ElmerFoamFSI  2.0
ElmerFoamFSI is fluid-solid interaction simulation application built up from OpenFOAM CFD and Elmer CSM coupled through the IMPACT multiphysics software integration infrastructure.
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15 #include "COMM.H"
16 #endif
17 #include "Testing.H"
18 #include "ExampleHeader.H"
19 #include "Profiler.H"
20 #include <vector>
21 #include <cmath>
22 #include <iomanip>
23 #include "com.h"
24 #include "com_devel.hpp"
25 #include "UnixUtils.H"
28 COM_EXTERN_MODULE( ElmerCSCParallel );
30 namespace ElmerModuleDriver {
35  namespace TestFixture {
41  double F1(double x) { return (2.0*x); };
47  double F2(double x) { return (3.0*x*x); };
48  };
77  template<typename ResultsType>
78  class TestingObject : public IRAD::Util::TestingObject<ResultsType>
79  {
80  typedef IRAD::Util::TestingObject<ResultsType> TestingObjectBaseType;
81  protected:
82  // Example test fixtures for ElmerModuleDriver testing.
83  //
84  // In a real project, there would be many test fixtures
85  // in the TestingObject.
89  std::string ExampleTestFixture;
93  std::vector<int> N;
97  std::string SourceDirPath;
98  public:
107  void SetSourceDirPath(std::string input){
108  SourceDirPath = input;
109  }
115  virtual void Epilogue() {};
124  virtual void Prologue(){
125  ExampleTestFixture.assign("ExampleTestData");
126  for(int i = 10;i < 10000000;i*=10) N.push_back(i);
127  }
133  double F1(double x) { return (2.0*x); };
139  double F2(double x) { return (3.0*x*x); };
154  virtual void Test__ExampleFunction(ResultsType &result) {
155  // This is an actual test of the function called
156  // ExampleFunction. The name Test__XXXXX will
157  // eventually help automated utilities with
158  // running tests by name.
159  std::string ExampleResult(ExampleFunction(ExampleTestFixture));
160  result.UpdateResult("ExampleFunction:Works",
161  ExampleResult == ExampleTestFixture);
162  result.UpdateResult("ExampleFunction:Fails",
163  ExampleResult != ExampleTestFixture);
164  }
179  virtual void Test__TrapezoidQuadrature(ResultsType &result) {
180  std::ostringstream Ostr;
181  std::vector<double> E;
182  size_t n = 2*N.size();
183  bool runs = true;
184  for(std::vector<int>::iterator i = N.begin();i != N.end();i++){
185  double Ii = 0.0;
186  try {
188  } catch (...) {
189  runs = false;
190  }
191  E.push_back(std::fabs(Ii-1.0));
192  }
193  bool order2 = (E[0] < 1e-14);
194  for(std::vector<int>::iterator i = N.begin();i != N.end();i++){
195  double Ii = 0.0;
196  try {
198  } catch (...) {
199  runs = false;
200  }
201  E.push_back(std::fabs(Ii-1.0));
202  }
203  result.UpdateResult("TrapezoidQuadrature:Runs",runs);
204  result.UpdateResult("TrapezoidQuadrature:Accurate",E[n-1] < 1e-12);
205  for(int i = N.size();i < n - 1;i++){
206  double e = E[i+1]/E[i];
207  double n1 = static_cast<double>(N[i-N.size()])/static_cast<double>(N[(i-N.size())+1]);
208  double p = std::log(e)/std::log(n1);
209  p -= 2;
210  p = std::abs(p);
211  if(p > 2e-2){
212  order2 = false;
213  }
214  }
215  result.UpdateResult("TrapezoidQuadrature:Order2",order2);
216  }
231  virtual void Test__MidPointQuadrature(ResultsType &result) {
232  std::ostringstream Ostr;
233  std::vector<double> Ibar;
234  std::vector<double> E;
235  size_t n = 2*N.size();
236  bool runs = true;
237  bool order2 = true;
238  for(std::vector<int>::iterator i = N.begin();i != N.end();i++){
239  double Ii = 0.0;
240  try {
242  } catch (...) {
243  runs = false;
244  }
245  Ibar.push_back(Ii);
246  E.push_back(std::fabs(Ii-1.0));
247  }
248  order2 = (E[0] < 1e-14);
249  for(std::vector<int>::iterator i = N.begin();i != N.end();i++){
250  double Ii = 0.0;
251  try {
253  } catch (...) {
254  runs = false;
255  }
256  Ibar.push_back(Ii);
257  E.push_back(std::fabs(Ii-1.0));
258  }
259  result.UpdateResult("MidPointQuadrature:Runs",runs);
260  result.UpdateResult("MidPointQuadrature:Accurate",E[n-1] < 1e-12);
261  for(int i = N.size();i < n - 1;i++){
262  double e = E[i+1]/E[i];
263  double n1 = static_cast<double>(N[i-N.size()])/static_cast<double>(N[(i-N.size())+1]);
264  double p = std::log(e)/std::log(n1);
265  p -= 2;
266  p = std::abs(p);
267  if(p > 1e-2){
268  order2 = false;
269  }
270  }
271  result.UpdateResult("MidPointQuadrature:Order2",order2);
272  }
281  //
282  // Example use:
283  // std::ifstream Inf1;
284  // std::ifstream Inf2;
285  // Inf1.open("file1");
286  // Inf2.open("file2");
287  //
288  // Just find out if they differ....
289  // if(streamdiff(Inf1,Inf2))
290  // std::cout << "Files differ." << std::endl;
291  //
292  // Report the differences....
293  // (reset the files)
294  // streamdiff(Inf1,Inf2,&std::cout);
295  //
296  int streamdiff(std::istream &stream1,std::istream &stream2,std::stringstream *ss = NULL){
297  int retval = 0;
298  std::string line1,line2;
299  while(!stream1.eof()){
300  std::getline(stream1,line1);
301  if(!stream2.eof())
302  std::getline(stream2,line2);
303  if(line1 != line2){
304  if(ss){
305  *ss << "1> " << line1 << std::endl
306  << "2> " << line2 << std::endl;
307  retval = 1;
308  }
309  else
310  return(1);
311  }
312  }
313  if(stream1.eof() != stream2.eof()){
314  return(1);
315  }
316  return(0);
317  }
325  virtual int GetInputData(std::string suffix,std::string TestDir){
327  std::cout << "In GetInputData" << std::endl;
328  std::string DirName;
329  std::string OrgDir;
331  //Save original working directory for later
332  OrgDir = IRAD::Sys::CWD();
334  //Create full path for test input data directory
335  DirName = SourceDirPath + suffix;
337  //Check if data directory exists
338  if(!IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(DirName)){
339  std::cout << "GetInputData Error: Could not find data directory, "
340  << DirName << ". Exiting (fail)." << std::endl;
341  return -1;
342  }
344  std::ifstream Inf;
345  std::ofstream Ouf;
346  std::string InFileName;
347  std::string OutFileName;
348  int IntDir;
350  //Create TestDir directory in current directory (if it doesn't
351  //already exist) to run our tests in.
352  if(!IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(TestDir)){
353  IntDir = IRAD::Sys::CreateDirectory(TestDir);
354  if(IntDir == -1){
355  std::cout << "GetInputData Error: Could not make directory, "
356  << TestDir << ". Exiting (fail)." << std::endl;
357  return -1;
358  }
359  }
361  //Open the input test data directory
362  IRAD::Sys::Directory SourceDir(DirName);
364  //Change directories to TestDir directory for running
365  IntDir = IRAD::Sys::ChDir(TestDir);
366  if(IntDir == -1){
367  std::cout << "GetInputData Error: Could not change directories to "
368  << TestDir << ". Exiting (fail)." << std::endl;
369  return -1;
370  }
372  //Copy input data to TestDir directory for running
373  for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = SourceDir.begin();
374  it != SourceDir.end(); ++it){
375  InFileName = DirName + "/" + *it;
376  OutFileName = IRAD::Sys::CWD() + "/" + *it;
377  // copy source to distnation recursively
378  if(IRAD::Sys::ISLINK(InFileName))
379  // preserve links, don't traverse
380  int IntDir = IRAD::Sys::SymLink(InFileName, OutFileName);
381  else if(IRAD::Sys::ISDIR(InFileName)) {
382  // recursively copy directories
383  int IntDir = GetInputData(InFileName, OutFileName);
384  } else {
385  // copy files, travserse into directories recursively
386  Inf.open(InFileName.c_str());
387  Ouf.open(OutFileName.c_str());
388  Ouf << Inf.rdbuf();
389  Ouf.close();
390  Inf.close();
391  }
393  }
395  //Change directories to back to original directory
396  IntDir = IRAD::Sys::ChDir(OrgDir);
397  if(IntDir == -1){
398  std::cout << "GetInputData Error: Could not change directories to "
399  << OrgDir << ". Exiting (fail)." << std::endl;
400  return -1;
401  }
403  return 0;
404  }
415  virtual void Test__ElmerUnitTests(ResultsType &result){
416  std::cout << "Running Test__ElmerUnitTests" << std::endl;
418  int IntDir;
419  std::string OrgDir, TestDir;
420  bool ItAllWorks = true;
422  // Arrays that old data for check *******************************************
423  double CoordCheck[15][3] =
424  { {2.2999999999999998, 0.19296300000000000, 0.0000000000000000},
425  {2.2999999999999998, 0.00000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000},
426  {2.2999999999999998, 0.39523399999999997, 0.0000000000000000},
427  {2.2999999999999998, 0.60476600000000003, 0.0000000000000000},
428  {2.2999999999999998, 0.80703700000000000, 0.0000000000000000},
429  {2.2999999999999998, 1.00000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000},
430  {2.3585799999999999, 1.14142000000000010, 0.0000000000000000},
431  {2.5000000000000000, 1.20000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000},
432  {2.6414200000000001, 1.14142000000000010, 0.0000000000000000},
433  {2.7000000000000002, 1.00000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000},
434  {2.7000000000000002, 0.80703700000000000, 0.0000000000000000},
435  {2.7000000000000002, 0.60476600000000003, 0.0000000000000000},
436  {2.7000000000000002, 0.39523399999999997, 0.0000000000000000},
437  {2.7000000000000002, 0.19296300000000000, 0.0000000000000000},
438  {2.7000000000000002, 0.00000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000} };
439  int ConnCheck[14][2] =
440  { {1,2}, {3,1}, {4,3}, {5,4}, {6,5}, {7,6}, {8,7}, {9,8}, {10,9},
441  {11,10}, {12,11}, {13,12}, {14,13}, {15,14} };
443  // Getting Input data********************************************************
444  //***************************************************************************
446  //Call GetInputData to copy input test data to temp directory for running tests.
447  std::string suffix = "/share/Testing/test_data/FSIobstacle";
449  //Make path for directory to run the test in.
450  TestDir = IRAD::Sys::CWD() + "/UnitTestData";
451  IntDir = GetInputData(suffix, TestDir);
453  //Check if GetInputData exited correctly.
454  if(IntDir != 0){
455  std::cout << "ElmerUnitTests Error: GetInputData call failed."
456  << std::endl;
457  result.UpdateResult("ElmerUnitTests:Run", false);
458  return;
459  }
461  //Check if TestDir directory (from GetInputData) exists in current directory
462  if(!IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(TestDir)){
463  std::cout << "ElmerUnitTests Error: Could not find directory, "
464  << TestDir << ", for running tests." << std::endl;
465  result.UpdateResult("ElmerUnitTests:Run", false);
466  return;
467  }
469  //Save original directory name for later
470  OrgDir = IRAD::Sys::CWD();
472  //Change directories to TestDir directory for running
473  IntDir = IRAD::Sys::ChDir(TestDir);
474  if(IntDir == -1){
475  std::cout << "ElmerUnitTests Error: Could not change directories to "
476  << TestDir << "." << std::endl;
477  result.UpdateResult("ElmerUnitTests:Run", false);
478  return;
479  }
481  //load Elmer module**********************************************************
482  //***************************************************************************
485  bool load_unload = true;
487  //Get Winodw handle
488  int h=COM_get_window_handle("Window1");
489  if(h <= 0){
490  std::cout << " After loading, COM_get_window_handle(\"Window1\") returns "
491  << h << std::endl;
492  load_unload=false;
493  std::cout << "ElmerUnitTests Error: Could not get window handle."
494  << "." << std::endl;
495  result.UpdateResult("LoadSolverModule:Works",false);
496  result.UpdateResult("ElmerUnitTests:Run", false);
497  return;
498  }
499  else
500  result.UpdateResult("LoadSolverModule:Works",true);
503  // Get Initialize function handle and call Function
505  int init_handle = COM_get_function_handle("Window1.Initialize");
506  bool init_func = (init_handle > 0);
507  int init_runs = 0;
508  int verb=3;
509  std::cout << "init = " << init_handle << std::endl;
510  if(init_handle){
511  //Call the function
512  COM_call_function(init_handle, &init_runs, &verb);
513  }
514  else{
515  std::cout << "InitializeRuns Error: Could not get function handle."
516  << "." << std::endl;
517  result.UpdateResult("Initialize:Runs", false);
518  return;
519  }
521  //Check if function changed value of runs properly
522  if(init_runs == 1){
523  result.UpdateResult("Initialize:Runs", true);
524  }
525  else{
526  result.UpdateResult("Initialize:Runs", false);
527  ItAllWorks = false;
528  }
531  // Check coordinate values
533  int coord_handle = COM_get_dataitem_handle("Window1.nc");
534  int CoordSize=0;
535  bool coordData = (coord_handle > 0);
536  bool coordCorrect = true;
537  std::cout << "coord_handle = " << coord_handle << std::endl;
538  if(coordData){
539  COM_get_size("Window1.nc",11,&CoordSize);
540  if(CoordSize != 15){
541  std::cout << "ElmerUnitTests Error:"
542  << " Coord array is incorrect size!" << std::endl;
543  ItAllWorks = false;
544  coordCorrect = false;
545  }
546  else{
547  // Get the FSI mesh from the structures solver and print
548  // it out to check
549  double* Coord;
550  COM_get_array("Window1.nc",11,&Coord);
551  std::cout << "Coord:" << std::endl;
552  for(int i=0; i < CoordSize; i++){
553  for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){
554  std::cout << Coord[i*3+j] << " ";
555  if(fabs(CoordCheck[i][j] - Coord[i*3+j]) > 1.0e-12){
556  ItAllWorks = false;
557  coordCorrect = false;
558  }
559  }
560  std::cout << std::endl;
561  }
562  }
563  result.UpdateResult("CoordinateData:Correct", coordCorrect);
564  result.UpdateResult("CoordinateData:Registered", true);
565  }
566  else{
567  result.UpdateResult("CoordinateData:Registered", false);
568  result.UpdateResult("CoordinateData:Correct", false);
569  ItAllWorks = false;
570  }
573  // Check connectivity values
575  bool connCorrect = true;
576  int ConnSize = 0;
577  int* Conn = NULL;
579  // Get the FSI mesh from the structures solver
580  COM_get_array("Window1.:b2:",11,&Conn);
581  if(Conn){
582  // Get the FSI mesh size from the structures solver
583  COM_get_size("Window1.:b2:",11,&ConnSize);
584  if(ConnSize != 14){
585  std::cout << "ElmerUnitTests Error:"
586  << " Conn array is incorrect size!" << std::endl;
587  ItAllWorks = false;
588  connCorrect = false;
589  }
590  else{
591  // check the values
592  std::cout << "Conn:" << std::endl;
593  for(int i=0; i < ConnSize; i++){
594  for(int j=0; j < 2; j++){
595  std::cout << Conn[i*2+j] << " ";
596  if( (ConnCheck[i][j] - Conn[i*2+j]) != 0){
597  ItAllWorks = false;
598  connCorrect = false;
599  }
600  }
601  std::cout << std::endl;
602  }
603  }
604  result.UpdateResult("ConnectivityData:Correct", connCorrect);
605  result.UpdateResult("ConnectivityData:Registered", true);
606  }
607  else{
608  result.UpdateResult("ConnectivityData:Registered", false);
609  result.UpdateResult("ConnectivityData:Correct", false);
610  ItAllWorks = false;
611  }
614  // Check load registration & initialization
616  double* Loads = NULL;
617  int LoadsSize = 0;
618  bool loadsRegistered = true, loadsInitialized = true;
619  // Get the FSI loads from the structures solver
620  COM_get_array("Window1.Loads",11,&Loads);
621  if(Loads){
622  std::cout << "Loads not NULL" << std::endl;
623  // Get the FSI load size from the structures solver
624  COM_get_size("Window1.Loads",11,&LoadsSize);
625  if(LoadsSize != 15){
626  std::cout << "ElmerUnitTests Error:"
627  << " Loads array is incorrect size!" << std::endl;
628  ItAllWorks = false;
629  loadsInitialized = false;
630  }
631  else{
632  // check the values
633  for(int i=0; i < LoadsSize; i++){
634  for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){
635  if(fabs(Loads[i*3 + j]) > 1.0e-12){
636  loadsInitialized = false;
637  ItAllWorks = false;
638  }
639  }
640  }
641  }
642  }
643  else{
644  std::cout << "Loads are NULL" << std::endl;
645  loadsRegistered = false;
646  loadsInitialized = false;
647  ItAllWorks = false;
648  }
649  result.UpdateResult("LoadData:Registered", loadsRegistered);
650  result.UpdateResult("LoadData:Initialized", loadsInitialized);
653  // Get TimeStepper function handle and call Function
656  // Arrays that hold disp data for check *********************************
657  double DispTime1[15][3] =
658  {{ 7.1605980866005031E-002, 3.5788052113870331E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
659  { -6.8871825230548747E-026, -6.7515261027908644E-026, 0.0000000000000000},
660  { 0.16559117138148402 , 6.1512134471618775E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
661  { 0.27105716643234351 , 7.0647177803958988E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
662  { 0.37408733220172607 , 6.6788253467455649E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
663  { 0.46975382688278072 , 5.5232228766620040E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
664  { 0.53059533135003267 , 1.7568173579321143E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
665  { 0.54088718131665003 , -5.0723278288525193E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
666  { 0.49733519851449115 , -0.10431856777439819 , 0.0000000000000000},
667  { 0.42342243323024942 , -0.11544236710979815 , 0.0000000000000000},
668  { 0.32858350010626158 , -9.6940873722311166E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
669  { 0.22913389910789400 , -7.6890455177259009E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
670  { 0.13256597264490513 , -5.4789959945688596E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
671  { 5.4547795662606154E-002, -2.9570884780950012E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
672  { -6.8871825230548747E-026, -6.7515261027908632E-026, 0.0000000000000000}};
673  double DispTime2[15][3] =
674  {{ 7.8382763777475994E-002, 3.7159701956680058E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
675  { -1.3908554346559520E-053, -1.3634598387444821E-053, 0.0000000000000000},
676  { 0.17746729339780631 , 6.3782065644847119E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
677  { 0.28589059231716707 , 7.3724507560836025E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
678  { 0.39007099539893136 , 7.0647599706400666E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
679  { 0.48577572075292708 , 5.9851545424915178E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
680  { 0.54619785916039254 , 2.2562624600359866E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
681  { 0.55515630051911513 , -4.5683794688744256E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
682  { 0.51164185034902454 , -9.8434990773815095E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
683  { 0.43876588136755668 , -0.10966508014917155 , 0.0000000000000000},
684  { 0.34337311330396592 , -9.2057033659364212E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
685  { 0.24185886373003795 , -7.3235312951635573E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
686  { 0.14168683127415216 , -5.2598213602584751E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
687  { 5.9082767678702033E-002, -2.8938645702423191E-002, 0.0000000000000000},
688  { -1.3908554346559520E-053, -1.3634598387444801E-053, 0.0000000000000000}};
689  //*********************************************************************
690  int runs_handle = COM_get_function_handle("Window1.Run");
691  bool runs_func = (runs_handle > 0);
692  bool DispCorrect = true;
693  int runs_runs = 0;
694  double time1 = 8.0;
695  double time2 = 100.0;
696  double* Disp = NULL;
697  int DispSize = 0;
698  COM_get_array("Window1.Displacements",11,&Disp);
699  std::cout << "runs = " << runs_handle << std::endl;
700  if(runs_handle){
701  //Call the run function for Time1
702  if(Loads){
703  std::cout << "Changing load values" << std::endl;
704  for(int i=0; i < LoadsSize; i++){
705  for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){
706  Loads[i*3 + j] = double(i*3 + j);
707  std::cout << Loads[i*3 + j] << " ";
708  }
709  std::cout << std::endl;
710  }
711  }
712  COM_call_function(runs_handle, &runs_runs, &time1);
713  }
714  else{
715  std::cout << "TimeStepperRuns Error: Could not get function handle."
716  << "." << std::endl;
717  result.UpdateResult("TimeStepper:Runs", false);
718  return;
719  }
721  //Check if function changed value of runs properly
722  if(runs_runs > 0){
723  result.UpdateResult("TimeStepper:Runs", true);
724  }
725  else{
726  result.UpdateResult("TimeStepper:Runs", false);
727  ItAllWorks = false;
728  }
730  // Check reigstration of displacement data
731  if (Disp){
732  result.UpdateResult("DisplacementData:Registered", true);
733  // Get the FSI displacement size from the structures solver
734  COM_get_size("Window1.Displacements",11,&DispSize);
735  if(DispSize != 15){
736  std::cout << "ElmerUnitTests Error:"
737  << " Disp array is incorrect size!" << std::endl;
738  ItAllWorks = false;
739  DispCorrect = false;
740  }
741  }
742  else{
743  result.UpdateResult("DisplacementData:Registered", false);
744  DispCorrect = false;
745  ItAllWorks = false;
746  }
748  // Check values of displacements after Run func @ Time1
749  if (Disp && runs_handle && DispCorrect){
750  std::cout << "Checking Displacements Time 1 (" << time1 << ")" << std::endl;
751  for(int i=0; i < DispSize; i++){
752  for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){
753  std::cout << Disp[i*3+j] << " ";
754  if(fabs(DispTime1[i][j] - Disp[i*3+j]) > 1.0e-12){
755  ItAllWorks = false;
756  DispCorrect = false;
757  }
758  }
759  std::cout << std::endl;
760  }
761  //Change the load values again for testing
762  if(Loads){
763  std::cout << "Changing load values" << std::endl;
764  for(int i=0; i < LoadsSize; i++){
765  for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){
766  Loads[i*3 + j] = double(i*3 + j) + 1.0;
767  std::cout << Loads[i*3 + j] << " ";
768  }
769  std::cout << std::endl;
770  }
771  }
772  //Call the run function for Time2
773  int runs_runs2 = 0;
774  COM_call_function(runs_handle, &runs_runs2, &time2);
775  // Check values of displacements after Run func @ Time1
776  std::cout << "Checking Displacements Time 2 (" << time2 << ")" << std::endl;
777  for(int i=0; i < DispSize; i++){
778  for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){
779  std::cout << Disp[i*3+j] << " ";
780  if(fabs(DispTime2[i][j] - Disp[i*3+j]) > 1.0e-12){
781  ItAllWorks = false;
782  DispCorrect = false;
783  }
784  }
785  std::cout << std::endl;
786  }
787  //Check if function changed value of runs properly in Loads function
788  if(runs_runs > 1 && runs_runs2 > 1){
789  result.UpdateResult("TimeLoads:Runs", true);
790  }
791  else{
792  std::cout << "runs_runs = " << runs_runs << std::endl;
793  std::cout << "runs_runs2 = " << runs_runs2 << std::endl;
794  result.UpdateResult("TimeLoads:Runs", false);
795  ItAllWorks = false;
796  }
797  }
798  result.UpdateResult("DisplacementData:Correct", DispCorrect);
802  // Get Finalize function handle and call Function
804  int final_handle = COM_get_function_handle("Window1.Finalize");
805  bool final_func = (final_handle > 0);
806  int final_runs = 0;
807  std::cout << "final = " << final_handle << std::endl;
808  if(final_handle){
809  //Call the function
810  COM_call_function(final_handle, &final_runs);
811  }
812  else{
813  std::cout << "FinalizeRuns Error: Could not get function handle."
814  << "." << std::endl;
815  result.UpdateResult("Finalize:Runs", false);
816  return;
817  }
819  //Check if function changed value of runs properly
820  if(final_runs == 1){
821  result.UpdateResult("Finalize:Runs", true);
822  }
823  else{
824  result.UpdateResult("Finalize:Runs", false);
825  ItAllWorks = false;
826  }
829  //Unload Elmer module********************************************************
830  //***************************************************************************
833  //Make sure module unloaded
834  h=COM_get_window_handle("Window1");
835  if(h > 0){
836  std::cout << "After unloading, COM_get_window_handle(\"Window1\") returns "
837  << h << std::endl;
838  load_unload=false;
839  std::cout << "ElmerUnitTests Error: Did not properly unload module."
840  << "." << std::endl;
841  result.UpdateResult("ElmerUnitTests:Run", false);
842  result.UpdateResult("UnloadSolverModule:Works",false);
843  return;
844  }
845  else
846  result.UpdateResult("UnloadSolverModule:Works",true);
848  //Change directories out of TestDir directory back to original directory
849  IntDir = IRAD::Sys::ChDir(OrgDir);
850  if(IntDir == -1){
851  std::cout << "ElmerUnitTests Error: Could not change directories to "
852  << OrgDir << "." << std::endl;
853  result.UpdateResult("ElmerUnitTests:Run", false);
854  return;
855  }
857  result.UpdateResult("ElmerUnitTests:Run", ItAllWorks);
859  }
871  virtual void Test__ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction(ResultsType &result){
872  std::cout << "Running Test__ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction" << std::endl;
874  int IntDir;
875  std::string OrgDir, TestDir;
876  bool ItAllWorks = true;
878  // Getting Input data********************************************************
879  //***************************************************************************
881  //Call GetInputData to copy input test data to temp directory for running tests.
882  std::string suffix = "/share/Testing/test_data/ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction";
884  //Make path for directory to run the test in.
885  TestDir = IRAD::Sys::CWD() + "/ElasticBeam3D_TestData";
886  IntDir = GetInputData(suffix, TestDir);
888  //Check if GetInputData exited correctly.
889  if(IntDir != 0){
890  std::cout << "ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction Error: GetInputData call failed."
891  << std::endl;
892  result.UpdateResult("ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction:Runs", false);
893  return;
894  }
896  //Check if TestDir directory (from GetInputData) exists in current directory
897  if(!IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(TestDir)){
898  std::cout << "ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction Error: Could not find directory, "
899  << TestDir << ", for running tests." << std::endl;
900  result.UpdateResult("ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction:Runs", false);
901  return;
902  }
904  //Save original directory name for later
905  OrgDir = IRAD::Sys::CWD();
907  //Change directories to TestDir directory for running
908  IntDir = IRAD::Sys::ChDir(TestDir);
909  if(IntDir == -1){
910  std::cout << "ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction Error: Could not change directories to "
911  << TestDir << "." << std::endl;
912  result.UpdateResult("ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction:Runs", false);
913  return;
914  }
916  //load Elmer module**********************************************************
917  //***************************************************************************
920  bool load_unload = true;
922  //Get Winodw handle
923  int h=COM_get_window_handle("Window1");
924  if(h <= 0){
925  std::cout << " After loading, COM_get_window_handle(\"Window1\") returns "
926  << h << std::endl;
927  load_unload=false;
928  std::cout << "ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction Error: Could not get window handle."
929  << "." << std::endl;
930  result.UpdateResult("ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction:Runs", false);
931  return;
932  }
935  // Get Initialize function handle and call Function
937  int init_handle = COM_get_function_handle("Window1.Initialize");
938  bool init_func = (init_handle > 0);
939  int init_runs = 0;
940  int verb=3;
941  std::cout << "init = " << init_handle << std::endl;
942  if(init_handle){
943  //Call the function
944  COM_call_function(init_handle, &init_runs, &verb);
945  }
946  else{
947  std::cout << "ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction Error: Could not get function handle."
948  << "." << std::endl;
949  result.UpdateResult("ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction:Runs", false);
950  return;
951  }
954  // Check load registration & initialization
956  double* Loads = NULL;
957  int LoadsSize = 0;
958  bool loadsRegistered = true, loadsInitialized = true;
959  // Get the FSI mesh from the structures solver
960  COM_get_array("Window1.Loads",11,&Loads);
961  if(Loads){
962  COM_get_size("Window1.Loads",11,&LoadsSize);
963  std::cout << "Loads not NULL" << std::endl;
964  std::cout << "LoadsSize = " << LoadsSize << std::endl;
965  // check the values
966  for(int i=0; i < LoadsSize; i++){
967  for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){
968  if(fabs(Loads[i*3 + j]) > 1.0e-12){
969  std::cout << "Loads were not intialized to 0.0!" << std::endl;
970  result.UpdateResult("ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction:Runs", false);
971  return;
972  }
973  }
974  }
975  }
976  else{
977  std::cout << "Loads are NULL" << std::endl;
978  result.UpdateResult("ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction:Runs", false);
979  return;
980  }
983  // Get TimeStepper function handle and call Function
986  int runs_handle = COM_get_function_handle("Window1.Run");
987  bool runs_func = (runs_handle > 0);
988  bool DispCorrect = true;
989  int runs_runs = 0;
990  double time1 = 1.0;
991  double* Disp = NULL;
992  std::cout << "runs = " << runs_handle << std::endl;
993  if(runs_handle){
994  //Call the run function for Time1
995  if(Loads){
996  std::cout << "Changing load values" << std::endl;
997  for(int i=0; i < LoadsSize; i++){
998  Loads[i*3 + 1] = -4.0e5;
999  for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){
1000  std::cout << Loads[i*3 + j] << " ";
1001  }
1002  std::cout << std::endl;
1003  }
1004  }
1005  COM_call_function(runs_handle, &runs_runs, &time1);
1006  }
1007  else{
1008  std::cout << "ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction Error: Could not get function handle."
1009  << "." << std::endl;
1010  result.UpdateResult("ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction:Runs", false);
1011  return;
1012  }
1015  // Get Finalize function handle and call Function
1017  int final_handle = COM_get_function_handle("Window1.Finalize");
1018  bool final_func = (final_handle > 0);
1019  int final_runs = 0;
1020  std::cout << "final = " << final_handle << std::endl;
1021  if(final_handle){
1022  //Call the function
1023  COM_call_function(final_handle, &final_runs);
1024  }
1025  else{
1026  std::cout << "ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction Error: Could not get function handle."
1027  << "." << std::endl;
1028  result.UpdateResult("ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction:Runs", false);
1029  return;
1030  }
1035  // Compare the output file with an archived output file
1037  std::ifstream Inf, InfComp;
1038  std::stringstream ss;
1039  std::string word, line;
1041  Inf.open("case.ep");
1042  InfComp.open("case.ep_check");
1044  std::getline(Inf,line);
1045  std::getline(Inf,line);
1046  std::getline(InfComp,line);
1047  std::getline(InfComp,line);
1049  bool LoadWorks = true;
1050  int diffReturn = -1;
1052  diffReturn = streamdiff(Inf, InfComp, &ss);
1054  if(diffReturn){
1055  std::cout << "ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction Error: case.ep "
1056  << "case.ep_check differ!" << std::endl;
1057  std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
1058  if(ss.str() != " ")
1059  LoadWorks = false;
1060  }
1062  std::cout << "LoadWorks = " << LoadWorks << std::endl;
1063  result.UpdateResult("ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction:Works",LoadWorks);
1065  //Unload Elmer module********************************************************
1066  //***************************************************************************
1069  //Make sure module unloaded
1070  h=COM_get_window_handle("Window1");
1071  if(h > 0){
1072  std::cout << "After unloading, COM_get_window_handle(\"Window1\") returns "
1073  << h << std::endl;
1074  load_unload=false;
1075  std::cout << "ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction Error: Did not properly unload module."
1076  << "." << std::endl;
1077  result.UpdateResult("ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction:Runs", false);
1078  return;
1079  }
1081  //Change directories out of TestDir directory back to original directory
1082  IntDir = IRAD::Sys::ChDir(OrgDir);
1083  if(IntDir == -1){
1084  std::cout << "ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction Error: Could not change directories to "
1085  << OrgDir << "." << std::endl;
1086  result.UpdateResult("ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction:Runs", false);
1087  return;
1088  }
1090  result.UpdateResult("ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction:Runs", true);
1092  }
1104  virtual void Process(ResultsType &result){
1105  Prologue();
1106  Test__ExampleFunction(result);
1107  Test__TrapezoidQuadrature(result);
1108  Test__MidPointQuadrature(result);
1109  Test__ElmerUnitTests(result);
1110  Epilogue();
1111  }
1119  virtual void RunTest(const std::string &name,ResultsType &result)
1120  {
1121  Prologue();
1122  if(name == "ExampleFunction")
1123  Test__ExampleFunction(result);
1124  else if(name == "TrapezoidQuadrature")
1125  Test__TrapezoidQuadrature(result);
1126  else if(name == "MidPointQuadrature")
1127  Test__MidPointQuadrature(result);
1128  else if(name == "ElmerUnitTests")
1129  Test__ElmerUnitTests(result);
1130  else if(name == "ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction")
1132  Epilogue();
1133  }
1141  virtual void ProcessTests(std::list<std::string> &test_names,ResultsType &result){
1142  Prologue();
1143  std::list<std::string>::iterator tni = test_names.begin();
1144  while(tni != test_names.end())
1145  RunTest(*tni++,result);
1146  Epilogue();
1147  }
1150  };
1157  template<typename CommType,typename ResultsType>
1168  class ParallelTestingObject : TestingObject<ResultsType>
1169  {
1170  protected:
1171  // Example test fixtures for parallel ElmerModuleDriver testing.
1172  //
1176  CommType _communicator;
1180  std::vector<int> N;
1184  std::string SourceDirPath;
1185  public:
1189  ParallelTestingObject(CommType &incomm) :
1190  TestingObject<ResultsType>(), _communicator(incomm) {};
1191  CommType &GetCommunicator() { return(_communicator); };
1196  virtual void Epilogue() {};
1201  void SetSourceDirPath(std::string input){
1202  SourceDirPath = input;
1203  }
1212  virtual void Prologue(){
1213  for(int i = _communicator.Size();i <= 1000000;i*=2) N.push_back(i);
1214  };
1222  virtual int GetInputData(std::string sourceDirName, std::string TestDir){
1223  std::string OrgDir;
1224  //Save original working directory for later
1225  OrgDir = IRAD::Sys::CWD();
1226  //Check if data directory exists
1227  if(!IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(sourceDirName)){
1228  std::cout << "GetInputData Error: Could not find data directory, "
1229  << sourceDirName << ". Exiting (fail)." << std::endl;
1230  return -1;
1231  }
1232  std::ifstream Inf;
1233  std::ofstream Ouf;
1234  std::string InFileName;
1235  std::string OutFileName;
1236  int IntDir;
1237  //Create TestDir directory in current directory (if it doesn't
1238  //already exist) to run our tests in.
1239  if(!IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(TestDir)){
1240  IntDir = IRAD::Sys::CreateDirectory(TestDir);
1241  if(IntDir == -1){
1242  std::cout << "GetInputData Error: Could not make directory, "
1243  << TestDir << ". Exiting (fail)." << std::endl;
1244  return -1;
1245  }
1246  }
1247  //Open the input test data directory
1248  IRAD::Sys::Directory SourceDir(sourceDirName);
1249  //Change directories to TestDir directory for running
1250  IntDir = IRAD::Sys::ChDir(TestDir);
1251  if(IntDir == -1){
1252  std::cout << "GetInputData Error: Could not change directories to "
1253  << TestDir << ". Exiting (fail)." << std::endl;
1254  return -1;
1255  }
1256  //Copy input data to TestDir directory for running
1257  for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = SourceDir.begin();
1258  it != SourceDir.end(); ++it){
1259  InFileName = sourceDirName + "/" + *it;
1260  OutFileName = IRAD::Sys::CWD() + "/" + *it;
1261  //std::cout << "InFileName = " << InFileName
1262  // << ", OutFileName = " << OutFileName
1263  // << std::endl;
1264  // copy source to distnation recursively
1265  if(IRAD::Sys::ISLINK(InFileName))
1266  // preserve links, don't traverse
1267  int IntDir = IRAD::Sys::SymLink(InFileName, OutFileName);
1268  else if(IRAD::Sys::ISDIR(InFileName)) {
1269  // recursively copy directories
1270  int IntDir = GetInputData(InFileName, OutFileName);
1271  } else {
1272  // copy files, travserse into directories recursively
1273  Inf.open(InFileName.c_str());
1274  Ouf.open(OutFileName.c_str());
1275  Ouf << Inf.rdbuf();
1276  Ouf.close();
1277  Inf.close();
1278  }
1280  }
1281  //Change directories to back to original directory
1282  IntDir = IRAD::Sys::ChDir(OrgDir);
1283  if(IntDir == -1){
1284  std::cout << "GetInputData Error: Could not change directories to "
1285  << OrgDir << ". Exiting (fail)." << std::endl;
1286  return -1;
1287  }
1288  return 0;
1289  }
1307  virtual void Test__ParallelTrapezoidQuadrature(ResultsType &result) {
1308  std::ostringstream Ostr;
1309  int fixed_n = 1000000;
1310  int rank = _communicator.Rank();
1311  int nproc = _communicator.Size();
1312  double Ii = 0.0;
1313  bool runs = true;
1314  bool accurate = true;
1315  bool order2 = true;
1316  bool scales = true;
1317  std::vector<double> E;
1318  std::vector<double> times;
1319  for(int i = 1;i <= nproc;i*=nproc){
1320  CommType subcomm;
1321  int color = (rank < i);
1322  _communicator.Split(color,rank,subcomm);
1323  int nproc_color = subcomm.Size();
1324  double time0 = IRAD::Profiler::Time();
1325  if(color){
1326  Ii = 0.0;
1327  for(int j = 0;j < 200;j++){
1328  if(runs){
1329  try {
1331  } catch (...) {
1332  subcomm.SetExit(1);
1333  }
1334  if(subcomm.Check())
1335  runs = false;
1336  }
1337  }
1338  if(runs){
1339  double Itot = 0.0;
1340  subcomm.AllReduce(Ii, Itot,IRAD::Comm::DTDOUBLE, IRAD::Comm::SUMOP);
1341  double error = 0.0;
1342  error = std::abs(Itot - (200*nproc_color));
1343  accurate = (error < 1e-14);
1344  order2 = accurate;
1345  }
1346  }
1347  times.push_back(IRAD::Profiler::Time() - time0);
1348  if(nproc == 1)
1349  break;
1350  }
1351  if(!rank){
1352  double dt = *times.rbegin() - *times.begin();
1353  double percent_change = dt/(*times.begin());
1354  scales = (percent_change < (nproc*.005));
1355  }
1356  result.UpdateResult("ParallelTrapezoidQuadrature:Runs",runs);
1357  result.UpdateResult("ParallelTrapezoidQuadrature:Accurate",accurate);
1358  if(nproc > 1) // only report scaling results when procs are more than 1.
1359  result.UpdateResult("ParallelTrapezoidQuadrature:WeakScaling",scales);
1360  times.resize(0);
1361  if(nproc > 1){ // If running on more than one proc, then do strong scaling test.
1362  for(int i = 1;i <= nproc;i*=nproc){
1363  CommType subcomm;
1364  int color = (rank < i);
1365  _communicator.Split(color,rank,subcomm);
1366  int nproc_color = subcomm.Size();
1367  double time0 = IRAD::Profiler::Time();
1368  if(color){
1369  int npart = *N.rbegin()/nproc_color;
1370  Ii = 0.0;
1371  for(int j = 0;j < 200;j++){
1372  if(runs){
1373  try {
1375  } catch (...) {
1376  subcomm.SetExit(1);
1377  }
1378  if(subcomm.Check())
1379  runs = false;
1380  }
1381  }
1382  if(runs){
1383  double Itot = 0.0;
1384  subcomm.AllReduce(Ii, Itot,IRAD::Comm::DTDOUBLE, IRAD::Comm::SUMOP);
1385  double error = 0.0;
1386  error = std::abs(Itot - (200*nproc_color));
1387  accurate = (error < 1e-14);
1388  order2 = accurate;
1389  }
1390  }
1391  times.push_back(IRAD::Profiler::Time() - time0);
1392  }
1393  if(!rank){
1394  double n_t = (*times.begin())/(*times.rbegin());
1395  double n_p = n_t - nproc;
1396  n_p = std::abs(n_p)/nproc;
1397  scales = (n_p < 2e-1);
1398  }
1399  result.UpdateResult("ParallelTrapezoidQuadrateure:StrongScaling",scales);
1400  }
1401  for(int i = nproc;i <= 1000000;i*=10){
1402  if(runs){
1403  Ii = 0.0;
1404  int n = i/nproc;
1405  try {
1407  } catch (...) {
1408  _communicator.SetExit(1);
1409  }
1410  if(_communicator.Check())
1411  runs = false;
1412  if(runs){
1413  double Itot = 0.0;
1414  _communicator.AllReduce(Ii, Itot,IRAD::Comm::DTDOUBLE, IRAD::Comm::SUMOP);
1415  double error = 0.0;
1416  error = std::abs(Itot - nproc);
1417  E.push_back(error);
1418  }
1419  }
1420  }
1421  int esize = E.size();
1422  for(int i = 0;i < esize-1;i++){
1423  double e = E[i+1]/E[i];
1424  double n1 = .1;
1425  double p = std::log(e)/std::log(n1);
1426  p -= 2;
1427  p = std::abs(p);
1428  if(p > 1e-1){
1429  order2 = false;
1430  }
1431  }
1432  result.UpdateResult("ParallelTrapezoidQuadrature:Order2",order2);
1433  }
1452  virtual void Test__ParallelMidPointQuadrature(ResultsType &result) {
1453  std::ostringstream Ostr;
1454  int fixed_n = 1000000;
1455  int rank = _communicator.Rank();
1456  int nproc = _communicator.Size();
1457  double Ii = 0.0;
1458  bool runs = true;
1459  bool accurate = true;
1460  bool order2 = true;
1461  bool scales = true;
1462  std::vector<double> E;
1463  std::vector<double> times;
1464  for(int i = 1;i <= nproc;i*=nproc){
1465  CommType subcomm;
1466  int color = (rank < i);
1467  _communicator.Split(color,rank,subcomm);
1468  int nproc_color = subcomm.Size();
1469  double time0 = IRAD::Profiler::Time();
1470  if(color){
1471  Ii = 0.0;
1472  for(int j = 0;j < 200;j++){
1473  if(runs){
1474  try {
1476  } catch (...) {
1477  subcomm.SetExit(1);
1478  }
1479  if(subcomm.Check())
1480  runs = false;
1481  }
1482  }
1483  if(runs){
1484  double Itot = 0.0;
1485  subcomm.AllReduce(Ii, Itot,IRAD::Comm::DTDOUBLE, IRAD::Comm::SUMOP);
1486  double error = 0.0;
1487  error = std::abs(Itot - (200*nproc_color));
1488  accurate = (error < 1e-14);
1489  order2 = accurate;
1490  }
1491  }
1492  times.push_back(IRAD::Profiler::Time() - time0);
1493  if(nproc == 1)
1494  break;
1495  }
1496  if(!rank){
1497  double dt = *times.rbegin() - *times.begin();
1498  double percent_change = dt/(*times.begin());
1499  scales = (percent_change < (nproc*.005));
1500  // std::cout << "Weak scaling timings:" << std::endl;
1501  // std::vector<double>::iterator ti = weak_times.begin();
1502  // while(ti != weak_times.end()){
1503  // std::cout << ti-weak_times.begin()+1 << " "
1504  // << *ti << std::endl;
1505  // ti++;
1506  // }
1507  }
1508  result.UpdateResult("ParallelMidPointQuadrature:Runs",runs);
1509  result.UpdateResult("ParallelMidPointQuadrature:Accurate",accurate);
1510  if(nproc > 1) // only report scaling results for nproc > 1
1511  result.UpdateResult("ParallelMidPointQuadrature:WeakScaling",scales);
1512  times.resize(0);
1513  if(nproc > 1){ // only do scaling test if nproc > 1
1514  for(int i = 1;i <= nproc;i*=nproc){
1515  CommType subcomm;
1516  int color = (rank < i);
1517  _communicator.Split(color,rank,subcomm);
1518  int nproc_color = subcomm.Size();
1519  double time0 = IRAD::Profiler::Time();
1520  if(color){
1521  int npart = *N.rbegin()/nproc_color;
1522  Ii = 0.0;
1523  for(int j = 0;j < 200;j++){
1524  if(runs){
1525  try {
1527  } catch (...) {
1528  subcomm.SetExit(1);
1529  }
1530  if(subcomm.Check())
1531  runs = false;
1532  }
1533  }
1534  if(runs){
1535  double Itot = 0.0;
1536  subcomm.AllReduce(Ii, Itot,IRAD::Comm::DTDOUBLE, IRAD::Comm::SUMOP);
1537  double error = 0.0;
1538  error = std::abs(Itot - (200*nproc_color));
1539  accurate = (error < 1e-14);
1540  order2 = accurate;
1541  }
1542  }
1543  times.push_back(IRAD::Profiler::Time() - time0);
1544  }
1545  if(!rank){
1546  double n_t = (*times.begin())/(*times.rbegin());
1547  double n_p = n_t - nproc;
1548  n_p = std::abs(n_p)/nproc;
1549  scales = (n_p < 2e-1);
1550  }
1551  result.UpdateResult("ParallelMidPointQuadrateure:StrongScaling",scales);
1552  }
1553  for(int i = nproc;i <= 1000000;i*=10){
1554  if(runs){
1555  Ii = 0.0;
1556  int n = i/nproc;
1557  try {
1559  } catch (...) {
1560  _communicator.SetExit(1);
1561  }
1562  if(_communicator.Check())
1563  runs = false;
1564  if(runs){
1565  double Itot = 0.0;
1566  _communicator.AllReduce(Ii, Itot,IRAD::Comm::DTDOUBLE, IRAD::Comm::SUMOP);
1567  double error = 0.0;
1568  error = std::abs(Itot - nproc);
1569  E.push_back(error);
1570  }
1571  }
1572  }
1573  int esize = E.size();
1574  for(int i = 0;i < esize-1;i++){
1575  double e = E[i+1]/E[i];
1576  double n1 = .1;
1577  double p = std::log(e)/std::log(n1);
1578  p -= 2;
1579  p = std::abs(p);
1580  if(p > 1e-1){
1581  order2 = false;
1582  }
1583  }
1584  result.UpdateResult("ParallelMidPointQuadrature:Order2",order2);
1585  }
1593  virtual void Test__ParCommunicatorPassToModule(ResultsType &result){
1594  std::cout << "Running Test__ParCommunicatorPassToModule" << std::endl;
1595  bool commSets = false;
1596  bool commSize = false;
1597  bool commPass = false;
1598  int rank = (GetCommunicator()).Rank();
1599  int nProc = (GetCommunicator()).Size();
1600  MPI_Comm comm_check, comm_orig;
1601  // check communicator
1602  comm_orig = (GetCommunicator()).GetCommunicator();
1603  // changing default communicator for COM
1604  COM_set_default_communicator((GetCommunicator()).GetCommunicator());
1605  // loading parallel Elmer module
1606  COM_LOAD_MODULE_STATIC_DYNAMIC( ElmerCSCParallel, "ElmerModule");
1607  // cheking default communicator
1608  COM_get_communicator("ElmerModule", &comm_check);
1609  if (comm_check == comm_orig)
1610  commSets = true;
1611  else
1612  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << ", "
1613  << "Default communicator for window is not set properly. It supposed to be "
1614  << comm_orig << ", but it is set to " << comm_check << std::endl;
1615  // cheking the number of processors
1616  int* nProcWindow;
1617  COM_get_array("ElmerModule.nProc", 0, &nProcWindow);
1618  if (nProc == *nProcWindow)
1619  commSize = true;
1620  else
1621  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << ", "
1622  << "Size of the communicator for window is not correct. It supposed to be "
1623  << nProc << ", but it is set to " << *nProcWindow << std::endl;
1624  // cheking communicator
1625  if (commSize && commSets)
1626  commPass = true;
1627  // unloading the module
1628  COM_UNLOAD_MODULE_STATIC_DYNAMIC( ElmerCSCParallel, "ElmerModule");
1629  // setting test flag
1630  result.UpdateResult("ParCommunicatorSetToModule:Works", commSets);
1631  result.UpdateResult("ParCommunicatorSizeToModule:Works", commSets);
1632  result.UpdateResult("ParCommunicatorPassToModule:Works", commPass);
1633  }
1642  virtual void Test__ParElmerUnitTests(ResultsType &result){
1643  std::cout << "Running Test__ParElmerUnitTests" << std::endl;
1645  int IntDir;
1646  std::string OrgDir, TestDir;
1647  int ItAllWorks = 1;
1648  int nproc = _communicator.Size();
1649  int rank = _communicator.Rank();
1651  // Arrays that old data for check *******************************************
1652  /*
1653  int ConnCheck[14][2] =
1654  { {1,2}, {3,1}, {4,3}, {5,4}, {6,5}, {7,6}, {8,7}, {9,8}, {10,9},
1655  {11,10}, {12,11}, {13,12}, {14,13}, {15,14} };
1656  */
1659  // Getting Input data
1662  //Call GetInputData to copy input test data to temp directory for running tests.
1663  std::string sourceDirName = SourceDirPath + "/share/Testing/test_data/ParElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction";
1664  //Make path for directory to run the test in.
1665  TestDir = IRAD::Sys::CWD() + "/ParUnitTestData";
1666  if (rank == 0){
1667  IntDir = GetInputData(sourceDirName, TestDir);
1668  //Check if GetInputData exited correctly.
1669  if(IntDir != 0){
1670  std::cout << "ParElmerUnitTests Error: GetInputData call failed."
1671  << std::endl;
1672  result.UpdateResult("ElmerUnitTests:Run", false);
1673  }
1674  }
1675  _communicator.Barrier();
1676  //Check if TestDir directory (from GetInputData) exists in current directory
1677  if(!IRAD::Sys::FILEEXISTS(TestDir)){
1678  std::cout << "ParElmerUnitTests Error: Could not find directory, "
1679  << TestDir << ", for running tests." << std::endl;
1680  result.UpdateResult("ParElmerUnitTests:Run", false);
1681  return;
1682  }
1683  //Save original directory name for later
1684  OrgDir = IRAD::Sys::CWD();
1685  //Change directories to TestDir directory for running
1686  IntDir = IRAD::Sys::ChDir(TestDir);
1687  if(IntDir == -1){
1688  std::cout << "ElmerUnitTests Error: Could not change directories to "
1689  << TestDir << "." << std::endl;
1690  result.UpdateResult("ElmerUnitTests:Run", false);
1691  return;
1692  }
1695  //load Elmer module
1697  COM_LOAD_MODULE_STATIC_DYNAMIC( ElmerCSCParallel, "Window1");
1698  bool load_unload = true;
1700  //Get Winodw handle
1701  int h = COM_get_window_handle("Window1");
1702  if(h <= 0){
1703  std::cout << " After loading, COM_get_window_handle(\"Window1\") returns "
1704  << h << std::endl;
1705  load_unload=false;
1706  std::cout << "ElmerUnitTests Error: Could not get window handle."
1707  << "." << std::endl;
1708  result.UpdateResult("ParLoadSolverModule:Works",false);
1709  result.UpdateResult("ParElmerUnitTests:Run", false);
1710  return;
1711  }
1712  else
1713  result.UpdateResult("ParLoadSolverModule:Works",true);
1717  // Get Initialize function handle and call Function
1719  int init_handle = COM_get_function_handle("Window1.Initialize");
1720  bool init_func = (init_handle > 0);
1721  int init_runs = 0;
1722  int verb=3;
1723  if(init_handle){
1724  //Call the function
1725  COM_call_function(init_handle, &init_runs, &verb);
1726  }
1727  else{
1728  std::cout << "InitializeRuns Error: Could not get function handle."
1729  << "." << std::endl;
1730  result.UpdateResult("ParInitialize:Runs", false);
1731  return;
1732  }
1733  //Check if function changed value of runs properly
1734  if(init_runs == 1){
1735  result.UpdateResult("ParInitialize:Runs", true);
1736  }
1737  else{
1738  result.UpdateResult("ParInitialize:Runs", false);
1739  ItAllWorks = 0;
1740  }
1743  // Check coordinate values
1745  double CoordCheck0[306][3] = {
1746  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.000000000000000},
1747  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.000000000000000},
1748  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.010000000000000},
1749  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.010000000000000},
1750  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.000000000000000},
1751  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.010000000000000},
1752  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.000000000000000},
1753  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.010000000000000},
1754  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.000000000000000},
1755  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.010000000000000},
1756  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.000000000000000},
1757  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.010000000000000},
1758  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.020000000000000},
1759  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.020000000000000},
1760  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.020000000000000},
1761  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.020000000000000},
1762  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.020000000000000},
1763  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.020000000000000},
1764  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.030000000000000},
1765  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.030000000000000},
1766  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.030000000000000},
1767  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.030000000000000},
1768  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.030000000000000},
1769  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.030000000000000},
1770  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.040000000000000},
1771  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.040000000000000},
1772  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.040000000000000},
1773  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.040000000000000},
1774  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.040000000000000},
1775  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.040000000000000},
1776  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.050000000000000},
1777  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.050000000000000},
1778  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.050000000000000},
1779  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.050000000000000},
1780  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.050000000000000},
1781  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.050000000000000},
1782  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.060000000000000},
1783  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.060000000000000},
1784  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.060000000000000},
1785  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.060000000000000},
1786  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.060000000000000},
1787  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.060000000000000},
1788  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.070000000000000},
1789  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.070000000000000},
1790  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.070000000000000},
1791  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.070000000000000},
1792  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.070000000000000},
1793  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.070000000000000},
1794  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.080000000000000},
1795  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.080000000000000},
1796  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.080000000000000},
1797  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.080000000000000},
1798  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.080000000000000},
1799  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.080000000000000},
1800  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.090000000000000},
1801  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.090000000000000},
1802  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.090000000000000},
1803  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.090000000000000},
1804  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.090000000000000},
1805  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.090000000000000},
1806  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.100000000000000},
1807  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.100000000000000},
1808  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.100000000000000},
1809  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.100000000000000},
1810  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.100000000000000},
1811  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.100000000000000},
1812  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.110000000000000},
1813  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.110000000000000},
1814  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.110000000000000},
1815  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.110000000000000},
1816  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.110000000000000},
1817  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.110000000000000},
1818  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.120000000000000},
1819  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.120000000000000},
1820  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.120000000000000},
1821  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.120000000000000},
1822  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.120000000000000},
1823  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.120000000000000},
1824  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.130000000000000},
1825  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.130000000000000},
1826  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.130000000000000},
1827  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.130000000000000},
1828  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.130000000000000},
1829  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.130000000000000},
1830  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.140000000000000},
1831  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.140000000000000},
1832  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.140000000000000},
1833  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.140000000000000},
1834  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.140000000000000},
1835  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.140000000000000},
1836  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.150000000000000},
1837  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.150000000000000},
1838  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.150000000000000},
1839  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.150000000000000},
1840  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.150000000000000},
1841  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.150000000000000},
1842  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.160000000000000},
1843  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.160000000000000},
1844  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.160000000000000},
1845  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.160000000000000},
1846  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.160000000000000},
1847  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.160000000000000},
1848  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.170000000000000},
1849  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.170000000000000},
1850  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.170000000000000},
1851  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.170000000000000},
1852  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.170000000000000},
1853  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.170000000000000},
1854  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.180000000000000},
1855  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.180000000000000},
1856  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.180000000000000},
1857  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.180000000000000},
1858  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.180000000000000},
1859  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.180000000000000},
1860  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.190000000000000},
1861  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.190000000000000},
1862  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.190000000000000},
1863  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.190000000000000},
1864  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.190000000000000},
1865  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.190000000000000},
1866  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.200000000000000},
1867  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.200000000000000},
1868  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.200000000000000},
1869  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.200000000000000},
1870  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.200000000000000},
1871  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.200000000000000},
1872  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.210000000000000},
1873  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.210000000000000},
1874  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.210000000000000},
1875  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.210000000000000},
1876  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.210000000000000},
1877  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.210000000000000},
1878  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.220000000000000},
1879  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.220000000000000},
1880  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.220000000000000},
1881  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.220000000000000},
1882  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.220000000000000},
1883  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.220000000000000},
1884  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.230000000000000},
1885  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.230000000000000},
1886  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.230000000000000},
1887  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.230000000000000},
1888  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.230000000000000},
1889  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.230000000000000},
1890  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.240000000000000},
1891  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.240000000000000},
1892  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.240000000000000},
1893  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.240000000000000},
1894  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.240000000000000},
1895  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.240000000000000},
1896  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.250000000000000},
1897  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.250000000000000},
1898  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.250000000000000},
1899  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.250000000000000},
1900  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.250000000000000},
1901  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.250000000000000},
1902  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.260000000000000},
1903  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.260000000000000},
1904  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.260000000000000},
1905  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.260000000000000},
1906  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.260000000000000},
1907  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.260000000000000},
1908  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.270000000000000},
1909  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.270000000000000},
1910  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.270000000000000},
1911  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.270000000000000},
1912  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.270000000000000},
1913  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.270000000000000},
1914  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.280000000000000},
1915  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.280000000000000},
1916  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.280000000000000},
1917  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.280000000000000},
1918  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.280000000000000},
1919  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.280000000000000},
1920  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.290000000000000},
1921  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.290000000000000},
1922  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.290000000000000},
1923  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.290000000000000},
1924  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.290000000000000},
1925  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.290000000000000},
1926  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.300000000000000},
1927  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.300000000000000},
1928  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.300000000000000},
1929  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.300000000000000},
1930  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.300000000000000},
1931  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.300000000000000},
1932  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.310000000000000},
1933  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.310000000000000},
1934  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.310000000000000},
1935  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.310000000000000},
1936  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.310000000000000},
1937  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.310000000000000},
1938  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.320000000000000},
1939  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.320000000000000},
1940  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.320000000000000},
1941  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.320000000000000},
1942  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.320000000000000},
1943  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.320000000000000},
1944  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.330000000000000},
1945  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.330000000000000},
1946  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.330000000000000},
1947  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.330000000000000},
1948  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.330000000000000},
1949  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.330000000000000},
1950  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.340000000000000},
1951  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.340000000000000},
1952  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.340000000000000},
1953  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.340000000000000},
1954  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.340000000000000},
1955  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.340000000000000},
1956  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.350000000000000},
1957  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.350000000000000},
1958  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.350000000000000},
1959  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.350000000000000},
1960  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.350000000000000},
1961  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.350000000000000},
1962  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.360000000000000},
1963  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.360000000000000},
1964  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.360000000000000},
1965  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.360000000000000},
1966  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.360000000000000},
1967  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.360000000000000},
1968  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.370000000000000},
1969  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.370000000000000},
1970  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.370000000000000},
1971  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.370000000000000},
1972  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.370000000000000},
1973  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.370000000000000},
1974  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.380000000000000},
1975  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.380000000000000},
1976  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.380000000000000},
1977  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.380000000000000},
1978  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.380000000000000},
1979  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.380000000000000},
1980  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.390000000000000},
1981  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.390000000000000},
1982  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.390000000000000},
1983  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.390000000000000},
1984  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.390000000000000},
1985  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.390000000000000},
1986  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.400000000000000},
1987  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.400000000000000},
1988  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.400000000000000},
1989  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.400000000000000},
1990  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.400000000000000},
1991  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.400000000000000},
1992  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.410000000000000},
1993  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.410000000000000},
1994  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.410000000000000},
1995  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.410000000000000},
1996  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.410000000000000},
1997  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.410000000000000},
1998  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.420000000000000},
1999  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.420000000000000},
2000  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.420000000000000},
2001  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.420000000000000},
2002  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.420000000000000},
2003  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.420000000000000},
2004  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.430000000000000},
2005  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.430000000000000},
2006  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.430000000000000},
2007  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.430000000000000},
2008  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.430000000000000},
2009  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.430000000000000},
2010  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.440000000000000},
2011  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.440000000000000},
2012  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.440000000000000},
2013  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.440000000000000},
2014  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.440000000000000},
2015  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.440000000000000},
2016  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.450000000000000},
2017  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.450000000000000},
2018  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.450000000000000},
2019  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.450000000000000},
2020  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.450000000000000},
2021  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.450000000000000},
2022  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.460000000000000},
2023  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.460000000000000},
2024  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.460000000000000},
2025  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.460000000000000},
2026  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.460000000000000},
2027  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.460000000000000},
2028  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.470000000000000},
2029  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.470000000000000},
2030  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.470000000000000},
2031  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.470000000000000},
2032  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.470000000000000},
2033  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.470000000000000},
2034  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.480000000000000},
2035  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.480000000000000},
2036  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.480000000000000},
2037  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.480000000000000},
2038  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.480000000000000},
2039  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.480000000000000},
2040  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.490000000000000},
2041  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.490000000000000},
2042  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.490000000000000},
2043  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.490000000000000},
2044  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.490000000000000},
2045  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.490000000000000},
2046  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.500000000000000},
2047  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.500000000000000},
2048  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.500000000000000},
2049  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.500000000000000},
2050  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.500000000000000},
2051  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.500000000000000} };
2053  double CoordCheck1[306][3] = {
2054  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.500000000000000},
2055  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.500000000000000},
2056  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.510000000000000},
2057  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.510000000000000},
2058  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.500000000000000},
2059  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.510000000000000},
2060  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.500000000000000},
2061  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.510000000000000},
2062  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.500000000000000},
2063  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.510000000000000},
2064  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.500000000000000},
2065  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.510000000000000},
2066  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.520000000000000},
2067  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.520000000000000},
2068  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.520000000000000},
2069  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.520000000000000},
2070  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.520000000000000},
2071  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.520000000000000},
2072  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.530000000000000},
2073  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.530000000000000},
2074  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.530000000000000},
2075  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.530000000000000},
2076  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.530000000000000},
2077  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.530000000000000},
2078  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.540000000000000},
2079  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.540000000000000},
2080  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.540000000000000},
2081  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.540000000000000},
2082  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.540000000000000},
2083  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.540000000000000},
2084  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.550000000000000},
2085  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.550000000000000},
2086  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.550000000000000},
2087  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.550000000000000},
2088  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.550000000000000},
2089  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.550000000000000},
2090  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.560000000000000},
2091  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.560000000000000},
2092  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.560000000000000},
2093  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.560000000000000},
2094  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.560000000000000},
2095  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.560000000000000},
2096  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.570000000000000},
2097  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.570000000000000},
2098  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.570000000000000},
2099  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.570000000000000},
2100  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.570000000000000},
2101  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.570000000000000},
2102  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.580000000000000},
2103  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.580000000000000},
2104  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.580000000000000},
2105  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.580000000000000},
2106  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.580000000000000},
2107  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.580000000000000},
2108  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.590000000000000},
2109  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.590000000000000},
2110  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.590000000000000},
2111  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.590000000000000},
2112  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.590000000000000},
2113  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.590000000000000},
2114  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.600000000000000},
2115  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.600000000000000},
2116  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.600000000000000},
2117  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.600000000000000},
2118  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.600000000000000},
2119  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.600000000000000},
2120  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.610000000000000},
2121  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.610000000000000},
2122  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.610000000000000},
2123  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.610000000000000},
2124  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.610000000000000},
2125  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.610000000000000},
2126  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.620000000000000},
2127  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.620000000000000},
2128  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.620000000000000},
2129  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.620000000000000},
2130  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.620000000000000},
2131  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.620000000000000},
2132  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.630000000000000},
2133  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.630000000000000},
2134  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.630000000000000},
2135  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.630000000000000},
2136  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.630000000000000},
2137  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.630000000000000},
2138  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.640000000000000},
2139  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.640000000000000},
2140  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.640000000000000},
2141  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.640000000000000},
2142  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.640000000000000},
2143  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.640000000000000},
2144  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.650000000000000},
2145  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.650000000000000},
2146  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.650000000000000},
2147  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.650000000000000},
2148  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.650000000000000},
2149  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.650000000000000},
2150  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.660000000000000},
2151  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.660000000000000},
2152  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.660000000000000},
2153  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.660000000000000},
2154  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.660000000000000},
2155  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.660000000000000},
2156  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.670000000000000},
2157  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.670000000000000},
2158  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.670000000000000},
2159  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.670000000000000},
2160  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.670000000000000},
2161  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.670000000000000},
2162  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.680000000000000},
2163  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.680000000000000},
2164  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.680000000000000},
2165  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.680000000000000},
2166  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.680000000000000},
2167  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.680000000000000},
2168  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.690000000000000},
2169  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.690000000000000},
2170  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.690000000000000},
2171  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.690000000000000},
2172  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.690000000000000},
2173  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.690000000000000},
2174  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.700000000000000},
2175  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.700000000000000},
2176  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.700000000000000},
2177  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.700000000000000},
2178  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.700000000000000},
2179  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.700000000000000},
2180  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.710000000000000},
2181  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.710000000000000},
2182  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.710000000000000},
2183  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.710000000000000},
2184  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.710000000000000},
2185  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.710000000000000},
2186  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.720000000000000},
2187  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.720000000000000},
2188  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.720000000000000},
2189  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.720000000000000},
2190  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.720000000000000},
2191  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.720000000000000},
2192  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.730000000000000},
2193  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.730000000000000},
2194  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.730000000000000},
2195  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.730000000000000},
2196  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.730000000000000},
2197  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.730000000000000},
2198  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.740000000000000},
2199  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.740000000000000},
2200  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.740000000000000},
2201  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.740000000000000},
2202  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.740000000000000},
2203  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.740000000000000},
2204  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.750000000000000},
2205  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.750000000000000},
2206  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.750000000000000},
2207  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.750000000000000},
2208  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.750000000000000},
2209  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.750000000000000},
2210  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.760000000000000},
2211  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.760000000000000},
2212  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.760000000000000},
2213  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.760000000000000},
2214  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.760000000000000},
2215  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.760000000000000},
2216  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.770000000000000},
2217  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.770000000000000},
2218  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.770000000000000},
2219  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.770000000000000},
2220  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.770000000000000},
2221  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.770000000000000},
2222  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.780000000000000},
2223  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.780000000000000},
2224  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.780000000000000},
2225  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.780000000000000},
2226  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.780000000000000},
2227  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.780000000000000},
2228  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.790000000000000},
2229  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.790000000000000},
2230  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.790000000000000},
2231  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.790000000000000},
2232  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.790000000000000},
2233  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.790000000000000},
2234  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.800000000000000},
2235  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.800000000000000},
2236  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.800000000000000},
2237  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.800000000000000},
2238  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.800000000000000},
2239  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.800000000000000},
2240  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.810000000000000},
2241  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.810000000000000},
2242  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.810000000000000},
2243  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.810000000000000},
2244  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.810000000000000},
2245  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.810000000000000},
2246  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.820000000000000},
2247  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.820000000000000},
2248  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.820000000000000},
2249  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.820000000000000},
2250  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.820000000000000},
2251  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.820000000000000},
2252  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.830000000000000},
2253  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.830000000000000},
2254  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.830000000000000},
2255  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.830000000000000},
2256  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.830000000000000},
2257  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.830000000000000},
2258  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.840000000000000},
2259  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.840000000000000},
2260  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.840000000000000},
2261  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.840000000000000},
2262  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.840000000000000},
2263  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.840000000000000},
2264  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.850000000000000},
2265  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.850000000000000},
2266  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.850000000000000},
2267  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.850000000000000},
2268  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.850000000000000},
2269  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.850000000000000},
2270  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.860000000000000},
2271  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.860000000000000},
2272  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.860000000000000},
2273  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.860000000000000},
2274  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.860000000000000},
2275  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.860000000000000},
2276  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.870000000000000},
2277  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.870000000000000},
2278  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.870000000000000},
2279  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.870000000000000},
2280  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.870000000000000},
2281  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.870000000000000},
2282  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.880000000000000},
2283  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.880000000000000},
2284  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.880000000000000},
2285  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.880000000000000},
2286  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.880000000000000},
2287  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.880000000000000},
2288  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.890000000000000},
2289  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.890000000000000},
2290  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.890000000000000},
2291  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.890000000000000},
2292  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.890000000000000},
2293  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.890000000000000},
2294  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.900000000000000},
2295  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.900000000000000},
2296  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.900000000000000},
2297  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.900000000000000},
2298  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.900000000000000},
2299  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.900000000000000},
2300  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.910000000000000},
2301  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.910000000000000},
2302  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.910000000000000},
2303  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.910000000000000},
2304  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.910000000000000},
2305  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.910000000000000},
2306  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.920000000000000},
2307  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.920000000000000},
2308  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.920000000000000},
2309  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.920000000000000},
2310  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.920000000000000},
2311  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.920000000000000},
2312  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.930000000000000},
2313  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.930000000000000},
2314  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.930000000000000},
2315  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.930000000000000},
2316  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.930000000000000},
2317  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.930000000000000},
2318  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.940000000000000},
2319  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.940000000000000},
2320  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.940000000000000},
2321  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.940000000000000},
2322  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.940000000000000},
2323  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.940000000000000},
2324  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.950000000000000},
2325  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.950000000000000},
2326  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.950000000000000},
2327  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.950000000000000},
2328  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.950000000000000},
2329  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.950000000000000},
2330  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.960000000000000},
2331  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.960000000000000},
2332  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.960000000000000},
2333  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.960000000000000},
2334  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.960000000000000},
2335  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.960000000000000},
2336  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.970000000000000},
2337  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.970000000000000},
2338  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.970000000000000},
2339  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.970000000000000},
2340  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.970000000000000},
2341  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.970000000000000},
2342  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.980000000000000},
2343  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.980000000000000},
2344  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.980000000000000},
2345  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.980000000000000},
2346  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.980000000000000},
2347  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.980000000000000},
2348  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.990000000000000},
2349  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 0.990000000000000},
2350  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 0.990000000000000},
2351  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 0.990000000000000},
2352  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 0.990000000000000},
2353  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 0.990000000000000},
2354  {0.000000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 1.000000000000000},
2355  {0.013875704358900, 0.050000000000000, 1.000000000000000},
2356  {0.033498913650700, 0.050000000000000, 1.000000000000000},
2357  {0.066501086349300, 0.050000000000000, 1.000000000000000},
2358  {0.086124295641100, 0.050000000000000, 1.000000000000000},
2359  {0.100000000000000, 0.050000000000000, 1.000000000000000} };
2360  int coord_handle = COM_get_dataitem_handle("Window1.nc");
2361  int CoordSize=0;
2362  bool coordData = (coord_handle > 0);
2363  bool coordCorrect = true;
2364  if(coordData){
2365  COM_get_size("Window1.nc",100+rank,&CoordSize);
2366  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
2367  << ", coord size = " << CoordSize
2368  << std::endl;
2369  if(CoordSize != 306){
2370  std::cout << "ParElmerUnitTests Error:"
2371  << " Coord array is incorrect size!" << std::endl;
2372  ItAllWorks = 0;
2373  coordCorrect = false;
2374  }
2375  else{
2376  // Get the FSI mesh from the structures solver and print
2377  // it out to check
2379  //std::ofstream Ouf;
2380  //std::stringstream ss;
2381  //std::string str_rank;
2382  //ss << rank;
2383  //ss >> str_rank;
2384  //std::string outFileName = "coords_" + str_rank + ".dat";
2385  //Ouf.open(outFileName.c_str());
2386  double* Coord;
2387  COM_get_array("Window1.nc",100+rank,&Coord);
2388  std::cout << "Checking registered coordinates:" << std::endl;
2389  for(int i=0; i < CoordSize; i++){
2390  //std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << " Point #" << i
2391  // << " --- ";
2392  //Ouf << "{" ;
2393  for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){
2394  //std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(15) << Coord[i*3+j] << " ";
2395  //Ouf << std::fixed << std::setprecision(15) << Coord[i*3+j];
2396  //if (j<2)
2397  // Ouf << ", ";
2398  //else
2399  // Ouf << "}, ";
2400  if (rank == 0) {
2401  if(fabs(CoordCheck0[i][j] - Coord[i*3+j]) > 1.0e-12){
2402  std::cout << "Wrong coordinate for Rank #" << rank
2403  << " Point #" << i
2404  << " Component #" << j
2405  << " check = " << CoordCheck0[i][j]
2406  << " actual = " << Coord[i*3+j]
2407  << std::endl;
2408  ItAllWorks = 0;
2409  coordCorrect = false;
2410  break;
2411  }
2412  } else if (rank == 1) {
2413  if(fabs(CoordCheck1[i][j] - Coord[i*3+j]) > 1.0e-12){
2414  std::cout << "Wrong coordinate for Rank #" << rank
2415  << " Point #" << i
2416  << " Component #" << j
2417  << " check = " << CoordCheck1[i][j]
2418  << " actual = " << Coord[i*3+j]
2419  << std::endl;
2420  ItAllWorks = 0;
2421  coordCorrect = false;
2422  break;
2423  }
2424  }
2425  }
2426  //std::cout << std::endl;
2427  //Ouf << std::endl;
2428  }
2429  //Ouf.close();
2430  }
2431  result.UpdateResult("ParCoordinateData:Correct", coordCorrect);
2432  result.UpdateResult("ParCoordinateData:Registered", true);
2433  }
2434  else{
2435  result.UpdateResult("ParCoordinateData:Registered", false);
2436  result.UpdateResult("ParCoordinateData:Correct", false);
2437  ItAllWorks = 0;
2438  }
2441  // Check connectivity values
2443  int connCheck[250][4] = {
2444  {1, 2, 3, 4},
2445  {5, 1, 4, 6},
2446  {7, 5, 6, 8},
2447  {9, 7, 8, 10},
2448  {11, 9, 10, 12},
2449  {4, 3, 13, 14},
2450  {6, 4, 14, 15},
2451  {8, 6, 15, 16},
2452  {10, 8, 16, 17},
2453  {12, 10, 17, 18},
2454  {14, 13, 19, 20},
2455  {15, 14, 20, 21},
2456  {16, 15, 21, 22},
2457  {17, 16, 22, 23},
2458  {18, 17, 23, 24},
2459  {20, 19, 25, 26},
2460  {21, 20, 26, 27},
2461  {22, 21, 27, 28},
2462  {23, 22, 28, 29},
2463  {24, 23, 29, 30},
2464  {26, 25, 31, 32},
2465  {27, 26, 32, 33},
2466  {28, 27, 33, 34},
2467  {29, 28, 34, 35},
2468  {30, 29, 35, 36},
2469  {32, 31, 37, 38},
2470  {33, 32, 38, 39},
2471  {34, 33, 39, 40},
2472  {35, 34, 40, 41},
2473  {36, 35, 41, 42},
2474  {38, 37, 43, 44},
2475  {39, 38, 44, 45},
2476  {40, 39, 45, 46},
2477  {41, 40, 46, 47},
2478  {42, 41, 47, 48},
2479  {44, 43, 49, 50},
2480  {45, 44, 50, 51},
2481  {46, 45, 51, 52},
2482  {47, 46, 52, 53},
2483  {48, 47, 53, 54},
2484  {50, 49, 55, 56},
2485  {51, 50, 56, 57},
2486  {52, 51, 57, 58},
2487  {53, 52, 58, 59},
2488  {54, 53, 59, 60},
2489  {56, 55, 61, 62},
2490  {57, 56, 62, 63},
2491  {58, 57, 63, 64},
2492  {59, 58, 64, 65},
2493  {60, 59, 65, 66},
2494  {62, 61, 67, 68},
2495  {63, 62, 68, 69},
2496  {64, 63, 69, 70},
2497  {65, 64, 70, 71},
2498  {66, 65, 71, 72},
2499  {68, 67, 73, 74},
2500  {69, 68, 74, 75},
2501  {70, 69, 75, 76},
2502  {71, 70, 76, 77},
2503  {72, 71, 77, 78},
2504  {74, 73, 79, 80},
2505  {75, 74, 80, 81},
2506  {76, 75, 81, 82},
2507  {77, 76, 82, 83},
2508  {78, 77, 83, 84},
2509  {80, 79, 85, 86},
2510  {81, 80, 86, 87},
2511  {82, 81, 87, 88},
2512  {83, 82, 88, 89},
2513  {84, 83, 89, 90},
2514  {86, 85, 91, 92},
2515  {87, 86, 92, 93},
2516  {88, 87, 93, 94},
2517  {89, 88, 94, 95},
2518  {90, 89, 95, 96},
2519  {92, 91, 97, 98},
2520  {93, 92, 98, 99},
2521  {94, 93, 99, 100},
2522  {95, 94, 100, 101},
2523  {96, 95, 101, 102},
2524  {98, 97, 103, 104},
2525  {99, 98, 104, 105},
2526  {100, 99, 105, 106},
2527  {101, 100, 106, 107},
2528  {102, 101, 107, 108},
2529  {104, 103, 109, 110},
2530  {105, 104, 110, 111},
2531  {106, 105, 111, 112},
2532  {107, 106, 112, 113},
2533  {108, 107, 113, 114},
2534  {110, 109, 115, 116},
2535  {111, 110, 116, 117},
2536  {112, 111, 117, 118},
2537  {113, 112, 118, 119},
2538  {114, 113, 119, 120},
2539  {116, 115, 121, 122},
2540  {117, 116, 122, 123},
2541  {118, 117, 123, 124},
2542  {119, 118, 124, 125},
2543  {120, 119, 125, 126},
2544  {122, 121, 127, 128},
2545  {123, 122, 128, 129},
2546  {124, 123, 129, 130},
2547  {125, 124, 130, 131},
2548  {126, 125, 131, 132},
2549  {128, 127, 133, 134},
2550  {129, 128, 134, 135},
2551  {130, 129, 135, 136},
2552  {131, 130, 136, 137},
2553  {132, 131, 137, 138},
2554  {134, 133, 139, 140},
2555  {135, 134, 140, 141},
2556  {136, 135, 141, 142},
2557  {137, 136, 142, 143},
2558  {138, 137, 143, 144},
2559  {140, 139, 145, 146},
2560  {141, 140, 146, 147},
2561  {142, 141, 147, 148},
2562  {143, 142, 148, 149},
2563  {144, 143, 149, 150},
2564  {146, 145, 151, 152},
2565  {147, 146, 152, 153},
2566  {148, 147, 153, 154},
2567  {149, 148, 154, 155},
2568  {150, 149, 155, 156},
2569  {152, 151, 157, 158},
2570  {153, 152, 158, 159},
2571  {154, 153, 159, 160},
2572  {155, 154, 160, 161},
2573  {156, 155, 161, 162},
2574  {158, 157, 163, 164},
2575  {159, 158, 164, 165},
2576  {160, 159, 165, 166},
2577  {161, 160, 166, 167},
2578  {162, 161, 167, 168},
2579  {164, 163, 169, 170},
2580  {165, 164, 170, 171},
2581  {166, 165, 171, 172},
2582  {167, 166, 172, 173},
2583  {168, 167, 173, 174},
2584  {170, 169, 175, 176},
2585  {171, 170, 176, 177},
2586  {172, 171, 177, 178},
2587  {173, 172, 178, 179},
2588  {174, 173, 179, 180},
2589  {176, 175, 181, 182},
2590  {177, 176, 182, 183},
2591  {178, 177, 183, 184},
2592  {179, 178, 184, 185},
2593  {180, 179, 185, 186},
2594  {182, 181, 187, 188},
2595  {183, 182, 188, 189},
2596  {184, 183, 189, 190},
2597  {185, 184, 190, 191},
2598  {186, 185, 191, 192},
2599  {188, 187, 193, 194},
2600  {189, 188, 194, 195},
2601  {190, 189, 195, 196},
2602  {191, 190, 196, 197},
2603  {192, 191, 197, 198},
2604  {194, 193, 199, 200},
2605  {195, 194, 200, 201},
2606  {196, 195, 201, 202},
2607  {197, 196, 202, 203},
2608  {198, 197, 203, 204},
2609  {200, 199, 205, 206},
2610  {201, 200, 206, 207},
2611  {202, 201, 207, 208},
2612  {203, 202, 208, 209},
2613  {204, 203, 209, 210},
2614  {206, 205, 211, 212},
2615  {207, 206, 212, 213},
2616  {208, 207, 213, 214},
2617  {209, 208, 214, 215},
2618  {210, 209, 215, 216},
2619  {212, 211, 217, 218},
2620  {213, 212, 218, 219},
2621  {214, 213, 219, 220},
2622  {215, 214, 220, 221},
2623  {216, 215, 221, 222},
2624  {218, 217, 223, 224},
2625  {219, 218, 224, 225},
2626  {220, 219, 225, 226},
2627  {221, 220, 226, 227},
2628  {222, 221, 227, 228},
2629  {224, 223, 229, 230},
2630  {225, 224, 230, 231},
2631  {226, 225, 231, 232},
2632  {227, 226, 232, 233},
2633  {228, 227, 233, 234},
2634  {230, 229, 235, 236},
2635  {231, 230, 236, 237},
2636  {232, 231, 237, 238},
2637  {233, 232, 238, 239},
2638  {234, 233, 239, 240},
2639  {236, 235, 241, 242},
2640  {237, 236, 242, 243},
2641  {238, 237, 243, 244},
2642  {239, 238, 244, 245},
2643  {240, 239, 245, 246},
2644  {242, 241, 247, 248},
2645  {243, 242, 248, 249},
2646  {244, 243, 249, 250},
2647  {245, 244, 250, 251},
2648  {246, 245, 251, 252},
2649  {248, 247, 253, 254},
2650  {249, 248, 254, 255},
2651  {250, 249, 255, 256},
2652  {251, 250, 256, 257},
2653  {252, 251, 257, 258},
2654  {254, 253, 259, 260},
2655  {255, 254, 260, 261},
2656  {256, 255, 261, 262},
2657  {257, 256, 262, 263},
2658  {258, 257, 263, 264},
2659  {260, 259, 265, 266},
2660  {261, 260, 266, 267},
2661  {262, 261, 267, 268},
2662  {263, 262, 268, 269},
2663  {264, 263, 269, 270},
2664  {266, 265, 271, 272},
2665  {267, 266, 272, 273},
2666  {268, 267, 273, 274},
2667  {269, 268, 274, 275},
2668  {270, 269, 275, 276},
2669  {272, 271, 277, 278},
2670  {273, 272, 278, 279},
2671  {274, 273, 279, 280},
2672  {275, 274, 280, 281},
2673  {276, 275, 281, 282},
2674  {278, 277, 283, 284},
2675  {279, 278, 284, 285},
2676  {280, 279, 285, 286},
2677  {281, 280, 286, 287},
2678  {282, 281, 287, 288},
2679  {284, 283, 289, 290},
2680  {285, 284, 290, 291},
2681  {286, 285, 291, 292},
2682  {287, 286, 292, 293},
2683  {288, 287, 293, 294},
2684  {290, 289, 295, 296},
2685  {291, 290, 296, 297},
2686  {292, 291, 297, 298},
2687  {293, 292, 298, 299},
2688  {294, 293, 299, 300},
2689  {296, 295, 301, 302},
2690  {297, 296, 302, 303},
2691  {298, 297, 303, 304},
2692  {299, 298, 304, 305},
2693  {300, 299, 305, 306} };
2694  bool connCorrect = true;
2695  int ConnSize = 0;
2696  int* Conn = NULL;
2698  // Get the FSI mesh from the structures solver
2699  COM_get_array("Window1.:q4:", 100+rank, &Conn);
2700  if(Conn){
2701  // Get the FSI mesh size from the structures solver
2702  COM_get_size("Window1.:q4:", 100+rank, &ConnSize);
2703  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
2704  << ", ConnSize = " << ConnSize << std::endl;
2705  if(ConnSize != 250){
2706  std::cout << "ParElmerUnitTests Error:"
2707  << " Conn array is incorrect size!" << std::endl;
2708  ItAllWorks = 0;
2709  connCorrect = false;
2710  }
2711  else{
2712  //std::ofstream Ouf;
2713  //std::stringstream ss;
2714  //std::string str_rank;
2715  //ss << rank;
2716  //ss >> str_rank;
2717  //std::string outFileName = "conn_" + str_rank + ".dat";
2718  //Ouf.open(outFileName.c_str());
2719  // check the values
2720  std::cout << "Element connectivity check:" << std::endl;
2721  for(int i=0; i < ConnSize; i++){
2722  //std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << ", Element #" << i
2723  // << " --- ";
2724  //Ouf << "{";
2725  for(int j=0; j < 4; j++){
2726  //std::cout << Conn[i*4+j] << " ";
2727  //Ouf << Conn[i*4+j];
2728  //if (j<3)
2729  // Ouf << ", ";
2730  //else
2731  // Ouf << "},";
2732  if( (connCheck[i][j] - Conn[i*4+j]) != 0){
2733  ItAllWorks = 0;
2734  connCorrect = false;
2735  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
2736  << ", Connectivity error for element #"
2737  << i << std::endl;
2738  break;
2739  }
2740  }
2741  //std::cout << std::endl;
2742  //Ouf << std::endl;
2743  }
2744  //Ouf.close();
2745  }
2746  result.UpdateResult("ParConnectivityData:Correct", connCorrect);
2747  result.UpdateResult("ParConnectivityData:Registered", true);
2748  }
2749  else{
2750  result.UpdateResult("ParConnectivityData:Registered", false);
2751  result.UpdateResult("ParConnectivityData:Correct", false);
2752  ItAllWorks = 0;
2753  }
2756  // Check load registration & initialization
2758  double* Loads = NULL;
2759  int LoadsSize = 0;
2760  int loadsRegistered = 1;
2761  int loadsInitialized = 1;
2762  // Get the FSI loads from the structures solver
2763  COM_get_array("Window1.Loads",100+rank,&Loads);
2764  if(Loads){
2765  // Get the FSI load size from the structures solver
2766  COM_get_size("Window1.Loads",100+rank,&LoadsSize);
2767  if(LoadsSize != 306){
2768  std::cout << "ParElmerUnitTests Error:"
2769  << " Loads array is incorrect size!" << std::endl;
2770  ItAllWorks = 0;
2771  loadsInitialized = 0;
2772  } else {
2773  // check the values
2774  for(int i=0; i < LoadsSize; i++){
2775  for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){
2776  if(fabs(Loads[i*3 + j]) > 1.0e-12){
2777  loadsInitialized = 0;
2778  ItAllWorks = 0;
2779  }
2780  }
2781  }
2782  }
2783  }
2784  else{
2785  std::cout << "Loads are NULL" << std::endl;
2786  loadsRegistered = 0;
2787  loadsInitialized = 0;
2788  ItAllWorks = 0;
2789  }
2790  int globalLoadsReg = 0;
2791  _communicator.Reduce(loadsRegistered, globalLoadsReg, IRAD::Comm::DTINT, IRAD::Comm::PRODOP, 0);
2792  _communicator.BroadCast(globalLoadsReg, 0);
2793  _communicator.Barrier();
2794  result.UpdateResult("ParLoadData:Registered", globalLoadsReg);
2795  int globalLoadsInit = 0;
2796  _communicator.Reduce(loadsInitialized, globalLoadsInit, IRAD::Comm::DTINT, IRAD::Comm::PRODOP, 0);
2797  _communicator.BroadCast(globalLoadsInit, 0);
2798  result.UpdateResult("ParLoadData:Initialized", globalLoadsInit);
2802  // Get TimeStepper function handle and call Function
2804  // Arrays that hold disp data for check *********************************
2805  double dispCheck0[306][3] = {
2806  {8.89791e-29, 5.79913e-29, 7.46431e-29},
2807  {1.28823e-28, 8.9512e-29, 1.11686e-28},
2808  {-9.12997e-10, 2.61913e-10, -9.67976e-10},
2809  {-4.88536e-10, 5.71438e-10, -8.47714e-10},
2810  {7.9991e-29, 4.67047e-29, 5.88094e-29},
2811  {-1.79416e-10, 7.91904e-10, -9.64027e-10},
2812  {7.9991e-29, 4.85741e-29, 5.88094e-29},
2813  {1.79416e-10, 7.91904e-10, -9.64027e-10},
2814  {8.89791e-29, 5.79913e-29, 7.26265e-29},
2815  {4.88536e-10, 5.71438e-10, -8.47714e-10},
2816  {1.28823e-28, 8.9512e-29, 1.11686e-28},
2817  {9.12997e-10, 2.61913e-10, -9.67976e-10},
2818  {-1.30674e-09, 5.53139e-10, -2.00149e-09},
2819  {-8.29688e-10, 1.12277e-09, -1.88002e-09},
2820  {-3.09652e-10, 1.48967e-09, -1.97899e-09},
2821  {3.09652e-10, 1.48967e-09, -1.97899e-09},
2822  {8.29688e-10, 1.12277e-09, -1.88002e-09},
2823  {1.30674e-09, 5.53139e-10, -2.00149e-09},
2824  {-1.53588e-09, 1.4023e-09, -3.03066e-09},
2825  {-1.02256e-09, 2.09415e-09, -2.94963e-09},
2826  {-4.06122e-10, 2.58669e-09, -3.01403e-09},
2827  {4.06122e-10, 2.58669e-09, -3.01403e-09},
2828  {1.02256e-09, 2.09415e-09, -2.94963e-09},
2829  {1.53588e-09, 1.4023e-09, -3.03066e-09},
2830  {-1.65194e-09, 2.74524e-09, -4.06398e-09},
2831  {-1.1312e-09, 3.50194e-09, -4.01856e-09},
2832  {-4.64648e-10, 4.07848e-09, -4.05812e-09},
2833  {4.64648e-10, 4.07848e-09, -4.05812e-09},
2834  {1.1312e-09, 3.50194e-09, -4.01856e-09},
2835  {1.65194e-09, 2.74524e-09, -4.06398e-09},
2836  {-1.7077e-09, 4.55432e-09, -5.08993e-09},
2837  {-1.18805e-09, 5.34468e-09, -5.06867e-09},
2838  {-4.97736e-10, 5.97431e-09, -5.09189e-09},
2839  {4.97736e-10, 5.97431e-09, -5.09189e-09},
2840  {1.18805e-09, 5.34468e-09, -5.06867e-09},
2841  {1.7077e-09, 4.55432e-09, -5.08993e-09},
2842  {-1.72838e-09, 6.80444e-09, -6.10479e-09},
2843  {-1.21386e-09, 7.61027e-09, -6.09826e-09},
2844  {-5.14516e-10, 8.27047e-09, -6.11064e-09},
2845  {5.14516e-10, 8.27047e-09, -6.11064e-09},
2846  {1.21386e-09, 7.61027e-09, -6.09826e-09},
2847  {1.72838e-09, 6.80444e-09, -6.10479e-09},
2848  {-1.72783e-09, 9.47846e-09, -7.10481e-09},
2849  {-1.22065e-09, 1.02882e-08, -7.10703e-09},
2850  {-5.21091e-10, 1.09635e-08, -7.11194e-09},
2851  {5.21091e-10, 1.09635e-08, -7.11194e-09},
2852  {1.22065e-09, 1.02882e-08, -7.10703e-09},
2853  {1.72783e-09, 9.47846e-09, -7.10481e-09},
2854  {-1.71411e-09, 1.25622e-08, -8.08747e-09},
2855  {-1.21557e-09, 1.33683e-08, -8.09489e-09},
2856  {-5.21259e-10, 1.40483e-08, -8.09459e-09},
2857  {5.21259e-10, 1.40483e-08, -8.09459e-09},
2858  {1.21557e-09, 1.33683e-08, -8.09489e-09},
2859  {1.71411e-09, 1.25622e-08, -8.08747e-09},
2860  {-1.69212e-09, 1.60435e-08, -9.05132e-09},
2861  {-1.20299e-09, 1.68411e-08, -9.06183e-09},
2862  {-5.17366e-10, 1.7519e-08, -9.05791e-09},
2863  {5.17366e-10, 1.7519e-08, -9.05791e-09},
2864  {1.20299e-09, 1.68411e-08, -9.06183e-09},
2865  {1.69212e-09, 1.60435e-08, -9.05132e-09},
2866  {-1.66494e-09, 1.99114e-08, -9.99557e-09},
2867  {-1.18565e-09, 2.06974e-08, -1.00079e-08},
2868  {-5.10887e-10, 2.13687e-08, -1.00015e-08},
2869  {5.10887e-10, 2.13687e-08, -1.00015e-08},
2870  {1.18565e-09, 2.06974e-08, -1.00079e-08},
2871  {1.66494e-09, 1.99114e-08, -9.99557e-09},
2872  {-1.63455e-09, 2.41559e-08, -1.09199e-08},
2873  {-1.16531e-09, 2.49284e-08, -1.09333e-08},
2874  {-5.02763e-10, 2.55902e-08, -1.09253e-08},
2875  {5.02763e-10, 2.55902e-08, -1.09253e-08},
2876  {1.16531e-09, 2.49284e-08, -1.09333e-08},
2877  {1.63455e-09, 2.41559e-08, -1.09199e-08},
2878  {-1.6022e-09, 2.87677e-08, -1.18241e-08},
2879  {-1.14311e-09, 2.95254e-08, -1.18382e-08},
2880  {-4.93606e-10, 3.01759e-08, -1.1829e-08},
2881  {4.93606e-10, 3.01759e-08, -1.1829e-08},
2882  {1.14311e-09, 2.95254e-08, -1.18382e-08},
2883  {1.6022e-09, 2.87677e-08, -1.18241e-08},
2884  {-1.56872e-09, 3.37379e-08, -1.27083e-08},
2885  {-1.11979e-09, 3.44802e-08, -1.27228e-08},
2886  {-4.83813e-10, 3.51182e-08, -1.27129e-08},
2887  {4.83813e-10, 3.51182e-08, -1.27129e-08},
2888  {1.11979e-09, 3.44802e-08, -1.27228e-08},
2889  {1.56872e-09, 3.37379e-08, -1.27083e-08},
2890  {-1.53464e-09, 3.90581e-08, -1.35726e-08},
2891  {-1.09584e-09, 3.97844e-08, -1.35872e-08},
2892  {-4.73647e-10, 4.04093e-08, -1.3577e-08},
2893  {4.73647e-10, 4.04093e-08, -1.3577e-08},
2894  {1.09584e-09, 3.97844e-08, -1.35872e-08},
2895  {1.53464e-09, 3.90581e-08, -1.35726e-08},
2896  {-1.50031e-09, 4.47198e-08, -1.44172e-08},
2897  {-1.07157e-09, 4.543e-08, -1.44318e-08},
2898  {-4.63281e-10, 4.60415e-08, -1.44213e-08},
2899  {4.63281e-10, 4.60415e-08, -1.44213e-08},
2900  {1.07157e-09, 4.543e-08, -1.44318e-08},
2901  {1.50031e-09, 4.47198e-08, -1.44172e-08},
2902  {-1.46597e-09, 5.0715e-08, -1.52422e-08},
2903  {-1.04721e-09, 5.14091e-08, -1.52568e-08},
2904  {-4.52828e-10, 5.20069e-08, -1.52462e-08},
2905  {4.52828e-10, 5.20069e-08, -1.52462e-08},
2906  {1.04721e-09, 5.14091e-08, -1.52568e-08},
2907  {1.46597e-09, 5.0715e-08, -1.52422e-08},
2908  {-1.43176e-09, 5.70357e-08, -1.60478e-08},
2909  {-1.02288e-09, 5.77137e-08, -1.60623e-08},
2910  {-4.42362e-10, 5.82978e-08, -1.60517e-08},
2911  {4.42362e-10, 5.82978e-08, -1.60517e-08},
2912  {1.02288e-09, 5.77137e-08, -1.60623e-08},
2913  {1.43176e-09, 5.70357e-08, -1.60478e-08},
2914  {-1.39779e-09, 6.36743e-08, -1.68343e-08},
2915  {-9.98685e-10, 6.43362e-08, -1.68487e-08},
2916  {-4.31933e-10, 6.49065e-08, -1.68381e-08},
2917  {4.31933e-10, 6.49065e-08, -1.68381e-08},
2918  {9.98685e-10, 6.43362e-08, -1.68487e-08},
2919  {1.39779e-09, 6.36743e-08, -1.68343e-08},
2920  {-1.3641e-09, 7.06229e-08, -1.76019e-08},
2921  {-9.74672e-10, 7.12689e-08, -1.76161e-08},
2922  {-4.21572e-10, 7.18256e-08, -1.76056e-08},
2923  {4.21572e-10, 7.18256e-08, -1.76056e-08},
2924  {9.74672e-10, 7.12689e-08, -1.76161e-08},
2925  {1.3641e-09, 7.06229e-08, -1.76019e-08},
2926  {-1.33076e-09, 7.7874e-08, -1.83507e-08},
2927  {-9.50883e-10, 7.85043e-08, -1.83649e-08},
2928  {-4.113e-10, 7.90475e-08, -1.83544e-08},
2929  {4.113e-10, 7.90475e-08, -1.83544e-08},
2930  {9.50883e-10, 7.85043e-08, -1.83649e-08},
2931  {1.33076e-09, 7.7874e-08, -1.83507e-08},
2932  {-1.29778e-09, 8.54202e-08, -1.90811e-08},
2933  {-9.27345e-10, 8.60348e-08, -1.90951e-08},
2934  {-4.0113e-10, 8.65646e-08, -1.90848e-08},
2935  {4.0113e-10, 8.65646e-08, -1.90848e-08},
2936  {9.27345e-10, 8.60348e-08, -1.90951e-08},
2937  {1.29778e-09, 8.54202e-08, -1.90811e-08},
2938  {-1.26519e-09, 9.32541e-08, -1.97933e-08},
2939  {-9.04073e-10, 9.38533e-08, -1.98071e-08},
2940  {-3.91073e-10, 9.43699e-08, -1.97969e-08},
2941  {3.91073e-10, 9.43699e-08, -1.97969e-08},
2942  {9.04073e-10, 9.38533e-08, -1.98071e-08},
2943  {1.26519e-09, 9.32541e-08, -1.97933e-08},
2944  {-1.23299e-09, 1.01368e-07, -2.04874e-08},
2945  {-8.81079e-10, 1.01952e-07, -2.05011e-08},
2946  {-3.81134e-10, 1.02456e-07, -2.0491e-08},
2947  {3.81134e-10, 1.02456e-07, -2.0491e-08},
2948  {8.81079e-10, 1.01952e-07, -2.05011e-08},
2949  {1.23299e-09, 1.01368e-07, -2.04874e-08},
2950  {-1.20119e-09, 1.09756e-07, -2.11638e-08},
2951  {-8.58368e-10, 1.10325e-07, -2.11772e-08},
2952  {-3.71315e-10, 1.10815e-07, -2.11673e-08},
2953  {3.71315e-10, 1.10815e-07, -2.11673e-08},
2954  {8.58368e-10, 1.10325e-07, -2.11772e-08},
2955  {1.20119e-09, 1.09756e-07, -2.11638e-08},
2956  {-1.16979e-09, 1.1841e-07, -2.18226e-08},
2957  {-8.35946e-10, 1.18964e-07, -2.18359e-08},
2958  {-3.61621e-10, 1.19442e-07, -2.1826e-08},
2959  {3.61621e-10, 1.19442e-07, -2.1826e-08},
2960  {8.35946e-10, 1.18964e-07, -2.18359e-08},
2961  {1.16979e-09, 1.1841e-07, -2.18226e-08},
2962  {-1.13881e-09, 1.27323e-07, -2.24641e-08},
2963  {-8.13816e-10, 1.27862e-07, -2.24772e-08},
2964  {-3.52052e-10, 1.28327e-07, -2.24675e-08},
2965  {3.52052e-10, 1.28327e-07, -2.24675e-08},
2966  {8.13816e-10, 1.27862e-07, -2.24772e-08},
2967  {1.13881e-09, 1.27323e-07, -2.24641e-08},
2968  {-1.10824e-09, 1.36488e-07, -2.30885e-08},
2969  {-7.91979e-10, 1.37013e-07, -2.31014e-08},
2970  {-3.4261e-10, 1.37466e-07, -2.30918e-08},
2971  {3.4261e-10, 1.37466e-07, -2.30918e-08},
2972  {7.91979e-10, 1.37013e-07, -2.31014e-08},
2973  {1.10824e-09, 1.36488e-07, -2.30885e-08},
2974  {-1.07808e-09, 1.45899e-07, -2.3696e-08},
2975  {-7.70437e-10, 1.4641e-07, -2.37087e-08},
2976  {-3.33295e-10, 1.4685e-07, -2.36993e-08},
2977  {3.33295e-10, 1.4685e-07, -2.36993e-08},
2978  {7.70437e-10, 1.4641e-07, -2.37087e-08},
2979  {1.07808e-09, 1.45899e-07, -2.3696e-08},
2980  {-1.04834e-09, 1.55549e-07, -2.42869e-08},
2981  {-7.49191e-10, 1.56045e-07, -2.42995e-08},
2982  {-3.24108e-10, 1.56474e-07, -2.42901e-08},
2983  {3.24108e-10, 1.56474e-07, -2.42901e-08},
2984  {7.49191e-10, 1.56045e-07, -2.42995e-08},
2985  {1.04834e-09, 1.55549e-07, -2.42869e-08},
2986  {-1.01901e-09, 1.65431e-07, -2.48614e-08},
2987  {-7.28241e-10, 1.65913e-07, -2.48738e-08},
2988  {-3.15048e-10, 1.6633e-07, -2.48646e-08},
2989  {3.15048e-10, 1.6633e-07, -2.48646e-08},
2990  {7.28241e-10, 1.65913e-07, -2.48738e-08},
2991  {1.01901e-09, 1.65431e-07, -2.48614e-08},
2992  {-9.90099e-10, 1.75538e-07, -2.54197e-08},
2993  {-7.07588e-10, 1.76007e-07, -2.54319e-08},
2994  {-3.06117e-10, 1.76412e-07, -2.54228e-08},
2995  {3.06117e-10, 1.76412e-07, -2.54228e-08},
2996  {7.07588e-10, 1.76007e-07, -2.54319e-08},
2997  {9.90099e-10, 1.75538e-07, -2.54197e-08},
2998  {-9.61602e-10, 1.85865e-07, -2.59621e-08},
2999  {-6.87231e-10, 1.86321e-07, -2.59741e-08},
3000  {-2.97314e-10, 1.86714e-07, -2.59652e-08},
3001  {2.97314e-10, 1.86714e-07, -2.59652e-08},
3002  {6.87231e-10, 1.86321e-07, -2.59741e-08},
3003  {9.61602e-10, 1.85865e-07, -2.59621e-08},
3004  {-9.33521e-10, 1.96405e-07, -2.64887e-08},
3005  {-6.67171e-10, 1.96847e-07, -2.65006e-08},
3006  {-2.8864e-10, 1.97229e-07, -2.64918e-08},
3007  {2.8864e-10, 1.97229e-07, -2.64918e-08},
3008  {6.67171e-10, 1.96847e-07, -2.65006e-08},
3009  {9.33521e-10, 1.96405e-07, -2.64887e-08},
3010  {-9.05856e-10, 2.07152e-07, -2.69999e-08},
3011  {-6.47409e-10, 2.07581e-07, -2.70116e-08},
3012  {-2.80093e-10, 2.07951e-07, -2.70029e-08},
3013  {2.80093e-10, 2.07951e-07, -2.70029e-08},
3014  {6.47409e-10, 2.07581e-07, -2.70116e-08},
3015  {9.05856e-10, 2.07152e-07, -2.69999e-08},
3016  {-8.78606e-10, 2.18099e-07, -2.74959e-08},
3017  {-6.27943e-10, 2.18515e-07, -2.75074e-08},
3018  {-2.71676e-10, 2.18874e-07, -2.74989e-08},
3019  {2.71676e-10, 2.18874e-07, -2.74989e-08},
3020  {6.27943e-10, 2.18515e-07, -2.75074e-08},
3021  {8.78606e-10, 2.18099e-07, -2.74959e-08},
3022  {-8.51773e-10, 2.29241e-07, -2.79768e-08},
3023  {-6.08774e-10, 2.29644e-07, -2.79882e-08},
3024  {-2.63387e-10, 2.29993e-07, -2.79797e-08},
3025  {2.63387e-10, 2.29993e-07, -2.79797e-08},
3026  {6.08774e-10, 2.29644e-07, -2.79882e-08},
3027  {8.51773e-10, 2.29241e-07, -2.79768e-08},
3028  {-8.25355e-10, 2.40571e-07, -2.8443e-08},
3029  {-5.89903e-10, 2.40962e-07, -2.84541e-08},
3030  {-2.55226e-10, 2.413e-07, -2.84458e-08},
3031  {2.55226e-10, 2.413e-07, -2.84458e-08},
3032  {5.89903e-10, 2.40962e-07, -2.84541e-08},
3033  {8.25355e-10, 2.40571e-07, -2.8443e-08},
3034  {-7.99353e-10, 2.52084e-07, -2.88946e-08},
3035  {-5.71329e-10, 2.52463e-07, -2.89056e-08},
3036  {-2.47194e-10, 2.5279e-07, -2.88974e-08},
3037  {2.47194e-10, 2.5279e-07, -2.88974e-08},
3038  {5.71329e-10, 2.52463e-07, -2.89056e-08},
3039  {7.99353e-10, 2.52084e-07, -2.88946e-08},
3040  {-7.73768e-10, 2.63774e-07, -2.93319e-08},
3041  {-5.53052e-10, 2.64141e-07, -2.93427e-08},
3042  {-2.3929e-10, 2.64457e-07, -2.93346e-08},
3043  {2.3929e-10, 2.64457e-07, -2.93346e-08},
3044  {5.53052e-10, 2.64141e-07, -2.93427e-08},
3045  {7.73768e-10, 2.63774e-07, -2.93319e-08},
3046  {-7.48598e-10, 2.75635e-07, -2.9755e-08},
3047  {-5.35072e-10, 2.7599e-07, -2.97657e-08},
3048  {-2.31515e-10, 2.76296e-07, -2.97578e-08},
3049  {2.31515e-10, 2.76296e-07, -2.97578e-08},
3050  {5.35072e-10, 2.7599e-07, -2.97657e-08},
3051  {7.48598e-10, 2.75635e-07, -2.9755e-08},
3052  {-7.23845e-10, 2.87662e-07, -3.01644e-08},
3053  {-5.17389e-10, 2.88005e-07, -3.01748e-08},
3054  {-2.23868e-10, 2.88301e-07, -3.01671e-08},
3055  {2.23868e-10, 2.88301e-07, -3.01671e-08},
3056  {5.17389e-10, 2.88005e-07, -3.01748e-08},
3057  {7.23845e-10, 2.87662e-07, -3.01644e-08},
3058  {-6.99507e-10, 2.99849e-07, -3.05601e-08},
3059  {-5.00003e-10, 3.00181e-07, -3.05703e-08},
3060  {-2.1635e-10, 3.00467e-07, -3.05627e-08},
3061  {2.1635e-10, 3.00467e-07, -3.05627e-08},
3062  {5.00003e-10, 3.00181e-07, -3.05703e-08},
3063  {6.99507e-10, 2.99849e-07, -3.05601e-08},
3064  {-6.75585e-10, 3.12191e-07, -3.09424e-08},
3065  {-4.82915e-10, 3.12511e-07, -3.09525e-08},
3066  {-2.0896e-10, 3.12788e-07, -3.0945e-08},
3067  {2.0896e-10, 3.12788e-07, -3.0945e-08},
3068  {4.82915e-10, 3.12511e-07, -3.09525e-08},
3069  {6.75585e-10, 3.12191e-07, -3.09424e-08},
3070  {-6.5208e-10, 3.24682e-07, -3.13115e-08},
3071  {-4.66124e-10, 3.24991e-07, -3.13214e-08},
3072  {-2.01699e-10, 3.25258e-07, -3.1314e-08},
3073  {2.01699e-10, 3.25258e-07, -3.1314e-08},
3074  {4.66124e-10, 3.24991e-07, -3.13214e-08},
3075  {6.5208e-10, 3.24682e-07, -3.13115e-08},
3076  {-6.2899e-10, 3.37318e-07, -3.16677e-08},
3077  {-4.4963e-10, 3.37616e-07, -3.16774e-08},
3078  {-1.94566e-10, 3.37873e-07, -3.16702e-08},
3079  {1.94566e-10, 3.37873e-07, -3.16702e-08},
3080  {4.4963e-10, 3.37616e-07, -3.16774e-08},
3081  {6.2899e-10, 3.37318e-07, -3.16677e-08},
3082  {-6.06317e-10, 3.50092e-07, -3.20112e-08},
3083  {-4.33433e-10, 3.5038e-07, -3.20207e-08},
3084  {-1.87562e-10, 3.50628e-07, -3.20136e-08},
3085  {1.87562e-10, 3.50628e-07, -3.20136e-08},
3086  {4.33433e-10, 3.5038e-07, -3.20207e-08},
3087  {6.06317e-10, 3.50092e-07, -3.20112e-08},
3088  {-5.8406e-10, 3.63001e-07, -3.23422e-08},
3089  {-4.17534e-10, 3.63278e-07, -3.23516e-08},
3090  {-1.80687e-10, 3.63517e-07, -3.23446e-08},
3091  {1.80687e-10, 3.63517e-07, -3.23446e-08},
3092  {4.17534e-10, 3.63278e-07, -3.23516e-08},
3093  {5.8406e-10, 3.63001e-07, -3.23422e-08},
3094  {-5.62218e-10, 3.76038e-07, -3.2661e-08},
3095  {-4.01931e-10, 3.76305e-07, -3.26702e-08},
3096  {-1.7394e-10, 3.76535e-07, -3.26633e-08},
3097  {1.7394e-10, 3.76535e-07, -3.26633e-08},
3098  {4.01931e-10, 3.76305e-07, -3.26702e-08},
3099  {5.62218e-10, 3.76038e-07, -3.2661e-08},
3100  {-5.40793e-10, 3.892e-07, -3.29677e-08},
3101  {-3.86626e-10, 3.89457e-07, -3.29768e-08},
3102  {-1.67321e-10, 3.89678e-07, -3.297e-08},
3103  {1.67321e-10, 3.89678e-07, -3.297e-08},
3104  {3.86626e-10, 3.89457e-07, -3.29768e-08},
3105  {5.40793e-10, 3.892e-07, -3.29677e-08},
3106  {-5.19783e-10, 4.02482e-07, -3.32627e-08},
3107  {-3.71618e-10, 4.02728e-07, -3.32716e-08},
3108  {-1.60831e-10, 4.02941e-07, -3.3265e-08},
3109  {1.60831e-10, 4.02941e-07, -3.3265e-08},
3110  {3.71618e-10, 4.02728e-07, -3.32716e-08},
3111  {5.19783e-10, 4.02482e-07, -3.32627e-08} };
3113  double dispCheck1[306][3] = {
3114  {-3.71618e-10, 4.02728e-07, -3.32716e-08},
3115  {-5.19783e-10, 4.02482e-07, -3.32627e-08},
3116  {-4.9919e-10, 4.15878e-07, -3.35461e-08},
3117  {-3.56907e-10, 4.16115e-07, -3.35548e-08},
3118  {-1.60831e-10, 4.02941e-07, -3.3265e-08},
3119  {-1.5447e-10, 4.16319e-07, -3.35484e-08},
3120  {1.60831e-10, 4.02941e-07, -3.3265e-08},
3121  {1.5447e-10, 4.16319e-07, -3.35484e-08},
3122  {3.71618e-10, 4.02728e-07, -3.32716e-08},
3123  {3.56907e-10, 4.16115e-07, -3.35548e-08},
3124  {5.19783e-10, 4.02482e-07, -3.32627e-08},
3125  {4.9919e-10, 4.15878e-07, -3.35461e-08},
3126  {-4.79013e-10, 4.29385e-07, -3.38182e-08},
3127  {-3.42493e-10, 4.29612e-07, -3.38267e-08},
3128  {-1.48236e-10, 4.29808e-07, -3.38204e-08},
3129  {1.48237e-10, 4.29808e-07, -3.38204e-08},
3130  {3.42493e-10, 4.29612e-07, -3.38267e-08},
3131  {4.79013e-10, 4.29385e-07, -3.38182e-08},
3132  {-4.59251e-10, 4.42997e-07, -3.40793e-08},
3133  {-3.28377e-10, 4.43215e-07, -3.40876e-08},
3134  {-1.42132e-10, 4.43403e-07, -3.40814e-08},
3135  {1.42132e-10, 4.43403e-07, -3.40814e-08},
3136  {3.28377e-10, 4.43215e-07, -3.40876e-08},
3137  {4.59251e-10, 4.42997e-07, -3.40793e-08},
3138  {-4.39906e-10, 4.56711e-07, -3.43294e-08},
3139  {-3.14557e-10, 4.56919e-07, -3.43376e-08},
3140  {-1.36156e-10, 4.571e-07, -3.43315e-08},
3141  {1.36156e-10, 4.571e-07, -3.43315e-08},
3142  {3.14558e-10, 4.56919e-07, -3.43376e-08},
3143  {4.39906e-10, 4.56711e-07, -3.43294e-08},
3144  {-4.20977e-10, 4.70522e-07, -3.4569e-08},
3145  {-3.01035e-10, 4.70721e-07, -3.45769e-08},
3146  {-1.30309e-10, 4.70894e-07, -3.4571e-08},
3147  {1.30309e-10, 4.70894e-07, -3.4571e-08},
3148  {3.01035e-10, 4.70721e-07, -3.45769e-08},
3149  {4.20977e-10, 4.70522e-07, -3.4569e-08},
3150  {-4.02464e-10, 4.84425e-07, -3.47981e-08},
3151  {-2.8781e-10, 4.84616e-07, -3.48059e-08},
3152  {-1.2459e-10, 4.84781e-07, -3.48001e-08},
3153  {1.2459e-10, 4.84781e-07, -3.48001e-08},
3154  {2.8781e-10, 4.84616e-07, -3.48059e-08},
3155  {4.02464e-10, 4.84425e-07, -3.47981e-08},
3156  {-3.84367e-10, 4.98418e-07, -3.50171e-08},
3157  {-2.74883e-10, 4.986e-07, -3.50247e-08},
3158  {-1.18999e-10, 4.98758e-07, -3.5019e-08},
3159  {1.18999e-10, 4.98758e-07, -3.5019e-08},
3160  {2.74883e-10, 4.986e-07, -3.50247e-08},
3161  {3.84367e-10, 4.98418e-07, -3.50171e-08},
3162  {-3.66685e-10, 5.12495e-07, -3.52261e-08},
3163  {-2.62252e-10, 5.12669e-07, -3.52336e-08},
3164  {-1.13537e-10, 5.12819e-07, -3.5228e-08},
3165  {1.13537e-10, 5.12819e-07, -3.5228e-08},
3166  {2.62252e-10, 5.12669e-07, -3.52336e-08},
3167  {3.66686e-10, 5.12495e-07, -3.52261e-08},
3168  {-3.4942e-10, 5.26653e-07, -3.54255e-08},
3169  {-2.49919e-10, 5.26819e-07, -3.54327e-08},
3170  {-1.08204e-10, 5.26962e-07, -3.54273e-08},
3171  {1.08204e-10, 5.26962e-07, -3.54273e-08},
3172  {2.49919e-10, 5.26819e-07, -3.54327e-08},
3173  {3.4942e-10, 5.26653e-07, -3.54255e-08},
3174  {-3.32571e-10, 5.40888e-07, -3.56153e-08},
3175  {-2.37883e-10, 5.41046e-07, -3.56224e-08},
3176  {-1.02999e-10, 5.41183e-07, -3.56172e-08},
3177  {1.02999e-10, 5.41183e-07, -3.56172e-08},
3178  {2.37883e-10, 5.41046e-07, -3.56224e-08},
3179  {3.32571e-10, 5.40888e-07, -3.56153e-08},
3180  {-3.16138e-10, 5.55196e-07, -3.5796e-08},
3181  {-2.26144e-10, 5.55347e-07, -3.58029e-08},
3182  {-9.79225e-11, 5.55476e-07, -3.57978e-08},
3183  {9.79225e-11, 5.55476e-07, -3.57978e-08},
3184  {2.26144e-10, 5.55347e-07, -3.58029e-08},
3185  {3.16138e-10, 5.55196e-07, -3.5796e-08},
3186  {-3.00121e-10, 5.69574e-07, -3.59676e-08},
3187  {-2.14702e-10, 5.69717e-07, -3.59743e-08},
3188  {-9.29746e-11, 5.6984e-07, -3.59693e-08},
3189  {9.29747e-11, 5.6984e-07, -3.59693e-08},
3190  {2.14702e-10, 5.69717e-07, -3.59743e-08},
3191  {3.00121e-10, 5.69574e-07, -3.59676e-08},
3192  {-2.8452e-10, 5.84018e-07, -3.61304e-08},
3193  {-2.03557e-10, 5.84154e-07, -3.6137e-08},
3194  {-8.81553e-11, 5.8427e-07, -3.61321e-08},
3195  {8.81553e-11, 5.8427e-07, -3.61321e-08},
3196  {2.03557e-10, 5.84154e-07, -3.6137e-08},
3197  {2.8452e-10, 5.84018e-07, -3.61304e-08},
3198  {-2.69335e-10, 5.98525e-07, -3.62847e-08},
3199  {-1.9271e-10, 5.98653e-07, -3.62911e-08},
3200  {-8.34645e-11, 5.98764e-07, -3.62864e-08},
3201  {8.34645e-11, 5.98764e-07, -3.62864e-08},
3202  {1.9271e-10, 5.98653e-07, -3.62911e-08},
3203  {2.69335e-10, 5.98525e-07, -3.62847e-08},
3204  {-2.54566e-10, 6.13091e-07, -3.64307e-08},
3205  {-1.8216e-10, 6.13212e-07, -3.64369e-08},
3206  {-7.89022e-11, 6.13316e-07, -3.64323e-08},
3207  {7.89022e-11, 6.13316e-07, -3.64323e-08},
3208  {1.8216e-10, 6.13212e-07, -3.64369e-08},
3209  {2.54566e-10, 6.13091e-07, -3.64307e-08},
3210  {-2.40213e-10, 6.27712e-07, -3.65686e-08},
3211  {-1.71907e-10, 6.27827e-07, -3.65747e-08},
3212  {-7.44684e-11, 6.27925e-07, -3.65702e-08},
3213  {7.44684e-11, 6.27925e-07, -3.65702e-08},
3214  {1.71907e-10, 6.27827e-07, -3.65747e-08},
3215  {2.40213e-10, 6.27712e-07, -3.65686e-08},
3216  {-2.26276e-10, 6.42387e-07, -3.66987e-08},
3217  {-1.61951e-10, 6.42495e-07, -3.67045e-08},
3218  {-7.01631e-11, 6.42588e-07, -3.67002e-08},
3219  {7.01631e-11, 6.42588e-07, -3.67002e-08},
3220  {1.61951e-10, 6.42495e-07, -3.67045e-08},
3221  {2.26276e-10, 6.42387e-07, -3.66987e-08},
3222  {-2.12756e-10, 6.57111e-07, -3.68211e-08},
3223  {-1.52292e-10, 6.57212e-07, -3.68268e-08},
3224  {-6.59863e-11, 6.573e-07, -3.68226e-08},
3225  {6.59863e-11, 6.573e-07, -3.68226e-08},
3226  {1.52292e-10, 6.57212e-07, -3.68268e-08},
3227  {2.12756e-10, 6.57111e-07, -3.68211e-08},
3228  {-1.99651e-10, 6.71882e-07, -3.69361e-08},
3229  {-1.42931e-10, 6.71977e-07, -3.69416e-08},
3230  {-6.19381e-11, 6.72059e-07, -3.69375e-08},
3231  {6.19381e-11, 6.72059e-07, -3.69375e-08},
3232  {1.42931e-10, 6.71977e-07, -3.69416e-08},
3233  {1.99651e-10, 6.71882e-07, -3.69361e-08},
3234  {-1.86962e-10, 6.86696e-07, -3.7044e-08},
3235  {-1.33867e-10, 6.86785e-07, -3.70493e-08},
3236  {-5.80183e-11, 6.86862e-07, -3.70454e-08},
3237  {5.80183e-11, 6.86862e-07, -3.70454e-08},
3238  {1.33867e-10, 6.86785e-07, -3.70493e-08},
3239  {1.86962e-10, 6.86696e-07, -3.7044e-08},
3240  {-1.74689e-10, 7.01552e-07, -3.71449e-08},
3241  {-1.25099e-10, 7.01635e-07, -3.71501e-08},
3242  {-5.42271e-11, 7.01707e-07, -3.71462e-08},
3243  {5.42271e-11, 7.01707e-07, -3.71462e-08},
3244  {1.25099e-10, 7.01635e-07, -3.71501e-08},
3245  {1.74689e-10, 7.01552e-07, -3.71449e-08},
3246  {-1.62832e-10, 7.16445e-07, -3.72392e-08},
3247  {-1.1663e-10, 7.16523e-07, -3.72441e-08},
3248  {-5.05644e-11, 7.1659e-07, -3.72404e-08},
3249  {5.05644e-11, 7.1659e-07, -3.72404e-08},
3250  {1.1663e-10, 7.16523e-07, -3.72441e-08},
3251  {1.62832e-10, 7.16445e-07, -3.72392e-08},
3252  {-1.51392e-10, 7.31374e-07, -3.73269e-08},
3253  {-1.08457e-10, 7.31446e-07, -3.73317e-08},
3254  {-4.70302e-11, 7.31509e-07, -3.73282e-08},
3255  {4.70302e-11, 7.31509e-07, -3.73282e-08},
3256  {1.08457e-10, 7.31446e-07, -3.73317e-08},
3257  {1.51392e-10, 7.31374e-07, -3.73269e-08},
3258  {-1.40367e-10, 7.46336e-07, -3.74085e-08},
3259  {-1.00581e-10, 7.46403e-07, -3.74131e-08},
3260  {-4.36245e-11, 7.46462e-07, -3.74097e-08},
3261  {4.36246e-11, 7.46462e-07, -3.74097e-08},
3262  {1.00581e-10, 7.46403e-07, -3.74131e-08},
3263  {1.40367e-10, 7.46336e-07, -3.74085e-08},
3264  {-1.29758e-10, 7.61329e-07, -3.7484e-08},
3265  {-9.3003e-11, 7.61391e-07, -3.74884e-08},
3266  {-4.03474e-11, 7.61445e-07, -3.74851e-08},
3267  {4.03474e-11, 7.61445e-07, -3.74851e-08},
3268  {9.3003e-11, 7.61391e-07, -3.74884e-08},
3269  {1.29758e-10, 7.61329e-07, -3.7484e-08},
3270  {-1.19565e-10, 7.7635e-07, -3.75537e-08},
3271  {-8.57219e-11, 7.76407e-07, -3.7558e-08},
3272  {-3.71987e-11, 7.76457e-07, -3.75548e-08},
3273  {3.71988e-11, 7.76457e-07, -3.75548e-08},
3274  {8.57219e-11, 7.76407e-07, -3.7558e-08},
3275  {1.19566e-10, 7.7635e-07, -3.75537e-08},
3276  {-1.09789e-10, 7.91397e-07, -3.7618e-08},
3277  {-7.87379e-11, 7.91449e-07, -3.7622e-08},
3278  {-3.41786e-11, 7.91495e-07, -3.7619e-08},
3279  {3.41786e-11, 7.91495e-07, -3.7619e-08},
3280  {7.8738e-11, 7.91449e-07, -3.7622e-08},
3281  {1.09789e-10, 7.91397e-07, -3.7618e-08},
3282  {-1.00428e-10, 8.06468e-07, -3.76769e-08},
3283  {-7.20512e-11, 8.06516e-07, -3.76807e-08},
3284  {-3.1287e-11, 8.06557e-07, -3.76779e-08},
3285  {3.1287e-11, 8.06557e-07, -3.76779e-08},
3286  {7.20512e-11, 8.06516e-07, -3.76807e-08},
3287  {1.00428e-10, 8.06468e-07, -3.76769e-08},
3288  {-9.14837e-11, 8.2156e-07, -3.77307e-08},
3289  {-6.56616e-11, 8.21604e-07, -3.77344e-08},
3290  {-2.85239e-11, 8.21642e-07, -3.77316e-08},
3291  {2.85239e-11, 8.21642e-07, -3.77316e-08},
3292  {6.56616e-11, 8.21604e-07, -3.77344e-08},
3293  {9.14837e-11, 8.2156e-07, -3.77307e-08},
3294  {-8.29551e-11, 8.36672e-07, -3.77796e-08},
3295  {-5.95692e-11, 8.36712e-07, -3.77832e-08},
3296  {-2.58893e-11, 8.36746e-07, -3.77805e-08},
3297  {2.58894e-11, 8.36746e-07, -3.77805e-08},
3298  {5.95693e-11, 8.36712e-07, -3.77832e-08},
3299  {8.29552e-11, 8.36672e-07, -3.77796e-08},
3300  {-7.48426e-11, 8.51802e-07, -3.7824e-08},
3301  {-5.37741e-11, 8.51838e-07, -3.78273e-08},
3302  {-2.33833e-11, 8.51869e-07, -3.78248e-08},
3303  {2.33833e-11, 8.51869e-07, -3.78248e-08},
3304  {5.37741e-11, 8.51838e-07, -3.78273e-08},
3305  {7.48426e-11, 8.51802e-07, -3.7824e-08},
3306  {-6.71461e-11, 8.66948e-07, -3.78639e-08},
3307  {-4.82761e-11, 8.6698e-07, -3.78671e-08},
3308  {-2.10057e-11, 8.67008e-07, -3.78647e-08},
3309  {2.10058e-11, 8.67008e-07, -3.78647e-08},
3310  {4.82761e-11, 8.6698e-07, -3.78671e-08},
3311  {6.71462e-11, 8.66948e-07, -3.78639e-08},
3312  {-5.98657e-11, 8.82108e-07, -3.78997e-08},
3313  {-4.30753e-11, 8.82137e-07, -3.79027e-08},
3314  {-1.87567e-11, 8.82162e-07, -3.79005e-08},
3315  {1.87568e-11, 8.82162e-07, -3.79005e-08},
3316  {4.30753e-11, 8.82137e-07, -3.79027e-08},
3317  {5.98657e-11, 8.82108e-07, -3.78997e-08},
3318  {-5.30012e-11, 8.97281e-07, -3.79316e-08},
3319  {-3.81717e-11, 8.97306e-07, -3.79344e-08},
3320  {-1.66362e-11, 8.97329e-07, -3.79323e-08},
3321  {1.66363e-11, 8.97329e-07, -3.79323e-08},
3322  {3.81717e-11, 8.97306e-07, -3.79344e-08},
3323  {5.30013e-11, 8.97281e-07, -3.79316e-08},
3324  {-4.65529e-11, 9.12465e-07, -3.79598e-08},
3325  {-3.35653e-11, 9.12487e-07, -3.79624e-08},
3326  {-1.46442e-11, 9.12507e-07, -3.79604e-08},
3327  {1.46443e-11, 9.12507e-07, -3.79604e-08},
3328  {3.35653e-11, 9.12487e-07, -3.79624e-08},
3329  {4.65529e-11, 9.12465e-07, -3.79598e-08},
3330  {-4.05205e-11, 9.27658e-07, -3.79845e-08},
3331  {-2.92561e-11, 9.27678e-07, -3.79869e-08},
3332  {-1.27808e-11, 9.27696e-07, -3.79851e-08},
3333  {1.27808e-11, 9.27696e-07, -3.79851e-08},
3334  {2.92561e-11, 9.27678e-07, -3.79869e-08},
3335  {4.05206e-11, 9.27658e-07, -3.79845e-08},
3336  {-3.49043e-11, 9.42861e-07, -3.80059e-08},
3337  {-2.52441e-11, 9.42878e-07, -3.80082e-08},
3338  {-1.10459e-11, 9.42893e-07, -3.80065e-08},
3339  {1.10459e-11, 9.42893e-07, -3.80065e-08},
3340  {2.52441e-11, 9.42878e-07, -3.80082e-08},
3341  {3.49043e-11, 9.42861e-07, -3.80059e-08},
3342  {-2.97041e-11, 9.5807e-07, -3.80244e-08},
3343  {-2.15294e-11, 9.58084e-07, -3.80265e-08},
3344  {-9.43949e-12, 9.58098e-07, -3.8025e-08},
3345  {9.43952e-12, 9.58098e-07, -3.8025e-08},
3346  {2.15294e-11, 9.58084e-07, -3.80265e-08},
3347  {2.97041e-11, 9.5807e-07, -3.80244e-08},
3348  {-2.492e-11, 9.73285e-07, -3.80401e-08},
3349  {-1.81119e-11, 9.73297e-07, -3.80421e-08},
3350  {-7.96169e-12, 9.73309e-07, -3.80406e-08},
3351  {7.96172e-12, 9.73309e-07, -3.80406e-08},
3352  {1.8112e-11, 9.73297e-07, -3.80421e-08},
3353  {2.492e-11, 9.73285e-07, -3.80401e-08},
3354  {-2.05521e-11, 9.88505e-07, -3.80533e-08},
3355  {-1.49918e-11, 9.88516e-07, -3.8055e-08},
3356  {-6.61251e-12, 9.88525e-07, -3.80537e-08},
3357  {6.61254e-12, 9.88525e-07, -3.80537e-08},
3358  {1.49919e-11, 9.88516e-07, -3.8055e-08},
3359  {2.05521e-11, 9.88505e-07, -3.80533e-08},
3360  {-1.66005e-11, 1.00373e-06, -3.80641e-08},
3361  {-1.21692e-11, 1.00374e-06, -3.80657e-08},
3362  {-5.39202e-12, 1.00375e-06, -3.80645e-08},
3363  {5.39205e-12, 1.00375e-06, -3.80645e-08},
3364  {1.21693e-11, 1.00374e-06, -3.80657e-08},
3365  {1.66006e-11, 1.00373e-06, -3.80641e-08},
3366  {-1.30655e-11, 1.01896e-06, -3.80729e-08},
3367  {-9.64438e-12, 1.01896e-06, -3.80743e-08},
3368  {-4.30039e-12, 1.01897e-06, -3.80732e-08},
3369  {4.30042e-12, 1.01897e-06, -3.80732e-08},
3370  {9.64441e-12, 1.01896e-06, -3.80743e-08},
3371  {1.30655e-11, 1.01896e-06, -3.80729e-08},
3372  {-9.94721e-12, 1.03419e-06, -3.80798e-08},
3373  {-7.41765e-12, 1.03419e-06, -3.8081e-08},
3374  {-3.33787e-12, 1.0342e-06, -3.80801e-08},
3375  {3.3379e-12, 1.0342e-06, -3.80801e-08},
3376  {7.41768e-12, 1.03419e-06, -3.8081e-08},
3377  {9.94724e-12, 1.03419e-06, -3.80798e-08},
3378  {-7.24624e-12, 1.04942e-06, -3.80851e-08},
3379  {-5.48971e-12, 1.04942e-06, -3.80862e-08},
3380  {-2.50485e-12, 1.04943e-06, -3.80854e-08},
3381  {2.50488e-12, 1.04943e-06, -3.80854e-08},
3382  {5.48975e-12, 1.04942e-06, -3.80862e-08},
3383  {7.24627e-12, 1.04942e-06, -3.80851e-08},
3384  {-4.96318e-12, 1.06465e-06, -3.8089e-08},
3385  {-3.8615e-12, 1.06465e-06, -3.80899e-08},
3386  {-1.80185e-12, 1.06466e-06, -3.80893e-08},
3387  {1.80188e-12, 1.06466e-06, -3.80893e-08},
3388  {3.86153e-12, 1.06465e-06, -3.80899e-08},
3389  {4.96321e-12, 1.06465e-06, -3.8089e-08},
3390  {-3.09882e-12, 1.07988e-06, -3.80918e-08},
3391  {-2.53409e-12, 1.07988e-06, -3.80925e-08},
3392  {-1.22916e-12, 1.07989e-06, -3.8092e-08},
3393  {1.2292e-12, 1.07989e-06, -3.8092e-08},
3394  {2.53413e-12, 1.07988e-06, -3.80925e-08},
3395  {3.09886e-12, 1.07988e-06, -3.80918e-08},
3396  {-1.65404e-12, 1.09511e-06, -3.80936e-08},
3397  {-1.50768e-12, 1.09512e-06, -3.80941e-08},
3398  {-7.85584e-13, 1.09512e-06, -3.80938e-08},
3399  {7.85617e-13, 1.09512e-06, -3.80938e-08},
3400  {1.50772e-12, 1.09512e-06, -3.80941e-08},
3401  {1.65407e-12, 1.09511e-06, -3.80936e-08},
3402  {-6.29428e-13, 1.11035e-06, -3.80946e-08},
3403  {-7.76853e-13, 1.11035e-06, -3.80951e-08},
3404  {-4.65364e-13, 1.11035e-06, -3.80949e-08},
3405  {4.65397e-13, 1.11035e-06, -3.80949e-08},
3406  {7.76886e-13, 1.11035e-06, -3.80951e-08},
3407  {6.29461e-13, 1.11035e-06, -3.80946e-08},
3408  {-3.35459e-15, 1.12558e-06, -3.80952e-08},
3409  {-3.14262e-13, 1.12558e-06, -3.80956e-08},
3410  {-2.57658e-13, 1.12558e-06, -3.80957e-08},
3411  {2.57692e-13, 1.12558e-06, -3.80957e-08},
3412  {3.14296e-13, 1.12558e-06, -3.80956e-08},
3413  {3.38831e-15, 1.12558e-06, -3.80952e-08},
3414  {3.77179e-13, 1.14081e-06, -3.80957e-08},
3415  {-6.03705e-14, 1.14081e-06, -3.80961e-08},
3416  {-1.69333e-13, 1.14081e-06, -3.80962e-08},
3417  {1.69367e-13, 1.14081e-06, -3.80962e-08},
3418  {6.04047e-14, 1.14081e-06, -3.80961e-08},
3419  {-3.77144e-13, 1.14081e-06, -3.80957e-08} };
3420  //*********************************************************************
3421  int runs_handle = COM_get_function_handle("Window1.Run");
3422  bool runs_func = (runs_handle > 0);
3423  bool DispCorrect = true;
3424  int runs_runs = 0;
3425  double time1 = 1.0;
3426  double* Disp = NULL;
3427  int DispSize = 0;
3428  COM_get_array("Window1.Displacements", 100+rank, &Disp);
3429  std::cout << "runs = " << runs_handle << std::endl;
3430  if(runs_handle){
3431  //Call the run function for Time1
3432  if(Loads){
3433  std::cout << "Changing load values" << std::endl;
3434  for(int i=0; i < LoadsSize; i++){
3435  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
3436  << ", Point #" << i
3437  << " ---- ";
3438  for(int j=1; j < 2; j++){
3439  Loads[i*3 + j] = 1.0;//double(i*3 + j) + 300*3*rank;
3440  std::cout << Loads[i*3 + j] << " ";
3441  }
3442  std::cout << std::endl;
3443  }
3444  }
3445  COM_call_function(runs_handle, &runs_runs, &time1);
3446  } else {
3447  std::cout << "ParTimeStepperRuns Error: Could not get function handle."
3448  << "." << std::endl;
3449  result.UpdateResult("ParTimeStepper:Runs", false);
3450  return;
3451  }
3453  //Check if function changed value of runs properly
3454  if(runs_runs > 0){
3455  result.UpdateResult("ParTimeStepper:Runs", true);
3456  } else {
3457  result.UpdateResult("ParTimeStepper:Runs", false);
3458  ItAllWorks = 0;
3459  }
3461  // Check reigstration of displacement data
3462  if (Disp){
3463  result.UpdateResult("ParDisplacementData:Registered", true);
3464  // Get the FSI displacement size from the structures solver
3465  COM_get_size("Window1.Displacements", 100+rank, &DispSize);
3466  if(DispSize != 306){
3467  std::cout << "ParElmerUnitTests Error:"
3468  << " Disp array is incorrect size!" << std::endl;
3469  ItAllWorks = 0;
3470  DispCorrect = false;
3471  }
3472  } else {
3473  result.UpdateResult("ParDisplacementData:Registered", false);
3474  DispCorrect = false;
3475  ItAllWorks = 0;
3476  }
3478  // Check values of displacements after Run func @ Time1
3479  if (Disp && runs_handle && DispCorrect){
3480  //std::ofstream Ouf;
3481  //std::stringstream ss;
3482  //std::string str_rank;
3483  //ss << rank;
3484  //ss >> str_rank;
3485  //std::string outFileName = "disp_" + str_rank + ".dat";
3486  //Ouf.open(outFileName.c_str());
3487  std::cout << "Checking Displacements for time = " << time1 << std::endl;
3488  for(int i=0; i < DispSize; i++){
3489  //std::cout << "Rank #" << rank << ", Point #" << i
3490  // << " --- ";
3491  //Ouf << "{";
3492  for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){
3493  //std::cout << Disp[i*3+j] << " ";
3494  //Ouf << Disp[i*3+j];
3495  //if (j < 2)
3496  // Ouf << ", ";
3497  //else
3498  // Ouf << "},";
3499  if (rank==0) {
3500  if(fabs(dispCheck0[i][j] - Disp[i*3+j]) > 1.0e-10){
3501  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
3502  << ", Wrong displacements for point #" << i
3503  << " component #" << j
3504  << ", check = " << dispCheck0[i][j]
3505  << " actual = " << Disp[i*3+j]
3506  << " diff = " << fabs(dispCheck0[i][j] - Disp[i*3+j])
3507  << std::endl;
3508  ItAllWorks = 0;
3509  DispCorrect = false;
3510  break;
3511  }
3512  } else if (rank==1) {
3513  if(fabs(dispCheck1[i][j] - Disp[i*3+j]) > 1.0e-10){
3514  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
3515  << ", Wrong displacements for point #" << i
3516  << " component #" << j
3517  << ", check = " << dispCheck1[i][j]
3518  << " actual = " << Disp[i*3+j]
3519  << " diff = " << fabs(dispCheck1[i][j] - Disp[i*3+j])
3520  << std::endl;
3521  ItAllWorks = 0;
3522  DispCorrect = false;
3523  break;
3524  }
3525  }
3526  }
3527  //std::cout << std::endl;
3528  //Ouf << std::endl;
3529  }
3530  //Ouf.close();
3531  }
3532  // gathering each process results to root
3533  bool globalDispCorrect = 0;
3534  _communicator.Reduce(DispCorrect, globalDispCorrect, IRAD::Comm::DTINT, IRAD::Comm::PRODOP, 0);
3535  _communicator.BroadCast(globalDispCorrect, 0);
3536  result.UpdateResult("ParDisplacementData:Correct", globalDispCorrect);
3540  // Get Finalize function handle and call Function
3542  int final_handle = COM_get_function_handle("Window1.Finalize");
3543  bool final_func = (final_handle > 0);
3544  int final_runs = 0;
3545  if(final_handle){
3546  //Call the function
3547  COM_call_function(final_handle, &final_runs);
3548  }
3549  else{
3550  std::cout << "ParFinalizeRuns Error: Could not get function handle."
3551  << "." << std::endl;
3552  result.UpdateResult("ParFinalize:Runs", false);
3553  return;
3554  }
3556  //Check if function changed value of runs properly
3557  if(final_runs == 1){
3558  result.UpdateResult("ParFinalize:Runs", true);
3559  }
3560  else{
3561  result.UpdateResult("ParFinalize:Runs", false);
3562  ItAllWorks = 0;
3563  }
3566  //Unload Elmer module
3568  COM_UNLOAD_MODULE_STATIC_DYNAMIC( ElmerCSCParallel, "Window1");
3570  //Make sure module unloaded
3571  h=COM_get_window_handle("Window1");
3572  if(h > 0){
3573  std::cout << "After unloading, COM_get_window_handle(\"Window1\") returns "
3574  << h << std::endl;
3575  load_unload=false;
3576  std::cout << "ParElmerUnitTests Error: Did not properly unload module."
3577  << "." << std::endl;
3578  result.UpdateResult("ParElmerUnitTests:Run", false);
3579  result.UpdateResult("ParUnloadSolverModule:Works",false);
3580  return;
3581  }
3582  else
3583  result.UpdateResult("ParUnloadSolverModule:Works",true);
3585  //Change directories out of TestDir directory back to original directory
3586  IntDir = IRAD::Sys::ChDir(OrgDir);
3587  if(IntDir == -1){
3588  std::cout << "ParElmerUnitTests Error: Could not change directories to "
3589  << OrgDir << "." << std::endl;
3590  result.UpdateResult("ParElmerUnitTests:Run", false);
3591  return;
3592  }
3594  // gathering each process results to root
3595  int globalItAllWorks = 0;
3596  _communicator.Reduce(ItAllWorks, globalItAllWorks, IRAD::Comm::DTINT, IRAD::Comm::PRODOP, 0);
3597  _communicator.BroadCast(globalItAllWorks, 0);
3598  std::cout << "Rank #" << rank
3599  << ", local ItAllWorks = " << ItAllWorks
3600  << " globalItAllWorks = " << globalItAllWorks
3601  << std::endl;
3602  result.UpdateResult("ParElmerUnitTests:Run", globalItAllWorks);
3603  }
3614  virtual void Process(ResultsType &result){
3615  Prologue();
3616  Test__ParallelTrapezoidQuadrature(result);
3617  Test__ParallelMidPointQuadrature(result);
3618  Test__ParCommunicatorPassToModule(result);
3619  Test__ParElmerUnitTests(result);
3620  Epilogue();
3621  }
3629  virtual void RunTest(const std::string &name,ResultsType &result)
3630  {
3631  if(name == "ParallelTrapezoidQuadrature")
3632  Test__ParallelTrapezoidQuadrature(result);
3633  if(name == "ParallelMidPointQuadrature")
3634  Test__ParallelMidPointQuadrature(result);
3635  if(name == "ParCommunicatorPassToModule")
3636  Test__ParCommunicatorPassToModule(result);
3637  if(name == "ParElmerUnitTest")
3638  Test__ParElmerUnitTests(result);
3639  }
3647  virtual void ProcessTests(std::list<std::string> &test_names,ResultsType &result){
3648  Prologue();
3649  std::list<std::string>::iterator tni = test_names.begin();
3650  while(tni != test_names.end())
3651  RunTest(*tni++,result);
3652  Epilogue();
3653  }
3656  };
3657 #endif
3658 };
3659 #endif
virtual void Test__ExampleFunction(ResultsType &result)
Test for ElmerModuleDriver::ExampleFunction.
virtual void RunTest(const std::string &name, ResultsType &result)
Runs a test specified by name.
double TrapezoidQuadrature(double(*f)(double), double x0, double xn, int n)
Integrates f with composite trapezoid rule.
std::vector< int > N
A set of values for testing quadrature methods.
std::string SourceDirPath
The string for the testing source directory.
virtual void Test__ElasticBeam3D_LoadFunction(ResultsType &result)
void SetSourceDirPath(std::string input)
Sets the string value of the testing source directory.
virtual void ProcessTests(std::list< std::string > &test_names, ResultsType &result)
Runs a list of tests specified by name.
std::string ExampleFunction(const std::string &instring)
Example function for ElmerModuleDriver (this is a brief description).
int streamdiff(std::istream &stream1, std::istream &stream2, std::stringstream *ss=NULL)
Function to compare two files.
Project-specific testing object.
double F2(double x)
Simple test function fixture returns .
std::string ExampleTestFixture
A sample string test fixture.
virtual void Epilogue()
Tears down the testing fixtures if needed.
IRAD::Util::TestResults TestResults
Project-specific test results type.
virtual void Test__MidPointQuadrature(ResultsType &result)
Test for ElmerModuleDriver::MidPointQuadrature.
virtual int GetInputData(std::string suffix, std::string TestDir)
Function to copy input data from source testing directory for use in unit tests.
IRAD::Util::TestingObject< ResultsType > TestingObjectBaseType
IRAD::Comm::CommunicatorObject CommType
Convenience typedef for CommunicatorObject.
double MidPointQuadrature(double(*f)(double), double x0, double xn, int n)
Integrates f with composite midpoint rule.
virtual void Test__ElmerUnitTests(ResultsType &result)
double F1(double x)
Simple test function fixture returns .
virtual void Process(ResultsType &result)
double F2(double x)
Simple test function fixture returns .
virtual void Test__TrapezoidQuadrature(ResultsType &result)
Test for ElmerModuleDriver::TrapezoidQuadrature.
IRAD::Util::TestResults TestResults
Project-specific test results type.
double F1(double x)
Simple test function fixture returns .
virtual void Prologue()
Sets up the data fixtures for the tests.