ElmerFoamFSI  2.0
ElmerFoamFSI is fluid-solid interaction simulation application built up from OpenFOAM CFD and Elmer CSM coupled through the IMPACT multiphysics software integration infrastructure.
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9 #include "ExampleProgram.H"
10 #include "ExampleHeader.H"
11 #include <cmath>
12 #include <iomanip>
14 namespace ElmerFoamFSI {
16  namespace ExampleProgram {
18  int ParallelProgram::Run()
19  {
20  // FunctionEntry("NAME"): Updates the user-defined stack and
21  // the program profiles with timing information. The placement
22  // of FunctionEntry and FunctionExit calls is at the developer's
23  // discretion.
24  FunctionEntry("Run");
26  int myid = _communicator.Rank();
27  int nproc = _communicator.Size();
28  bool use_file = !output_name.empty();
30  // Put out a quick blurb about number of procs just
31  // to give the user confidence we are actually running
32  // in parallel. Note that when using the "StdOut" method
33  // that it automatically does output only on rank 0. If
34  // the developer wants asyncrhonous output, then they
35  // have to revert to using standard streams.
36  std::ostringstream RepStr;
37  if(verblevel > 1)
38  RepStr << "Running on " << nproc << " processors." << std::endl;
39  StdOut(RepStr.str());
40  _communicator.Barrier();
41  if(verblevel > 1)
42  StdOut("All procesors ready.\n");
44  // Open the specified output file for writing on rank 0
45  if(use_file && !myid){
46  Ouf.open(output_name.c_str(),std::ios::app);
47  if(!Ouf){
48  // If the output file failed to open, notify
49  // to error stream and return non-zero
50  std::ostringstream Ostr;
51  Ostr << "Error: Unable to open output file, " << output_name << ".";
52  ErrOut(Ostr.str());
53  // In parallel, we don't return right away since
54  // this part of the code is only done on proc 0.
55  // Instead, the error value is set in the communicator
56  // which will indicate to all processors that there
57  // has been some error.
58  _communicator.SetExit(1);
59  }
60  }
61  // Check to see if an error condition was set
62  // in the file open block above. If so, then
63  // return with an error code.
64  if(_communicator.Check()){
65  // don't forget to tell the profiler/stacker the
66  // function is exiting.
67  FunctionExit("Run");
68  return(1);
69  }
71  // Correct value of PI to several places
72  double PIVAL = 3.141592653589793238462643383;
74  // All processors should already have this as it
75  // came from the command line - but just in case,
76  // we broadcast it here to make sure.
77  FunctionEntry("Broadcast");
78  _communicator.BroadCast(ndiv,0);
79  FunctionExit("Broadcast");
81  // This block partitions the
82  // domain [0,1] with ndiv
83  // intervals among nproc processors
84  int nper = ndiv/nproc;
85  int nvol = nper*nproc;
86  int leftover = ndiv - nvol;
87  int myn = nper;
88  if(myid < leftover)
89  myn++;
90  int mystart = 0;
91  for(int i = 0; i < myid;i++){
92  mystart += nper;
93  if(i < leftover)
94  mystart++;
95  }
96  // If there are less divisions than processors, then
97  // just forget about domain decomposition and do everything
98  // on processor 0.
99  if(nper == 0){
100  if(myid == 0) myn = ndiv;
101  else myn = 0;
102  }
104  // Use the results from domain decomposition to
105  // set the domain [a,b] for this processor and get the
106  // stepsize.
107  double h = 1.0/(static_cast<double>(ndiv));
108  double a = h*mystart;
109  double b = a + h*myn;
111  // Integrate f on this processor's subdomain using trapezoid quadrature
112  FunctionEntry("TrapezoidMethod");
113  double my_tpi = 0.0;
114  if(myn > 0){ // if there are points in this processor's domain
115  try {
116  FunctionEntry("TrapezoidQuadrature");
117  my_tpi = ElmerFoamFSI::TrapezoidQuadrature(f,a,b,myn);
118  FunctionExit("TrapezoidQuadrature");
119  } catch (...){
120  StdOut("Numerical limits of ElmerFoamFSI::TrapezoidQuadrature exceeded.");
121  my_tpi = 0.0;
122  }
123  }
124  double tpi = 0.0;
125  // Sum up the contributions from each processor and store the results on
126  // processor 0 in "tpi".
127  FunctionEntry("Reduce"); // time the communication
128  _communicator.Reduce(my_tpi, tpi,IRAD::Comm::DTDOUBLE, IRAD::Comm::SUMOP, 0);
129  FunctionExit("Reduce"); // end of the communication
130  FunctionExit("TrapezoidMethod");
132  // Integrate f on this processor's subdomain using midpoint quadrature
133  FunctionEntry("MidPointMethod");
134  double my_mppi = 0.0;
135  if(myn > 0) { // if there are points in this processor's domain
136  try{
137  FunctionEntry("MidPointQuadrature");
138  my_mppi = ElmerFoamFSI::MidPointQuadrature(f,a,b,myn);
139  FunctionExit("MidPointQuadrature");
140  } catch (...){
141  StdOut("Numerical limits of ElmerFoamFSI::MidPointQuadrature exceeded.");
142  my_mppi = 0.0;
143  }
144  }
145  double mppi = 0.0;
146  // Sum up the contributions from each processor and store the results on
147  // processor 0 in "mppi".
148  FunctionEntry("Reduce"); // time the communication
149  _communicator.Reduce(my_mppi, mppi,IRAD::Comm::DTDOUBLE, IRAD::Comm::SUMOP, 0);
150  FunctionExit("Reduce"); // end of the communication
151  FunctionExit("MidPointMethod");
153  // Report the results to stdout or to file if one was specified.
154  FunctionEntry("IO");
155  if (!myid) {
156  if(use_file){
157  Ouf << ndiv << " " << std::setprecision(16) << tpi << " "
158  << std::setprecision(4) << std::fabs(tpi-PIVAL) << " "
159  << std::setprecision(16) << mppi << " "
160  << std::setprecision(4) << std::fabs(mppi-PIVAL) << " "
161  << std::endl;
162  Ouf.close();
163  }
164  else if(verblevel) {
165  std::ostringstream Ostr;
166  Ostr << "With " << ndiv << " divisions, PI was calculated:" << std::endl
167  << "MidPointQuadrature: "
168  << std::setprecision(16) << mppi << "\t\t"
169  << std::setprecision(4) << std::fabs(mppi - PIVAL) << std::endl
170  << "TrapezoidQuadrature: "
171  << std::setprecision(16) << tpi << "\t\t"
172  << std::setprecision(4) << std::fabs(tpi - PIVAL) << std::endl;
173  StdOut(Ostr.str());
174  }
175  }
176  FunctionExit("IO");
177  //
178  // ---------- Program End ----------------
180  // Update the stacker/profiler that we are exiting
181  // this function.
182  FunctionExit("Run");
183  // return 0 for success
184  return(0);
185  };
186  };
187 };
double MidPointQuadrature(double(*f)(double), double x0, double xn, int n)
Integrates f with composite midpoint rule.
double TrapezoidQuadrature(double(*f)(double), double x0, double xn, int n)
Integrates f with composite trapezoid rule.