ElmerFoamFSI  2.0
ElmerFoamFSI is fluid-solid interaction simulation application built up from OpenFOAM CFD and Elmer CSM coupled through the IMPACT multiphysics software integration infrastructure.
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9 #include <iostream>
10 #include <fstream>
11 #include <sstream>
12 #include <string>
13 #include <vector>
14 #include <algorithm>
15 #include <cstdio>
17 #include "UnixUtils.H"
18 #include "FDUtils.H"
20 namespace ElmerFoamFSI
21 {
25  bool Excluded(const std::string &filename)
26  {
27  std::string::size_type x = filename.find("IR.dox");
28  if(x != std::string::npos)
29  return(true);
30  x = filename.find("MakeProject.dox");
31  if(x != std::string::npos)
32  return(true);
33  x = filename.find("ExistingProject.dox");
34  if(x != std::string::npos)
35  return(true);
36  return(false);
37  }
77  int MakeProject(int argc,char *argv[])
78  {
79  if(argc < 3){
80  std::cout << "Usage:" << std::endl << std::endl
81  << argv[0] << " <template name> <new name> [verb level]" << std::endl
82  << std::endl
83  << "This program will read the project template from the <template name> "
84  << std::endl
85  << "directory and create a new \"blank\" IllinoisRocstar project"
86  << std::endl
87  << "named <new name>, in a directory named <new name>."
88  << std::endl
89  << "An optional verblevel of 1 or 2 can be given to make the process"
90  << std::endl << "more verbose." << std::endl;
91  return(0);
92  }
93  std::string OriginalName(argv[1]);
94  std::string NewName(argv[2]);
95  int verb = 0;
96  if(argv[3]){
97  verb = 1;
98  int v = atoi(argv[3]);
99  if(v > 0)
100  verb = v;
101  }
102  std::vector<std::string> ProtectedFiles;
103  ProtectedFiles.push_back("AUTHORS");
104  ProtectedFiles.push_back("CTestConfig.cmake");
105  ProtectedFiles.push_back("LICENSE");
106  ProtectedFiles.push_back(".svn");
107  std::vector<std::string> CommonFiles;
108  CommonFiles.push_back("CMakeLists.txt");
109  int syserr = 0;
110  std::string olower(OriginalName);
111  std::string oupper(OriginalName);
112  std::string nlower(NewName);
113  std::string nupper(NewName);
114  std::transform(olower.begin(),olower.end(),olower.begin(),tolower);
115  std::transform(oupper.begin(),oupper.end(),oupper.begin(),toupper);
116  std::transform(nlower.begin(),nlower.end(),nlower.begin(),tolower);
117  std::transform(nupper.begin(),nupper.end(),nupper.begin(),toupper);
119  if(verb)
120  std::cout << "Creating a new project (" << NewName
121  << ") from project template (" << OriginalName
122  << ")." << std::endl << std::endl
123  << "Creating top level project directories...";
124  std::string dirname(NewName);
125  if(!IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(NewName)){
126  if(verb > 1)
127  std::cout << " Creating directory " << dirname << "...";
128  syserr = IRAD::Sys::CreateDirectory(dirname);
129  if(syserr){
130  std::cout << "Unable to create directory " << dirname << "."
131  << std::endl;
132  return(1);
133  }
134  if(verb > 1)
135  std::cout << "done." << std::endl;
136  }
137  dirname += "/branches";
138  if(!IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(dirname)){
139  if(verb > 1)
140  std::cout << " Creating directory " << dirname << "...";
141  syserr = IRAD::Sys::CreateDirectory(dirname);
142  if(syserr){
143  std::cout << "Unable to create directory " << dirname << "."
144  << std::endl;
145  return(1);
146  }
147  if(verb > 1)
148  std::cout << "done." << std::endl;
149  }
150  dirname = NewName+"/tags";
151  if(!IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(dirname)){
152  if(verb > 1)
153  std::cout << " Creating directory " << dirname << "...";
154  syserr = IRAD::Sys::CreateDirectory(dirname);
155  if(syserr){
156  std::cout << "Unable to create directory " << dirname << "."
157  << std::endl;
158  return(1);
159  }
160  if(verb > 1)
161  std::cout << "done." << std::endl;
162  }
163  dirname.assign(NewName+"/examples");
164  if(!IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(dirname)){
165  if(verb > 1)
166  std::cout << " Creating directory " << dirname << "...";
167  syserr = IRAD::Sys::CreateDirectory(dirname);
168  if(syserr){
169  std::cout << "Unable to create directory " << dirname << "."
170  << std::endl;
171  return(1);
172  }
173  if(verb > 1)
174  std::cout << "done." << std::endl;
175  }
176  bool protect_svn = false;
177  dirname = NewName+"/trunk";
178  std::vector<std::string>::iterator pfi = ProtectedFiles.begin();
179  while(pfi != ProtectedFiles.end()){
180  std::string ProtectThisFile(dirname+"/"+*pfi++);
181  std::string ProtectedFile(ProtectThisFile+".backup");
182  if(IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(ProtectThisFile))
183  IRAD::Sys::Rename(ProtectThisFile,ProtectedFile);
184  }
185  pfi = CommonFiles.begin();
186  while(pfi != CommonFiles.end()){
187  std::string ProtectThisFile(dirname+"/"+*pfi++);
188  std::string ProtectedFile(ProtectThisFile+".backup");
189  if(IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(ProtectThisFile))
190  IRAD::Sys::Rename(ProtectThisFile,ProtectedFile);
191  }
192  std::ostringstream ComStr;
193  if(!IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(dirname)){
194  if(verb > 1)
195  std::cout << " Creating directory " << dirname << "...";
196  ComStr << "cp -r " << OriginalName << " " << dirname;
197  } else {
198  if(verb > 1)
199  std::cout << " Making project files from template ...";
200  ComStr << "cp -r " << OriginalName << "/* " << dirname;
201  }
202  IRAD::Sys::InProcess System(ComStr.str());
203  std::string comline;
204  while(std::getline(System,comline)){
205  if(verb > 1)
206  std::cout << comline << std::endl;
207  }
208  if(verb)
209  std::cout << "done." << std::endl;
210  if(verb)
211  std::cout << "Cleaning up ...";
212  ComStr.str("");
213  ComStr << "rm -rf " << dirname << "/.svn";
214  System.Execute(ComStr.str());
215  int n = 0;
216  while(std::getline(System,comline))
217  n++;
218  pfi = ProtectedFiles.begin();
219  while(pfi != ProtectedFiles.end()){
220  std::string ProtectThisFile(dirname+"/"+*pfi++);
221  std::string ProtectedFile(ProtectThisFile+".backup");
222  if(IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(ProtectedFile)){
223  if(IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(ProtectThisFile))
224  IRAD::Sys::Remove(ProtectThisFile);
225  IRAD::Sys::Rename(ProtectedFile,ProtectThisFile);
226  }
227  }
228  pfi = CommonFiles.begin();
229  while(pfi != CommonFiles.end()){
230  std::string ProtectThisFile(dirname+"/"+*pfi++);
231  std::string ProtectedFile(ProtectThisFile+".backup");
232  std::string CommonFileTemplate(ProtectThisFile+".template");
233  if(IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(ProtectedFile)){
234  if(IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(ProtectThisFile))
235  IRAD::Sys::Rename(ProtectThisFile,CommonFileTemplate);
236  IRAD::Sys::Rename(ProtectedFile,ProtectThisFile);
237  }
238  }
239  if(verb)
240  std::cout << "done." << std::endl;
241  if(verb > 1)
242  std::cout << "Done creating new project files."
243  << std::endl;
244  if(verb)
245  std::cout << "Renaming project...";
246  if(IRAD::Sys::ChDir(dirname)){
247  std::cout << "Something went wrong, cannot find new project directory."
248  << std::endl;
249  return(1);
250  }
251  ComStr.str("");
252  ComStr << "grep -i " << OriginalName << " -r * | cut -d \":\" -f 1 | sort | uniq";
253  if(verb > 1)
254  std::cout << " " << ComStr.str() << std::endl;
255  System.Execute(ComStr.str());
256  std::vector<std::string> filenames;
257  if(verb > 1)
258  std::cout << " Files to change:" << std::endl;
259  while(std::getline(System,comline)){
260  if(!Excluded(comline)){
261  filenames.push_back(comline);
262  if(verb > 1)
263  std::cout << " " << comline << std::endl;
264  }
265  }
266  std::vector<std::string>::iterator fni = filenames.begin();
267  if(verb > 1)
268  std::cout << " Processing files....";
269  while(fni != filenames.end()){
270  std::string filename(*fni++);
271  if(verb > 1)
272  std::cout << " File: " << filename << std::endl;
273  ComStr.str("");
274  ComStr << "sed -i 's/" << OriginalName << "/" << NewName << "/g' " << filename;
275  if(verb > 1)
276  std::cout << " " << ComStr.str() << std::endl;
277  System.Execute(ComStr.str());
278  int n = 0;
279  while(std::getline(System,comline))
280  n++;
281  ComStr.str("");
282  ComStr << "sed -i 's/" << oupper << "/" << nupper << "/g' " << filename;
283  if(verb > 1)
284  std::cout << " " << ComStr.str() << std::endl;
285  // std::cout << ComStr.str() << std::endl;
286  System.Execute(ComStr.str());
287  while(std::getline(System,comline))
288  n++;
289  ComStr.str("");
290  ComStr << "sed -i 's/" << olower << "/" << nlower << "/g' " << filename;
291  if(verb > 1)
292  std::cout << " " << ComStr.str() << std::endl;
293  // std::cout << ComStr.str() << std::endl;
294  System.Execute(ComStr.str());
295  while(std::getline(System,comline))
296  n++;
297  }
298  if(verb > 1)
299  std::cout << " Done processing file contents." << std::endl
300  << " Renaming files..." << std::endl;
301  ComStr.str("");
302  // Now the inside of all files is fixed, need to fix filenames
303  ComStr << "find . -name \"*" << OriginalName << "*\"";
304  System.Execute(ComStr.str());
305  std::string::size_type olen = OriginalName.length();
306  std::string::size_type nlen = NewName.length();
307  while(std::getline(System,comline)){
308  if(verb > 1)
309  std::cout << " Renaming " << comline << " to ";
310  std::string newname(comline);
311  std::string::size_type x = newname.find(OriginalName);
312  while(x != std::string::npos){
313  newname.replace(x,olen,NewName);
314  x = newname.find(OriginalName);
315  }
316  ComStr.str("");
317  if(verb > 1)
318  std::cout << newname << std::endl;
319  ComStr << "mv " << comline << " " << newname;
320  // std::cout << ComStr.str() << std::endl;
321  IRAD::Sys::InProcess MV(ComStr.str());
322  }
323  if(verb > 1)
324  std::cout << "done." << std::endl;
325  return(0);
326  }
327 };
329 int main(int argc,char *argv[])
330 {
331  return(ElmerFoamFSI::MakeProject(argc,argv));
332 }
bool Excluded(const std::string &filename)
Exclude certain template files from conversion in project creation.
#define main
Definition: icoFoamModule.C:2
int MakeProject(int argc, char *argv[])
Creates a new project from an ElmerFoamFSI base.