This is the complete list of members for PaneConnectivity, including all inherited members.
accesspcon(int &index, const int *p, const int size) | PaneConnectivity | inlineprivate |
buildPaneConnectivity(const int *pconnarray, const int size) | PaneConnectivity | inlineprivate |
constructPaneConnectivityFromArray(const int *pconnarray, const int size) | PaneConnectivity | inline |
getNodesSharedWithRemotePane(const int remotePane) | PaneConnectivity | inline |
getNumberOfConnections() const | PaneConnectivity | inline |
getNumberOfNodesSharedWithRemotePane(const int remotePane) | PaneConnectivity | inline |
getPointConnectionPairs(const int localPointId, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &connections) | PaneConnectivity | inline |
getRemotePaneIds(std::vector< int > &rmtpanes) | PaneConnectivity | inline |
getRemotePaneIdsSharedWithPoint(const int localPointId, std::vector< int > &rmtpaneIds) | PaneConnectivity | inline |
getSharedNodeIndex(const int remotePane, const int localPoint) | PaneConnectivity | inlineprivate |
getSharedPointIdAt(const int paneId, const int nodeIndex) | PaneConnectivity | inline |
hasLocalPoint(const int localPointId) const | PaneConnectivity | inline |
hasPane(const int paneId) const | PaneConnectivity | inline |
PaneConnectivity() | PaneConnectivity | inline |
PaneConnectivity(const int *pconnarray, const int size) | PaneConnectivity | inline |
pconn | PaneConnectivity | private |
point2remotePaneList | PaneConnectivity | private |
rmtpanePointPair2Index | PaneConnectivity | private |
~PaneConnectivity() | PaneConnectivity | inline |