ElmerFoamFSI  2.0
ElmerFoamFSI is fluid-solid interaction simulation application built up from OpenFOAM CFD and Elmer CSM coupled through the IMPACT multiphysics software integration infrastructure.
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Go to the documentation of this file.
9 #include "Driver.H"
10 #include "Parameters.H"
11 #include "FsiCouplingPar.H"
13 //typedef SolverUtils::TransferObject transferagent;
14 //typedef openfoamagent fluidagent;
15 //typedef elmeragent solidagent;
16 //typedef IRAD::Profiler::ProfilerObj ProfilerType;
17 //typedef std::string StackType;
18 //typedef IRAD::Global::GlobalObj<StackType,int,ProfilerType> GlobalType;
23 namespace ElmerFoamFSI {
25  int ParallelDriverProgram::DriverRun()
26  {
28  // FunctionEntry("NAME"): Updates the user-defined stack and
29  // the program profiles with timing information. The placement
30  // of FunctionEntry and FunctionExit calls is at the developer's
31  // discretion.
32  FunctionEntry("Run");
35  int myid = _communicator.Rank();
36  int nproc = _communicator.Size();
37  bool use_file = !output_name.empty();
39  // Put out a quick blurb about number of procs just
40  // to give the user confidence we are actually running
41  // in parallel. Note that when using the "StdOut" method
42  // that it automatically does output only on rank 0. If
43  // the developer wants asyncrhonous output, then they
44  // have to revert to using standard streams.
45  std::ostringstream RepStr;
46  if(verblevel > 1)
47  RepStr << "Running on " << nproc << " processors." << std::endl;
48  StdOut(RepStr.str());
49  _communicator.Barrier();
50  if(verblevel > 1)
51  StdOut("All procesors ready.\n");
53  // reading user parameters from input file
54  std::ostringstream outString;
55  IRAD::Util::Parameters userParameters;
56  std::ifstream paramFileIn;
57  paramFileIn.open(input_name.c_str());
58  paramFileIn >> userParameters;
59  outString.clear();
60  outString.str("");
61  outString << "User Parameters: " << std::endl
62  << userParameters << std::endl;
63  StdOut(outString.str(), 1, true);
64  _communicator.Barrier();
66  std::string fluidSolverName(userParameters.GetValue("FluidSolver"));
67  std::string solidSolverName(userParameters.GetValue("SolidSolver"));
68  std::string transferServiceName(userParameters.GetValue("TransferService"));
69  std::string runMode(userParameters.GetValue("RunMode"));
71  // processing other extra parameters passed by user
72  // check request for probing
73  // ProbSolverName =
74  // FluidsComponentInterface : for probing fluid solver
75  // StructuresComponentInterface : for probing structures solver
77  int probProcId(-1), probNdeId(0);
78  std::string probSolverName("");
79  if (userParameters.IsSet("ProbSolverName")) {
80  probSolverName = userParameters.GetValue("ProbSolverName");
81  probProcId = userParameters.GetValue<int>("ProbProcId");
82  probNdeId = userParameters.GetValue<int>("ProbNdeId");
83  if (probProcId>=nproc || probProcId<0) {
84  outString << "The requested process ID for probing is not valid.\n";
85  ErrOut(outString.str());
86  _communicator.SetExit(1);
87  } else {
88  outString.clear();
89  outString.str("");
90  outString << "Probing "
91  << probSolverName
92  << " solution at rank "
93  << probProcId
94  << " registered node "
95  << probNdeId
96  << std::endl;
97  StdOut(outString.str(), 1, true);
98  }
99  }
100  // Check to see if an error condition was set
101  // in the file open block above. If so, then
102  // return with an error code.
103  if(_communicator.Check()){
104  // don't forget to tell the profiler/stacker the
105  // function is exiting.
106  FunctionExit("Run");
107  return(1);
108  }
110  // Open the specified output file for writing on rank 0
111  if(use_file && !myid){
112  Ouf.open(output_name.c_str(),std::ios::app);
113  if(!Ouf){
114  // If the output file failed to open, notify
115  // to error stream and return non-zero
116  std::ostringstream Ostr;
117  Ostr << "Error: Unable to open output file, " << output_name << ".";
118  ErrOut(Ostr.str());
119  // In parallel, we don't return right away since
120  // this part of the code is only done on proc 0.
121  // Instead, the error value is set in the communicator
122  // which will indicate to all processors that there
123  // has been some error.
124  _communicator.SetExit(1);
125  }
126  }
127  // Check to see if an error condition was set
128  // in the file open block above. If so, then
129  // return with an error code.
130  if(_communicator.Check()){
131  // don't forget to tell the profiler/stacker the
132  // function is exiting.
133  FunctionExit("Run");
134  return(1);
135  }
137  double time_final = 0;
138  time_final = userParameters.GetValue<double>("FinalTime");
139  if(time_final <= 0){
140  // setting to default
141  time_final = 1.0e-3;
142  }
144  double timestep = 0;
145  timestep = userParameters.GetValue<double>("TimeStep");
146  if(timestep <= 1e-5){
147  // setting to default
148  timestep = 1.0e-5;
149  }
151  if(fluidSolverName.empty()){
152  outString << "Failed to specify FluidSolver parameter.\n";
153  ErrOut(outString.str());
154  _communicator.SetExit(1);
155  }
156  if(solidSolverName.empty()){
157  outString << "Failed to specify SolidSolver parameter.\n";
158  ErrOut(outString.str());
159  _communicator.SetExit(1);
160  }
162  // Check to see if an error condition was set
163  // in the file open block above. If so, then
164  // return with an error code.
165  if(_communicator.Check()){
166  // don't forget to tell the profiler/stacker the
167  // function is exiting.
168  FunctionExit("Run");
169  return(1);
170  }
172  FunctionEntry("LoadModules");
173  COM_load_module(fluidSolverName.c_str(),"FluidsComponentInterface");
174  COM_load_module(solidSolverName.c_str(),"StructuresComponentInterface");
175  COM_load_module("SurfUtil","SurfUtil");
176  COM_load_module("Simpal","Simpal");
177  COM_load_module("SimOUT","Simout");
178  FunctionExit("LoadModules");
180  fsicouplingpar fsiCouplerPar(*this);
181  fsiCouplerPar.SetRunMode(runMode);
182  fsiCouplerPar.SetVerbLevel(verblevel);
183  fsiCouplerPar.SetProbe(probProcId, probNdeId, probSolverName);
186  std::vector<std::string> componentInterfaceNames;
187  componentInterfaceNames.push_back("FluidsComponentInterface");
188  componentInterfaceNames.push_back("StructuresComponentInterface");
189  componentInterfaceNames.push_back("TransferInterface");
190  componentInterfaceNames.push_back("SurfUtil");
191  componentInterfaceNames.push_back("Simpal");
192  componentInterfaceNames.push_back("Simout");
195  FunctionEntry("fsiCouplerPar.Initialize");
196  fsiCouplerPar.Initialize(componentInterfaceNames, time_final, timestep);
197  FunctionExit("fsiCouplerPar.Initialize");
198  _communicator.Barrier();
200  FunctionEntry("fsiCouplerPar.Run");
201  fsiCouplerPar.Run();
202  FunctionExit("fsiCouplerPar.Run");
203  _communicator.Barrier();
205  FunctionEntry("fsiCouplerPar.Finalize");
206  fsiCouplerPar.Finalize();
207  FunctionExit("fsiCouplerPar.Finalize");
208  _communicator.Barrier();
210  COM_unload_module(fluidSolverName.c_str(),"FluidsComponentInterface");
211  COM_unload_module(solidSolverName.c_str(),"StructuresComponentInterface");
212  _communicator.Barrier();
214  outString << "Before Running FunctionExit" << std::endl;
215  StdOut(outString.str(),2,true);
216  outString.clear();
217  outString.str("");
219  FunctionExit("Run");
220  outString << "After Running FunctionExit" << std::endl;
221  StdOut(outString.str(),2,true);
222  outString.clear();
223  outString.str("");
225  // return 0 for success
226  return(0);
227  };
228 };
Example serial program.
Example program interface.