NEMoSys  0.63.0
A modular, extensible resource with robust automated mesh generation, mesh quality analysis, adaptive mesh refinement, and data transfer between arbitrary meshes.
Mesh Quality

Currently, Promesh uses cfMesh as a mesh quality optimizer. Because it is based on openFOAM, it assumes the folders that contain the mesh is present in the current directory. Therefore, there are no "Mesh File Options" and no mesh input or output files specified in JSON input files for "Mesh Quality" programs.

Mesh Quality JSON Template

A mesh quality JSON file contains a single section: "Mesh Quality Options", where the meshing engine and its associated parameters are specified.

    "Program Type": "Mesh Quality",
    "Mesh Quality Options": {
        "Mesh Quality Engine": "cfmesh",
        "Schedule": [
                "Method": "meshOptimizer",
                "NIterations": 4,
                "NLoops": 4,
                "QualityThreshold": 0.3,
                "NSurfaceIterations": 4,
                "ConstrainedCellSet": null

Mesh quality is improved via smoothing.

  • Method: Should be set to "meshOptimizer"
    • NIterations: Number of optimization iterations. Default is 50
    • NLoops: Number of inner loops in optimization. Default is 10
    • QualityThreshold: Minimum mesh quality before optimization is considered done. Default is 0.1
    • NSurfaceIterations: Number of surface iterations. Default is 2
    • ConstrainedCellsSet: Name of constrained cell set.