55 TYPE(t_region
POINTER :: regions(:)
58 CHARACTER(2*CHRLEN+4) :: fname
59 CHARACTER(256) ::
67 global => regions(1)%global
70 'PREP_ReadInputFile.F90' )
74 fname = trim(global%inDir)//trim(global%casename)//
75 OPEN(if_input,file=fname,
76 global%error = errorflag
77 IF (global%error /= 0) &
errorstop( global,err_file_open,__line__,
'File: '//trim(fname) )
83 READ(if_input,
84 SELECT CASE(trim(
102 CLOSE(if_input,iostat=errorflag)
103 global%error = errorflag
104 IF (global%error /= 0) &
105 CALL
errorstop( global,err_file_close,__line__,
'File: '//trim(fname) )
112 CALL
errorstop( global,err_file_read,__line__,
'File: '//trim(fname) )
subroutine readmultigridsection(global)
CImg< T > & line(const unsigned int y0)
Get a line.
subroutine registerfunction(global, funName, fileName)
int status() const
Obtain the status of the attribute.
**********************************************************************Rocstar Simulation Suite Illinois Rocstar LLC All rights reserved ****Illinois Rocstar LLC IL **www illinoisrocstar com **sales illinoisrocstar com WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY **EXPRESS OR INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES **OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND **NONINFRINGEMENT IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR **COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF TORT OR **Arising OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE **USE OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THE SOFTWARE **********************************************************************INTERFACE SUBROUTINE form
subroutine readinitflowsection(regions)
subroutine readtimestepsection(global)
subroutine readreferencesection(global)
subroutine errorstop(global, errorCode, errorLine, addMessage)
subroutine deregisterfunction(global)