105 int Read(
const std::string &meshname,
int id);
106 int Read(
const std::string &MeshName,IRAD::Comm::CommunicatorObject &comm,
107 bool allow_n2m,std::ostream &ErrOut);
std::vector< Border > _borders
std::vector< Mesh::IndexType > RecvAp
sizes in ndof recv
std::vector< Mesh::IndexType > RecvAi
dof id's of recvd dofs
IRAD::Comm::CommunicatorObject * _communicator
std::vector< Border > & Borders()
const std::vector< Border > & Borders() const
Class Mesh is the main class that holds all information to describe the current state of the mesh...
Mesh::IndexType sendsize
total num owned dofs
std::vector< Mesh::IndexType > SendAi
dof id's of the sent dofs
Border data in CSR format.
MeshUtilityObject & Mesh()
std::vector< IndexType > IndexVec
const PartInfo & Info() const
IRAD::Comm::CommunicatorObject * CommunicatorPtr()
std::vector< double > SendBuffer
Mesh::IndexVec nsend
remote partition id
Mesh::IndexType doffset
number of local nodes (convenience)
Mesh::IndexType part
total number of partitions
int Read(const std::string &meshname, int id)
std::vector< double > RecvBuffer
Mesh::IndexType remote_dofcount
const MeshUtilityObject & Mesh() const
Mesh::IndexType nnodes
total number of elems
Mesh::IndexType recvsize
local id's of local nodes
BorderData data
total num remote dofs
Mesh::IndexVec nrecv
local id's of remote nodes
Mesh::IndexType nborder
total number of nodes
std::vector< Mesh::IndexType > border_dof_to_global
Mesh::IndexType nlocal
number of shared nodes owned
Mesh::IndexType nelem
partition id
std::vector< Mesh::IndexType > SendAp
sizes in ndof sent
int GetBorderElements(std::vector< Mesh::IndexType > &be) const
IRAD::Primitive::IndexType IndexType
Mesh::IndexType nown
number of shared nodes
Mesh::IndexType nshared
number of borders