This is the complete list of members for Propagation_3, including all inherited members.
_bnd_set | Propagation_3 | protected |
_buf | Propagation_3 | protected |
_cnstr_bndry_edges | Propagation_3 | protected |
_cnstr_bndry_nodes | Propagation_3 | protected |
_cnstr_bound | Propagation_3 | protected |
_cnstr_faces | Propagation_3 | protected |
_cnstr_nodes | Propagation_3 | protected |
_cnstr_set | Propagation_3 | protected |
_mode | Propagation_3 | protected |
_panes | Propagation_3 | protected |
_rank | Propagation_3 | protected |
_surf | Propagation_3 | protected |
_verb | Propagation_3 | protected |
bound_axial_disp(const double x, const double bnd_min, const double bnd_max, double &dx, double eps=0) | Propagation_3 | protectedstatic |
bound_facial_speed(COM::Attribute *fa) | Propagation_3 | |
bound_nodal_motion(COM::Attribute *disps) | Propagation_3 | virtual |
bound_nodal_motion(const Point_3 &pnt, const double *bnd, Vector_3 &du, double eps=0) | Propagation_3 | protectedstatic |
bound_radial_disp(const double x, const double y, const double bnd_min, const double bnd_max, double &dx, double &dy, double eps=0) | Propagation_3 | protectedstatic |
bound_spherical_disp(const Point_3 &pnt, const Point_3 &org, const double rad_min, const double rad_max, Vector_3 &disp, double eps=0) | Propagation_3 | protectedstatic |
check_axial_bound(const double x, const double bnd_min, const double bnd_max, double eps=0) | Propagation_3 | protectedstatic |
check_radial_bound(const double x, const double y, const double bnd_min, const double bnd_max, double eps=0) | Propagation_3 | protectedstatic |
check_spherical_bound(const Point_3 &pnt, const Point_3 &org, const double rad_min, const double rad_max, double eps=0) | Propagation_3 | protectedstatic |
convert_constraints(const COM::Attribute *ctypes_faces, COM::Attribute *ctypes_nodes) | Propagation_3 | protected |
determine_constraint_boundary(const COM::Attribute *ctypes_faces, COM::Attribute *ctypes_bndry_edges, COM::Attribute *ctypes_bndry_nodes) | Propagation_3 | protected |
enforce_nodal_constraint(int type, Vector_3 &du) | Propagation_3 | protectedstatic |
enforce_nodal_constraints(COM::Attribute *du) | Propagation_3 | virtual |
get_constraint_directions(int type, int &ndirs, Vector_3 dirs[2]) | Propagation_3 | protectedstatic |
in_bounding_box(const Point_3 &pnt, const Point_3 &lb, const Point_3 &ub) | Propagation_3 | inlineprotectedstatic |
Propagation_3() | Propagation_3 | inline |
Propagation_3(Manifold *wm, COM::Window *buf) | Propagation_3 | |
reached_nodal_bound(const Point_3 &pnt, const double *bnd, double eps=0) | Propagation_3 | protectedstatic |
set_bounds(const COM::Attribute *bnd) | Propagation_3 | |
set_constraints(const COM::Attribute *cnstr_types) | Propagation_3 | virtual |
set_verbose(bool b) | Propagation_3 | inline |
square(double x) | Propagation_3 | inlineprotectedstatic |
time_stepping(const COM::Attribute *spd, double dt, COM::Attribute *disps, int *smoothed=NULL)=0 | Propagation_3 | pure virtual |
~Propagation_3() | Propagation_3 | inlinevirtual |