59 rho,rhou,rhov,rhow,rhoe,press, &
60 rhob,rhoub,rhovb,rhowb,rhoeb )
73 REAL(RFREAL) :: rho, rhou, rhov, rhow, rhoe, press
74 REAL(RFREAL) :: sxn, syn, szn, cpgas, mol
75 REAL(RFREAL) :: rhob, rhoub, rhovb, rhowb, rhoeb
78 REAL(RFREAL) :: csound, rgas, gamma, gam1, u,
v, w, mach, rrhoc, deltp, &
86 gam1 = gamma - 1.0_rfreal
92 mach =
96 IF (mach < 1.0_rfreal .AND. &
97 (bcopt == bcopt_subsonic .OR. bcopt == bcopt_mixed))
98 rrhoc = 1.0_rfreal/(rho*csound)
100 rhob = rho - deltp/(csound*csound)
101 ub = u + sxn*deltp*rrhoc
102 vb =
v + syn*deltp*rrhoc
103 wb = w + szn*deltp*rrhoc
108 vnd = ub*sxn + vb*syn + wb*szn
109 IF ( vnd < 0.0_rfreal )
110 ub =
111 vb =
112 wb =
real(rfreal) function mixtperf_p_deogvm2(D, Eo, G, Vm2)
real(rfreal) function mixtperf_r_m(M)
static SURF_BEGIN_NAMESPACE double sign(double x)
Vector_n max(const Array_n_const &v1, const Array_n_const &v2)
real(rfreal) function mixtperf_c_dgp(D, G, P)
*********************************************************************Illinois Open Source License ****University of Illinois NCSA **Open Source License University of Illinois All rights reserved ****Developed free of to any person **obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation to deal with the Software without including without limitation the rights to and or **sell copies of the and to permit persons to whom the **Software is furnished to do subject to the following this list of conditions and the following disclaimers ****Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above **copyright this list of conditions and the following **disclaimers in the documentation and or other materials **provided with the distribution ****Neither the names of the Center for Simulation of Advanced the University of nor the names of its **contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived **from this Software without specific prior written permission ****THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY **EXPRESS OR INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES **OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND **NONINFRINGEMENT IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR **COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF TORT OR **ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE **USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE v
subroutine bcondoutflowperf(bcOpt, pout, sxn, syn, szn, cpgas, mol, rho, rhou, rhov, rhow, rhoe, press, rhob, rhoub, rhovb, rhowb, rhoeb)
real(rfreal) function mixtperf_eo_dgpuvw(D, G, P, U, V, W)
real(rfreal) function mixtperf_g_cpr(Cp, R)