This is the complete list of members for Overlay, including all inherited members.
_subnode_copies_b | Overlay | private |
_subnode_copies_g | Overlay | private |
_subnode_ids_b | Overlay | private |
_subnode_ids_g | Overlay | private |
_subnode_imap_b | Overlay | private |
_subnode_imap_g | Overlay | private |
acc | Overlay | protected |
associate_green_vertices() | Overlay | protected |
B | Overlay | protected |
contains(const Halfedge *e1, const Parent_type t1, const Halfedge *e2, const Parent_type t2) const | Overlay | protected |
convert_nat_coordinates(const INode *i, Halfedge *h, int color, int pane_id, int &lid, RFC_Pane_overlay::Edge_ID &eid, Point_2 &nc) const | Overlay | private |
count_edges(const Halfedge *e) const | Overlay | inlineprotected |
count_subnodes(INode *i, int color, std::map< int, std::pair< int, int > > &cnts) | Overlay | private |
eps_e | Overlay | protected |
eps_p | Overlay | protected |
export_windows(RFC_Window_base *, RFC_Window_base *) | Overlay | |
Facet typedef | Overlay | |
Feature_0 typedef | Overlay | |
Feature_1 typedef | Overlay | |
Feature_list_0 typedef | Overlay | |
Feature_list_1 typedef | Overlay | |
G | Overlay | protected |
get_blue_window() | Overlay | inline |
get_blue_window() const | Overlay | inline |
get_edge_pair_parents(const INode &i0, const INode &i1, const int color) const | Overlay | protected |
get_edge_parent(const INode &i0, const INode &i1, const int color) const | Overlay | protected |
get_green_parent(const Vertex *v, const Halfedge *b, Halfedge **o, Parent_type *t, Point_2 *nc) | Overlay | protected |
get_green_window() | Overlay | inline |
get_green_window() const | Overlay | inline |
get_inodes_of_face(const Facet *f, INode_const_list &nodes) | Overlay | |
get_nat_coor(const INode &i, const Generic_element &e, const Halfedge *h, int color) const | Overlay | |
get_next_inode(const INode *v1, const INode *v2, int) const | Overlay | private |
get_next_inode_ccw(const INode *v0, const INode *v1, int color) const | Overlay | private |
get_next_inode_cw(const INode *v0, const INode *v1, int color) const | Overlay | private |
get_parent_face(const Subface &sf, int color) | Overlay | |
get_rfc_window(const COM::Window *w) | Overlay | inline |
get_rfc_window(const COM::Window *w) const | Overlay | inline |
get_subnode_copies(const INode *i, int color) const | Overlay | private |
get_subnode_id(const INode *i, int color, int pane_id) const | Overlay | private |
Halfedge typedef | Overlay | |
HDS typedef | Overlay | |
INode_const_list typedef | Overlay | |
inodes | Overlay | protected |
insert_edge_into_queue(Halfedge *h, INode *v, std::queue< Halfedge * > &q, std::queue< Halfedge * > &q_rdg, std::queue< Halfedge * > &q_crn) | Overlay | private |
insert_node_in_blue_edge(INode &x, Halfedge *b) | Overlay | protected |
insert_node_in_green_edge(INode *v, int tag) | Overlay | protected |
intersect_blue_with_green() | Overlay | protected |
intersect_link(const INode *x, const Halfedge *b, const Halfedge *g0, const Parent_type t0, Halfedge *g1, const Parent_type t1, Real start, Real *cb, Real *cg, Halfedge **g, Parent_type *t, int tryindex=0) | Overlay | protected |
intersect_link_helper(const Halfedge *b, Halfedge *g2, Real start, Real *cb, Real *cg, Halfedge **g, Parent_type *t, bool *found, int snapcode, const Vertex *anchor, bool panic) | Overlay | protected |
intersect_link_helper2(Real *cb, Real *cg, Halfedge **g, Parent_type *t) | Overlay | protected |
is_opposite | Overlay | protected |
is_queue_empty(std::queue< Halfedge * > &q, std::queue< Halfedge * > &q_rdg, std::queue< Halfedge * > &q_crn) | Overlay | private |
logical_xor(bool a, bool b) const | Overlay | inlineprivate |
match_features_0() | Overlay | protected |
number_a_subnode(INode *i, int color, std::map< int, std::pair< int, int > > &cnts) | Overlay | private |
number_subfaces() | Overlay | private |
number_subnodes() | Overlay | private |
op | Overlay | protected |
out_pre | Overlay | protected |
overlay() | Overlay | |
Overlay(const COM::Window *w1, const COM::Window *w2, const char *pre) | Overlay | |
overlay_init() | Overlay | protected |
Parent_pair typedef | Overlay | |
project_adjacent_green_vertices(const INode *, Halfedge *) | Overlay | protected |
project_next_vertex(Halfedge *, Halfedge *) | Overlay | protected |
Self typedef | Overlay | |
set_subnode_id(INode *i, int color, int pane_id, int l_id) | Overlay | private |
set_tolerance(double tol) | Overlay | |
sort_on_green_edges() | Overlay | protected |
sq_length(const Halfedge &h) const | Overlay | private |
subdivide(const INode_const_list &face, INode_const_list::const_iterator last_checked, Subface_list &sub_faces, int color, int depth=0) const | Overlay | |
Subface typedef | Overlay | |
Subface_list typedef | Overlay | |
verbose | Overlay | protected |
verbose2 | Overlay | protected |
verify_inode(const INode *i) | Overlay | protected |
Vertex typedef | Overlay | |
write_inodes_tec(std::ostream &os, const char *color) | Overlay | |
write_inodes_vec(std::ostream &os) | Overlay | |
write_overlay_off(std::ostream &, const COM::Window *) | Overlay | |
write_overlay_tec(std::ostream &, const COM::Window *) | Overlay | |
~Overlay() | Overlay |