int | CollideCellsWithBox (Mesh::NodalCoordinates &nc, Mesh::Connectivity &conn, GeoPrim::CBox &box, std::vector< Mesh::IndexType > &candidates, std::vector< Mesh::IndexType > &cells) |
int | CollideMeshWithBox (Mesh::NodalCoordinates &nc, Mesh::Connectivity &conn, GeoPrim::CBox &box, std::vector< Mesh::IndexType > &cells) |
int | GetMeshCentroids (Mesh::NodalCoordinates &nc, Mesh::Connectivity &conn, std::vector< double > ¢roids) |
void | GetCoordinateBounds (NodalCoordinates &nc, std::vector< double > &) |
void | GetMeshBoxes (const NodalCoordinates &nc, const Connectivity &ec, GeoPrim::CBox &mesh_box, GeoPrim::CBox &small_box, GeoPrim::CBox &large_box) |
| Bounding boxes for a mesh. More...
void | FindElementsInBox (const GeoPrim::CBox &box, const NodalCoordinates &nc, const Connectivity &dc,std::list< IndexType > &elements) |
| Get elements in box. More...
Mesh::IndexType | FindPointInCells (const GeoPrim::CPoint &p,const NodalCoordinates &nc,const Connectivity &ec,const std::vector< Mesh::IndexType > &elements,GeoPrim::CVector &natc) |
| Locate element containing given physical point. More...
Mesh::IndexType | FindPointInMesh (const GeoPrim::CPoint &p,const NodalCoordinates &nc,const Connectivity &ec,const Connectivity &dc,const GeoPrim::CBox &box,GeoPrim::CVector &natc) |
| Locate element containing given physical point. More...
Mesh::IndexType | FindPointInMesh_2 (const GeoPrim::CPoint &p,const NodalCoordinates &nc,const Connectivity &ec,const Connectivity &dc,const GeoPrim::CBox &box,GeoPrim::CVector &natc) |
| Locate element containing given physical point. More...
Mesh::IndexType | GlobalFindPointInMesh (const GeoPrim::CPoint &p, const NodalCoordinates &nc, const Connectivity &ec, const Connectivity &dc, const GeoPrim::CBox &box, GeoPrim::CVector &natc) |
int | ReadMesh (const std::string &path, Mesh::UnstructuredMesh &mesh) |
bool | NewtonRaphson (GeoPrim::CVector &natc, IndexType elnum, const GenericElement &el, const Connectivity &ec, const NodalCoordinates &nc, const GeoPrim::CPoint &point) |
| Newton-Raphson method, customized for using the GeoPrimitives and computational mesh constructs. More...
bool | NewtonRaphson_2 (GeoPrim::CVector &natc, IndexType elnum, const GenericCell_2 &el, const Connectivity &ec, const NodalCoordinates &nc, const GeoPrim::CPoint &point) |
| Newton-Raphson method, customized for using the GeoPrimitives and computational mesh constructs. More...
bool | LUDcmp (GeoPrim::CVector a[], int indx[]) |
void | LUBksb (GeoPrim::CVector a[], int indx[], GeoPrim::CVector &b) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &iSt, Mesh::GeometricEntity &ge) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &iSt, Mesh::Connectivity &ec) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &iSt, Mesh::NodalCoordinates &nc) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &oSt, const Mesh::NodalCoordinates &nc) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &oSt, const Mesh::Connectivity &ec) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &oSt, const Mesh::GeometricEntity &ge) |
Mesh stuff implementation.
Definition in file Mesh.C.