INTENT(IN) :: ipatch,iregion
INTENT(inout) :: keys(:)
INTENT(in) ::
INTENT(in) :: indbegin,numbegin,numend,numskip
57 strkeys,vals,strvals,
brbeg,brend, &
61 INTEGER :: fileid,
nvals, nstrvals,
brbeg, brend
62 CHARACTER(*) :: keys(
nvals), strkeys(nstrvals)
63 LOGICAL :: defined(
nvals), strdefined(nstrvals)
64 REAL(RFREAL) :: vals(
65 CHARACTER(*) :: strvals(nstrvals)
70 vals,strvals,defined,strdefined )
73 INTEGER :: fileid,
nvals, nstrvals
74 CHARACTER(*) :: keys(
nvals), strkeys(nstrvals)
75 LOGICAL :: defined(
nvals), strdefined(nstrvals)
76 REAL(RFREAL) :: vals(
77 CHARACTER(*) :: strvals(nstrvals)
88 TYPE(t_region
POINTER :: regions(:)
102 SUBROUTINE readgridmotionsection( global )
105 END SUBROUTINE readgridmotionsection
108 SUBROUTINE readgridmotionsection(regions)
110 TYPE(t_region
POINTER :: regions(:)
111 END SUBROUTINE readgridmotionsection
116 TYPE(t_region
POINTER :: regions
121 TYPE(t_region
POINTER :: regions(:)
127 INTEGER :: fileid, ncols, nrows
POINTER :: vals(:,:)
136 TYPE(t_region
POINTER :: regions(:)
146 TYPE(t_region
POINTER :: regions(:)
160 INTEGER ::
brbeg, brend
163 CHARACTER(*) :: keys(
nvals), fname
165 CHARACTER(*) :: bcname
167 LOGICAL :: defined(
168 REAL(RFREAL) :: vals(
178 vals,strvals,defined )
181 INTEGER :: fileid, ncols, nrows
POINTER :: vals(:,:)
POINTER :: strvals(:)
222 brbeg,brend,defined )
226 CHARACTER(*) :: keys(
227 LOGICAL :: defined(
228 REAL(RFREAL) :: vals(
235 INTEGER :: fileid,
236 CHARACTER(*) :: keys(
237 LOGICAL :: defined(
238 REAL(RFREAL) :: vals(
245 INTEGER :: fileid,
246 CHARACTER(*) :: keys(
247 LOGICAL :: defined(
248 CHARACTER(*) :: vals(
269 TYPE(t_region
POINTER :: regions(:)
279 TYPE(t_region
POINTER :: regions(:)
284 TYPE(t_region
POINTER :: regions(:)
subroutine readrocketsection(global)
subroutine makenumberedkeys(keys, indBegin, string, numBegin, numEnd, numSkip)
subroutine readmultigridsection(global)
subroutine readbothsection(global, fileID, nvals, nStrVals, keys, strKeys, vals, strVals, defined, strDefined)
subroutine readmixturesection(regions)
subroutine readbothregionsection(global, fileID, nvals, nStrVals, keys, strKeys, vals, strVals, brbeg, brend, defined, strDefined)
subroutine readrandomsection(global)
subroutine readstringsection(global, fileID, nvals, keys, vals, defined)
subroutine readlistsection(global, fileID, key, nCols, nRows, vals, defined)
subroutine readprobesection(global)
subroutine readthrustsection(global)
**********************************************************************Rocstar Simulation Suite Illinois Rocstar LLC All rights reserved ****Illinois Rocstar LLC IL **www illinoisrocstar com **sales illinoisrocstar com WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY **EXPRESS OR INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES **OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND **NONINFRINGEMENT IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR **COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF TORT OR **Arising OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE **USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE **********************************************************************INTERFACE SUBROUTINE brbeg
subroutine readnumericssection(regions)
subroutine readprefixedlistsection(global, fileID, key, nCols, nRows, vals, strVals, defined)
subroutine readpatchsection(global, fileID, nvals, keys, vals, brbeg, brend, prbeg, prend, distrib, profType, fname, defined)
subroutine readaccelerationsection(global)
subroutine writeprobe(regions, iReg)
**********************************************************************Rocstar Simulation Suite Illinois Rocstar LLC All rights reserved ****Illinois Rocstar LLC IL **www illinoisrocstar com **sales illinoisrocstar com WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY **EXPRESS OR INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES **OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND **NONINFRINGEMENT IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR **COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF TORT OR **Arising OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE **USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE **********************************************************************INTERFACE USE ModDataTypes USE prend
INTEGER function buildpatchidentifier(iRegion, iPatch)
subroutine readinitflowsection(regions)
subroutine readsection(global, fileID, nvals, keys, vals, defined)
subroutine readprepsection(global)
**********************************************************************Rocstar Simulation Suite Illinois Rocstar LLC All rights reserved ****Illinois Rocstar LLC IL **www illinoisrocstar com **sales illinoisrocstar com WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY **EXPRESS OR INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES **OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND **NONINFRINGEMENT IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR **COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF TORT OR **Arising OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE **USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE **********************************************************************INTERFACE USE ModDataTypes USE prbeg
subroutine readflowsection(regions)
subroutine readtimestepsection(global)
subroutine readreferencesection(global)
subroutine readregionsection(global, fileID, nvals, keys, vals, brbeg, brend, defined)
**********************************************************************Rocstar Simulation Suite Illinois Rocstar LLC All rights reserved ****Illinois Rocstar LLC IL **www illinoisrocstar com **sales illinoisrocstar com WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY **EXPRESS OR INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES **OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND **NONINFRINGEMENT IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR **COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF TORT OR **Arising OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE **USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE **********************************************************************INTERFACE USE ModDataTypes USE nvals
subroutine readforcessection(global)
subroutine writeconvergence(global)
subroutine readviscositysection(regions)
subroutine writetotalmass(regions)
static const char * string()
subroutine readpostsection(global)
subroutine readtimezoomingsection(global)
subroutine writethrust(global)