ElmerFoamFSI  2.0
ElmerFoamFSI is fluid-solid interaction simulation application built up from OpenFOAM CFD and Elmer CSM coupled through the IMPACT multiphysics software integration infrastructure.
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1 #include "com.h"
10 #include "com_devel.hpp"
11 #include <iostream>
12 #include <cstring>
13 #include <cstdlib>
14 #include <stdlib.h>
15 #include <sstream>
16 #include "primitive_utilities.H"
17 #include "SolverAgent.H"
18 #include "InterfaceLayer.H"
20 #include "COMM.H"
21 #include <algorithm>
24 COM_EXTERN_MODULE( ElmerCSCParallel);
28 namespace COM {
29  // typedef for CommunicatorObject
30  typedef IRAD::Comm::CommunicatorObject CommType;
32  void SolverModuleDriver::usage(char *exec){
33  std::cout << std::endl
34  << "Usage: " << std::endl << std::endl
35  << " " << exec << " [-com-mpi] [-fsi] [-loads] time[0] [time[1] ... time[Final]]"
36  << std::endl
37  << " where at least timeFinal is required. Here is the description of switches :"
38  << std::endl << std::endl
39  << " -com-mpi:" << std::endl
40  << " It is not required to use the -com-mpi flag." << std::endl << std::endl
41  << " -fsi :" << std::endl
42  << " Should be used for fluid-solid interaction (FSI) problems to register" << std::endl
43  << " mesh and solution for each given timestep. A vtk file will be created" << std::endl
44  << " for each timestep containing FSI surface mesh and solution values." << std::endl
45  << " It is assumed that all processes share FSI boundaries." << std::endl<<std::endl
46  << " -loads :" << std::endl
47  << " Should be used to change loads during simulaiton" << std::endl<< std::endl
48  << " time[i], i>0:" << std::endl
49  << " At least one timestep should be given. For steady state problem a timestep" << std::endl
50  << " of 1.0 is enough. Values given should increase monotonically." << std::endl;
51  std::exit(1);
52  }
54  int SolverModuleDriver::init(int argc, char *argv[]){
55  std::cout << "SoverModuleDriver: running initializer ... " << std::endl;
56  // processing command-line flags
57  std::string arg;
58  double tmpTime;
59  if(argc > 1){
60  for(int i=1; i < argc; i++){
61  ss.clear();
62  ss.str("");
63  ss << argv[i];
64  if(ss.str() == "-com-mpi")
65  continue;
66  if(ss.str() == "-fsi"){
67  isFSI = true;
68  continue;
69  }
70  if(ss.str() == "-loads"){
71  changeLoads = true;
72  continue;
73  }
74  for(int j=0; j<ss.str().size(); j++){
75  if(!isdigit(ss.str()[j]) && ss.str()[j] != 'e'
76  && ss.str()[j] != 'E' && ss.str()[j] != '-'
77  && ss.str()[j] != '.')
78  usage(argv[0]);
79  }
80  ss >> tmpTime;
81  tNext.push_back(tmpTime);
82  }
83  }
84  else
85  usage(argv[0]);
87  for(int i=1; i < tNext.size(); i++){
88  if(tNext[i] <= tNext[i-1]){
89  usage(argv[0]);
90  exit(1);
91  }
92  }
94  // loading ElmerParallel module
97  // loading SimOut on all processes
100  // check the communicator that the window was loaded on
101  MPI_Comm comm_check;
102  outfile << "Checking ELMModule" << std::endl;
103  outfile << "comm_check = " << comm_check << std::endl;
104  COM_get_communicator("ELMModule", &comm_check);
105  if(comm_check == Comm)
106  outfile << "comm_check == Comm!" << std::endl;
107  else if(comm_check == MPI_COMM_WORLD)
108  outfile << "comm_check == MPI_COMM_WORLD!" << std::endl;
109  else if(comm_check == MPI_COMM_SELF)
110  outfile << "comm_check == MPI_COMM_SELF!" << std::endl;
111  else
112  outfile << "comm_check == None!" << std::endl;
114  // calling module initializer
115  if(color == 0){
117  int init_handle = COM_get_function_handle("ELMModule.Initialize");
118  bool init_func = (init_handle > 0);
119  int verb=1;
120  runs = 0;
121  if(init_func)
122  COM_call_function(init_handle, &runs, &verb);
123  }
125  // FSI problems will register mesh data, accessing them
126  if(isFSI){
127  char getDataItemLoc;
128  COM_Type getDataItemType;
129  std::string getDataItemUnits;
130  // getting node coordinates
131  COM_get_array("ELMModule.nc", myPaneId, &Coord);
132  // check for expected number of nodes
133  COM_get_size("ELMModule.nc", myPaneId, &nNodes);
134  // get connectivity tables for paneIds
135  // :q4: is quad element
136  std::string stringNames;
137  COM_get_connectivities("ELMModule", myPaneId, &nConn, stringNames);
138  std::istringstream ConnISS(stringNames);
139  std::vector<std::string> connNames;
140  for (int i=0; i<nConn; ++i) {
141  std::string name;
142  ConnISS >> name;
143  connNames.push_back(name);
144  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
145  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: Connectivity Table # " << i+1 << ": " << name << std::endl;
146  }
147  // number of nodes per element
148  std::string fullConnName("ELMModule."+connNames[0]);
149  COM_get_dataitem(fullConnName, &getDataItemLoc, &getDataItemType,
150  &nElemNodes, &getDataItemUnits);
151  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
152  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: getDataItemLoc " << getDataItemLoc << std::endl;
153  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
154  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: getDataItemType " << getDataItemType << std::endl;
155  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
156  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: nElemNodes " << nElemNodes << std::endl;
157  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
158  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: getDataItemUnits " << getDataItemUnits << std::endl;
159  // get connectivities
160  COM_get_array(fullConnName.c_str(), myPaneId, &Conn);
161  COM_get_size(fullConnName, myPaneId, &nElem);
162  }
164  return 0;
165  }
168  //If we want to prescribe loads here's where we do it
170  /*
171  // set FSI loads for the structures solver
172  std::cout << "isFSI = " << isFSI << std::endl;
173  if(isFSI && changeLoads){
174  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
175  << ", Applying loads ... " << std::endl;
176  COM_get_array("ELMModule.Loads", myPaneId, &Loads);
177  if(Loads){
178  // Get the FSI load size from the structures solver
179  COM_get_size("ELMModule.Loads", myPaneId, &nLoads);
180  std::cout << "Load size = " << nLoads << std::endl;
181  std::cout << "SoverModuleDriver:run: Checking loads" << std::endl;
182  for(int i=0; i < nLoads; i++){
183  for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){
184  Loads[i*3 + j] = double(i*3 + j);
185  std::cout << Loads[i*3+j] << " ";
186  }
187  std::cout << std::endl;
188  }
189  }
190  }
191  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
192  << ", Finished applying loads." << std::endl;
193  */
196  int run_handle = COM_get_function_handle("ELMModule.Run");
197  bool run_func = (run_handle > 0);
198  runs = 0;
199  if(run_func){
200  int timestep = 0;
201  for(int i=0; i < tNext.size(); i++){
202  // call run function
203  std::cout << "SoverModuleDriver:run: Calling run function from driver" << std::endl;
204  COM_call_function(run_handle,&runs,&tNext[i]);
205  // dump solution to vtk
206  vtkDump(tNext[i]);
207  // update time
208  timestep++;
209  }
210  }
211  return 0;
212  }
215  // only for FSI problems
216  if (!isFSI)
217  return(0);
218  char getDataItemLoc;
219  COM_Type getDataItemType;
220  std::string getDataItemUnits;
221  // get displacements
222  std::string name;
223  int myDataItemType;
224  name = "ELMModule.Displacements";
225  COM_get_dataitem(name, &getDataItemLoc, &getDataItemType,
226  &nDisp, &getDataItemUnits);
227  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
228  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: Displacement Get DataItem"
229  << std::endl;
230  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
231  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: getDataItemLoc: " << getDataItemLoc << std::endl;
232  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
233  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: getDataItemType: " << getDataItemType << std::endl;
234  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
235  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: arrayLength: " << nDisp << std::endl;
236  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
237  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: getDataItemUnits: " << getDataItemUnits << std::endl;
238  // translate element (e) to cell (c)
239  char myDataItemLoc;
240  if (getDataItemLoc == 'e' || getDataItemLoc == 'E') {
241  locDisp = 'c';
242  } else if (getDataItemLoc == 'n' || getDataItemLoc == 'N') {
243  locDisp = 'n';
244  } else {
245  std::cout << "ELMModuleDriver:main: Unknown Data Item Location" << std::endl;
246  exit(1);
247  }
248  if (getDataItemType == COM_DOUBLE_PRECISION) {
249  typeDisp = 8;
250  } else {
251  std::cout << "ELMModuleDriver:main: Unknown Data Item Type" << std::endl;
252  exit(1);
253  }
254  // acquire dataitem from COM
255  COM_get_array("ELMModule.Displacements", myPaneId, &Disp);
256  // get loads
257  name = "ELMModule.Loads";
258  COM_get_dataitem(name, &getDataItemLoc, &getDataItemType,
259  &nLoads, &getDataItemUnits);
260  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
261  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: Load Get DataItem"
262  << std::endl;
263  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
264  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: getDataItemLoc: " << getDataItemLoc << std::endl;
265  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
266  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: getDataItemType: " << getDataItemType << std::endl;
267  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
268  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: arrayLength: " << nLoads << std::endl;
269  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
270  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: getDataItemUnits: " << getDataItemUnits << std::endl;
271  // translate element (e) to cell (c)
272  if (getDataItemLoc == 'e' || getDataItemLoc == 'E') {
273  locLoads = 'c';
274  } else if (getDataItemLoc == 'n' || getDataItemLoc == 'N') {
275  locLoads = 'n';
276  } else {
277  std::cout << "ELMModuleDriver:main: Unknown Data Item Location" << std::endl;
278  exit(1);
279  }
280  if (getDataItemType == COM_DOUBLE_PRECISION) {
281  typeLoads = 8;
282  } else {
283  std::cout << "ELMModuleDriver:main: Unknown Data Item Type" << std::endl;
284  exit(1);
285  }
286  // acquire dataitem from COM
287  COM_get_array("ELMModule.Loads", myPaneId, &Loads);
288  // get pressures
289  name = "ELMModule.Pressures";
290  COM_get_dataitem(name, &getDataItemLoc, &getDataItemType,
291  &nPress, &getDataItemUnits);
292  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
293  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: Pressures Get DataItem"
294  << std::endl;
295  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
296  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: getDataItemLoc: " << getDataItemLoc << std::endl;
297  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
298  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: getDataItemType: " << getDataItemType << std::endl;
299  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
300  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: arrayLength: " << nPress << std::endl;
301  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
302  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: getDataItemUnits: " << getDataItemUnits << std::endl;
303  // translate element (e) to cell (c)
304  if (getDataItemLoc == 'e' || getDataItemLoc == 'E') {
305  locPress = 'c';
306  } else {
307  std::cout << "ELMModuleDriver:main: Unknown Data Item Location" << std::endl;
308  exit(1);
309  }
310  if (getDataItemType == COM_DOUBLE_PRECISION) {
311  typePress = 8;
312  } else {
313  std::cout << "ELMModuleDriver:main: Unknown Data Item Type" << std::endl;
314  exit(1);
315  }
316  COM_get_array(name.c_str(), myPaneId, &Press);
318  }
322  if(color == 0){
324  int final_handle = COM_get_function_handle("ELMModule.Finalize");
325  bool final_func = (final_handle > 0);
326  runs = 0;
327  if(final_func){
328  COM_call_function(final_handle,&runs);
329  }
330  }
333  return 0;
335  }
337  int SolverModuleDriver::vtkDump(double timeMark){
338  // only for FSI problems
339  if (!isFSI)
340  return(0);
341  char getDataItemLoc;
342  COM_Type getDataItemType;
343  std::string getDataItemUnits;
344  // creating solverAgent if not yet
345  if (!myAgentIsInit) {
346  myAgentIsInit = true;
347  // put elements into a vector so we can build the solver agent
348  std::vector<unsigned int> connVector;
349  for (int i=0; i<nElem; ++i) {
350  for (int j=0; j<nElemNodes; ++j) {
351  connVector.push_back((Conn[i*nElemNodes+j]));
352  }
353  }
354  // make a solverAgent to store our data
355  myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("time", 's', 1, 8, "s");
356  myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("endTime", 's', 1, 8, "s");
357  myAgent.Mesh().nc.init(nNodes, Coord);
358  myAgent.Mesh().con.AddElements(nElem, nElemNodes, connVector);
359  }
360  // updating datastructures
361  updateSolution();
362  // displacements
363  myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("Displacement", locDisp, nDisp,
364  typeDisp, "");
365  // loads
366  myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("Load", locLoads, nLoads,
367  typeLoads, "");
368  // get pressures
369  myAgent.Solution().Meta().AddField("Pressure", locPress, nPress,
370  typePress, "");
371  // create buffers for the actual data
372  myAgent.CreateSoln();
373  unsigned int nnodes = myAgent.Mesh().nc.NNodes();
374  unsigned int nelem = myAgent.Mesh().con.Nelem();
375  // reset the buffers to be our own local buffers
376  myAgent.Solution().SetFieldBuffer("Displacement", Disp);
377  myAgent.Solution().SetFieldBuffer("Load", Loads);
378  myAgent.Solution().SetFieldBuffer("Pressure", Press);
379  // write initial mesh data out to a VTK file
380  std::ofstream Ouf;
381  ss.clear();
382  ss.str("");
383  ss << timeMark
384  << "_proc_"
385  << myRank;
386  std::string filename;
387  filename = "fsi_" + ss.str() +".vtk";
388  Ouf.open(filename.c_str());
389  if(!Ouf){
390  std::cerr << "ELMModuleDriver:main: DumpSolution: Error: Could not open output file, "
391  << filename << "." << std::endl;
392  return -1;
393  }
394  std::cout << "Rank #" << myRank
395  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: WriteVTKToStream for " << timeMark << std::endl;
396  SolverUtils::WriteVTKToStream("ELMModule", myAgent, Ouf);
397  Ouf.close();
398  }
400  int parallelProgram(int argc, char *argv[]){
401  int parErr;
402  // instantiating IRAD's communicatorObject
403  // this constructor calls MPI_init internally and
404  // sets up everthing with MPI
405  std::cout <<"ElmerModuleDriver:Main: Setting up parallel communicator..." << std::endl;
406  CommType communicator(&argc,&argv);
407  MPI_Comm masterComm = communicator.GetCommunicator();
408  int rank = communicator.Rank();
409  int nproc = communicator.Size();
410  int color = 0;
411  std::cout << "ElmerModuleDriver:Main:Rank #"
412  << rank
413  << ", I see "
414  << nproc
415  << " proccesses."
416  << std::endl;
417  // initializing COM
418  COM_init( &argc, &argv);
420  // instantiating solver driver object
421  SolverModuleDriver driverObject;
422  driverObject.setRank(rank);
423  driverObject.myPaneId=100+rank;
425  // checking streamer process
426  if (driverObject.isStreamer())
427  std::cout << "Hi, I am a streamer ..." << std::endl;
429  // setting up output files for parallel debugging
430  std::string outfile_name;
431  std::stringstream ss;
432  std::string str_rank;
433  ss << rank;
434  ss >> str_rank;
435  outfile_name = "out" + str_rank + ".dat";
436  driverObject.outfile.open(outfile_name.c_str());
438  // setting color for the driver object
439  driverObject.setColor(color);
440  driverObject.outfile << "color = " << color << std::endl;
441  driverObject.outfile << "rank = " << rank << std::endl;
442  CommType newCommunicator;
443  communicator.Split(color, rank, newCommunicator);
444  driverObject.outfile << "communicator.Size() = " << communicator.Size() << std::endl;
445  driverObject.outfile << "newCommunicator.Size() = " << newCommunicator.Size() << std::endl;
446  driverObject.setComm(newCommunicator.GetCommunicator());
447  MPI_Comm newComm;
448  newComm = newCommunicator.GetCommunicator();
449  COM_set_default_communicator(newComm);
451  // calling initializer, for FSI problems mesh and solution
452  // related datastructures will be automatically registered
453  driverObject.init(argc, argv);
455  // get information about what was registered in this window
456  int numDataItems=0;
457  std::string output;
458  COM_get_dataitems("ELMModule", &numDataItems, output);
459  std::istringstream Istr(output);
460  std::vector<std::string> dataItemNames;
461  for (int i=0; i<numDataItems; ++i) {
462  std::string name;
463  Istr >> name;
464  dataItemNames.push_back(name);
465  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
466  << ", ElmerModuleDriver:main: DataItem # " << i << ": " << name << std::endl;
467  }
468  // list of panes for this process: each process creates a single pane
469  // with paneId = 100 + rank
470  int numPanes;
471  int* paneList;
472  COM_get_panes("ELMModule", &numPanes, &paneList);
473  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
474  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: Number of Panes " << numPanes << std::endl;
475  for (int i=0; i<numPanes; ++i)
476  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
477  << ", ELMModuleDriver:main: Pane ID # " << i+1 << "=" << paneList[i] << std::endl;
479  // updating solution
480  driverObject.updateSolution();
482  // dumping intial conditions to vtk
483  //if (driverObject.isFSISim())
484  // driverObject.vtkDump(0);
486  // scattering FSI loads to the structures solver processes
487  // only for FSI problesm
488  if(driverObject.isFSISim() && driverObject.isChangeLoad()){
489  std::vector<int> nLoadsVec;
490  std::vector<int> nLoadsTotVec;
491  std::vector<int> nRecvAllVec;
492  nLoadsVec.push_back(driverObject.nNodes*driverObject.nLoads);
493  std::cout << "Rank #"<<rank
494  <<", nLoadsVec["<<rank<<"] = "<<nLoadsVec[rank]<<std::endl;
495  parErr = newCommunicator.Gatherv(nLoadsVec, nLoadsTotVec, nRecvAllVec);
496  if (parErr)
497  std::cout << "Error in gathering information from processes." << std::endl;
498  if (rank == 0){
499  for (int iProc=0; iProc<nLoadsTotVec.size(); iProc++)
500  std::cout << "Rank #"<<rank
501  <<", nLoadsTotVec["<<iProc<<"] = "<<nLoadsTotVec[iProc]<<std::endl;
502  }
503  // defining new loads
504  std::vector<double> loadsVec;
505  std::vector<double> loadsTotVec;
506  int nLoadsTot = 0;
507  if (rank == 0){
508  for (int iProc=0; iProc < nLoadsTotVec.size(); iProc++){
509  nLoadsTot += nLoadsTotVec[iProc];
510  }
511  loadsTotVec.resize(nLoadsTot,0.0);
512  for (int iLoad=1; iLoad < nLoadsTot; iLoad+=3)
513  loadsTotVec[iLoad] = 1.0;
514  std::cout << "Size of loadsTotVec = " << loadsTotVec.size() << std::endl;
515  }
516  // parallel scattering
517  parErr = newCommunicator.Scatterv(loadsTotVec, nLoadsTotVec, loadsVec);
518  if (parErr)
519  std::cout << "Error in scattering information to processes." << std::endl;
520  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
521  << ", number of load components I received = " << loadsVec.size()
522  << std::endl;
523  // applying loads for each process
524  for (int iLoad=0; iLoad<(driverObject.nLoads*driverObject.nNodes); ++iLoad){
525  driverObject.Loads[iLoad] = loadsVec[iLoad];
526  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
527  << ", driverObject.Loads ["<<iLoad<<"] = "
528  << driverObject.Loads[iLoad] << std::endl;
529  }
530  // setting a barrier here
531  std::cout << "Rank #"<<rank<<"...Reaching to barrier"<<std::endl;
532  newCommunicator.Barrier();
533  }
535  // calling run step
536  driverObject.run();
537  newCommunicator.Barrier();
539  // gathering all displacements in root
540  // only for FSI problesm
541  if(driverObject.isFSISim() && driverObject.isChangeLoad()){
542  std::vector<double> dispVec;
543  std::vector<double> dispTotVec;
544  std::vector<int> nSendAllVec;
545  for (int iDisp=0; iDisp<(driverObject.nDisp*driverObject.nNodes); ++iDisp){
546  dispVec.push_back(driverObject.Disp[iDisp]);
547  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
548  << ", dispVec ["<<iDisp<<"] = " << dispVec[iDisp] << std::endl;
549  }
550  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
551  << ", dispVec size = " << dispVec.size() << std::endl;
552  // parallel gathering
553  parErr = newCommunicator.Gatherv(dispVec, dispTotVec, nSendAllVec);
554  if (parErr)
555  std::cout << "Error in gathering information from processes." << std::endl;
556  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
557  << ", size of dispTotVec = " << dispTotVec.size()
558  << std::endl;
559  // setting a barrier here
560  std::cout << "Rank #"<<rank<<"...Reaching to barrier"<<std::endl;
561  newCommunicator.Barrier();
562  // checking gather data vector
563  if (rank == 0){
564  double maxDisp = 0.0;
565  double minDisp = 0.0;
566  for (int iDisp=0; iDisp<dispTotVec.size(); iDisp++){
567  maxDisp = std::max(dispTotVec[iDisp], maxDisp);
568  minDisp = std::min(dispTotVec[iDisp], minDisp);
569  std::cout << "Rank #0, dispTotVec [" << iDisp << "] = "
570  << dispTotVec[iDisp] << std::endl;
571  }
572  outfile_name = "maxMinDisp.dat";
573  std::ofstream testFile;
574  testFile.open(outfile_name.c_str());
575  testFile << maxDisp << std::endl << minDisp << std::endl;
576  testFile.close();
577  }
578  // writing window to HDF
579  int OUT_set = COM_get_function_handle( "OUT.set_option");
580  int OUT_write = COM_get_function_handle( "OUT.write_dataitem");
581  const char *win_out= "ELMModule";
582  std::string win_out_pre(win_out);
583  win_out_pre.append(".");
584  int OUT_all = COM_get_dataitem_handle((win_out_pre+"all").c_str());
585  ss.clear();
586  ss.str("");
587  ss << "_proc_"
588  << rank;
589  std::string fileOut;
590  fileOut = "ELMModule_window" + ss.str();
591  COM_call_function( OUT_set, "format", "HDF4");
592  COM_call_function( OUT_write, (fileOut + ".hdf").c_str(), &OUT_all, win_out,
593  "0000");
594  }
596  // calling finalize
597  driverObject.finalize();
599  // closing log file for the driver object
600  driverObject.outfile.close();
602  // finalize comm
603  COM_finalize();
605  // finalizing communicator
606  communicator.Finalize();
607  return 0;
608  }
609 }
611 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
612  //std::cout << "Calling parallelProgram ... " << std::endl;
613  return(COM::parallelProgram(argc, argv));
614 }
int parallelProgram(int argc, char *argv[])
IRAD::Comm::CommunicatorObject CommType
int init(int argc, char *argv[])
void setComm(MPI_Comm newComm)
#define main
Definition: icoFoamModule.C:2