ElmerFoamFSI  2.0
ElmerFoamFSI is fluid-solid interaction simulation application built up from OpenFOAM CFD and Elmer CSM coupled through the IMPACT multiphysics software integration infrastructure.
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fsifoam_module Class Reference

Detailed Description

Definition at line 38 of file fsiFOAM.H.

#include <fsiFOAM.H>

Public Member Functions

 fsifoam_module ()
 fsifoam_module (int argc, char *argv[])
int Initialize (int argc, char *argv[])
int InitFluidMesh ()
int InitTransportProperties ()
int CreateFluidFields ()
int InitStructuresMesh ()
int CreateStructuresFields ()
int ReadCouplingProperties ()
int CreateInterZoneInterpolators ()
int FindGlobalFaceZones ()
int ReadPISOControls ()
int ReadFSIControls ()
int Step ()
int StepFluidAlone ()
int StepFluidNonItr ()
int StepFluidItr ()
int Dump ()
void InitFoam (int *pargc, void **pargv, int *verbIn)
 function to register through IMPACT More...
void RunFoam ()
 the OpenFOAM main More...
void StepFoam ()
 the OpenFOAM stepping More...
void StepFluid ()
 the OpenFOAM stepping fluid alone More...
Foam::Time & RunTime ()
Foam::argList & ArgList ()
dynamicFvMesh & FluidMesh ()
IOdictionary & TransportProperties ()
dimensionedScalar & nu ()
dimensionedScalar & rhoFluid ()
volScalarField & p ()
volVectorField & U ()
surfaceScalarField & phi ()
fvMesh & StructuresMesh ()
volVectorField & DU ()
volTensorField & gradDU ()
volVectorField & Usolid ()
volVectorField & DV ()
volVectorField & Vs ()
volSymmTensorField & sigma ()
volSymmTensorField & DSigma ()
constitutiveModel & Rheology ()
volScalarField & rhoSolid ()
volScalarField & mu ()
volScalarField & lambda ()
volTensorField & F ()
volTensorField & DF ()
volScalarField & J ()
word & SolidDdtScheme ()
pointMesh & pStressMesh ()
pointVectorField & PointDU ()
IOdictionary & CouplingProperties ()
label SolidPatchID ()
word SolidPatchName ()
label FluidPatchID ()
word FluidPatchName ()
word FluidZoneName ()
word SolidZoneName ()
label FluidZoneID ()
label SolidZoneID ()
bool FEMotion ()
bool FVMotion ()
vectorField & AccumulatedFluidInterfaceDisplacements ()
zoneToZoneInterpolation & interpFluidSolid ()
zoneToZoneInterpolation & interpSolidFluid ()
solidTractionFvPatchVectorField & tForce ()
scalar & LocalContErr ()
scalar & GlobalContErr ()
scalar & CumulativeContErr ()
labelList & GlobalFaceZones ()
labelListList & GlobalToLocalFaceZonePointMap ()
word CouplingScheme ()
scalar & FSIRelaxationFactor ()
scalar & FSIRelaxationFactorMin ()
Switch FSIEnabled ()
int & NCorrPISO ()
int & NNonOrthCorr ()
scalar & InterfaceDeformationLimit ()
scalar & OuterCorrTolerance ()
int & NOuterCorr ()
 fsifoam_module ()
 fsifoam_module (int argc, char *argv[])
int Initialize (int argc, char *argv[])
int InitFluidMesh ()
int InitTransportProperties ()
int CreateFluidFields ()
int InitStructuresMesh ()
int CreateStructuresFields ()
int ReadCouplingProperties ()
int CreateInterZoneInterpolators ()
int FindGlobalFaceZones ()
int ReadPISOControls ()
int ReadFSIControls ()
int Step ()
int StepFluidAlone ()
int StepFluidNonItr ()
int StepFluidItr ()
int Dump ()
int Rank ()
int Size ()
void InitFoam (int *pargc, void **pargv, int *verbIn)
 function to register through IMPACT More...
void RunFoam ()
void StepFoam ()
void StepFluid ()
Foam::Time & RunTime ()
Foam::argList & ArgList ()
dynamicFvMesh & FluidMesh ()
IOdictionary & TransportProperties ()
dimensionedScalar & nu ()
dimensionedScalar & rhoFluid ()
volScalarField & p ()
volVectorField & U ()
surfaceScalarField & phi ()
fvMesh & StructuresMesh ()
volVectorField & DU ()
volTensorField & gradDU ()
volVectorField & Usolid ()
volVectorField & DV ()
volVectorField & Vs ()
volSymmTensorField & sigma ()
volSymmTensorField & DSigma ()
constitutiveModel & Rheology ()
volScalarField & rhoSolid ()
volScalarField & mu ()
volScalarField & lambda ()
volTensorField & F ()
volTensorField & DF ()
volScalarField & J ()
word & SolidDdtScheme ()
pointMesh & pStressMesh ()
pointVectorField & PointDU ()
IOdictionary & CouplingProperties ()
label SolidPatchID ()
word SolidPatchName ()
label FluidPatchID ()
word FluidPatchName ()
word FluidZoneName ()
word SolidZoneName ()
label FluidZoneID ()
label SolidZoneID ()
bool FEMotion ()
bool FVMotion ()
vectorField & AccumulatedFluidInterfaceDisplacements ()
zoneToZoneInterpolation & interpFluidSolid ()
zoneToZoneInterpolation & interpSolidFluid ()
solidTractionFvPatchVectorField & tForce ()
scalar & LocalContErr ()
scalar & GlobalContErr ()
scalar & CumulativeContErr ()
labelList & GlobalFaceZones ()
labelListList & GlobalToLocalFaceZonePointMap ()
word CouplingScheme ()
scalar & FSIRelaxationFactor ()
scalar & FSIRelaxationFactorMin ()
Switch FSIEnabled ()
int & NCorrPISO ()
int & NNonOrthCorr ()
scalar & InterfaceDeformationLimit ()
scalar & OuterCorrTolerance ()
int & NOuterCorr ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void Load (const std::string &name)
 "Loads" IcoFoamModule More...
static void Unload (const std::string &name)
 Unloads the IcoFoamModule. More...
static void Load (const std::string &name)
static void Unload (const std::string &name)

Protected Member Functions

void CreateFSISurfaceMesh ()
 Initialization of the surface mesh data structures from the OpenFOAM mesh data structures. More...
void UpdateFSISurfaceMesh ()
 Update of the surface mesh data coordinates. More...
int UpdateFSISurface (Foam::vectorField &solidPatchPointsDispl)
 Update the nodal coordinates of the IMAPCT and OpenFoam FSI surfaces from the IMPACT displacement data. More...
void UpdateFSISurfaceData ()
 Update the data registered on the FSI surface. More...
void UpdateTime ()
 Update the time control data registered with OpenFOAM i.e. More...
void CreateFSISurfaceMesh ()
 Initialization of the surface mesh data structures from the OpenFOAM mesh data structures. More...
void UpdateFSISurfaceMesh ()
 Update of the surface mesh data coordinates. More...
int UpdateFSISurface (Foam::vectorField &solidPatchPointsDispl)
 Update the nodal coordinates of the IMAPCT and OpenFoam FSI surfaces from the IMPACT displacement data. More...
void UpdateFSISurfaceData ()
 Update the data registered on the FSI surface. More...
void UpdateTime ()
 Update the time control data registered with OpenFOAM i.e. More...

Protected Attributes

int numPointsSurface
 Tracks this window name. More...
int numElementsSurface
std::vector< double > surfaceCoordinates
std::vector< unsigned int > surfaceConnectivity
std::map< int, int > surfaceNodeMap
std::map< int, int > interfaceToFoamNodeMap
std::map< int, int > foamGlobalToPatchNodeMap
std::vector< double > surfacePressure
std::vector< double > surfaceTraction
std::vector< double > surfaceDisplacement
std::vector< double > solidDisplacement
std::vector< double > time
std::vector< double > deltaTime
int verbosity
std::vector< int > initStatus
std::vector< int > runStatus
std::vector< double > endTime
Foam::argList * argsPtr
Foam::Time * runTimePtr
autoPtr< dynamicFvMesh > meshPtr
IOdictionary * transportPropertiesPtr
dimensionedScalar * nuPtr
dimensionedScalar * rhoFluidPtr
volScalarField * pPtr
volVectorField * UPtr
surfaceScalarField * phiPtr
label pRefCell
scalar pRefValue
fvMesh * stressMeshPtr
volVectorField * DUPtr
volTensorField * gradDUPtr
volVectorField * UsolidPtr
volVectorField * DVPtr
volVectorField * VsPtr
volSymmTensorField * sigmaPtr
volSymmTensorField * DSigmaPtr
constitutiveModel * rheologyPtr
volScalarField * rhoPtr
volScalarField * muPtr
volScalarField * lambdaPtr
volTensorField * FPtr
volTensorField * DFPtr
volScalarField * JPtr
word * solidDdtSchemePtr
pointMesh * pStressMeshPtr
pointVectorField * pointDUPtr
IOdictionary * couplingPropertiesPtr
word solidPatchName
label solidPatchID
word solidZoneName
label solidZoneID
word fluidPatchName
label fluidPatchID
word fluidZoneName
label fluidZoneID
bool feMotionSolver
bool fvMotionSolver
IOobject * accumulatedFluidInterfaceDisplacementHeaderPtr
vectorField * accumulatedFluidInterfaceDisplacementPtr
zoneToZoneInterpolation * interpolatorFluidSolidPtr
zoneToZoneInterpolation * interpolatorSolidFluidPtr
pointPatchInterpolation * patchPointInterpolatorPtr
scalar sumLocalContErr
scalar globalContErr
scalar cumulativeContErr
labelList globalFaceZones
labelListList globalToLocalFaceZonePointMap
int nCorr
int nNonOrthCorr
bool momentumPredictor
bool transonic
int nOuterCorr
scalar CoNum
scalar meanCoNum
scalar velMag
word couplingScheme
scalar interfaceDeformationLimit
IOdictionary * dynamicMeshDictPtr
scalar fsiRelaxationFactor
scalar fsiRelaxationFactorMin
scalar outerCorrTolerance
Switch fsi
int rank
 Tracks window's communicator. More...
int nproc

Private Attributes

std::string my_window_name
MPI_Comm my_window_comm
 Tracks this window name. More...
Inheritance diagram for fsifoam_module:
Collaboration diagram for fsifoam_module:

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