This is the complete list of members for Connectivity, including all inherited members.
_cap | Attribute | protected |
_gap | Attribute | protected |
_id | Attribute | protected |
_keylocs | Attribute | protectedstatic |
_keysizes | Attribute | protectedstatic |
_keytypes | Attribute | protectedstatic |
_keywords | Attribute | protectedstatic |
_loc | Attribute | protected |
_name | Attribute | protected |
_nbytes_strd | Attribute | protected |
_ncomp | Attribute | protected |
_ngitems | Attribute | protected |
_nitems | Attribute | protected |
_offset | Connectivity | protected |
_pane | Attribute | protected |
_parent | Attribute | protected |
_ptr | Attribute | protected |
_size_info | Connectivity | protected |
_sizes | Connectivity | protectedstatic |
_status | Attribute | protected |
_strd | Attribute | protected |
_type | Attribute | protected |
_unit | Attribute | protected |
allocate(int strd, int cap, bool force) | Connectivity | inline |
allocated() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
append_array(const void *from, int strd, int nitem) | Attribute | protected |
Attribute() | Attribute | inlineprotected |
Attribute(Pane *pane, int i) | Attribute | inlineprotected |
Attribute(Pane *pane, const std::string &name, int id, Shorter_size loc, int type, const int ncomp, const std::string &unit) | Attribute | inlineprotected |
Attribute(Pane *pane, Attribute *parent, const std::string &name, int id) | Attribute | protected |
BAR2 enum value | Connectivity | |
BAR3 enum value | Connectivity | |
capacity() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
compatible_types(COM_Type t1, COM_Type t2) | Attribute | protectedstatic |
Connectivity(Pane *pane, const std::string &name, int id, const int sizes[], int type=COM_INT) | Connectivity | inline |
Connectivity(Pane *pane, Connectivity *con, const std::string &name, int id) | Connectivity | inline |
Connectivity_info enum name | Connectivity | |
Connectivity_type enum name | Connectivity | |
copy_array(void *buf, int strd, int nitem, int offset=0, int direction=COPY_IN) | Attribute | protected |
Copy_dir enum name | Attribute | protected |
COPY_IN enum value | Attribute | protected |
COPY_OUT enum value | Attribute | protected |
data_type() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
deallocate() | Attribute | protected |
dimension() const | Connectivity | inline |
element_type() const | Connectivity | inline |
empty() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
fullname() const | Attribute | protected |
get_addr(int i, int j=0) const | Connectivity | |
get_addr(int i, int j=0) | Connectivity | inline |
get_size_info(const std::string &aname) | Connectivity | static |
get_sizeof(COM_Type type, int count=1) | Attribute | protectedstatic |
HEX20 enum value | Connectivity | |
HEX27 enum value | Connectivity | |
HEX8 enum value | Connectivity | |
id() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
index_offset() const | Connectivity | inline |
inherit(Connectivity *parent, bool clone, bool withghost) | Connectivity | inline |
Attribute::inherit(Attribute *a, bool clone, bool withghost, int depth=0) | Attribute | protected |
initialized() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
is_const() const | Connectivity | inline |
is_digit(char c) | Attribute | inlineprotectedstatic |
is_element_name(const std::string &aname) | Connectivity | inlinestatic |
is_elemental() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
is_nodal() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
is_panel() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
is_quadratic() const | Connectivity | inline |
is_staggered() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
is_structured() const | Connectivity | inline |
is_windowed() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
location() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
maxsize_of_ghost_items() const | Attribute | protected |
maxsize_of_items() const | Attribute | protected |
maxsize_of_real_items() const | Attribute | protected |
name() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
ORDER enum value | Connectivity | |
pane() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
pane() | Attribute | inlineprotected |
parent() | Connectivity | inline |
parent() const | Connectivity | inline |
pointer() const | Connectivity | inline |
pointer() | Connectivity | inline |
PRISM15 enum value | Connectivity | |
PRISM18 enum value | Connectivity | |
PRISM6 enum value | Connectivity | |
PYRIMID14 enum value | Connectivity | |
PYRIMID5 enum value | Connectivity | |
QUAD4 enum value | Connectivity | |
QUAD8 enum value | Connectivity | |
QUAD9 enum value | Connectivity | |
root() | Connectivity | inline |
root() const | Connectivity | inline |
set_offset(Size offset) | Connectivity | protected |
set_pointer(void *p, int strd, int cap, bool is_const) | Connectivity | protected |
Attribute::set_pointer(void *p, int strd, int cap, int offset, bool is_const) | Attribute | protected |
set_size(int nitems, int ngitems=0) | Connectivity | |
Shorter_size typedef | Connectivity | |
Size typedef | Connectivity | |
SIZE_DIM enum value | Connectivity | |
size_i() const | Connectivity | inline |
size_j() const | Connectivity | inline |
size_k() const | Connectivity | inline |
SIZE_MAX_CONN enum value | Connectivity | |
SIZE_NCORN enum value | Connectivity | |
SIZE_NEDGES enum value | Connectivity | |
SIZE_NFACES enum value | Connectivity | |
SIZE_NNODES enum value | Connectivity | |
size_of_components() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
size_of_corners_pe() const | Connectivity | inline |
size_of_corners_pe(int type) | Connectivity | inlinestatic |
size_of_edges_pe() const | Connectivity | inline |
size_of_edges_pe(int type) | Connectivity | inlinestatic |
size_of_elements() const | Connectivity | |
size_of_faces_pe() const | Connectivity | inline |
size_of_faces_pe(int type) | Connectivity | inlinestatic |
size_of_ghost_elements() const | Connectivity | |
size_of_ghost_items() const | Attribute | protected |
size_of_ghost_nodes() const | Connectivity | |
size_of_items() const | Attribute | protected |
size_of_nodes() const | Connectivity | |
size_of_nodes_pe() const | Connectivity | inline |
size_of_nodes_pe(int type) | Connectivity | inlinestatic |
size_of_real_elements() const | Connectivity | |
size_of_real_items() const | Attribute | protected |
size_of_real_nodes() const | Connectivity | |
size_set() const | Attribute | protected |
ST1 enum value | Connectivity | |
ST2 enum value | Connectivity | |
ST3 enum value | Connectivity | |
status() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
STATUS_ALLOCATED enum value | Attribute | protected |
STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED enum value | Attribute | protected |
STATUS_SET enum value | Attribute | protected |
STATUS_SET_CONST enum value | Attribute | protected |
STATUS_USE enum value | Attribute | protected |
stride() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
stride_in_bytes() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
TET10 enum value | Connectivity | |
TET4 enum value | Connectivity | |
TRI3 enum value | Connectivity | |
TRI6 enum value | Connectivity | |
TYPE_ID enum value | Connectivity | |
TYPE_MAX_CONN enum value | Connectivity | |
unit() const | Attribute | inlineprotected |
window() const | Attribute | protected |
window() | Attribute | protected |
~Attribute() | Attribute | inlineprotected |