring)
102 WRITE(ifile,
'(3(I8))') global%tofluNHexs, global%tofluNHexs, &
103 int(ratiomax2tot*global%tofluNHexs)
105 sectionstring =
'# Tetrahedra'
106 WRITE(ifile,
'(A)') trim(sectionstring)
107 WRITE(ifile,
'(3(I8))') 0, 0, 0
109 sectionstring =
'# Hexahedra'
110 WRITE(ifile,
'(A)') trim(sectionstring)
111 WRITE(ifile,
'(3(I8))') global%tofluNHexs, global%tofluNHexs, &
112 int(ratiomax2tot*global%tofluNHexs)
114 sectionstring =
'# Prisms'
115 WRITE(ifile,
'(A)') trim(sectionstring)
116 WRITE(ifile,
'(3(I8))') 0, 0, 0
118 sectionstring =
'# Pyramids'
119 WRITE(ifile,
'(A)') trim(sectionstring)
120 WRITE(ifile,
'(3(I8))') 0, 0, 0
130 sectionstring =
'# Patches'
131 WRITE(ifile,
'(A)') trim(sectionstring)
132 WRITE(ifile,
'(2(I8))') global%tofluNPatches, global%tofluNPatches
134 DO igpatch = 1,global%tofluNPatches
136 WRITE(ifile,
'(5(I8))') igpatch, 0, 0, &
137 global%tofluNbFaces(igpatch), &
138 global%tofluNbFaces(igpatch)
141 sectionstring =
'# Borders'
142 WRITE(ifile,
'(A)') trim(sectionstring)
143 WRITE(ifile,
'(1(I8))') 0
147 IF ( global%verbLevel > verbose_low )
148 WRITE(stdout,
'(A,3X,A)') solver_name,
'End marker...'
151 sectionstring =
'# End'
152 WRITE(ifile,
'(A)') trim(sectionstring)
156 CLOSE(ifile,iostat=errorflag)
157 global%error = errorflag
158 IF ( global%error /= err_none )
159 CALL
162 IF ( global%verbLevel > verbose_none )
163 WRITE(stdout,
'(A,1X,A)') solver_name,
'Writing Rocflu dimension file done.'
subroutine registerfunction(global, funName, fileName)
int status() const
Obtain the status of the attribute.
subroutine writefludimens(global)
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subroutine errorstop(global, errorCode, errorLine, addMessage)
subroutine deregisterfunction(global)