ElmerFoamFSI  2.0
ElmerFoamFSI is fluid-solid interaction simulation application built up from OpenFOAM CFD and Elmer CSM coupled through the IMPACT multiphysics software integration infrastructure.
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int COM::parallelProgram ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Register the Data Items

write initial mesh data out to a VTK file

Get the handle for the run function

Get the handle for the step function

write mesh data out to a VTK file at each timestep

Definition at line 47 of file OFModuleDriverPar.C.

References Usage().

47  {
49  // instantiating IRAD's communicatorObject
50  // this constructor calls MPI_init internally and
51  // sets up everthing with MPI
52  std::cout <<"OFModuleDriver:Main: Setting up parallel communicator..." << std::endl;
53  COM::CommType communicator(&argc,&argv);
54  MPI_Comm masterComm = communicator.GetCommunicator();
55  int rank = communicator.Rank();
56  int nproc = communicator.Size();
57  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:Main:Rank #"
58  << rank
59  << ", I see "
60  << nproc
61  << " proccesses."
62  << std::endl;
64  //int main(int argc, char *argv[])
65  COM_init( &argc, &argv);
67  // split the communicator to a single process and the rest
68  // a single process for driver jobs and the rest for
69  // computations
70  COM::CommType newCommunicator;
71  int color;
72  if(rank == -1) color=0;
73  else color=1;
74  /* Not splitting for now
75  communicator.Split(color, rank, newCommunicator);
76  MPI_Comm newComm = newCommunicator.GetCommunicator();
77  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:Main:Rank #" << rank
78  << ", Default communicator is split to -> "
79  << newComm
80  << std::endl;
81  */
82  MPI_Comm newComm = communicator.GetCommunicator();
84  // flags for operation modes
85  // default mode of operation, runs the original OpenFOAM functionality
86  bool regression = true;
87  // prescribe a solid surface displacement and run the fluid solver only
88  bool prescribedDisplacement = false;
89  // run in parallel mode
90  bool runParallel = false;
91  // run test cycle
92  bool dryRun = false;
95  // we read any driver specific flags passed
96  // the strings are then removed from argv and argc is decremented
97  // to preserve the input command line for OpenFoam
98  std::string arg;
99  std::stringstream ss;
100  if (argc > 1) {
101  for (int i=1; i<argc; ++i) {
102  ss.clear();
103  ss.str("");
104  ss << argv[i];
105  if (ss.str() == "--driverRegression") {
106  regression = true;
107  } else if (ss.str() == "--driverPrescribedDisplacement") {
108  regression = false;
109  prescribedDisplacement = true;
110  } else if (ss.str() == "--parallel") {
111  runParallel = true;
112  } else if (ss.str() == "--dryrun") {
113  dryRun = true;
114  } else {
115  Usage(argv[0]);
116  exit(2);
117  }
118  }
119  } else {
120  Usage(argv[0]);
121  exit(2);
122  }
124  // changing default communicator and testing it
125  COM_set_default_communicator(newComm);
126  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:Main:Rank #" << rank
127  << ", Default communicator for COM is now "
128  << newComm
129  << std::endl;
130  MPI_Comm test_comm;
131  test_comm = COM_get_default_communicator();
132  if (test_comm != newComm)
133  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:Main:Rank #"
134  << rank
135  << ", default communicator is not set to "
136  << newComm
137  << " properly."
138  << std::endl;
140  // loading parallel openfoam module
141  // all processes load fluid module
144  // loading SimIn on all processes
147  // getting number of processes
148  if (rank==0) {
149  int* nProcReg;
150  COM_get_array("OFModule.nproc", 0, &nProcReg);
151  std::cout << "The communicator registered in OFModule uses "
152  << *nProcReg << " prcesses" << std::endl;
153  }
155  // initializing the openfoam using fluid processes
156  //if (color == 1) {
157  // getting the rank
158  //int fluidProcessRank = newCommunicator.Rank();
160  // get the handle for the initialize function and call it
161  int init_handle = COM_get_function_handle("OFModule.InitFoam");
162  if(init_handle <= 0) { // fail
163  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:Main:Rank #" << rank
164  << ", could not get handle for init function." << std::endl;
165  exit(-1);
166  }
168  // making a dummy argc/argv for OpenFOAM.
169  // For now, no options passed from the command
170  // line will be used by the driver
171  int myArgc = 1;
172  char *myArgv[2];
173  // passing parallel triggers openFoam to run in parallel mode
174  myArgv[0] = argv[0];
175  if (runParallel) {
176  myArgc = 2;
177  myArgv[1] = const_cast<char *>("-parallel");
178  } else {
179  myArgv[1] = NULL;
180  }
181  // setting verbose level
182  int verb=3;
183  // call the funciton
184  COM_call_function(init_handle, &myArgc, &myArgv, &verb);
185  // make a barrier
186  //newCommunicator.Barrier();
188  // getting information about what was registered in this window by another process
189  if (rank==0){
190  int numDataItems=0;
191  std::string output;
192  COM_get_dataitems("OFModule", &numDataItems, output);
193  std::istringstream Istr(output);
194  std::vector<std::string> dataItemNames;
196  for (int i=0; i<numDataItems; ++i) {
197  std::string name;
198  Istr >> name;
199  dataItemNames.push_back(name);
200  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
201  << ", OFModuleDriver:main: DataItem # " << i << ": " << name << std::endl;
202  }
203  }
205  // how to a pane in this window registered by another proccess
206  if (rank==0){
207  int nPane;
208  int* paneList;
209  int paneRank = 1;
210  COM_get_panes("OFModule", &nPane, &paneList, paneRank);
211  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << ", I see "<<nPane<<" pane in the process rank #"
212  << paneRank << std::endl;
213  std::cout << "Here is the list:" << std::endl;
214  for (int i=0; i<nPane; ++i)
215  std::cout <<"Pane ID # " << i+1 << "=" << paneList[i] << std::endl;
216  }
218  // List of panes for this process: each process creates a pane starting from 100
219  int numPanes;
220  int* paneList;
221  COM_get_panes("OFModule", &numPanes, &paneList);
222  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
223  << ", OFModuleDriver:main: Number of Panes " << numPanes << std::endl;
224  for (int i=0; i<numPanes; ++i)
225  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
226  << ", OFModuleDriver:main: Pane ID # " << i+1 << "=" << paneList[i] << std::endl;
227  // only one pane per process currently
228  int pane = paneList[0];
230  // getting node coordinates
231  double* Coord;
232  COM_get_array("OFModule.nc", pane, &Coord);
233  // check for expected number of nodes
234  int numNodes = 0;
235  COM_get_size("OFModule.nc", pane, &numNodes);
236  // get connectivity tables for panes
237  // :q4: is quad element
238  int numConn;
239  std::string stringNames;
240  COM_get_connectivities("OFModule", pane, &numConn, stringNames);
241  std::istringstream ConnISS(stringNames);
242  std::vector<std::string> connNames;
243  for (int i=0; i<numConn; ++i) {
244  std::string name;
245  ConnISS >> name;
246  connNames.push_back(name);
247  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
248  << ", OFModuleDriver:main: Connectivity Table # " << i+1 << ": " << name << std::endl;
249  }
250  // number of nodes per element
251  char getDataItemLoc;
252  COM_Type getDataItemType;
253  int numElementNodes;
254  std::string getDataItemUnits;
255  std::string fullConnName("OFModule."+connNames[0]);
256  COM_get_dataitem(fullConnName, &getDataItemLoc, &getDataItemType,
257  &numElementNodes, &getDataItemUnits);
258  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
259  << ", OFModuleDriver:main: getDataItemLoc " << getDataItemLoc << std::endl;
260  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
261  << ", OFModuleDriver:main: getDataItemType " << getDataItemType << std::endl;
262  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
263  << ", OFModuleDriver:main: numElementNodes " << numElementNodes << std::endl;
264  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
265  << ", OFModuleDriver:main: getDataItemUnits " << getDataItemUnits << std::endl;
267  // get connectivities
268  int* Conn;
269  int numElem;
270  COM_get_array(fullConnName.c_str(), pane, &Conn);
271  COM_get_size(fullConnName, pane, &numElem);
273  // put elements into a vector so we can build the solver agent
274  std::vector<unsigned int> connVector;
275  for (int i=0; i<numElem; ++i) {
276  for (int j=0; j<numElementNodes; ++j) {
277  connVector.push_back((Conn[i*numElementNodes+j]));
278  }
279  }
281  // get non-mesh data items
282  int arrayLength;
283  std::string name("OFModule.time");
284  COM_get_dataitem(name, &getDataItemLoc, &getDataItemType,
285  &arrayLength, &getDataItemUnits);
286  double* time;
287  COM_get_array(name.c_str(), pane, &time);
288  name = "OFModule.endTime";
289  COM_get_dataitem(name, &getDataItemLoc, &getDataItemType,
290  &arrayLength, &getDataItemUnits);
291  double* endTime;
292  COM_get_array(name.c_str(), pane, &endTime);
295  // make a solverAgent to store our data
296  SolverUtils::FEM::SolverAgent myAgent;
299  // set up solution meta data
300  myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("time", 's', 1, 8, "s");
301  myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("endTime", 's', 1, 8, "s");
302  //myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("initStatus", 's', 1, 4, "");
303  //myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("runStatus", 's', 1, 4, "");
304  //myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("dt", 's', 1, 8, "s");
305  //myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("displacement", 'n', 3, 8, "m");
306  //myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("traction", 'c', 1, 8, "N");
307  myAgent.Mesh().nc.init(numNodes, Coord);
308  // this assumes that our elements are quads...we can generalize this
309  myAgent.Mesh().con.AddElements(numElem, numElementNodes, connVector);
311  // get pressures
312  name = "OFModule.pressure";
313  COM_get_dataitem(name, &getDataItemLoc, &getDataItemType,
314  &arrayLength, &getDataItemUnits);
315  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: Pressure Get DataItem" << std::endl;
316  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: getDataItemLoc: " << getDataItemLoc << std::endl;
317  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: getDataItemType: " << getDataItemType << std::endl;
318  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: arrayLength: " << arrayLength << std::endl;
319  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: getDataItemUnits: " << getDataItemUnits << std::endl;
320  char myDataItemLoc;
321  // translate element (e) to cell (c)
322  if (getDataItemLoc == 'e' || getDataItemLoc == 'E') {
323  myDataItemLoc = 'c';
324  } else {
325  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:main: Unknown Data Item Location" << std::endl;
326  exit(1);
327  }
328  int myDataItemType;
329  if (getDataItemType == COM_DOUBLE) {
330  myDataItemType = 8;
331  } else {
332  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:main: Unknown Data Item Type" << std::endl;
333  exit(1);
334  }
335  myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("surfacePressure", myDataItemLoc, arrayLength,
336  myDataItemType, getDataItemUnits);
337  double* surfacePressure;
338  COM_get_array(name.c_str(), pane, &surfacePressure);
340  // get tractions
341  name = "OFModule.traction";
342  COM_get_dataitem(name, &getDataItemLoc, &getDataItemType,
343  &arrayLength, &getDataItemUnits);
344  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: Traction Get DataItem" << std::endl;
345  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: getDataItemLoc: " << getDataItemLoc << std::endl;
346  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: getDataItemType: " << getDataItemType << std::endl;
347  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: arrayLength: " << arrayLength << std::endl;
348  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: getDataItemUnits: " << getDataItemUnits << std::endl;
349  // translate element (e) to cell (c)
350  if (getDataItemLoc == 'e' || getDataItemLoc == 'E') {
351  myDataItemLoc = 'c';
352  } else {
353  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:main: Unknown Data Item Location" << std::endl;
354  exit(1);
355  }
356  if (getDataItemType == COM_DOUBLE) {
357  myDataItemType = 8;
358  } else {
359  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:main: Unknown Data Item Type" << std::endl;
360  exit(1);
361  }
362  myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("surfaceTraction", myDataItemLoc, arrayLength,
363  myDataItemType, getDataItemUnits);
364  double* surfaceTraction;
365  COM_get_array(name.c_str(), pane, &surfaceTraction);
367  // get solid displacements
368  name = "OFModule.solidDisplacement";
369  COM_get_dataitem(name, &getDataItemLoc, &getDataItemType,
370  &arrayLength, &getDataItemUnits);
371  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: Solid Displacement Get DataItem" << std::endl;
372  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: getDataItemLoc: " << getDataItemLoc << std::endl;
373  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: getDataItemType: " << getDataItemType << std::endl;
374  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: arrayLength: " << arrayLength << std::endl;
375  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " ,OFModuleDriver:main: getDataItemUnits: " << getDataItemUnits << std::endl;
376  // translate element (e) to cell (c)
377  if (getDataItemLoc == 'e' || getDataItemLoc == 'E') {
378  myDataItemLoc = 'c';
379  } else if (getDataItemLoc == 'n' || getDataItemLoc == 'N') {
380  myDataItemLoc = 'n';
381  } else {
382  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:main: Unknown Data Item Location" << std::endl;
383  exit(1);
384  }
385  if (getDataItemType == COM_DOUBLE) {
386  myDataItemType = 8;
387  } else {
388  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:main: Unknown Data Item Type" << std::endl;
389  exit(1);
390  }
391  myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("solidDisplacement", myDataItemLoc, arrayLength,
392  myDataItemType, getDataItemUnits);
393  double* solidDisplacement;
394  COM_get_array("OFModule.solidDisplacement", pane, &solidDisplacement);
396  // create buffers for the actual data
397  myAgent.CreateSoln();
398  unsigned int nnodes = myAgent.Mesh().nc.NNodes();
399  unsigned int nelem = myAgent.Mesh().con.Nelem();
400  // reset the buffers to be our own local buffers
401  myAgent.Solution().SetFieldBuffer("time", time);
402  myAgent.Solution().SetFieldBuffer("endTime", endTime);
403  myAgent.Solution().SetFieldBuffer("surfacePressure", surfacePressure);
404  myAgent.Solution().SetFieldBuffer("surfaceTraction", surfaceTraction);
405  myAgent.Solution().SetFieldBuffer("solidDisplacement", solidDisplacement);
408  std::ofstream Ouf;
409  ss.clear();
410  ss.str("");
411  ss << time[0]
412  << "_proc_"
413  << rank;
414  std::string filename;
415  filename = "fsi_" + ss.str() +".vtk";
416  Ouf.open(filename.c_str());
417  if(!Ouf){
418  std::cerr << "OFModuleDriver:main: OFModuleDriver::DumpSolution:Error: Could not open output file, "
419  << filename << "." << std::endl;
420  return -1;
421  }
422  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << ", OFModuleDriver:main: WriteVTKToStream time " << time[0] << std::endl;
423  SolverUtils::WriteVTKToStream("OFModule", myAgent, Ouf);
424  Ouf.close();
426  /*
427  // gathering total number of elements in root
428  int numElemTot = 0;
429  communicator.Reduce(numElem, numElemTot, IRAD::Comm::DTINT, IRAD::Comm::SUMOP, 0);
430  std::cout << "Rank #"<<rank<<", number of elements = "<<numElem<<std::endl;
431  std::cout << "Rank #"<<rank<<", total number of elements = "<<numElemTot<<std::endl;
432  */
434  // setting a barrier here
435  std::cout << "Rank #"<<rank<<"...Reaching to barrier"<<std::endl;
436  communicator.Barrier();
438  // gathering all pressures in root
439  std::vector<double> surfPresVec;
440  std::vector<double> surfPresTotVec;
441  std::vector<int> nSendAllVec;
442  int gatherErr;
443  for (int iElem=0; iElem<numElem; ++iElem)
444  surfPresVec.push_back(surfacePressure[iElem]);
445  std::cout << "Rank #"<<rank<<", surfPresVec size = "<<surfPresVec.size()<<std::endl;
446  gatherErr = communicator.Gatherv(surfPresVec, surfPresTotVec, nSendAllVec);
447  if (gatherErr)
448  std::cout << "Error in gathering information from processes." << std::endl;
449  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
450  << ", size of surfPresTotVec = " << surfPresTotVec.size()
451  << std::endl;
453  // setting a barrier here
454  std::cout << "Rank #"<<rank<<"...Reaching to barrier"<<std::endl;
455  communicator.Barrier();
457  // scattering surface displacements
458  // first gathering number of nodes for each process
459  std::vector<int> numNodesVec;
460  std::vector<int> numNodesTotVec;
461  std::vector<int> nNodesAllVec;
462  numNodesVec.push_back(numNodes);
463  //std::cout << "Rank #"<<rank<<", numNodesVec[rank] = "<<numNodesVec[0]<<std::endl;
464  gatherErr = communicator.Gatherv(numNodesVec, numNodesTotVec, nNodesAllVec);
465  if (gatherErr)
466  std::cout << "Error in gathering information from processes." << std::endl;
467  if (rank == 0){
468  for (int iProc=0; iProc<numNodesTotVec.size(); iProc++)
469  std::cout << "Rank #"<<rank
470  <<", numNodesTotVec["<<iProc<<"] = "<<numNodesTotVec[iProc]<<std::endl;
471  }
472  std::vector<double> surfDispVec;
473  std::vector<double> surfDispVecTot;
474  std::vector<int> nRecvAllVec;
475  int scatterErr;
476  int numNodesTot = 0;
477  if (rank == 0){
478  for (int iProc=0; iProc<numNodesTotVec.size(); iProc++){
479  numNodesTot+= numNodesTotVec[iProc];
480  nRecvAllVec.push_back(3*numNodesTotVec[iProc]);
481  }
482  surfDispVecTot.resize(3*numNodesTot, -0.1);
483  std::cout<<"Rank #"<<rank<<", numNodesTot = "<<numNodesTot<<std::endl;
484  std::cout<<"Rank #"<<rank<<", surfDispVecTot = "<<surfDispVecTot.size()<<std::endl;
485  }
486  scatterErr = communicator.Scatterv(surfDispVecTot, nRecvAllVec, surfDispVec);
487  if (scatterErr)
488  std::cout << "Error in scattering information to processes." << std::endl;
489  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
490  << ", size surfDispVec = " << surfDispVec.size()
491  << ", first element of which = " << surfDispVec[0]
492  << std::endl;
495  if (!dryRun) {
497  int run_handle = COM_get_function_handle("OFModule.RunFoam");
498  if(run_handle <= 0) { // fail
499  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:main: Could not get handle for run function." << std::endl;
500  exit(-1);
501  }
503  int step_handle;
505  if (regression) {
506  step_handle = COM_get_function_handle("OFModule.StepFoam");
507  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:main: StepFoam will be running shortly." << std::endl;
508  if(step_handle <= 0) { // fail
509  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:main: Could not get handle for step function." << std::endl;
510  exit(-1);
511  }
512  } else if (prescribedDisplacement) {
513  step_handle = COM_get_function_handle("OFModule.StepFluid");
514  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:main: StepFluid will be running shortly." << std::endl;
515  if(step_handle <= 0) { // fail
516  std::cout << "OFModuleDriver:main: Could not get handle for step fluid alone function." << std::endl;
517  exit(-1);
518  }
519  }
522  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
523  << ", OFModuleDriver:main: In Driver:" << " time=" << time[0]
524  << " endTime=" << endTime[0] << std::endl;
526  while(time[0] <= endTime[0]) {
527  //COM_call_function(run_handle);
528  // step solution
529  if (prescribedDisplacement) {
530  double xmax = .6;
531  double xmin = .26;
532  double alpha = 3.141592/(2.0*(xmax-xmin));
533  double beta = 2*3.141592/endTime[0];
534  for(int i = 0;i < numNodes;i++){
535  double xpos = Coord[i*3] - xmin;
536  if(xpos > 0){
537  xpos *= alpha;
538  solidDisplacement[i*3] = solidDisplacement[i*3+2] = 0.0;
539  solidDisplacement[i*3+1] = 0.001*std::sin(xpos)*std::sin(beta*time[0]);
540  }
541  }
542  }
543  COM_call_function(step_handle);
545  std::ofstream Ouf;
546  ss.clear();
547  ss.str("");
548  ss << time[0]
549  << "_proc_"
550  << rank;
551  std::string filename;
552  filename = "fsi_" + ss.str() +".vtk";
553  Ouf.open(filename.c_str());
554  if(!Ouf){
555  std::cerr << "OFModuleDriver::DumpSolution:Error: Could not open output file, "
556  << filename << "." << std::endl;
557  return -1;
558  }
559  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
560  << ", OFModuleDriver:main: WriteVTKToStream time "
561  << time[0] << std::endl;
562  SolverUtils::WriteVTKToStream("OFModule", myAgent, Ouf);
563  Ouf.close();
564  }
565  }
566  //}
567  // Setting COM to default COMM
568  //COM_set_default_communicator(masterComm);
570  // set a barrier
571  communicator.Barrier();
573  /*
574  // Creating a Pane_communicator object
575  COM::COM_base *rbase = COM_get_com();
576  COM::Window* winObj = NULL;
577  int winHndl = COM_get_window_handle("OFModule");
578  winObj = rbase->get_window_object(winHndl);
579  MAP::Pane_communicator *pComm = new MAP::Pane_communicator(winObj, newComm);
580  std::cout << "Total number of panes = " << pComm->total_npanes() << std::endl;
581  */
584  // writing fluid window to hdf
585  int OUT_set = COM_get_function_handle( "OUT.set_option");
586  int OUT_write = COM_get_function_handle( "OUT.write_dataitem");
587  int OUT_write_ctrl = COM_get_function_handle( "OUT.write_rocin_control_file");
588  const char *win_out= "OFModule";
589  std::string win_out_pre( win_out);
590  win_out_pre.append(".");
591  int OUT_all = COM_get_dataitem_handle((win_out_pre+"all").c_str());
592  ss.clear();
593  ss.str("");
594  ss << "_proc_"
595  << rank;
596  std::string fileOut;
597  std::string fname, ctrl_fname;
598  fileOut = "OFModule_window" + ss.str();
599  fname = (std::string)win_out + "_0_";
600  ctrl_fname = (std::string)win_out + "_in_0.txt";
601  COM_call_function( OUT_set, "format", "HDF4");
602  COM_call_function( OUT_write, (fileOut + ".hdf").c_str(), &OUT_all, win_out,
603  "0000");
604  COM_call_function( OUT_write_ctrl, win_out, fileOut.c_str(), ctrl_fname.c_str());
608  // Finalizing
609  // unloading SimIn on all processes
611  // unloading openFoam module
613  // finalize comm
614  COM_finalize();
615  // finalizing MPI
616  communicator.Finalize();
617  return(0);
618  }
IRAD::Comm::CommunicatorObject CommType
void Usage(char *exec)

Here is the call graph for this function: